

Searching Carson's eyes Misty thinks for a moment a little surprised by his suggestion. But it only takes a few moments for her to ragain herself as a large grin makes its way to her lips.

"Carson Banks, are you asking me to marry you sooner? Because if you are, my answer is yes. As long as your sure."

Misty's eyes glowed as her heart fluttered. They hadn't set a date, she didn't have anything ready for a wedding but that didn't seem to bother her. Things would fall into place at they were meant to, Misty had no worry about that.

Hope gives a nod and a smile. She new she was going on unofficial, official business but she was happy about seeing Rosetta again too. It had been a long time since she had seen her friend.

"Ok sounds great. Let her know we will pick up something for lunch for everyone too. Our treat for someone last minute and all."

Once Scott was gone Hope concentrated on a few other things she was doing. Every once and a while remembering something and slipping it in her bag that she might need for there trip.

Bree gives a nod to JT as she listens to where he says they are. Looking over his shoulder for a moment at Amanda as she gives a small wave. Slightly Bree lift her hand to wave back.

Looking back to JT Bree thinks about his question for a moment before giving a shrug. Her voice comes very quiet not even a whisper.

"I don't know how to feel right now."

Her eyes still seemed tired still as she pulled her legs close to her. Her body still hurt all over and maybe it was a deeper pain than just her body. But a betrayal of her own parents once again. It hurt, though she never got along with her parents they were just that and she had always hoped they would change. But that thought was crushed now.

Continuing to look at her brother Annie thinks for a long moment. Not sure what to think now. It did seems a bit odd, and she didnt know how to feel about it but was it really any of her business?

"Lets keep an eye on it, and see what happens. If there is anything more that comes of it we can worry about it than...ok?"

Looking past Jim as Faith comes up the walk way Annie nods giving a smile at her friends. Was it ok to be talking to her brother about what she was? Faith was her friend, would there really be something horrable about Faith and Sparky together?

"Good Morning Faith. Didn't think you would be up this early."

Tucking her pockets into her jean jacket Faith gives a smile and a nod. It was rather early but she new Sparky would be up and she was hopping to catch him before chorse instead of waiting till this afternoon when they started riding.

"Jim, Annie Nice to see you both. I figured I might as well be up at the crack of dawn with the rest of you all. I was told missing breakfest would be bad seeing as the omelets here are amazing."

Not really stopping Faith continues on and inside the dinning hall. Scanning the room for who she was looking for Faith gives a smile and walks over to him with a small wave.

"Good Morning! I wasnt sure if I would catch you at breakfest or not. Did you sleep well?"

Once Faith was gone Annie looks to Jim again raising an eyebrow.She didnt know what to think.

"Do you really think it would be something to worry about?"


Carson shakes his head and runs his fingers up and down Misty's arm thoughtfully. "No... Dani's not planning to move, but she's not planning anything. I talked to her about it the other day and she said if I moved out she'd stay here, but if we stayed here, she might even try to swap leases with you so she'd have your apartment. 'Course... the latter would be a little more difficult..."

He pauses, shifting his head a little to see Misty's eyes. "...if we got married sooner... than later."

Scott smiles and picks up a paperclip to fiddle with. "Nah... Domino's taken care of. Katie said she'd dogsit and if she's busy, Ryder and Thirteen will watch her."

Sighing, he slides off the desk to stand again, returning the paperclip to its holder. "Alright then... three o'clock it is. I can drive... and I'll let Rosetta and Mick know we're coming."

JT looks over his shoulder at Amanda's greeting, and gives her a little smile. "Morning." His eyes linger on her for a few moments before looking back to Bree.

"Hey, sleepy." He takes her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Remember the ranch in Texas that Gunner told us about? The one where he was stationed for a while? That's where we are. The people here are really nice and they're going to help us. You're never going back to Crescentview."

Emotions glaze his eyes as he studies his niece. "Ever. Okay? How are you feeling?"

Jim shrugs lamely. "I... don't know. Last night I just saw them together and they were... well... they were..." He tries to gesture with his hands, but gives up. "Close. I mean, they could have just been talking, or Sparky could have just been encouraging Faith about her health or something.... but it just seemed like... more."

He shrugs again. "I could be totally wrong in this, but it just... I don't know... it felt a little odd. I mean, they can do what they want, I don't want to stick my nose in other people's business or try to tell my brother what to do, but... well... it just feels a little off, that's all."

He scrunches his nose a little bit, looking at Annie. "Think we should just leave it be? Or... keep our eyes open? Or... ignore it?"


Misty's eyes sparkle not minding that now the roll was reversed and Carson had the upper hand in pinning her down. But as he sinks down next to her the tone and mood becomes softer. Misty still laying on her back just turns her head to look into Carson's eyes. His words pounded in her ears. When we get hitched. It seemed so strange to think about it, yet it made Misty so happy when she did.

"We could live in a card bored box for all I care as long as I was with you."

Giving a grin and a little shake of her head Misty thinks for a long moment before replying to Carson again.

"Well, I wouldnt want to impose on Dani so I would guess we would move to my apartment. That is unless she is planning on moving out. Do you have a preference?"

And so once again like it had so many times before, time moved on. For some it was good, the new morning meant seeing the people they had grown to care for, and some other it chased away the shadows. A new beginning, a new end, a new start on a new bright day!

Looking up from her desk Hope smiles at Scott. She never cared when he just walked right in, he was always welcome no matter when that might be. Seeing him, broke up the day and helped her get through the day sometimes.

"I sure am. I already asked Reese if I could take a day or two since I hadn't seen Rosetta in such a long time this was an opportunity I didn't want to miss. He didnt seem to mind at all and said I could come."

Giving a smile to Scott she didn't let on that there was anything else going on because who new who was listing.

"I have a bag packed and here already so at three I am all set. I'll just need you by my side and we will be off. Did you need to make a stop home for Domino before we go?"

Opening her eyes slowly Bree blinks as she looks up at her Uncle. For a moment her look seemed to be a confused one not sure where she was or what happened. Sitting up and looking around she soon remembered the long drive last night, and she was no longer in the hospital. But this wasnt her uncles house...so where were they.

Looking at him, she gives a small smile but it doesn't hold for long. Looking around the room it seemed she was looking for someone. Someone she couldn't find because he was not there. Looking back to her uncle with question in her eyes that seemed to ask where Gunner was but no words were spoken.

Hearing movment in the room Amanda rolls over giving a blink for a moment. She had slept so good last night if she could, she'd like to sleep for another few hours. But knowing she had to wake she sits up.

Quiet for a few moments she just watches JT and Bree before saying anything. She didn't want to interrupt them.But finally she figures she might as well let him know she was awake. Taking her glass from the night stand she pulls the covers back.

"Good Morning!"

As her brother comes up along side her Annie gives a smile. It was nice to be home with her family again. After being gone for so long she did miss them.

"Good Morning!"

Continuing to walk with Jim the small talk was light this early in the morning. But as the talk switches to Faith and Sparky Annie stops just looking at Jim for a long moment. His questions seemed a little over the top.

"What?...They are friends I know they have been getting along pretty well together witch is nice. I think Faith needs friends. What did you see Jim? And maybe you should be asking Sparky. I havent been around to much in the day time as I have spend spending what time I can while I am home with Damien.But Faith never mentions anything to me. Not to mention Faith is so much younger than him...Do you really think he would be intrested in her? Not saying she is bad or anything."

Annie continues to look to her brother not understanding what he was saying. Faith was almost 15 years younger than Sparky what could eather of them see each other? It wouldn't make sense not to mention they had just met one another. Sparky had always been the level headed brother what would make him give that up now?


Carson's eyes widen as Misty holds down his hands, and a laugh comes out as she starts to kiss him. "Mm..." He kisses her back as her lips come around to his each time. Feeling her lips on his neck, he gives a teasing cat growl.

It takes him a few moments, but he finally manages to squirm loose of her grip. Twisting his legs around hers, he throws her off balance, but manages to catch her before she flies off the couch. In one swift movement, he's rolled over, having them completely trade places.

Now with the upper hand, Carson lies on Misty's stomach, looking down into her eyes, his own sparking. "I ought to tickle you more often. Either that, or you need to give me a kiss attack more often."

He pauses in thought before going in for her lips. He kisses her deeply before drawing away again. "That was my kiss attack."

Propping himself up on his elbows on either side of Misty, he rests his chin in his hands, barely inches from her face and gives a contented sigh. "So... after we get hitched, we gonna take over this apartment or yours?"

Jade leans her face into Dan's hand, closing her eyes, just to open them again and see his same intense stare. His words made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Bending her neck to give him one more kiss, she pulls away, smiling. "I'm hungry," she confesses out of nowhere, then giggles. "We should probably get in where it's warm anyway."

Her eyes sparkle, telling Dan that she could really stay here forever, but better to leave well enough alone and leave the barn until another day. Sitting up, she picks some hay off of herself and some off Dan too. "Might not wanna walk in the dining room all covered in hay," she muses. "We want to leave them something for their imagination."

Laughing, she rolls off the bales and waits for Dan to accompany her out of the hayloft and to the dining hall to grab some leftovers.

The evening passes without event - to some that was no small feat. And when the sun comes up again, it finds the ranch just starting to wake. Clouds dotted the sky, but the sun would not be stopped, and light shone through, spreading a new day's warmth on the land.

Sparky sits in a quiet corner of the dining hall, sipping on a warm cup of coffee. He was up early again, unable to sleep any longer. The first one inside, he'd made the coffee with the intent of getting warmed up before going out to the barn. Ever since Mick was gone, Sparky had made it his intention to be one of the the first to the barn and to keep an eye on things. Today was no different, but much more was on his mind than usual. Most of what passed through his thoughts made him smile.

JT stirs, not wanting to wake up until he remembers where he is. Then his eyes fly open and he sits bolt upright, adrenaline pumping. Seeing Bree safe in bed though, his nerves calm.

Sliding from bed, he moves around to Bree, sitting down beside her and reaching down to tuck some hair behind her ear. He brushes her cheek with his hand and just sits, not wanting to wake her up too abruptly, but needing to know how she was feeling now too.

Not forgetting he was alone, he glances to the other side of the room to see if Amanda was up yet or not.

Jim ambles towards the dining hall. Becky wasn't up yet, so he hadn't wanted to make a lot of noise. Instead, he'd get his coffee with the others today, then go help in the barn. On his way though, he sees Annie and stops, waving her over to walk with her.

He smiles. "Good morning." Tucking his hands in his pocket, he yawns. But as they near the mess hall, he stops for a moment, having his sister stop with him. "Annie..." He cringes a little, not knowing if he should say something or not. "I don't want to make any assumptions or anything but... I don't know... I just thought someone else should know. Yesterday... well I saw..." He pauses, feeling as though he were stepping over many boundaries here. At the same time though, his concerns won over. "Is there something going on between Faith and Sparky?"

Scott ambles into Hope's makeshift office and sits on the corner of her desk, uninvited but knowing he was welcome. "Morning, sunshine." Smiling at her, his eyes held a warmth in them. "I'm planning to split from here about three this afternoon. I got that jet reserved. You still coming along?"

Reese knocks on Angelica's door, and when he hears her voice, he enters slowly. Smiling at her, he wished he'd had more time to spend with her lately. As it was though, work had gotten the best of both of them.

But during the day, it was time for work, not socializing, and both of them kept that balance pretty well. "Angelica..." He sighs and folds his arms. "I know you're busy but... I was wondering if you could go see Gunner this morning. I got clearance and he was asking for you yesterday. I don't know what's going on, but he's not talking to anybody else."


Giving a soft groan as Jade returns the kiss to let her know he was enjoying it. Pulling Jade a little close to him, Dan feels chills run down his spin as she runs her fingers through his hair. The warmth she gave off, and the feels she made him feel were pure bliss.

As Jade pulls away just a little but continues to run her fingers though his hair, a large grin forms on Dan's face. Hearing Jade's words send Dan's heart into an even faster pound. It had been a long time since he had hurd that, and he though he might never. Knowing Jade new his past but loved him anyways sent his heart racing. That someone could like him, someone like Jade could look back it all made him feel good.

His own voice was soft, as he looks back into Jade's eyes searching them for a long moment. The grin still on his face even with the little bit of red that showed on his cheeks.

"Yes, it is ok. You've helped me feel again. Something I thought I would never do. For that I am ever thankful and how could I not love you."

Dan runs his hand along Jade's face still looking deep into her eyes. All of his emotions seeming to flow through his own. Jade was special, and to him she was everything. Never did he think he would love again as the pain in his heart was once so great. But she came along, and seemed to chase away the dark shadows that loomed there, and now...it was filled with brightness. Bekka would of wanted it this way. For Dan to let go and find love again. Dan did love Jade, and his eyes seemed to say that much.

Being picked up and thrown on Carson's back Misty lets out a squeal of laughter. Lightly pounding her fists on his back to add dramatic affect.

"Carson Banks you let me down."

Coming to the couch and slipping from his arms Misty laughs once again completely enjoying the insanity. Misty never tired of it, and it made her love Carson more. Giving Carson one of her famus sassy grins Misty's eyes twinkle.

"You know it was you good looks and your consequences that made me fall in love with you. Why would I want to back out of them...NOW! AHHH..."

Misty's voice goes up at Carson starts to tickle her.Squirming on Carson's lap Misty trys to back up so he couldnt reach her but it just didnt work.

"Ohhh Boy...."

Giggles intertwine with Misty's words.

"...Your going to get it now...KISS ATTACK."

Moving quickly Misty holds Carson's hands down bringing her head to his she kiss his lips, and than his cheek, than she moves to kissing his neck and than moving to his ear. Than his cheek, and his eye, his noise not stoping for a moment.

Would it be okay?

As Dan's face hovers over her own, Jade's heart starts to thump. It never failed... if Dan was around, her pulse ran just a little quicker. Staring up into his eyes, she saw a look that made butterflies shoot through her stomach. His kiss to her forehead made her spine tingle, and feeling his lips on her nose made her smile.

Forgetting about stargazing, Jade accepts Dan's kiss, returning it lightly at first. Shifting her weight a little so she can be in his arms, her own hands crawl up to the back of his head. As her kiss deepens, her fingers work their way through his hair, to his forehead then back, raking lightly over his ears.

She loved his attention. She loved his warmth. She loved the way he made her feel special. No one ever talked to her the way he did. No one kissed the way he did. Nothing else seemed to matter when they were alone like this. It was bliss. And Jade didn't mind letting herself fall into these moments.

Drawing away only slightly, her eyes find his, her fingers still running through his hair. Her voice was but a whisper. "Would it be okay if I told you I... was in love with you?"

JT still stands, watching Amanda, and feeling so much gratefulness he didn't know how he could ever express it. Seeing her slip into bed, he finally eases down on his own bed, wondering how he'd stayed awake for so long, yet wondering how he'd ever be able to fall asleep either.

Starting to turn down his covers, he hears Amanda's groggy statement, and he smiles, giving a light chuckle. He hadn't forgotten. One lunch together in the cafeteria on purpose, then twice by accident did not count as the date he'd originally asked her for. Life always seemed to get the best of him. But in his line of work, how could it be avoided?

Knowing Amanda was quickly falling into sleep, he doesn't reply, but tucks it away for later. Crawling under the blankets, his head sinks into the soft pillow, his face towards Bree so he could keep an eye on her as long as he stayed awake.

It wasn't very long though, and JT's own eyes were closed, his body finally allowed to rest.

Sparky laid off the teasing for a while, but his smile remained. Though sometimes both hands were required for supper, when they weren't, his left would slip back under the table to meet Faith's again. No one seemed to notice, they were so subtle, and Sparky was okay with that.

It wasn't until later that night, that he allows his mind to wander. Sitting in his dark bunk, he relives his after-supper walk with Faith. Holding hands and just talking about anything that came to mind. It never seemed to matter what they talked about - it was always easy.

Sighing deeply, he lays back on the bed, folding his hands behind his head. What was he thinking? There were so many variables that one couldn't think ahead and he knew that. But what if this really did become more? What if his relationship with Faith really did evolve past holding hands and gentle flirting? His own heart gives a strange jump at the thought. Was it moving too quickly? Should he even be thinking that way already after just the same day having realized they liked each other?

Sparky rolls onto his side, sleep too far away to even attempt. He was getting older. He had some good years left yet and he was far from dead. But as far as marriage or family... was it so wrong that he wouldn't want to prolong things? Even then though, what did he have to offer? A bunkhouse? The ranch was becoming quite the little community with Jim and Becky's house, Clint and Wendy's, and Wes and Cindy's just down the lane. It wasn't the typical setup by any means. But the way the families stuck together and how everything revolved around the ranch... it just seemed to fit. It felt right. But even so, back to the same question, what did Sparky have to offer? Was it time he broke away from the ranch? He had nothing here... nothing to provide. It wasn't until a year or so ago that he'd even had his own bunkhouse!

Giving a growl, Sparky rolls onto his back again. He forces his mind to back up and just think of Faith again. The here and now was when he felt the happiest, so he would focus on that and worry about the future later. One day at a time... and he looked forward to those one days with Faith.

Carson grins, hearing Misty's statement. Not telling her the food was done, he shuts off the burners and sets down the utensils he was using. Spinning around without warning, he grabs Misty by the waste and swings her up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Target down." He talks into an imaginary mic. "Repeat, target down. Coming in for a landing."

Whirling into the living room, it doesn't take much effort to let Misty slide back into his arms before falling backward onto the couch. Putting her in a bearhug on top of him, he grins at her before stealing a quick, teasing kiss. "Alright, Sassy, you want a postponed supper, you got it."

One hand moves down where his fingers start to tickle her ribs. "But you're gonna have to pay the consequences."