
Tank oo

Kaylee accepts the cheese from Trey, giggling all the more as he teases her. Chowing down on the food, she nods in satisfaction, bouncing in her seat.

Cindy just shakes her head. "I don't know what's gotten into her - she's usually not this wound up." Trey's comment about Kaylee looking like her when she smiles only proves to make Cindy smile again. "There are days she's the spitting image of her father too." She sighs a little, still having a hard time dealing with thinking about Wes. "When Wes left to go overseas she was barely walking and she could manage to say 'Dada' but that was about it. Now she's running around, she's just about potty trained and she's starting to put more words together every day."

She shakes her head a little sadly, though she holds her smile. "I'm blessed." New tears suddenly spring into her eyes. She still hurt so much. She was still so angry that her husband was gone. So confused as to why it had to happen. But she had to keep going. She just had to. Looking back at Trey, she nods. "Being with you today has meant the world to me." The tear finally trickles slowly down her cheek. "Thank you."

"Tank oo!" Kaylee shouts, throwing her hands in the air. "Tank oo!"

Rather than being upset, Cindy starts to laugh and reaches over to ruffle her hair. "I gotta be careful what I say around you now, don't I?" She shakes her head again and glances at her watch. "I bet you're bout ready to bounce right on out of that chair. Maybe we should get going before you do huh?"

Kaylee gives her a silly grin and munches on a mushy french fry. 

Cindy really didn't want to end their time together. But it was inevitable. She did want to get back to TJY and see Jason as well. And while she was so happy that Trey was so willing to see her today, she didn't want to push her luck by spending too much time with him yet. The last thing she wanted to do was smother him. 

The ride back to TJY was too fast. Cindy didn't want to say goodbye to Trey, but she could hope that he might at least want to see her again. Once parked and getting Kaylee out of the car too, she walks with Trey back in through the back way once more, winking at the security camera as they passed. She knew good and well that Hal was watching them, but it didn't bother her. Sometimes she missed seeing all the people around here all the time. It seemed like a lifetime ago that Jason and Austin spent so much time here - Jason still in high school and everything here done in secret.

Finally getting down to Trey's room again, Cindy pauses at the door, looking up at her son. She'd take her turn last. Keeping Kaylee on her hip, she turns her closer to Trey. "Alright, sweety... say goodbye to Trey."

Kaylee had way too much practice saying goodbye to people - Uncle Sparky had taught her that - and today was no exception. Letting go of Cindy, she twists around and reaches up towards her brother. "Trey!" She giggles, her big blue eyes sparkling. "Up!"

Cindy grins and holds her out a little further, nodding at Trey to give him permission to take her. She knew it was probably something he wasn't used to, but she'd give him this chance if he wanted it.

Zach? Again? Justin sits up on the couch, his shoulders slouching a little. He'd really hoped Beth would come fishing with him. He enjoyed time alone but... he'd gotten used to having her around when they both had a free day. And he knew she enjoyed being out in the fresh air and playing with the dogs too. And he enjoyed watching her have a good time - she deserved it. But...she was going to have a good time tomorrow anyway, right? With Zach? So if Beth having a good time was Justin's whole intention then... he shouldn't mind... right?

"Oh." Did that sound too disappointed? He didn't want to make Beth feel bad. "Well that's okay. I mean, I'll probably go anyway. The girls will enjoy it."

He chews on his lip, wondering why with each passing second, he liked Zach less. Why was that strange twinge in his gut back again? "Sunday works too though. Like after church I'm free if you wanna come over to my place and we could go from here." 

"What on earth are you doing here?" Eli finishes tying his bandanna over his head, scowling at Tal as he enters the shop.

Tal quirks an eyebrow. "Um... working?" 

 "You shouldn't be back to work yet!" It had only been a few days and the bruises were still dark on Tal's face, along with the stitches providing ample evidence for his assault. At least he was walking better. Eli was still perturbed though. "You shoulda waited til next week." 

"I gotta pay my bills somehow," Tal retorts. Hanging up his jacket, he winces a little, putting his hand to his side. "Already got my cell phone cut off and I'm gonna be kicked out of my apartment if I don't get my rent in right away." 

"You gotta sell them dogs, man." 

"I know. I'll be fine as soon as I can do that, but even that won't be til next month at least."

Eli sighs. "Well if you need help or something..." 

Tal shakes his head and takes a look at their job list. "Never been a beggar and I'm not gonna start now." 

Eli rolls his eyes. "Stubborn. You know I wouldn't let you go homeless anyway so there's no discussion here. All that aside, at least take it easy today, eh?"

Tal looks over his shoulder, grinning. "I better. I need to have enough energy left for tonight."

"What's tonight?" 

"Ryan's fixing me dinner." 

Eli gives him a teasing growl. "No wonder she didn't mind I'd be out with Scarlet." 

"Mm... I'd say she preferred that, actually." 

Laughing, Eli turns to the first car in their bay. "To anybody but you, I'd give a knuckle sandwich." 

Tal laughs and joins him at the car. "As if you're actually worried." 

About Tal? No, Eli knew he never had anything to worry about. He grins and sets to work. "Well if you're that determined to work and have supper with my sister, then I won't stop you. just don't kill yourself - Ryan would never forgive me."

Crickets chirped their late night song and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky. But tonight, Eric felt less than relaxed on his porch step. It wasn't just his leg - it hurt, but the pain killers Angel had given him had helped. No, it was more on the inside that was bothering him.

The ranch felt extra quiet tonight. Everyone seemed to be tucked away for the night. Eric had skipped supper, so he hadn't really talked to too many people - maybe that's why it felt quieter than normal. He didn't know. All he really was sure of right now was that he felt miserable. 

Suddenly seeing movement around the shadows, Eric realizes he'd come out on his porch too soon. Stacy was making her rounds. Realizing she was starting to pass by this short row of bunkhouses, Eric finds himself standing. He wasn't sure why. Maybe because he thought he might get yelled at. Or maybe because he was still hurt. No matter the cause, he slips back inside. There would be other nights to let his insomnia take him stargazing.


Trey gives a nod as she listens to Cindy talk about Jason. He'd only talked to his brother once and that was something no one even new. Not even Jason he had watched him while he was sick. Hearing Jason had a rough past too like his own Trey understood a little more about the tough outside shell Jason seemed to have. Though Trey never talked to him he had watched him without anyone knowing it.

As Kaylee bangs her plate Trey was thankful for the break in the awkward silence. He sure could count on his little sister for that. Seeing the french fry land in her hair Trey smiles again before reaching over and taking it from her hair. Setting it aside he shakes his head a little bit.

   "Well you sure do know that word good. At least we know you wont ever miss a meal huh Squirt?"

Seeing the peace of cheese that Kaylee wanted Trey reaches for it and picks it up. Playful he brings it to his mouth as if he was going to eat it just continuing to watch Kaylee. Giving a smile though he finally hands it to her waiting for her to take it.

   "Here you go. I guess thats something we have in conman huh? We both love cheese."

Trey couldn't help but love the interaction with Kaylee. He'd always wanted a sister and now having the chance for that it was something special to him. Looking back at Cindy and studing her for a moment Trey gives a small nod.

   "Kaylee looks like you when she smiles. I think she has the same little dimple in her cheek."

Still holding Luke's hand in her own Angel smiles. She liked her walks with Luke even if they were slow going. That was one of the best things around them just enjoying the time with him and taking in the nature.

   "I think a walk sounds great. Maybe we can go to the pond and pack a little lunch too. Than again any time with you makes me happy no matter what we are doing."

Angel meant it with all her heart too. Every day spend with Luke was a blessing. Aside from Wendy Luke was the best thing in her life, and having the Ranch it was home away from home. Every moment she had learned to take it slow and for all it was worth living it like it was the last.

Answering the phone and heading Justin on the other end Beth can't help but smile like always. She loved getting to talk to her friend though most days she saw him. On the days she didn't though she was happy for the phone and the ability to talk on it.

  "Hey Justin."

Moving around the kitchen trying to scrounge up something for dinner Beth relized how badly she needed to do some shopping. The fridge was almost empty but some fruit in the bottom look to be the perfect thing to eat for now.

Sitting down at the table and hearing Justin's offer Beth's heart sinks a little bit. She would of loved to have gone fishing tomorrow with Justin if she hadn't already made planes with Zach. Maybe they could do something this weekend?

   "Awww...I'm sorry Justin. Zach and I made plans this afternoon to do lunch and than he was going to show me around the animal shelter he works at. I was thinking about volunteering there."

Poping a peace of pineapple into her mouth Beth chews it silent for a moment. Swallowing she finally speaks again making a counter offer.

   "I have Sunday off this week too if your free maybe we could postpone the fishing and go than? I would like to go with you."