

Eli licks some sauce off his fork and laughs at Scarlet's question. "Mmm... naw, I don't think the kiss has to wait. I think we've already demolished that route, don't you think?"

Still grinning, he finishes off his food, satisfied with the good meal. Drinking the rest of his tea, he glances at his watch. "We got time to sit here for a while, or... if we leave now, we can have an extra long ride back to your place."

He knew without having talked about it that Scarlet enjoyed the longer rides, which was why he had already taken a long route this morning.

With Hope's final statement, all Scott can do is watch her walk away. A deeper frustration boiled inside of him than he'd ever felt before. He was mad at her, mad at himself and mad at the Agency. Nothing was right anymore. Everything was upside down. Nothing made sense and the light at the end of the tunnel seemed to be fading a little more each day.

Scott's eyes follow Hope until she's disappeared inside the building. His stomach revolted, threatening to throw up what little he'd had to eat today. Turning around, he trudges up the walking path with absolutely no destination in mind. Was this it? Was it over between them? Was this the second love he'd lost?

Hot, angry tears build behind his eyes and his vision is blurred as he walks. Continuing to trudge on anyway, he doesn't see the raised crack in the pavement. It's just high enough that his foot catches it and without warning, he's sprawled on the concrete slab.

Not uttering a sound, he rolls over to sit up, a sharp pain running through his knee. Looking down, he sees that he's torn his jeans and a bit of blood is soaking through. Immediately, images from that dark cell come rushing through his mind... Being thrown into the wall, scraping his knees on that harsh stone floor and having nothing to stop the bleeding or the pain.

Clenching his eyes shut tightly, he rocks, murmuring to himself and trying to stop the memories from overtaking him.

"Hey, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Can I help?"

The male voice breaks into Scott's thoughts. He's so stuck in a world of chaos though that he doesn't realize right away that it's a man offering help, not an Agency foe trying to hurt him further. "No!" Scott lashes out with his arm, sweeping the man's legs right out from under him.

The man gives a short cry but can do nothing but let gravity take over as he lands beside Scott on the ground.

The incident is enough to bring Scott's mind back into focus and he looks quickly to what he'd just done. "I'm... I'm sorry. You just... you startled me."

"I see that." The man rubs his elbow gingerly, but he grins a little. "Next time I'll shout from a distance, okay?"

Scott gives a little scoff. "At least you're willing to keep away."

The man quirks an eyebrow, but doesn't miss a beat. Instead of backing off, he offers his hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Justin."

Scott isn't so sure about him, and really is in no mood for small talk, but he accepts the handshake anyway. "Scott."

"You hurt?"

"Naw... just a scratch I think."

"They really ought to get after this sidewalk. I doubt you're the first person to fall." Justin gets to his feet then offers Scott a hand up.

Scott stands a little wobbly and brushes himself off, feeling stupid. Who was this guy anyway? He wasn't an orderly or a doctor - he wasn't wearing any uniform or name tag, just dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt. "Visiting someone?"

"In a manner of speaking." Justin cocks his head. "I came to see you, actually."

Scott bristles, his face paling slightly. Was this Agency? A trick of Austin's? He backs up a step. "W...why?"

"It's okay," Justin assures calmly. "Dr. Hawks asked me to come."

"What for?"

"You kidding me?" Justin lifts his eyebrows. "Don't tell me you actually enjoy sitting in his stuffy office and going through a bunch of routine questions."

"No..." Scott is still hesitant. "What does that have to do with you?"

"Lets just say that maybe Dr. Hawks figured you could use fresh air more than an office."

"And that's why you're here. Fresh air." Scott's frustration was quickly returning. "If you're here for me, let's get one thing straight - I don't like beating around the bush."

Justin grins. "Fair enough. I'm just here as a friend, Scott. I'm here to get you physically active so you can clear your mind and fight this thing with more than frustration and anger."

"Great. Another person who wants to fix me. Forget it."

"Hey, I don't want to fix you," Justin defends. "You gotta do that yourself. All I wanna do is show you that there's more here than that little bedroom and that stuffy office. I was told that you got an awful lot inside that head of yours, and that a little bit of physical activity might just do the trick. So come on... at least humor me, huh?"

Scott rolls his eyes. "I go for walks. It's enough."

"What? Fifteen minutes once a day? When was the last time you went for a run? Played frisbee?"

"Look, I think it's stupid. Running around wearing myself out won't do anything but make me more tired than I am already."

"Then at least prove it to me." Justin walks a few steps to the nearby bench where he'd left a baseball and two baseball gloves. Picking them up, he hands one glove to Scott. There was a nice grassy area just around the bend in the path. "Give me three days. If you still think it's stupid, I won't come back. Deal?"

Scott looks at the glove, finally taking it grudgingly. Maybe it would be good to get his mind off everything for a while, even if it felt a bit silly. He wanted to stop thinking about his problems and stop thinking about Hope. And at least Justin would leave after three days if he wanted him to. That was more than he was getting from anybody else - respect. "Fine. But don't get too fancy with the ball. I still have trouble with depth perception every once in a while on account of my eye."

"No sweat. Come on."

:( :(

Stopping Hope looks over her shoulder at Scott. Her face held no smile now, her her eyes looked tired still laced with so many emotions. Giving a shake as she got a cold shiver Hope closes her eyes for a moment another tear rolls down her cheeked. There was nothing else she could do.

"I wont bother you again. I'm sorry."

Putting her hands in her jacket pocket tilting her head to the ground Hope's head hung in surrender. What else could she do but make Scott even more upset if she tried to fight it and that wasn't good for him.

Picking up her pause again Hope lets out a sigh and started to head inside again. She felt like crap, and she hurt all over only not realizing it. Not walking all that fast she destination was set She'd see Dr. Thomas today but what she would talk about Hope didn't even know. So many things ran through her head, and so many feelings where to start she didn't know, but she would go anyways for today.

Now who's

Listening to Hope, Scott can feel frustration adding on top of everything else. There were things he wanted to say... things he wanted to respond to. There were words he wanted to yell at her to make her understand what he was feeling. He lets her finish talking though, only to have her walk away, heading inside.

Spinning on his heel, his eyes narrow. "Now who's the selfish one?" he hisses. "If you coming here is all for you, then be my guest, but leave me out of it from now on. If you can't even honor my one request, then so be it."

His jaw sets stubbornly, his hands clenching into fists inside his pockets. "You blame yourself for not doing enough? You know good and well that's not true. It's me and the Agency, not you, and I'll be hanged if I let myself believe that you're carrying that guilt around because I messed up again."

Pausing, he waits to see her eyes again. "If this is the way 'one of my best' relationships goes, then I don't have much to look forward to in a future. Stop trying to fix me and just let... me... be."

Singal Tear

Seeing the lack of life is Scott's eyes Hope can almost feel her head pick up so much more than it had before. Her hands were clamy and she wasnt even sure why yet. Maybe it was the fortold feeling of the words that were coming.

As Scott speaks Hope listens her smile never seemed to fade though but the feelings passed through her eyes as a glossy presence made itself know almost pushing to flow over though they don't. Hope wanted to be angry, herself, Scott who new...she just wanted to feeling but she couldn't.

Letting out a small sigh she continues to look at Scott, her eyes so lost, almost defeated. Trying to finger her words they seemed lost amongst emotions that wanted to be free. Finally though she trys to push back what she feels the smile though faded a little was still on her face.

"Did you ever think Scott maybe I come here for the both of us? I failed once on making you better, and maybe for me I came back here because I choose to, because maybe I needed help too and I had to try and make things right because I love and care for you that much."

The emotions still pooled in hopes eyes though she kept her voice calm, and her words uncontrolled. Sometimes she hated the councilor side of her that didn't allow her to get mad, or yell. That alone could be frustrating.

"I will continue to come. If you don't want me to stop in and say hi than I wont. If you want to break things off with me because I am coming here for me, than thats a pretty crappy reason to walk away from maybe one of the best relationships of your life. But I will continue to come, because I need to come. I'm sorry you feel as though I walked all over you, or I had no respect for you. But if I had to go back and do it again I wouldn't change it, because at least I cared."

Stepping a little to the side Hope walks around Scott and started to make her way inside the building at a slow pase like she had so many times before.

Though no one new out of her own choosing she had started seeing one of the Dr's here on each of her visits, just to talk, to voice how she felt. Everything that happened with Scott was hard for her to handle...not because it was to much but because in fact it did feel like she had failed him.

Where would they go now? She didnt know. Would Scott end it? Hope prayed he wouldn't! Would they be ok, and would there relationship mend, Hope wanted to think so because she did love Scott so much. And finally...a single tear fell from Hope's eye.

Finishing her own drink and being pulled down with Gage Sapphire comfortable tucks her on arm under her and the other lays across his stomach and her hands rests on his cest as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder.

Gage had learned so well how to comfort her, Sapphire couldn't help but think it was a trate he'd always had and giving the chanse to show it, it flourished so much and was so warm. Sapphire could spend the whole night like this and be happy.

"Mmm...ok a half hour. I am so comfortable to argue."

Scarlet can't help her laugh as she rolls her eyes. Hearing Eli agree to wanting her to be his girl felt nice and warm. Just the sounds of it felt....good. Though both seemed hesitant maybe that was the funny part about it all.

"Let's see...two days you said my bike will be ready...I don't know if I can hold out till than, but I can try."

Giving a shake of her head the grin on her lips seemed to grow even bigger. It seemed funny waiting a few days before there was an official title when they had already made up there minds but it was kind of fun to think about it at the same time.

"I do have to say though I am happy we got that first date out of the way. Just because I have to wait for the title doesn't mean I have to wait for the kiss....does it?"

Scarlet can't help the sly little smile that had formed on her lips to replace the grin. She liked Eli, and how she felt around him, she liked knowing they could throw pass back and forth at each other till they were blue in the face and never tired. It just seemed part of the fun.


Scott sees Hope approaching, but today he doesn't even try for a smile. He was tired of faking it.

Standing up, he faces Hope as she greets him. His eyes were dim, reflecting the lack of life he felt. "Morning," he returns coolly. Keeping his hands in his hoodie pockets, he shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

"I've decided to stay. It's safer for all involved if I do." He looks bravely into Hope's eyes, going over his words in his mind. He knew what he wanted to say... what he needed to say. "Before we go any further, I want to let you know that I care about you. I wish things were different so we could spend some real time together. But... we can't, because I'm messed up. And... I love you. But the fact that you came today even though I asked you not to... it just seems to confirm that nothing I say matters."

He swallows hard, knowing that his words were harsh, but he'd reached the point where he needed to express his true feelings. "I was dragged here against my will, and my wishes are consistently being disrespected. And I... I don't appreciate it."

Scott searches Hope's face before going on. "So I'm going to ask you one more time not to come back until I call. And if you do... don't expect you and me to go anywhere. Because I'm tired of being walked on."

Gage rests his head against Sapphire's as she leans it on his shoulder. He felt badly for her. He didn't know what it was like to have family, let alone a twin sibling. But he knew if he did have a brother or sister, he'd want to be close to them, not separated by these kinds of circumstances. Even if Scott had threatened him, he wished he would get better too, for Sapphire's sake.

"You will," he assures quietly. It was just another mess the Agency had created. He turns to kiss the top of her head before resting it on hers again. As much as Scott had been through already, surely he had enough strength to make it through this. Gage wondered if Reese or Hope had used Alec anymore... he could be the key to a lot of things, but it wasn't Gage's place to say.

Straightening a little, he returns to his shake before it melts too much, just enjoying some quiet with Sapphire. Much of their time was spent in silence. Gage rather liked it, learning how to read Sapphire without words, and watching her learn to read him too. Eventually though, the shakes are gone. But a glance at the clock proves they still have plenty of time to do whatever they wanted and still get out and about for the activities Sapphire had mentioned.

Setting his empty cup aside, Gage flops back down on his side on the mattress and with on arm, pulls down Sapphire too. His arm drapes around her waste and tucks her in close in front of him. "Half hour," he murmurs. "Then we can go."

Eli pauses between mouthfuls and contemplates Scarlet's question. Was it just him, or were they both undecided, tossing the idea around back and forth just to see who would make the first move? For two such confident people, surely to an outsider, this was a comical conversation. His eyes twinkle.

"Been a long time since I called someone my girl," he comments casually. "I'd say you were taking quite a risk by getting involved with the likes of me, but... it's apparent that you've done your homework." The awkward feelings about Scarlet finding out about him prior to their meeting were gone now, replaced by amusement.

He gives her another grin before taking time to sip his ice tea. What the hey. He had nothing to lose, and if things didn't work out, he could still say he'd had her for a while, right? "I think I'd like it," he finally answers. "Besides, if I don't act now, some other guy is gonna come along and steal you away and that wouldn't be any fun at all."

A wink is tossed in her direction. "But maybe you should wait to agree until after the bike's done."


Giving another small laugh at the mention to Eli bringing the bike back in one peace and never dreaming of hurting Scarlet couldn't help it though she did believe him. Taking a sip of her water and looking back at Eli she could see him studying her, as the wheels in his own head seemed to turn. It was almost like he was having a silent argument in his head, and just looking at her was drawing him to one side.

Continuing to look back into Eli's own eyes not mining it one bit being captivated buy his own eyes so easily. They said so much if one looked hard enough.

As Eli breaks his gaze Scarlet smiles and breaks hers as well looking back down at her food and singling out a peace of chicken to bit into. Savoring the taste, it had been so long since she had a good chicken salad.

Looking up again as Eli starts to talk Scarlet's chewing slows for a moment before picking up again. His question was simple, but it almost took her off guard. She had saut Eli out, She had told him flat she wanted something more than just a fling, but now faced with the question it was almost like her heart was kicked up a k notch and she was asking herself was this really a good idea? Eli was great, and he seemed even nicer than she had imaged. She had good a good job of finding out about him, but still from her own past falts that flag was there anyways.

Reasoning in her own mind Scarlet looks up at Eli again this time it was her turn to stair and thinking. Looking into his deep eyes she remembers how soft and sweet he had been, yet at the same time he had been hold and ready to match her head on. Yes, this was a man she did trust and that was something that didn't come easy with Scarlet but Eli in a short time had earned it.

"I'd say I would want to see my bike first but I like the sound of being your girl. I think I would be a fool to decline that title. Would you like me to be your girl?"

Moving from the floor to next to Gage on the air mattress Sapphire takes a sip of the cold treat. Spending time with Gage was always nice, even if they didn't do anything just being there with him felt good.

Hearing that Con had given him a ride she gives a nod not surprised by Tank's helpfulness. He had such a big heart he'd help anyone who needed it. Hearing about her brother though stricks a cord with Sapphire and her eyes turn a little sad. Taking another suck from the drink she is silent for a moment.

It wasn't often her brother was talked about not because he wasnt important but because it was just a sore subject. But even if she hated it maybe it was a good thing to with someone a once and a while on it. Who better than Gage, he already new almost everything about her he was part of her life, so he should know.

"I'm...ok. I just wish Scott would let his anger go. I heard Hope talking to Reese that they think Scott is more mad at himself than anyone else. I can see that about my brother, he's always hated not being better."

Sapphire lets out a sigh as she leans her head on Gage's shoulder for a moment. His presence was so calming she just wanted to tell him close to her. He always made her feel better even if he didn't know it.

"I just...want to see him better again."

Pulling into the parking lot Hope sits in the car for a long moment. She new what Scott had said yesterday and it still weighed heavy on her mind. He didn't want to see her till he called, but she had made a promise to him his first day here no matter what she'd come and see him. If he didnt want to see her she would say hi and than head to the library or the flower gardens that surrounded the area but she would be here.

Finally getting out of the car Hope shuts and locked the door. Walking just a tiny but slower up the walk way she is suprised to see Scott sitting at the same bench as yesterday. Drawing closer Hope smiles sweetly though she can see the look on his face was colder maybe even bleaker than normal.


Touchy subject

Eli chuckles and shakes his head. "I'll definitely have your bike in one piece. I couldn't do harm to a motorcycle if I was paid to," he teases. "As for Ryan... I don't think it'll be too hard to get past her. She's softer on the inside than out. But don't tell her I said that."

Pausing, he continues to study Scarlet's eyes. She'd mentioned wanting more the very first night they'd been out together. Did he really want that? Did he really want more than just a couple casual dates? There was hesitance in his gut. He'd gone too far the last time a woman wanted to have a relationship. Moving in with Sasha had been the worst thing he could have done, so at a certain level he didn't trust himself anymore. At the same time, how could he let this drop-dead gorgeous, fun, adventurous, intriguing woman slip through his fingers?

It was ironic. He was always after dates and hanging out with the girls who walked by. But no one ever wanted anything more than an evening over drinks at the bar. This was different. This was... more. Scarlet didn't seem the type, though, to take things too quickly or too far. No... she was confident and a go-getter, but there was a certain reserve about her too, warning that she wasn't the type to go fooling around with one-night stands. No... Scarlet was... special.

Realizing that he was still staring at her, he finally drops his gaze and takes another bite of food. Being with her felt risky... but there was a sense of adventure there that beckoned him. A grin makes its way to his lips once more as he speaks again while eating. "So... a few dates, a few kisses, and we haven't killed each other yet. Does that make you my girl or do you have to see what shape your bike is in first?"

Gage finally manages a smile as he chooses the chocolate shake. "Spending time with you is always fun for me, you know that."

Sucking the cold treat up through the straw, he grins. "I guess a milkshake makes everything better, eh?" Moving over, he pats the mattress beside him so Sapphire can sit next to him instead of directly on the floor.

Quiet for a few moments, he mulls over another subject in his head, thinking through his words before speaking, like he usually did. "Con... he gave me a ride earlier today 'cause I had to go across town and he was heading that way. He... said Scott wasn't doing very well."

He pauses and runs his finger around the cup's plastic lid. He knew this was a sensitive subject and if Sapphire didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't. But he did wonder how she was doing with it all - they rarely brought it up in conversation.

Gage glances to her out of the corner of his eye. "Are you...okay?"

For Scott, the next day came all too soon. Waking up in the morning, misery from the day before still lingered. Sleep hadn't come easily in the night, and that which had come, had been restless. All this whole mess was because of him, and he was sick of it. He was sick of needing help all the time, relying on others, and being the one to fall to pieces constantly. It wasn't fair.

Curled in bed, he glances at the window. Where had his determination go from the other day? He'd finally realized he did need the help. Was this just a bad spell? Would it pass? Would he ever have the courage he needed again? Would he even get away from here? Technically, he could leave whenever he wanted. But deep down, he knew that was the wrong choice. At least here, he wouldn't be putting his friends in danger.

Rolling out of bed, he trudges to get ready for the day. If he didn't, the nurse would be up to see him and get him up anyway. "Breakfast time!" she would say. And he would decline like normal. Then she would come up a while later with some food anyway and he would wind up eating a little bit of it. Later she'd come clear it away, still smiling and as chipper as always. It was an easy routine to learn.

It doesn't take Scott long to be showered and dressed. But before he could be approached about breakfast, he heads downstairs. Dr. Hawks said he could talk with him this morning - he might as well get it over with. He'd cooperate. He'd try not to walk out. He knew he had to do this. But there were some changes that would take place. There were some things he just couldn't handle anymore...

...Sitting outside on the very same bench as yesterday, Scott waits. He hadn't walked out this morning. It hadn't been easy... he'd told Dr. Hawks things he really didn't want to. But at least it had ended well. Now Scott knew that Hope would be coming again. He'd told her not to come, but he knew she would anyway. And that's exactly what he was ready for. He wasn't going to keep doing this stupid same routine day in and day out. It was a silly dance with silly games he wasn't going to play anymore. From here on out, he would do it his way. He'd get over this. He would win. But it would be on his terms this time.

So he waits.

Dylan knew all too well how to avoid detection when he wanted something. This afternoon was no different. It was still raining out, but not as hard, so at least he didn't get soaked on the walk from the bunkhouse to Angel's office. He'd been keeping an eye out for the traffic and knew that his dad was in the barn and that Rosetta had just gone to the mess hall, most likely for something to eat or some coffee. Dylan also had seen that Angel had slipped out the side to empty some garbage. If ever there was a chance, this was it.

Moving quickly but not too fast to be noticed, Dylan slips across the driveway and up the porch steps without hesitating. Letting himself in, he lets the door shut softly behind him and glances around. He sees the door at the other end of the room was ajar, so he goes to investigate. He wasn't really sure why he was here... maybe he felt more badly about the whole thing with BJ than he'd let on. He hadn't meant for the kid to get hurt last night. It had just been... a mess. And still was. If Mick knew he was in here, he'd be dead meat. But he just wanted to see for himself.

Dylan finds himself sliding into the cozy room, spotting BJ's sleeping form on the bed. He looked smaller now... kinda pale. But at least he was getting rest, right?

Closing the gap, Dylan's hands rest in his pockets and he looks down at the young boy, feeling the pangs of guilt again. He didn't like a little kid tagging along behind him or wanting attention all the time. But even so, he wouldn't have chosen for BJ to get hurt.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "When you wake up, I'll... I'll help you find another frog."

Mick leans on the doorway for a moment, having entered the office right after Dylan. He'd been prepared to drag his son out by his shirt, but hearing Dylan's soft words, it suddenly hits Mick that maybe there really was another side to his son. Maybe there really was something besides the bad attitude and stupid decisions. Was this what Dan had seen in him? Perhaps. Mick still wasn't sure how he should respond to the whole situation. He didn't know how to keep himself from blowing his top when thinking about it, or blaming this all on Dylan's stupidity. Maybe he just needed to do what he'd suggested to Dylan earlier - that he could stay as long as he earned his keep and stayed out of trouble. But maybe Mick just needed to back off and quit trying to fix things.

Backing away from the door, Mick wanders back through the office, exiting onto the porch. Sighing deeply, he looks at the sky that was changing colors as it prepared for nightfall. It had been almost twenty-four hours now... Another prayer is lifted for BJ to awake and be alright.



Scarlet gives a laugh her own eyes dancing as she gazed back at Eli. Searching his face and his own eyes, looking deep into the pools. Finally giving a small shake of her head.

"I guess we are a little less than normal huh? I don't think thats a bad thing though."

Taking another bite of her salad Scarlet thinks again about Eli question taking a moment before answering him. Finally though pointing her fork in his direction she smirks.

"Get my bike back to me in one peace and that should be the only daring trial you have to face. I fear my trail will be harder...I'm going to have to pass you sister approval."

"Professionals have to always start somewhere, just keep it tucked away as something to remember you can look into someday."

Giving a smile Sapphire moves on with the conversation knowing Gage didn't want to talk about it anymore. She'd never push him to talk about something he didn't want to.

Standing she disappears into the kitchen before coming back out with both shakes. Holding them out to Gage she lets him pick what one he would like.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could take tip to the beach and walk for a little bit. I think there spring festival is starting to open up too so maybe we can take a look at a few different things and play some games or ride on some rides. Just have a fun day out you and me. That is if that sounds good to you?"

Sapphire liked giving Gage options so sometimes he could deiced what he'd like to do as well. This was his life now too and he should have a say in what he did. Sapphire always kept that option open to him not minding if he wanted to do things differently sometimes or not.


Gage quirks an eyebrow at Sapphire's suggestion. "I... don't think so. I mean... these are just drawings I threw together. Other stuff out there... it's professional."

He fidgets with the corner of his pillow. "I'd rather just you saw them anyway."

Clearing his throat, he straightens and tries to move on. "Okay, so shakes and... then what? My day is free... as you can see."

"Normal?" Eli seems to think the suggestion is funny. "I have a feeling we're anything but." Grinning, he takes a sip of his iced tea. "But it's worth a shot. Besides... how else am I supposed to get to know the woman behind those mysterious eyes of yours?"

Taking another bite of food, he lets his gaze remain on Scarlet's face, a sly look toying in his eyes. "Or do I have to perform some daring trial before I'm allowed that luxury?"

Light Bulb

Sounds good to me. I'll see you a little later than.

Not much else was meant to be said so Katie just dropped the conversation for now. She'd finish what she was doing and than head out. For now though if she did want to finish it she better get back to consternating.

Looking up at the menu and trying to figure out what she wanted to order Scarlet finally had given in to Eli paying. It was a date after all but she'd like to treat him sometime too. Maybe she could make him lunch some time.

Finally getting there food, and finding a table Scarlet contently took a sip of her drink looking across the table at Eli and letting a smile slip onto her face. She liked having lunch with Eli, Sitting across from him it just...felt nice.

At the mention of her bike, and the comment from Eli that followed Scarlet cocked her head for a moment thinking as she took a bit of her salad. Following the bit up with a sip of her water after it was chewed Scarlet finally replys.

"I guess I could always bring my bike in to have you do some more handy tattoos on it..."

Scarlet lets the comment linger for a moment as her eyes twinkle wanting to say more. Finally her lips break into a smile not being able to hold it in anymore.

"...or we could be like to normal human being and not need excuses to see each other. After all the awkward first date is out of the way."

Letting out a little sigh at his comment about not getting the job Sapphire felt so bad. He'd been really doing his best and Gage was ready to get out there and work for real if only someone would give him a chance.

"Hey...keep your chin up huh? I know its hard and I can't even start to imagine but there is a job out there that is going to give you a chance you just have to keep looking...ok? I believe in you are I know you can do it."

Reaching out and taking Gage's hand in her own it was slightly cold from the drinks but a warmth seemed to shine through.

Taking the picture from Gage Sapphire's eyes study it well. She always loved the pictures he drew for her and they always came out so nice. She could only wish to draw that good. Still studying the picture it was almost like a light bulb went off in her head looking back to Gage a smile curles on her lips.

"Hey you should look into one of the local studios to work at. Your pictures are great and we have a lot around here. It's worth a shot anyways."


Family. Katie had used an interesting word. They really were kind of like family. A new emotion surfaces - this one with the same love as before, though a strange little nervousness too. Jason quickly cuts it off though.

I don't care. You know what movies I got. If you want something different, feel free.

Jason was flexible tonight. He was pretty sure he'd been able to head of an attack so that was good, though he was now tired. He just wanted to chill the rest of the day and evening.

Just come on over when you're ready. Trooper and I will be there. I'll leave the door unlocked.

Walking hand-in-hand inside the restaurant, Eli kind of likes it. This woman had piqued his interest and it was hard not to want to get to know her. There was something deeper about her. Maybe Ryan was right... maybe there was a past there that made that little glint of shyness emerge from beneath all that strong outer shell of confidence.

Once inside, Eli insists on paying, and soon they are seated at a little table outside. The sunshine was was warm but there was just enough of a light breeze to keep it from being hot.

"So... your bike should be done day after tomorrow." Eli takes another bite of his food, one arm resting on the table as his elbow holds his weight. "I think you're gonna like it." He'd elaborated on the designs she'd given him, and in reality, he really hoped she did like it. He usually didn't go too far from requests, but he'd added his own flare to these since she'd given him permission. It's what he loved, but not everyone liked his style.

Looking over to Scarlet, a bit of wonderment lay in his gaze. "After that though, you don't have an excuse to come by the shop. What should we do about that?"

Gage doesn't move when Sapphire comes in. He was glad she was there, but lacked the energy to be enthusiastic today. Looking up at her, his eyes travel to her own. She always knew how to make him feel better. Whether it was a shake or a cool glass of lemonade, she always seemed to know just what would taste good to him.

"Day wasn't so hot," he answers softly. "Back to the drawing board I guess. Job was a no-go... again."

Sighing deeply, he forces himself to sit up, though he clutches his pillow close, resting his chin on it. "What am I gonna do, Saph? Nobody wants me. I have a bad record and no skills on top of it. Maybe I just shoulda stayed a ward of the Elite."

He picks at the growing hole in the knee of his jeans. "Oh... I forgot. I finished this last night..." He leans over and rummages in a stack of papers until he pulls out the one he was looking for. It was another drawing, this one with a bit of color behind the pencil sketches. He had many now, but the special ones he gave to Sapphire. This particular one was over a flower, veiled in a cool rain shower. "Thought you might like it." He shrugs, resuming his position with his pillow.

Mick cocks his head, listening to Dan, a little surprised he didn't get any more information than that. And even more surprised when he's given advice. If he hadn't seen the respect on Dan's face, Mick would not have been happy, but he lets it slide. He'd done enough arguing the way it was, and maybe the younger man did have a point. So for now, he sets aside his annoyance.

"Alright... I won't push it. For what it's worth, thanks for bringing him back... however you did it."

Patting Dan's shoulder, Mick turns and walks away. His walked seemed a little slower... his shoulders a little lower perhaps.


Feeling Jason's returned emotions a smile spreads on Katie's face. It wasn't often he did that but thats what made it even more special. It was nice to know she really had helped him too even if it seemed small to her.

Our little family staying in tonight, dinner and a movie...I think that sounds wonderful.

Letting out a more content sigh this time Katie moves from the window and sits back down in Jason's chair again. This was the first time she had ever referred to Trooper, Jason and herself as a family but she kind of liked the ring to it.

I'm gonna finish what I am working on here, head home and clean up than I'll be over so we can relax. Want me to pick up a movie or watch one you have?

Being pulled closer to Eli Scarlet glances up at him as a grin makes its way to her lips. Her heart giving a thump knowing what would happen next. Finally feeling his lips brush her for a slow tender kiss even though it was not long she still enjoyed it.

As Eli pulls a way Scarlet lets out a sigh of satisfaction as she was thinking the same thing he has said when he mentioned the second date. She was just happy he said it before she did.

"Beating the lunch rush is always nice. Means we get out own pick at what outside table we want."

Still holding Eli's hand Scarlet steps up the rest of the way on the curb and starts to walk twords the restraint with Eli. It felt different holding Eli's hand though Scarlet doesn't let it go yet, not a bad different, but a new warm different and she kind of liked it.

Fishing the key from her pocket Sapphire unlocks the door and enters like she had so many times before.

"Gage..its me."

Shutting the door behind her Sapphire heads into the kitchen putting some milkshakes down she had picked up for them both. Today they had deiced maybe a trip to the zoo or a nice walk on the beach was in order. It was relatively warm out and being cooped up inside on such a nice day would be a crime.

Wondering out of the kitchen and over to the mattress where Gage was Sapphire smiles down at him before bending down to sit on the floor in front of the bed. She new he had an interview today, and without him even saying anything yet she could read his eyes and is pained her. Not because it was yet another job Gage didn't have but because she new it wasnt making him feel better about anything. She just wanted to be able to see the excitement in his eyes, and see him happy.

"Hey You, I got you a chocolate shake, and a strawberry in case you wanted that one over the other. Hows your day been so far?"

Working away Dan doesn't even notice Mick till he hears his voice. Out of breath and sweaty Dan stops his work just looking at Mick for a long moment before removing his gloves and hat, whipping his forehead with his banana, replacing his hat once more and following Mick.

Leaning aganst the wall for a moment Dan listens to Mick's question almost guess he was going to be asking him about Dylan. It was normal, and if he was Mick he would of done the same thing.

"I'm sorry Mick thats something between Dylan and I, I cant tell you."

Strangulating a little Dan stands with respect in front of Mick as a boss, father, and a friend. He didnt want Mick to think he was hiding anything bad but this was something trusted between Dylan and himself something important that couldn't be broken.

"I can reassure you though its not illegal, but very healthy, and you will slowly see Dylan trying to make an improvement. I'm sure when he is ready he'll tell you himself. He needs to Mick, you both just have to be calm and pashint with each other."


One good thing

Having Katie pull out the warm emotions was a strange sensation. They weren't feelings that surfaced by themselves, but they did provide Jason comfort and he appreciated Katie's effort.

Thanks, Hero... I love you too.

Her words meant more to him than he could express. The only thing he could do was share how she made him feel. He didn't often do that. He would share his love and affectionate feelings, but how she made him feel... those were private emotions that he liked keeping to himself. But sometimes a special moment would occur and right now was one of those moments.

Jason slowly opens up just a little more to let Katie know that even though he was going through a tough time right now, she had helped and made him feel good.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he stands up, Trooper right by his side.

I'm gonna walk a while longer then maybe head home. You wanna come over for supper? Just... stay in tonight? You me and Trooper?

Eli's eyes glint with just a twinge of slyness. "At least there's one good thing about second dates." He draws Scarlet a little closer to gain a better view of those deep sapphire pools. "They're not the first."

Cocking his head, he leans in and gives her lips a slow, tender kiss before pulling away, not letting it last too long. "Come on. I think we beat the lunch rush."

Gage flops down on his mattress, sighing as he feels it needs more air. His finger picks at another hole in his jeans and he lets himself fall onto his side as he stares at the other side of the little living room. Another job turned down. He'd quit counting.

Tucking his hands up under his worn-out pillow, he curls up wearily. He'd been so glad to be free. On his own. In charge of his own life for the first time. And now he was failing miserably. Nobody wanted an employee with a record like his. He might have been kept from jail, but he still had a marred record that would follow him the rest of his life. It was a consequence he would deal with always.

Now what? A newspaper still sat on the corner table with want ads circled, cut out and crossed out. Sapphire was coming over today. He'd have to tell her one more time that he hadn't gotten a job. He knew she didn't think any less of him, but it was still discouraging and he just wanted to be able to say, "I got it," to her, just to see that look of approval in her eye.

Rolling onto his back, Gage stares at the ceiling with the familiar water stain. Was there ever going to be more than this?

Mick coils and hangs up his leadrope after putting Remington back in his stall. Ambling down the barn aisle, he glances around for Dan. The fact that Dan had brought Dylan back had not escaped Mick, and he had a few questions. He'd seen Dylan head off to the bunkhouse, but had not followed. Not this time.

Rounding a corner, he spots Dan by the hay bales, so he approaches a bit more quietly than normal. "Dan... a word, if I may."

Gesturing to the younger man, he brings him to the side, out of earshot from the other ranch hands. "So how on earth did you get Dylan to stay?"

Thank you!

Sitting at her desk and finishing all she needed to Katie new shortly here Jason was going to be letting his emotions out and she'd rather not be around people. Heading to Jason's office like she had many time before she enters closing the door behind her. Jason let her use his computer when she just wanted to be alone and he wasn't here. She new better than to snoop not that she really would want too. Now was a time when she did have work to do and being alone while Jason let his emotions out to her was best.

Tensing up just a little as the emotions start to come Katie trys to concentrate on what she was working on. Even though Jason didn't let them come full force and it would hurt a lot more if he did Katie can still feel a little discomfort. Staying quiet as Jason talks Katie just lets his emotions and words come not interrupting just letting him let it all out.

Continuing to type on the computer and search for more stuff Katie finally stops and leans back in Jason's chair as she closes her eyes. Her head was starting to hurt just a little but she new it would be over soon. As much as she needed Jason's emotions to feel her, Jason needed to release his emotions to her.

Feeling the last short burst of emotions and knowing it was over Katie lets out a sigh as she slowly opens her eyes and just looks upward into nothingness. She was silent till now knowing Jason need to let everything. Reaching out and finding Jason's own emotions she gives a small tug on comfort, warmth, and the feeling that she was there for him.

I can see why it would upset you so much and I wouldn't blame you. Its hard when the person we have looked up to our whole life turns out to be not who we though. Sometimes that can be the greatest form of betrayal.

Standing and wondering to the little window that was in the office Katie pulls the blinds back a little bit and looks out. Pausing for a short moment she continues to just let her warm feelings flow twords Jason. She new what it felt like to have someone you look up to disappoint you even if it had happened so long ago she could still remember how she felt and it never felt good. For the longest while she wondered if she would turn into that as well.

No matter what happens Jason your nothing like your Grandfather...I just want you to know that. I love you so much J, and I know its not fair...but not much in life is...we just have to keep looking to the brighter days and remember they are right around the bend.

Scarlet gives her own chuckle at Eli's comment. He was right that really was the most she had said at once to him. She herself found it rather funny.

"Food..is defiantly always an interesting thing to talk about, and I always like to eat."

Pushing her own helmet down onto her head Scarlet wraps her other arm around Eli as he revs the engine before taking off. Just relaxing as she kept her arms around Eli Scarlet enjoyed the ride like she had the other day as well. She dosnt even mind that he take a longer rought than normal. Just riding was almost pure bliss to her, something she enjoyed so much.

Finally getting to the restraint though she didn't say it Scarlet was almost disappointed the ride had come to an end. Taking off her helmet though and getting a waft of the food her stomach growls and the ride is soon forgotten.

Looking down at Eli's extended hand and than back up into his eyes her own shy glint makes itself present once again as she takes Eli's hand and gets off the bike coming up next to him.

"Oh...so this is the second date. I think...I like the sound of that. Thank you!"


Jason lets Katie feel his gratefulness. He didn't like leaving her out, or going his own way, but sometimes it was best. As long as he could have small bouts with venting, he could avoid any major catastrophes and that was his goal.

Giving her hand a little squeeze, he nods. "I might have you join up with me later. I'm gonna go get Trooper and he and I will go for a walk or something. I'll talk to you in a while."

Leaving Katie with a little warm feeling, he turns and heads for the exit, taking his time. Ambling out to his bike, he drives slowly home, then retrieves Trooper and exchanges vehicles. Once in his truck, he really doesn't have a destination in mind. He ends up outside of town on a back road and eventually finds a roadside lot to park in. Getting out, he lets Trooper off his leash and both head down a secluded dirt trail.

Jason picks his way over a few rocks and tree roots, letting Trooper tag along and sniff out the bushes and bramble as they went. After a while of walking and trying to sort through his thoughts, Jason finds a big rock to sit on, leaning back against a tree and closing his eyes.

It was Austin... Austin was the one that made Scott freak out. We almost lost Scott... our friend... because of my grandfather. Makes a guy feel real good, ya know?

Jason's emotions start to boil and he snaps a twig between his fingers. Frustration... irritation... anger. His palm begins to burn and the twig in his hand starts to smoke.

I wish he wasn't my grandfather. I thought... I thought I got over all that. We were actually speaking to each other... It wasn't great, but at least he was forgivable. I thought I could let it all go, and now... I'm just reminded about who he really is... what he did to me. All my life, I figured he was the hero for rescuing me after my abduction... now I see how I didn't get to grow up, partially 'cause of him. My talents were focused for his purposes instead of my future. And lately I've seen a side that's... cruel.

His emotions are joined by melancholy and a bit of sadness, though by now, the twig was ash in his palm. Trooper whines and nudges his arm, feeling the tension and being able to sense his master's turmoil.

Jason winces as the emotions hurt, but he knew he needed to let them out. Closing his eyes tight, he tries not to put too much pressure behind them, knowing Katie was gonna feel the discomfort. It only takes a few moments for the burst to end, and Jason puts his head in his hands as his pulse races and he catches his breath.

It isn't fair, Katie... it just isn't fair.

Eli's lips curl into a smile as he feels Scarlet's little hug. Something about it felt... different. It was an innocent hug, with no strings attached.

Hearing her spiel about where to eat, he can't help but laugh outright and turn halfway to look over his shoulder. "That's the most you've ever said at once, and it's about food. Now I know what to talk about with you."

Grinning, he gives her a wink. "Sounds good to me. I am famished."

Straightening, back around, he puts his helmet back on and makes sure Scarlet's set to go before revving the engine and taking off. It takes a little longer than it should to get to the restaurant... maybe it was because Eli seemed to have forgotten the route... maybe.

Finally getting to the eatery, Eli parks in the lot, shutting off the engine and dismounting his bike. He takes off his helmet and gloves, extending his hand to Scarlet. "Melady. Date two. You ready?"

Nice day

Looking up as Jason comes over to her cubicle Katie gives a smile. She's heard a little about what was said to Dalton and than when Jason went to Reese but she didnt catch it all. It had become habit to try and just ignore the words she heard and when she heard them knowing it was non of her never mind. Even if some stuff did slip thought at least she was trying to mind her own business.

"I'm almost done here with the really important stuff I need to get done. After that I just have to look up a few things online. So you should be ok to leave off some steam without bothering me."

Giving Jason another smile Katie reaches out and gives his hand a little pat. Sometimes Jason got into moods when he just wanted to be by himself. Though it was hard to tell when those times come Katie new a few signs and often reminded herself she didnt need to always be the hero he needed some space too.

"If you need me, or want to do something tonight just let me know. I'm always open for spending time with you."

Sitting on the porch and waiting for Eli to show up Scarlet continued to think of where they could eat as she shifted though her coupons. It was such a nice day out today maybe a light meal, that served outside would be good.

Seeing Eli pull in front of her apartment Scarlet drops her feet form the other chair that had been propped up and grabs her helmet before stuffing the coupons into her pocket. Coming off the porch and closer to Eli Scarlet gives her own half wave before getting onto the back on the bike a smirk forms on her face at his new apparent nickname for her.

"Your not looking so shabby yourself today, than again I don't think you could look shabby ever. Your one of those guys who could be in rags and still look good."

Putting her one arm around Eli Scarlet gives him a half a hug before putting her helmet on her head but not pushing it down yet.

"I was thinking we could eat at Bongiornos today. Its not anything facny but they have the nice seat area we could sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. I also have some coupons from there too. When I'm alone I hardly eat out and when I do its at Jimmy's, and I'd hate for these to expire before I could use them witch would be never so I am gonna take advantage of having someone eat with me. As long as you don't mind."


Dalton's comment about Austin makes Jason's gut twist a little more. It wasn't easy knowing he was the grandson of someone who had betrayed his own. A deeper part of Jason longed to connect with his family, creating an irritating battle inside of him. He tries to set it all aside for now though, not wanting to ruin Katie's day. He'd let it out later after work - if he didn't, he knew he risked an episode and it had been long enough now that he really didn't want to go through that.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll let you know if I hear anything else. Just... keep a close eye on the security around here."

Feeling dismissed, though not wanting to get up yet, Jason lingers a few moments before finally getting to his feet. "I'll see ya later, Hulk."

Back into the hall, the breakroom was forgotten as Jason aims for Reese's office instead. Once there, he knocks, then enters. "Reese... can you do without me the rest of the day?"

Reese lifts an eyebrow skeptically. "What's up?"

"I... could use a few hours at least."

Reese had tried to learn when the warning signs showed in Jason's eyes, and he could see them now. This was one Agent he couldn't push to his limit, lest the whole building be blown up. "Alright. Granted." He cocks his head. "You alright?"

"Yeah... I will be. Just got knocked off kilter there with the whole Austin thing I guess."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"That you have to go through this." Reese was sincere. Nobody should have a grandfather like that. Jason had been through enough as a child, then to have been exposed and even trained in TJY while still in high-school, then to have that same mentor turn around and stab him in the back... an now needlessly having to think about it every time something about Austin came up... if it were Reese, he would be upset too. "Come back when you're ready, Jase... but not before."

"Thank you." Jason nods his thanks before retreating. Out to the main floor again, he walks by Katie's cubicle, unsure if she'd overheard his conversation or not. Pausing and looking over her wall, he offers a smile, though his emotions didn't match. "I'm gonna take off for a while, maybe the rest of the day. I gotta... blow off some steam, so if you're gonna stick around here, I'll wait until after you're done for the day so it doesn't interfere with your work."

Eli grins and shakes his head as he hangs up the phone with Scarlet. Wandering back into the garage, he finishes up his tasks before grabbing his jacket and helmet. Once on his bike, he fires it up and heads down the street, now knowing how to get to Scarlet's place.

A few red lights make him a couple minutes late, but when he pulls up, he sees her waiting. Giving her a salute with his gloved hands, he thumbs behind him, signaling he wasn't gonna get off, but just wait for her to join him.

He does take his helmet off though so they can decide where lunch will be. Flashing her a smile, he cocks his head a little, eying her as she approaches. "Hey, Red. You're looking as fabulous as ever."


Any reason

Looking up as Jason enters the office Dalton raises an eyebrow. It wasn't often Jason came here, and no that he was Dalton could feel himself turn stiff just a little knowing it had to do with Scott more than likely and he hated to think what might have happened to his friend now.

"Hey Jason."

Waiting for him to continue it comes all too soon as Dalton can feel the blood pool in his own face though he kept a lid on his temper. He'd never met Austin face to face before but he had heard enough not to really want to ether. Just seeing him from time to time had been bad enough knowing about what he had done to Scott. And now to think he was trying something again?

"Maybe its best he skipped town. Might be the safest option for him."

Dalton didn't mean for his words to be so cold knowing it was Jason grandfather and all he just couldn't help it. He hated knowing when someone heart another close to him. Looking up at Jason his eyes reflect an apology though he says no words about it.

"Thanks for letting me know. If you find anything else out or any other way I can help just ask. I'll do all I can."

"Been thinking since this morning huh? I guess this wasn't a spear of the moment set back huh? But than any reason to put my arms around you again is fine."

Not being able to help the small laugh that escaped her lips laced with a small shy tone to it Scarlet didn't linger on the comment but kept the conversation rolling.

"Nope, twenty minutes should be the prefect time to get my jacket and helmet and think of somewhere to eat. I guess I will see you than."

Hanging up the phone Scarlet gives another smile slipping it into her pocket once again before turning and finishing up a few things around her apartment. Once finished she grabbed her jacket, a stack of meal coupons deciding maybe she could put some to use, and head out to her small porch to sit and wait for Eli.

Too soon

Jason lets the conversation drop for now. He could feel Katie trying to comfort him, and he's grateful, pushing a few warm emotions back to her. But deeper than that, the turmoil still churned. He needed to think it through and get it sorted out before his emotions got the best of him.

Looking down, he realizes that he'd been scratching his scarred palm as it had gained a slight burning sensation. Early warning system? He sighs and tries to get back to work.

It isn't until later in the day that Jason finally gives himself a short break from work. Wandering to the break room, he pauses by Dalton's open door. It was still strange not seeing Scott there too. It was doubtful he'd ever be back.

Changing his route, Jason knocks and enters the office instead of going for a can of pop. "Hey, Dalton..." He knew he'd be welcomed, so he sits in an extra chair, giving a little sigh. Hulk had a right to know about any updates on his little friend. "Found out it was Austin who scared Scott the other day... now Austin's skipped town."

A wry grin forms on Eli's face and he twirls the phone cord around his finger. "Oh, I think I could come pick you up. Your pick where we eat today though. I've been braindead since I got up this morning."

Fiddling with a pen, he lets one of his legs bounce absentmindedly. "Grab your helmet and wait for me... I can be there in..." He glances at a clock. "Twenty minutes, unless that's too soon."


Getting back to her cubicle Katie sits down just setting her papers on the desk for a moment and leaning back in her chair. She could tell something was wrong with Jason though she didn't know what. She also had to respect his own need for privacy too.

"Ok, not a problem. You know how to get me if you need to talk."

Giving some tugs on Jason's warm emotions she comforts him the best she can before getting back to her own work. She'd leave Jason alone for now not wanting to invade his space.

Sitting in front of the tv it takes Scarlet a moment to feel her phone vibrate in her pocket and than takes another moment for her to get it out. Finally though retrieving it she looks at the number and a small grin forms on her lips.

"Hello, this is Scarlet."

Hearing Eli's voice and having confirmation that it really was him on the other end Scarlet stands to put her cup in the sink. Hearing about the delay on her bike Scarlet can't help but have the hairs on her neck bristle for a moment but than remembering who it was working on her bike she calmed again. She did trust Eli, and if there was something really wrong he would tell her.


Thinking for a moment Scarlet liked the idea of having lunch again with Eli though she didn't want to jump on it to quick and sound despite. So just letting it linger for a moment she turns around and leans her back on the counter for a moment before replying.

"I think lunch sounds great as long as you dont mind coming to pick me up again first."


Having an extra tug on his emotions, Jason winces a little, but lets Katie do it, knowing he hadn't been fair to her.

Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. Just Reese was in here, needed to talk to me...

He knew his emotions would betray him. He was upset and either he could shut down and Katie would know he was upset, or he could just let her feel it and she'd know he was upset. Either way, he couldn't hide it. His negative emotions slither out in between the others.

I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later.

Eli swivels back and forth in the office chair just behind the window where he could see the entrance and waiting room. Holding the phone to his ear, he waits for an answer while fiddling with a notepad in his free hand. Why was he calling anyway? That was a good question.

Finally hearing the voice he was trying to reach, he straightens up and leans his elbows on the messy desk. "Hey, Scarlet... it's Eli. There's been a delay with your bike but not a big one. Wondered if I could make it up to you.... lunch or something."


Giving another laugh Katie couldn't help but give another giggle. Her communication with Jason was always nice and she did enjoy it. The warm emotions, the tickling feeling it was always such a comfort.

Mmm...I am keeping my book open for tomorrow than because I defiantly don't want to miss out on it.

Continuing to make the copys she needed Katie raises a bit of question as Jason tells her to hang on. Instantly feeling the strain on her own emotions as Jason cuts his flow off Katie gives a gasp as she grabs onto the copier slightly to keep herself standing up.

It wasn't screaming pain that Katie felt with this as Jason's emotions were still open a little but but it defiantly did not feel good and there was slight pain there.

After a few moments though Katie could feel the emotional flow open up again and could feel Jason. Though she didn't mean to she couldn't help but tung a little hard on his own emotions showing her discomfort and the craving for the full emotions once again. Though she was happy he warned her, at least she had been able to brace herself before impact.

Yeah..I'm ok. I think I almost broke the copier though.

Katie finally lets go of the copier retreaving her work a bit of humor laced in her thoughts at her comment. and exiting the room now wondering what was going on and if everything was ok.

Is everything ok?


If I can manage to get out from under Reese, it's a date.

Jason's lips turn up at the corners just a little as he writes his notes.

Alec sighs and shakes his head. "You gonna let me in on the joke or what?"

"Nope." Jason grins at him. "But you're free to go now."

Alec rolls his eyes and stands up. "Thanks. Now I get to go... sit somewhere."

"Better than getting locked up somewhere."

"Sure." Alec waves him off. "See ya around." Limping, he gets back out into the hall and wanders towards the stairs, figuring he'd go sit in his room. His ankle hurt anyway.

Hearing about Scott, Reese just shakes his head and finally wanders around to his car door to get in. "Yeah... yeah, I'll keep you in the loop, don't worry. This thing gets more confusing all the time. I'm not about ready to give up now."

After the call has ended, Reese makes it back to TJY with one goal in mind. Getting inside, he aims straight for Jason's office.


Jason looks up, startled after having just dismissed Alec. "Yeah?"

"A moment?"

"Um... sure?"

Reese steps into his office and closes the door before taking several steps closer to Jason's desk. "I have something to ask you."

The seriousness of Reese's tone puts Jason's emotions on edge. "Okay...?"

"Do you know where Austin is?"

Jason bristles. He'd been on so-so terms with his grandfather the last time he'd seen him, but there were still an awful lot of negative emotions tied up in that history. What did Reese want now? Jason didn't necessarily want this conversation to be broadcast, but he had yet to discover where the switch was so Katie couldn't just hear everything. The only two options were to let Katie in on it now, or cut her off. He didn't like the latter, but... with this topic, he'd rather share it with Katie on his own terms.

Sorry, Hero. Hang in there a minute, okay? I'll be right back.

Closing his eyes for just a moment, he shuts down his emotional flow. Not a hundred percent to cause too much distress, but enough to block communication and cause discomfort on both their ends. He tries not to cringe. "I have no idea where Austin is. I haven't seen him in ages. Why?"

"Apparently he's the one that saw Scott recently, and on top of that, it looks as though he's now skipped town. I don't like it and I just wondered if you knew anything."

A bit of anger tries to bubble out and Jason keeps a lid on it. Once again, Austin had proved what a miserable backstabber he was. And now he'd even left without word. How nice of him. "No... sorry, I don't. But if I hear anything, you'll be the first to know."

"Good enough." Reese nods. "Thank you. That's all."

Once Jason is left alone again, he leans back in his chair, now dealing with a headache from his brief shutdown. Opening up again slowly, he gently prods.

You okay?


Finding what Reese said was interesting it only made Hope a little more upset. It felt like it was only more of a hint that maybe he was doing something to harm Scott. Why would he skip town soon after pushing Scott over the edge?

Bringing her track of thought back around again to Reese question about Scott Hope trys to clear her mind the best she can.

"He was sitting with me and he just remembered. I asked him if he remembered what Austin said to him. He was thinking about it and than he just passed out. He hit his head pretty hard but he's ok."

Letting out another small sigh Hope couldn't help but feel a shift in everything coming. It didn't feel like a good one and it made her worry even more about everything that was going on.

"If you find anything else about Austin can you keep me in the loop please?"

Once in the copy room Katie leans against the copy mashean not making any copy right away closing her eyes a small laugh of her own slips out from Jason.

Mmm...That sounds so nice...I could defiantly go for some kiss time and cuddle time.

Hearing a noise in the door way Katie opens her eyes and see Dalton stairing at her an eyebrow cocked. A bit of color comes to her own face as she gives a little wave.

Shaking his head a smile slips out on Dalton's face as she moves away from the doorway.

"I'll leave you be and make copys later."

Once gone Katie can't help but laugh again as she turns to the copyer and starts to do what she needed.

I think we should call off tomorrow and just have some us time. I think it would be nice, and at least at the beach I would get your in trouble for not working.


"Nope - haven't found out a thing." Reese lets out his own sigh and finally turns away from the window to head off the porch and amble down the sidewalk. "I came after Austin for answers, but found an empty house. He's gone. No lights, no car, no furniture. Don't know when he skipped, but he's definitely not here anymore. Beats me if he's even still in town. That's what I'm gonna ask Jason. If anybody knew, he would."

Giving a little groan, he leans on his car and looks out into the street, trying to deal with the mixture of feelings he had. He was upset about Scott, he was angry at Austin, and he was confused about this whole thing.

"What happened anyway? You said Scott was just waking up? How did he finally remember it was Austin?"

Jason is totally absorbed in his conversation with Alec, doing as requested by Reese and gaining information about a certain Agency project. Listening to Alec and nodding, he suddenly chokes on a laugh that seemed to surface all on its own.

Alec stops talking and quirks an eyebrow, cocking his head. "Yes?"

Jason bites his lip and turns in his chair, putting a hand over his mouth in a casual gesture.

Hey! Not fair! I'm trying to be serious here!

"Sorry. Nothing. Go on, please."

Alec wasn't ready to buy it, and his eyes narrow slightly. "Was it something I said?"

"No!" Jason shakes his head and tries to concentrate again, looking at his notes. "You said it was Lars Tummel who was in charge of that raid."


Jason's mind starts to wander again.

The beach. Mmmm... that sounds nice. It's nice and warm out today too. Barefoot on the beach...setting sun... little cuddle time on a blanket under the rising stars....

"Hellooo." Alec waves a hand in front of Jason's face.

"What? Oh. Sorry."

"What's your problem anyway?"

"Nothing... nothing." Jason tries to cover it up again. "Distracted. Sorry. Go on."

Work... work.... go do something or... something. You're getting me in trouble.

His emotions are teasing as he tries to stay focused on two things at once.


Continuing to lean back against the wall Hope quirks an eyebrow hearing Reese voice before lifting her head from the wall and shifting a little in the chair.

"I'm just sitting outside Scott's room at the moment and I know our conversation was cut short earlyer so I though I would call back."

Hope lets out a sigh she was stressed, she was tired, but she was unwilling to give up yet.

"Have you found anything out with Austin? Why he came to see Scott?"

Tag your it!

Katie can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she pass Jason's office on the way to the copy mashean. Pulling on a few of his different emotions at once in a playful manor.

Why do we have to be at work when it's so nice out?

Continuing to walk Katie couldn't help the smile on her face. She didn't want to be at work today. It was so nice out, and she just wished they could go to the beach or be anywhere but this stuffy building.


Scott is about to respond to Hope, but changes his mind as she walks away. He'd let her go. She'd find out tomorrow.

Rolling onto his side, he tries to rest, not even knowing how long he'd have to stay here instead of his room. It didn't really matter. Nightmares would follow him anywhere anyway.

Reese hears his phone ringing and waits several moments before fishing it out of his pocket. Turning from the door, he answers it, finding that it was Hope. "Oh, hey. I was gonna call you when I got back to the office."

He wanders across the porch and takes one last look through the window of the house. "Not sure what's going on, but I have a feeling it's bigger than Scott. I gotta go talk to Jason. But first, what's up?"


Just letting the silence linger over them for the few long moment they did Hope kept her hand in Scott's. Not fearing the silence with Scott it was just different to have there be no words it was nice just shearing the space with him.

As he does speak again though Hope can feel the icy tone and it stings. She wasn't sure if he meant for the day or ever, but even if he did mean for ever she wouldn't listen. She'd promised she would be here and she would stick to it even if it did hurt.

"Ok, I'll be waiting outside for a while than head home. I'll be back tomorrow and in the mean time you know how to get a hold of me."

Giving Scott's hand another gentile squeeze Hope stands picking up the chair and taking it out of the room with her again setting it to the left side of the door sitting down with a heavy sigh.

Leaning her head back for a long while on the cool tial of the wall her head pounded. She wanted to do more for Scott but there was really nothing more she could. Remembering her conversation with Reese earlier.

Pulling out her phone again and dialing the number Hope waits not sure if Reese would answer his phone or not seeing as she was calling his cell this time not knowing if he was in the office still or not.


Scott keeps his sights on the ceiling. "You weren't hounding me," he counters. "It was just... too much or something."

Sighing, he closes his eyes. "Yeah... hurts. Guess it'll take more than that to keep me out."

Growing quiet again, one might think he's drifted off to sleep, what with some of the medication he'd been given. But in reality, his mind was alert and processing much more than he'd like to admit. Feeling Hope's hand on his, he doesn't move much, just letting the silence reign for several long minutes. Eventually he speaks, though his eyes remain closed.

"I want to be alone..." His voice was quiet but strained. "Don't... come back until.... I call you. I just... I want to be alone."


Hurt a little

Rolling her eyes at Scott but still holding her smile and keeping her hand in his own Hope continues to look down at him ever after he looks away.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. I've passed out before myself, it happens sometimes."

Turning around a little and grabbing a chair Hope pulls it up to the bed and sits down next to Scott not saying she was staying but that was proof enough.

"No one is making me stay."

Running a thumb over his hand gently Hope keeps her own in his. She new he probably felt silly, but that was normal everyone felt silly when they passed out on someone else. All Hope could do was offer her comfort to Scott and hope it was enough.

"Sorry I was hounding you with questions before you passed out. I should of taken it more slow on ya. Hows the head feeling? Hurt a little I would guess?"

Finishing up the dishes and letting the water out of the sink Cassy grabs a towel to whip her hands off. Just friends is what her and Leo were, and yeah maybe she wanted more but for now she was happy to have just a friend. At least it was someone to spend time with.

"Ok sounds great than. I'll more than likely be back around four or five that way its gives me time to do a little thinking on dinner, and whatever else I might need to finish up."

Giving a smile and heading to the table to grab her purse once again Cassy turned and gives a half wave to Leo as her eyes twinkle a little. Turning again and heading the rest of the way out the door Cassy gets into her car and pulls out of the driveway making her way back home once again.


Leo gives Cassy a little wry grin, just studying her for a moment. It was different, having her around... and under normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't have let her stay so long, just because of the whole "just friends" thing. But she'd come in such a way that it really didn't bother him as much anymore. Maybe they really could hang out just as friends, and he had to admit that the company was nice.

"Naw... you're not invading my space," he responds softly. "Might as well take advantage of the day, right? If you don't come, all I'll be doing is sleeping anyway."

Answering the phone and hearing Hope, Reese's eyes widen. "What? Austin? But-" He's cut off with her speaking of Scott awakening, and the call is ended abruptly.

Reese stares at the silent phone for a moment before hanging up. Scott was waking up again? What did that mean? And it had been Austin? But how? Why? He can feel his blood start to boil. This really took the cake. How dare anyone go to Scott like that, deliberately disturbing him when already so much damage had been done. They were lucky Scott was even still as lucid as he was.

Standing angrily, Reese stalks from his office.

Scott brings Hope's face into focus, finding this whole thing a bit strange and unsettling. He'd passed out? Way to go. That was staying in control alright. That was really showing his mind who was boss. Shut down and make a fool out of himself. Apparently that was the way to get the job done.

His dull gaze reflects the miserable sarcasm that was running through his mind, and he looks away to stare at the ceiling again. "I'm feeling fine," he replies. "I apologize for scaring you. You... don't have to stay now... I know you prolly got other stuff to do."