
Broken toilet

Libby's comment makes Ty grin, though he can see that she'd just embarrassed herself, and he didn't want that. He gives her hand a little squeeze. "I like the way your hand feels too," he responds.

Getting to the restaurant, he lets her go so he can open the door for her, then enters as well. Walking up to the counter, he stares up at the menu. He hadn't told Libby that he'd only been here once or twice before with someone else. He had no idea what anything was.

Slinging an arm around her shoulder, he points to the board above the counter. "Okay... help me out here."

Scott stops with Hope and keeps his eyes down until she lifts his chin. He did still care for her... he couldn't deny his feelings for her. They didn't just go away overnight, even if he was upset that she had brought him here. He wanted to believe her... believe that there really was hope for him to get better. He just didn't think there was a way, and he wished he would have been left on his own to figure it out, instead of being brought to a place like this. He'd never wanted this. If he'd been suicidal or something, he could understand it, but... he hadn't been, and he didn't understand why he was forced here.

His fingers tighten around hers just a little. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "I hate this... I hate it here, and I hate you seeing me like this." If he hadn't known it would break her heart, he would have asked her not to come back.

Turning from her gaze, he steps forward again to keep walking slowly, avoiding more conversation. He squints a little in the sun and wipes his blind eye that had begun to water. The light and wind bothered it more than he liked to admit. It was a scar he would wear forever... a scar that went much deeper than just losing half his sight. What had started out as fear of those who had done this had become pure anger. His anger was left to eat away at him, bringing on nightmares and in turn, leading to him withdrawing from the world. And it was Agency data that drove him mad. Who here could help? He didn't believe anyone could.

Stopping at a fork in the path, Scott looks down again. "I want to go back now," he requests softly.

Something wrong with a toilet. Leo wasn't an expert, but all he would charge was lunch instead of an exorbitant plumber's fee. He hadn't seen Cassy for a few days now, after the painting had been done. He'd had full days at work, but today he had only needed to work in the morning, so he'd said he would come in and look at the toilet for her. Certainly not his area of expertise, but he'd do what he could. He'd fixed the one at the shop a few times. He'd never claim know-how in any home improvement areas, though if pressured, he might admit that he'd helped out with some plumbing, electrical work and even some carpentry down at Baxtor Studio.

Knocking on the door and waiting a moment, he lets himself into the building, scanning for Cassy. "Hello?" Shutting the door, he wanders in, breathing in the fresh scent that still lingered from the newly painted walls. Ambling towards the bathrooms, he calls for Cassy again. "Hey, Cass, you here?"

Alec recoils slightly, a new look flashing in his eyes. Reese had talked with Ryan? Again? And had informed her they thought he was lying? He blinks, speechless for just a moment... too long of a moment for someone who should be defending they'd been truthful.

Leaning back into his pillows again, he scowls at the blankets. He was a prisoner again.

"Told ya," he hisses. "I told you they wouldn't believe me."

He looks back up at Ryan, anger in his gaze, though he holds this tongue. "Yeah, bring food back then, since we obviously don't have a choice. You know what I like."

"Oh, it's a little lonely, but I'm managing." Dani smiles as she deposits dirty dishes into the sink at Mom and Pop's. She liked Ryder, but it was good to have Carson back. "I don't have anybody to pick on me in the evenings so sometimes it's boring."

Carson chuckles as he prepares another meal. "What? I figured you'd have Dalton over all the time now that I'm not around."

Dani's cheeks grow slightly warm. He hadn't been over that much yet, but when he had... well what was wrong with some kissing on the couch?

Noting the silence, Carson turns to her, his eyebrows raised as a laugh slips out. "Why, Danielle Banks, you're blushing. What is it you two do nowadays?"

"Oh, hush." Dani whacks him on the back with a towel. "You got to drive me bananas with Misty around and you two practicing Elite moves on each other and shaking the whole apartment - be glad you're not around so I can torture you the same way."

"You're sparring? With Hulk?" Carson looks at her in disbelief. Given, he and Misty never got too rough, and usually they wound up kissing more than combating, but he just couldn't imagine his sister and Dalton going at it.

Dani's cheeks grow even warmer. "Did I say that?"

"Oh." Carson goes back to his food. "So you just leave out the flying fists and get straight to the kissing. Now that I-" This time the towel is whacked over his head and he starts to laugh again. "Okay, okay, okay. I don't wanna know."

Dani giggles as she turns to head back out to the tables. "Glad you're back, Carson."

He smiles. It felt good to be back. Everything was different, yet everything was the same. He wore a wedding band now, but that didn't mean adventure would end. No... not in his life or Misty's. Finished with his plate, he takes it out to the window. "Hey, Thirteen," he calls. "Here's the redo for table six. No onions this time."

Mick stands at the window of the office, looking out to see Dylan trudge aimlessly around the ranch. Sighing, he shakes his head. "Two weeks... two weeks and he still won't look me in the eye."

Sitting back down at the desk, he rubs a hand over his face, then rests his chin in his palm, looking over at Rosetta. "Jade said all she's gotten out of him is him telling her where to go, and the next day telling her how to get there." It wouldn't surprise anyone... Dylan's language hadn't gotten any better, nor had his attitude. "I don't know what more I can do. He doesn't qualify to go back to the McClain's, and if I send him home, he's just going to get into trouble again, not to mention by this time, without seeing improvement, Jill doesn't even want to deal with him and I don't blame her. At least now she'll let me do what I see fit... but then I'm back to not knowing what to do. I'm having trouble keeping BJ away from him too, and that's just making him mad and me worried that BJ will pick up bad habits."

He groans in frustration before trying to go through his paperwork again. "Why won't you give me an answer, God?" he mumbles "Why don't I know what to do?"

"Tomorrow!" Erik slides into the sun room, throwing up his arms. "Finally!"

The others are sitting around and Kyle jumps up from the couch, letting out a whoop. "Yes!" They'd been waiting for so long, facing delay, after delay, after delay. Lately the band had even taken on some small gigs such as a party for New Years, a little charity event at the hospital, and a local event with several other small bands. It had given them good stage practice, but the recording company still hadn't given them the call they were waiting for... until now. This whole time, nothing had been normal about the way the band had formed, or how they had opportunities laid in front of them. It was not the norm and they would freely admit it. Others might be jealous of how they'd come together and how they had connections that could get them further, faster, but they gave the credit to God and always would.

Reaching down, Kyle pulls Alice up from the couch and takes her hands, dancing with her around the room. "We got our shot, we got our shot!"

Theo gives a holler and spins Twila around who shrieks and laughs. Russ does a little happy dance while Erik just stands back and watches, grinning and shaking his head. They all knew that nothing was set in stone yet. They still needed to impress in order for this thing to go anywhere. But there was no harm in lifting their spirits.

Kip remains seated on the floor with Karla and turns his head to grin at her. "This is a silly bunch." Even though he made fun of the others, the twinkle in his eye proved he was just about ready to explode with his own excitement. He'd spend a lot of time with Karla lately - mainly just hanging out in free time and including her in band activities. He'd gotten no complaints from Erik - probably because he was staying out of trouble. He nudges Karla with his elbow. "You are planning to come with us, aren't you?"

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Happy to walk and just enjoy the air Libby didn't mind Chinese at all. The air was nice, and it was actually starting to get warm again. Spring and Summer weather was welcome to come anytime in Libby's eyes. Enjoying the weather with Ty seemed even better to her. Since she had first met him it had been a blast spending time with him when she could and just the feeling of someone wanting to return that time was nice.

Being taken off guard and pulled from her thought Libby gives a little jump as Ty's hand fits into her. She wasn't scared, or hated the feeling she just hadn't expected it. Recovering quickly thought Libby didn't want Ty to think that the though of holding his hand was what made her jump.

Closing her fingers around his Libby looks over at Ty and gives a big smile. She likes the way his hand felt in hers it seemed to fit almost perfect and there was no awkward feeling. She felt safe with his hand wrapped around hers. She didn't know what to say to Ty, everything seemed so perfect without words to get in the way, but she had to say something right?

"I like the way your hand feels."

Once the words were out of her mouth Libby felt like she could kick herself. That had to be the stupidest thing she ever could of thought of saying. Her cheeks turn a shade of red as she looks away from Ty again having completely embarrassing herself.

Walking with Scott Hope was happy Scott had said he would come for the walk even if it really was a short one. Getting outside, getting a little sun is was defiantly better than nothing.

Helping Scott up and once outside Hope walks with him in silence. Not minding it to much, but stepping closer to him Hope slips her hand into his to hold it. Looking her fingers with his just feeling home so he new she was really there.

Looking up as Scott talks Hope lets out a small sigh hearing his words. He really didn't think people could help him? Maybe worse out of anything he'd given up on himself. Stopping Hope turns to look at Scott. Bringing a hand under his chin she lifts it so she can look him in the eye. Her own eyes showed love, and how much she cared for Scott.

"I WILL find a way to help you Scott, and its not pointless. As hard as you might wish for me to give up I wont, because I care to much to do that."

Drawing quiet Hope continues to look back into Scott's eyes. They lacked life they once had but just the same she looked to get lost looking past the storm clouds.

Looking at Rick and than back to Alec Ryan lets out a sigh. Now she felt caught in the middle. She wanted Alec to come with her, to get out of here, kiss a little get some food but she had already been told he couldn't and before they could even get out of the door they would be stopped anyways.

"I want you to come with me, I want to have our time, but we can't. I wont beat around the bush with you because you know I am straight forward. Its not Rick that wants you to stay it's Reese. He said your story doesn't match up not that he thinks you are double crossing him but that your lying all the same an for your own safety he doesn't want you to leave."

Ryan seems to roll her eyes a little still hating she was the one who had to break this new to Alec and why Reese hadn't himself. If he though Alec would take it better coming from her he was wrong, if he was going to get mad he was going to get mad one way or the other.

"So, why dont I not wast time standing here, and I will go get something so at least we can have a little time together...and Rick there will just have to deal with the kissing. What do ya say?"

The only person

"Half hour... okay. We could just walk down the block then so it doesn't take so much time. Chinese sounds alright with me if it's okay with you."

Waiting for her, Ty heads out and upstairs again, ambling out into the sunshine. Leaving his bike where it was, he aims down the sidewalk beside Libby. He couldn't help it... his mind kept reverting to the night before. Not only their kiss, but just curling up with Libby on the couch, having his arm around her... it had felt so nice, he couldn't stop his mind from wandering back to it. Problem was, he still didn't know if it had been a fluke or not. He could just ask outright, but that didn't feel right. He could try kissing her again, but if he did that and he was wrong, it could be a disaster.

The restaurant was coming up... he didn't have an awful lot of time to find out anything, and it was going to bug him all day if he didn't come to some conclusion.

Deciding to test the waters, Ty simply slips his hand over to Libby's, catching it mid-swing as they walked. It was warm... soft. Would she mind?

Scott doesn't move when Hope comes in, but he does look up at her when she lays a hand on his shoulder. He didn't feel like going for a walk. He'd rather just stay here. In his misery, he didn't want to get up and do anything. Part of him did want to spend time with Hope. But when she was the one who had instigating putting him in this place... he didn't particularly care for intimacy at the moment.

He didn't, however, feel much different than he had a week ago, and a week ago he would have said yes to a walk, just for the sake of doing something different. He wouldn't think it up on his own, but being asked, he would have said why not. And since he didn't feel much different than he would have... why should he say no now? At the very least, maybe it would get some people off his back about "getting some fresh air," like they were always telling him to do.

It really took Scott several long moments to mull over what should have been an easy decision. One might think he wasn't going to respond at all. But finally he shrugs and gets to his feet. "A short one," he answers lamely.

Putting on his shoes and jacket, he doesn't say much more, his posture still showing a defeated countenance. Down the hall, ascending two flights of stairs, and out the door, under the careful eye of the aid who had a desk near the exit, Scott went with Hope. Once outside, the path was easy to choose. There was a sidewalk that wound around the entire campus if one wanted to take that much time. Benches were along the way, and a short distance away was a nice grassy area with trees. Quiet peaceful if someone were looking to enjoy it.

Scott's walk is slower than normal, his energy gone. Maybe it had been this way for longer than a few weeks. Maybe he had hid it well. He didn't think he had... but perhaps he wanted to be better more than he actually was so he'd fooled even himself. When had the darkness taken over again? He had seen the light... touched it... felt it... all those sessions with Hope - he had taken his life back. Perhaps it was the intensifying Agency data that had dragged him back down. If he had to pinpoint a time when he felt he had started to go downhill again, it would have been when the data had started cropping up constantly. It had started out just occasionally, proving he'd been assimilated, and Carson had forced him to use it. But after that, he'd quit... he didn't want to think about all that his subconscious now knew, so he had tried to close that door. When had he begun to see the dark cloud of depression? When that door had been forced open against his will and now the Agency data ran rampant through his mind, uncontrolled and lethal.

"Being here's not gonna help me, ya know." His tone was bitter as he stared at the sidewalk, still walking slowly. "It doesn't matter... if you couldn't help me, no one here can. It's useless. Fighting against what the Agency did to me is pointless. I wish you'd just give up."

Alec grimaces a little. "I know everything that's in the break room and nothing is appealing. But I'd have to have you go pick something up and waste half of your hour, so how about I come with you?"

"No you're not," Rick intervenes from the counter. "You're not going anywhere yet. You need to lie still."

"Aw, come on," Alec argues. "I've had worse. Besides, I'm going crazy in here."

"Tough. Doctor's orders." Rick wouldn't be pressing the issue if he didn't know Reese didn't want Alec to leave. As it was, Alec's medical condition was the only excuse he had for keeping him here without exposing the truth and risking a fight.

Alec's eyes narrow and he sits up in bed. "I'll go if I dang well please. I feel well enough to walk to a car, sit, and walk back in."

"No." Rick shakes his head. "You're staying." He looks to Ryan and sighs. "Seeing as though you are the only person he will listen to, would you please tell him to stay?"

Half Hour

Continuing to smile at Ty as he draws closer Libby just looked back at him as he continued to look at her. Searching his own gaze she couldn't help but wonder why he was looking at her for so long. It didn't bother her but maybe he was looking for an answer about yesterday, should she say something? Was he shocked and now didn't know how to act around her?

About to say something Libby stops at Ty's question and a little color comes to her face for just a second. Looking down at her watch to see what time it was she looks back up and gives a nod.

"I can go on lunch now. I get a half hour so if you want afterward you can still hang out with me. Than I can show you what I do in this dusty old dungeon all day."

Giving another smile a bit of humor laced Libby's eyes. Other than how quiet it was down here she loved her job. Being able to save the old books was an accomplishment to her. It was a good way to let your mind get lost from thing you didn't want to think of too witch more often than not worked out for Libby. The only bright spots in her day lately had been her time with Ty and she enjoyed every moment.

Leaving Dr. Hawks office Hope finds herself outside Scott's door once again. Just standing there for a long moment she lets out a sigh before knocking on the door. Entering and seeing Scott on the floor with the dark circles under his eyes she new he had a rough night.

Coming over and placing a hand on his shoulder she gives a soft smile. Not sure what he was going to say, or if he was going to tell her to go. Hope just wanted him to know she was there today.

"Morning Scott. I thought if you were up to it we could go for a walk today?!"

Misty can't help but chuckle at Rick thinking it was kind of funny. First he had to deal with Carson and herself now Ryan and Alec. It was humors.

Letting a low growl in her throat as Alec kissed her again Ryan didn't mind one bit other people were in the room. They wanted to watch more power to them really. Pulling away from Alec Ryan's eyes dance like they had so many times before when being around Alec.

"I have an hour today before I have to be back to work. So if you feel as though you can hobble a little we can go to there fancy break room and see if they have anything good to eat. Or I can go grab us something and come back. You choose today."

Ryan wasnt sure if Alec new about what Reese had said that he couldn't leave anymore, let along even want to leave in his condition knowing he was probably still sore.


Reese watches Ryan leave and lets out a little sigh. He didn't know about her... he just didn't know. She seemed to have a very good head on her shoulders, but Reese didn't believe she'd rat on Alec if she found out anything bad, regardless of who was in danger. It might be considered loyal, but it could be dangerous, and Reese just hoped that she'd be smart around Alec.

Alec grins when he sees Ryan, and puts a hand up alongside her face as she kisses him. "Mmm... I think that made me feel a little better," he surmises. "How about we see to make sure?" Pulling her head back down, he gives her an even longer kiss. "Yeah... yeah, I definitely think you help. We'll have to do this more often."

Rick is standing nearby and he catches Misty's eye, rolling his eyes.

Alec leans his head back again and gives a little shrug. "I guess I'm feeling about as good as I look. How long we got today?"

Dr. Hawks nods, his tone remaining gentle. "I'll continue to keep you informed... I know your situation is kind of unique with the relationship you have with Scott - I know you care, and I'm glad to see it. Too many times we get patients dropped off here by family members who have stopped caring because it's just too much effort."

Standing up, he sees Hope to the door. "I have a time set up this afternoon to see Scott again, but you will probably be gone. If anything happens, I'll be sure to let you know."

Sitting on the floor under the window, Scott crosses his legs and remains in silence. Last night had not been a good one. A nightmare had woken him in a panic and he'd made it all the way down the hall before an aid had caught him to keep him from falling down the stairs. It had taken an hour to settle down after that. Needless to say, no sleep had come after that. Dark circles were under his eyes and his expression was weary. He didn't know or care what time it was. If he had to be somewhere, they would come and get him.

He could go for a walk. He could go to the library. He could find activities to stay occupied. But he just didn't want to. All motivation was gone. All had was his silence... and the images that ran through his mind. It was a nightmare of the past. And it was Agency data, colliding into one mass of chaos. Maybe he really was going crazy.

Ty grins and wanders closer to Libby, his thumbs hooked in his jeans pockets. "Yeah, I'll be dead at work tonight, but I couldn't sleep. Bike ride was good though."

For a quiet moment, he searches Libby's eyes, looking for something he'd seen last night. Was that same timid spark there? The one that had approved of their kiss? He wasn't sure. Was today different? Or did she still feel the same way? Was it a one-time, never-do-that-again thing, or was it something she still wanted? He couldn't find the answer in her gaze, and he bites his lip, realizing he'd been stuck staring.

"Uh..." He looks away, trying to get his mind to function again. "I wondered if you would be able to take a break for lunch." He shrugs. "If not, I figured I'd just hang out for a while or something."