

Destiny can't help but laugh at Chance her hand quickly going to her mouth as she almost spits the candy out on mistake. Controlling herself and knowing the candy was in place she removes her hand.

"Boy oh boy your in for a ride of your life than. I once eat so many of these my tong started a bleed and it was really sore. Fun times fun times."

Taking another two drink the dish Destiny pops them into her mouth. Once they hit her tong and sit there for a moment she face changes slightly as she shakes her head to the sour taste.

Opening her eyes again after a few moment she grins her cheeks just slightly puffed out from the candy hiding in her gums.

"Sooo...we should raise the stakes a little with the winner winning something..but what...any ideas?"

Misty throws Carson a grin as she takes the pitcher of pop. She loved the harmless banter it was fun and never is hard feelings.

"Oh course I do, its just all in the way you read into it you know."

Sticking her tong out at Carson Misty moves from behind the counter to bring the pitcher of pop over to the tables knowing Carson was close behind following.

Heaving it all happen way to fast Alice lets out a shreek as Kyle lifts her up and slings her over his shoulder. Not being able to anything but laugh the pens that had been in her pockets go fly as she continues to laugh.

"Kyle....Kyle....would someone control this holagin before he makes me sick to my stomach. I just eat."

Though she was complain it was easy to tell by her voice she was having fun and it was making her laugh. They had, had much fun on the road but nothing was better than being home with friends and having just as much fun.

"Hey hey...Kyle....watch were you hand is buddy before I kick your butt."

Hearing Jason's silent statement Katie's eyes widen slightly as she quickly look at him and gives a little shake of her head but it was all to late.

"Jason...Don't you even think about itttttt...."

Being picked up and thrown on Jason's back Katie lets out her own scream that mixs with Alice. Now spinning in the air her emotions pull on Jason's all over but making sure they were all good as she laughed.

"J....J...Holy cow....put me down...ahhhh...Help HELP...somebody....anybody....save me."

Taking a sip of her pop and without much warning at all her own loud belch comes out. Her face turning read she looks to Kip and than to Joel. She really hadn't meant that it just happened at the right time. Embarrassed now she didn't know what to say but there was a smirk on her face anyways.

Leaning into Axel Jess rested her head on his arm as they watched the others. She didn't mind sitting here quietly with him just watching the others. It was fun to watch and see everyone getting along. This was just as much fun as actually being in the middle of it all. Just Axel and herself....found the quiet to be more welcoming to them.


Chance quirks an eyebrow, staring at the bowls of candy and watching Destiny pop one in her mouth. "Alright... sounds fair."

Taking one for himself, he puts it in his mouth and immediately cringes and puckers. "Holy cow." He has to stifle his laugh, lest he spit out the candy right then and there. "Is now the time to admit I've never even had these?"

Carson folds his arms and looks at Misty skeptically. "You know all that... just from what he said?" Shaking his head, he finally laughs. "Women. You all have invisible radar. Here." He hands her a pitcher of pop. "Make your arms useful along with that antenna sticking out of your noggin."

Arriving at the table and being shot with a straw wrapper, Kyle's eyes go wide and his jaw drops as he stares at Alice. "Why you little...." A new glint comes to his eyes and as he comes nearer, it was obvious that he was not aiming for just a straw of his own.

Pulling her chair from the table, he grabs hold of her and slings her up and over his shoulder, spinning her around. "How do you like that, huh? Shooting wrappers at an unarmed man?!"

Down the table a ways, Jen giggles at the sight of her brother and Alice. Though it was funny, she could see that they were more than just casual daters. It had been a long time since Jen had seen that look in Kyle's eye.

Jason ducks a flying napkin as he sees Kyle and Alice.

Hey... I think he's on to something there...

Without warning, he dives for Katie. Throwing her up and over his shoulder, he joins Kyle for a march around the chaotic tables.

Somewhere down at one end of a table, a belch seems loud enough it should have rattled the plates and glasses. Joel and Kip stare at each other, somehow having ended up across from each other. Joel's eyes squint and for a moment before suddenly a new belch erupts.

Kip quirks an eyebrow. "I think we were even."

"I guess we'll have to do it again."

Axel is nearby and he just shakes his head, his arms still back behind Jess. A grin was on his lips though. He might not join in most of the crazies, but it didn't mean he wasn't enjoying watching all his friends have fun.

Bull's Eye

Her own smile forms and grows as Chance moves into the living room. Not wanting to make to much of a mess Destiny grabs two bowls from the cupboard and dumps a bunch of candy in each before putting the bags away.

"I wouldn't be so sure, I've kind of mastered it."

She yells from the other room hearing his comment. Coming out of the kitchen with the two bowls. Setting them down on the table Destiny picks a spot on the couch closer to Chance but not crowding him or invading his personal space.

"Ok, so this is simple..."

Destiny picks a sour patch kid from the bowl and pops it in her mouth giving a little smile.

"I take one, you take one. Back and forth we go till one of us can't stand the sour any longer and have to chew and swallow or spit the candy out."

Misty's eyes widen a little at the mention to Kyle's new band. She hadn't though Kyle would get into music again he had been so admit about staying away but to hear he was did bring her some joy. He was so good at it, and so talented it was nice to hear.

"Kyle thats great to hear, your band, being back in music. Your band sounds wonderful we will defiantly have to meet your friends in a little bit."

The smile remained on Misty's face and grows a little showing how sinsear her words were, and how happy she really was for Kyle. Things were working out great for him, and he was happy that was something that really did matter to her.

As Kyle figured out that had gotten married Misty's cheeks turn a little red. She'd completely forgot Kyle hadnt been around to know that and now seeing the slight shadow in his eye she felt slightly bad, but it was soon gone as she hears about Kyle's own girl.

Taking a slight step to one side to look around Kyle her eyes find Alice and her smile grows even more as she eyes twinkle again trying to get over the awkward feeling.

"I should of seen that coming Kyle you guys hit it off from the start. Congrats. I am very happy for you."

Giving a nod to Kyle as he walks away Misty just watches him for a long moment before looking back at her husband and seeing the question in his eye. Pointing a little to Alice she nods.

"Thats Alice Whitt, she is the one that has been writing What Up about Kyle for the last year. It seems they are romantically involved now, and soon to be much more, but she doesn't know that part yet. I am happy for them both they deserve happiness since they both have had it rough."

Watching Kyle come back over to the table Alice smile as she takes aim with her straw and shoots it at Kyle getting him into the fun and hitting him right in the side of the face.

"Bulls eye!!!"

With you?

Chance's apprehension transforms into a grin as he looks at the candy then back to Destiny. "Well now... I wouldn't want you to feel alone in the world of pigging out. It's never fun binging solo." He also remembered what she'd said at the store earlier. "Besides... I wanna see how many of those you can get in your mouth before it gets too sour for you."

Still grinning, he ambles back into the living room and claims one corner of the couch where he could keep an eye on the security monitors but still be able to do whatever he wanted. On a normal night about this time, he'd be either working late in the office or hanging out down at Lizzy's bar, throwing back a beer and playing a game of cards with some of his buddies. Spending a quiet evening at home was almost never an occurrence.

"Bet I can put more in my mouth than you," he calls over his shoulder, challenging Destiny to join him.

Watching the silly antics of the others around them, and joining in a little too, Jason laughs with Katie. He can feel her tugging on his good emotions, and he lets her, enjoying the sensation it brought on.

Never fails... this gang is always fun. Looks like Kyle's bunch is joining right in too. I guess I wouldn't expect him to wind up with sticks in the mud though. I think he'd go mad.

Hearing he'd been missed and the genuine interest in whether he was staying or not helped Kyle see that there were no bad feelings between him and Misty. A little awkwardness maybe, but not bad. A smile spreads on his face as the sparkle returns to his eyes.

"I've missed being back here too," he admits. "And yeah... yeah, I'm gonna be back for a while." He glances over his shoulder as he hears the group get a little noisier and sees that his newest friends have mixed right in with everyone else. Turning back to Misty and Carson, he nods. "You'll have to come meet the people I brought with me. They're um... they're my new band."

Carson lifts an eyebrow as he finishes filling another pitcher. "Back in the music huh? What's the band name?"

"Um." Kyle grins a little sheepishly. He hadn't even told the others yet. They all knew the South Dakota bunch was a band he was involved with, and Alice had put something in What's Up about him joining a band with a promising future, but no one else knew yet how serious it really was.

Carson waits. "Um?"

Kyle laughs. "It's... well, it'll be the Kyle Mitts band."

Now Carson understood. "Whoa... so it's not just a band you joined, it's your band."

"Kind of." Kyle can't help another laugh. "It's a long story. They found me but... yeah." He turns around and points, excited. He had yet to even explain it all to his own family, but he was just as glad to share with Carson and Misty now while he had the opportunity. "There's Kip - he plays bass guitar. And Theo over there with the blonde. He's on drums and she's Twila - she plays strings, mostly violin. And... there's Erik, he's lead guitar, and... Russ. There he is. He's on guitar, too. Oh, and the girl with Kip, that's Karla and she's our manager. Well, kind of. The guys we're gonna hook up with will be filtering gigs if all goes well but she's got the title so we don't have to spend the time on the phone and keep the records."

Carson has to admit that he's impressed and he folds his arms, grinning. "And you?"

"Lead vocals and back to the keyboard." Kyle strums the counter with this fingers as if he was standing at his keyboard. "We got an appointment for a company that might get us started with a couple albums and hopefully a tour. Erik had quite a few connections and his family's got money so that was a blessing in itself."

He pauses, bringing the conversation back around again, not wanting to ramble too much about all that. "But... I think this is gonna be home base from now on. So you'll probably see me around."

Glancing to Carson, he gives a little nod. Their eyes lock for just a moment, and a brief, silent conversation seems to go on between them without any words. Perhaps it was simply an acknowledgment that the past was the past and would stay there. Neither held bad feelings or grudges, and both were willing to start out on the right foot this time. Kyle clears his throat. "So, um... what about you guys? Same old?"

"Oh, sort of." Carson chuckles and glances to Misty, throwing her a wink. "Don't know if you heard our news."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. Their news? He looks back and forth between them until his eyes fall to Misty's hand, only now spotting the sparkling ring on her finger. His eyes widen and he looks to Carson's hand too, finding he wore a wedding band now as well. And for the briefest moment, a bit of melancholy casts a shadow as he remembers the feelings he once had for Misty. That chapter was now officially and forever closed. But just as quickly, that feeling is gone, and a new smile spreads on his face. "Hey, that's great. Congratulations."

Carson still grins as he eyes Kyle, a bit of question in his eye as to whether or not Kyle really thought this was great.

Kyle catches the look, and in answer, he thumbs over his shoulder. "I better get back to the table... my own girl's gonna be waiting on me."

"Your own girl?"

Kyle grins mischievously. "I think you probably met her once before but... you'll probably be seeing more of her now that she's with me."

"With you?"

But Kyle won't give him any more than that, letting the question hang in the air. He knew that Misty would most likely get it before Carson did. He chuckles and nods to them both. "Don't forget to come over here and meet everybody."