
Can You

Looking to Carson as he talked Dalton couldn't help the pang to his heart he felt. It was silly of him to think that Dani would want the perfect time. And that she was with him still but not really think he was good enough. For a moment Dalton was ashamed of himself.

   "I...I guess your right."

No No...he didn't think Dani was shallow at all and he hated thinking that because of his own thoughts thats what it mean.  He didn't want to give that impression because he new better than anyone Dani was not like that at all.

   "Carson can you do me a favor? I think its time I did ask Dani and not wait anymore. Can you grab my keys and go to my house. Look in the desk draw that my computer is on and take out the little box for me and bring it back? I'd like to surprise Dani when she gets back."

Giving Tal a little smirk and a nod of hear head Ryan agreed to dressing up a little more this time out. She wasn't big on it but it was once and a while, and she didn't mind doing it for Tal. Once he was gone Ryan smiles to herself once again before heading back to her room. This time she was getting ready for tonight. If she was going to look a little extra special for Tal, and put on a dress it was going to take her that much longer to get ready since she was not use to it.


Tal chuckles and lifts his palm to rest it against Ryan's cheek. "I'll never tire of that or you either." 

Grinning, he finally lets her go and walks - somewhat gingerly after his fall - to the door. "See you at seven then, and... you might wanna dress up just a little." He winks. "I think you deserve going somewhere nicer than Tou Han's."

Carson refrains from rolling his eyes, but he does give Dalton a little smirk. He understood, but he also knew his sister. "If Dani thought you weren't good enough, she woulda broken up with you long before this. Give her some credit for knowing what she wants and what she deserves."

He shakes his head. "If you're just waiting around for the perfect moment, it may not come, and she probably won't wait forever. If she really loves you like I think she does, she wouldn't care if you proposed in the middle of a traffic jam." He scoffs. "I proposed in the middle of an argument." The memory brought a wry grin to his lips. "If you think she'd say no because it wasn't a perfect moment... then you must think she's pretty shallow."