

Feeling Jason's returned emotions a smile spreads on Katie's face. It wasn't often he did that but thats what made it even more special. It was nice to know she really had helped him too even if it seemed small to her.

Our little family staying in tonight, dinner and a movie...I think that sounds wonderful.

Letting out a more content sigh this time Katie moves from the window and sits back down in Jason's chair again. This was the first time she had ever referred to Trooper, Jason and herself as a family but she kind of liked the ring to it.

I'm gonna finish what I am working on here, head home and clean up than I'll be over so we can relax. Want me to pick up a movie or watch one you have?

Being pulled closer to Eli Scarlet glances up at him as a grin makes its way to her lips. Her heart giving a thump knowing what would happen next. Finally feeling his lips brush her for a slow tender kiss even though it was not long she still enjoyed it.

As Eli pulls a way Scarlet lets out a sigh of satisfaction as she was thinking the same thing he has said when he mentioned the second date. She was just happy he said it before she did.

"Beating the lunch rush is always nice. Means we get out own pick at what outside table we want."

Still holding Eli's hand Scarlet steps up the rest of the way on the curb and starts to walk twords the restraint with Eli. It felt different holding Eli's hand though Scarlet doesn't let it go yet, not a bad different, but a new warm different and she kind of liked it.

Fishing the key from her pocket Sapphire unlocks the door and enters like she had so many times before.

"Gage..its me."

Shutting the door behind her Sapphire heads into the kitchen putting some milkshakes down she had picked up for them both. Today they had deiced maybe a trip to the zoo or a nice walk on the beach was in order. It was relatively warm out and being cooped up inside on such a nice day would be a crime.

Wondering out of the kitchen and over to the mattress where Gage was Sapphire smiles down at him before bending down to sit on the floor in front of the bed. She new he had an interview today, and without him even saying anything yet she could read his eyes and is pained her. Not because it was yet another job Gage didn't have but because she new it wasnt making him feel better about anything. She just wanted to be able to see the excitement in his eyes, and see him happy.

"Hey You, I got you a chocolate shake, and a strawberry in case you wanted that one over the other. Hows your day been so far?"

Working away Dan doesn't even notice Mick till he hears his voice. Out of breath and sweaty Dan stops his work just looking at Mick for a long moment before removing his gloves and hat, whipping his forehead with his banana, replacing his hat once more and following Mick.

Leaning aganst the wall for a moment Dan listens to Mick's question almost guess he was going to be asking him about Dylan. It was normal, and if he was Mick he would of done the same thing.

"I'm sorry Mick thats something between Dylan and I, I cant tell you."

Strangulating a little Dan stands with respect in front of Mick as a boss, father, and a friend. He didnt want Mick to think he was hiding anything bad but this was something trusted between Dylan and himself something important that couldn't be broken.

"I can reassure you though its not illegal, but very healthy, and you will slowly see Dylan trying to make an improvement. I'm sure when he is ready he'll tell you himself. He needs to Mick, you both just have to be calm and pashint with each other."

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