
All day

Continuing to look at Alec Hope squints her eyes a little bit studying him, looking for the meaning in his words and breaking down what he was saying. Finally a smile forms on her face and she gives a nod.

"First off, my name is Hope not babe, and next your answer was exactly what I wanted to hear, it takes a man with some kind of heart to not swear on another life. As for an agency scum bag, I don't see one where so I guess were good."

Still Hope's own gaze didnt break from Alec's as she just continued to look back at him. His words, though some might have stun to think of anything bad happing to Scott, they didn't make her flinch.

Continuing to look at Alec Hope reaches for the phone in her pocket pulling it out and dialing Reese's number. She new he was probley driving right now so she would catch him on the road but that was ok. Hearing his voice mail pick up Hope leave a vage message but one that let him know she was on the way.

"Reese, its Hope. Listen I am bringing someone with me to see Scott. Your probably going to be pretty upset with me when you find out who but right about now I'll do anything to keep him out of being transported to where he doesn't belong. So this person says he can help, and I believe him. I'll see you shortly."

Hanging up the phone Hope nods to Alec's shoes her eyes still locked with his. For some strange reason she did believe him. Maybe it was that look of wanting to help, and the small soft side that shined through the cold hard steal. She could only hope she wasn't wrong.

"Well come on get your shoes on we don't have all day."

Trust me

Alec gives Hope a wry grin. "I don't swear on anybody's anything, babe. If that's a threat to put Ryan away if I decide to high-tail it, you can forget it. But if you think you can trust the word of an Agency scumbag, then let me come."

He looks Hope in the eye, not breaking his gaze. "If what you're saying about Scott is true, I can imagine his state. And if that's true, then he's gonna need a shock... and it ain't gonna be pretty." Alec dares her to blink first. "You want his brain to rot? Give him a sedative and stick him in the loony bin. You want him responsive? Let him see me. It'll be a mess, I guarantee, but he needs something to jar his brain and seeing friendly people won't cut it. Either that or..."

He shrugs. "I'm sure if you call up the Agency, they'd be glad to send in one of their men to do the job."

Alec quirks one eyebrow. "If you wanna play stubborn and make me swear, then you're on your own. Trust me, and I'll come."

That much

Looking Alec in the eye Hope knows he's not lieing, and though she new very little about The Agency but he was right this wasn't there Style. The Agency was cruel and wouldnt want anything to be helping in there long painful road.

"At this point, I'll do anything for Scott."

Hearing Alec's request to go with her Hope can feel a bit of surprise inside, but doesn't let it show on her face. Thinking for a long moment Hope looks down at her hands. She could probably get into big trouble for letting Alec out and going with her. She already new if she asked Reese he would say no, and if she didn't ask at all than she would be in even more trouble. But this was for Scott...maybe it was worth it.

"Can you swair to me on your friend Ryan's freedom not to run away or hurt Scott? If you can do that, you can come with me."

They new enough about Ryan and what she did in her spare time that if they had to they could put her away. Hope hated to have to play that way but if in sure Alec wouldn't try anything stupid than it had to be. Once getting Alec's confirmation than she would see about asking Reese about Alec.

Feeling Gunner drap his arms over her shoulders Bree turns her head a little and gives a laugh. Bringing her own hands to his arms and holding them for a moment leaning back slightly.

"Missed driving that much huh?"

Turning and giving a kiss to Gunner's nose Bree goes over to the vase that sat with a cork in it, on top of the fridge. Bringing it down she shakes it just a little hearing something rattle on the inside. A grin pass on her lips.

"Anything that important that Uncle JT doesn't want to lose something important he always puts it in this jar."

Opening it up and dumping it out one to the counter some money and paper along with Gunner's keys. Grabbing them and throwing them over her shoulder Bree new Gunner would catch them while she put the other stuff away.

Once placing the jar back on the fridge Bree turns around her eyes laced with humor. Giving a nod and grabbing her own keys to slid them in her pocket she was ready.

"Alright, lets hit the road. I haven't had one of those root beer less floats in a long while, let alone with a vampire."

Throwing down the money for the food and grabbing his own jacket Dan stands from the table giving there waitress a nod of his head before following Dylan out. Hearing his comment about making his sister happy brought a smile to his face. It was nice to know he made Jade that happy and it was nice to hear Dylan say thank you.

Not drawing much attachen to it Dan walks a little closer to Dylan throwing his arm around his shoulder in a playful manor as they continued to walk to the car. Finally letting him go only once they got there, and were ready to get in.

With you

Alec is sitting on the infirmary bed, just having been looked over by Rick and told he could go back downstairs tonight. He was still sore, but he'd much rather hibernate downstairs than be in the middle of traffic like he had been. Especially now that he was banned from visitors. He hadn't been told as much, but he had a hunch that Ryan had been turned away this morning and it made him mad. He didn't want to tell Reese the truth... he didn't. But... he missed his friend too.

Just ready to lay back in the bed again, he looks up quickly as Hope approaches him. He was a little surprised. Even though he'd given them information recently, he didn't really expect her back. Unless this was about his own mental state and not Scott.

He was wrong.

Listening to Hope, his eyebrows rise. "Nervous breakdown, huh?" He shakes his head slowly. "I don't know if the Agency had anything to do with visiting him or not and that's the truth." His eyes show he's not lying. "But I will say that it's not their style. They'd rather just let nature take its course and see a guy go insane the slow cruel way."

Cocking his head, he really thinks about it, wondering what could have happened. Searching Hope's eyes, he squints a little. "But if Scott really did crash... you can't take it the easy way anymore. It's gonna take a drastic measure and I'm not sure you're up to it."

He looks towards the door then back at her again. "Take me with you."

It doesn't take Gunner long to get ready, though he does take a little more time than normal, enjoying the shower again and trying to find his clothes since it had been a while since he'd been here.

Once finished though, he's back in the living room, lacing up his boots and hunting for his car keys. "Yo, Bree... where did your uncle hide my keys?"

He wanders into the kitchen to find her, coming up behind her and draping his arms over her shoulders. "Two floats with our names on them are getting warm... but I'm not letting you drive. So help me find my keys."

Dylan thinks a moment then shakes his head. "Naw... I don't need anything other than some more nerve."

Picking up his still-wet jacket, he stands up, ready to go, too. But as he turns to go to the door, he glances back over his shoulder. "And by the way... thanks for making my sister smile. I don't think I've seen her so happy before."

Giving a little shrug, he starts for the door again.

More Help

The more the kiss come the more Bree enjoys them and falls deeper in love with Gunner. Small giggles escaped her lips every here and there but not in a way that would make Gunner think she was laughing at him, but that she was enjoying herself.

Feeling Gunner's hug Bree new that there sweet affection was done for now and thought it did make her sad, she new that life had to go on, and other things needed to be done.

As Gunner stands and flops her back on the couch again throwing the blanket over her head Bree claws at it laughing as she pulled it off. Watching Gunner go into the other room she stands from the couch herself.

"Mmm....a date with two floats, can I have the cute one?"

Shaking her head again Bree makes her way to the bathroom that was connected to her own room. Before they went anywhere she would have to clean herself up too and at look like she was human if she wasn't going to act like it.

Looking up as Reese enters the room Hope gives him a small smile and a nod. She new why he was here but she new he might need to talk anyways and she was thankful he cared enough to tell her. If Dr. Hawks hadn't called her only a little while before she never would have know so just knowing Reese was filling her in was very nice.

"Thank you for letting me know Reese. I have a few things I need to figure out. I will meet you up there."

Offering a small smile Hope looks down at her paper work for a long while. Since she had talked to Dr. Hawks her mind had been racing with wonder on who had been to see Scott and what had happened. If he really did have a nervous break down there was nothing that said he would even talk to her. So going in unprepared would do no good.

Waiting for Reese to leave Hope gathers a few things together before heading out of her office. Taking the short trip from her office to where Alec was being kept Hope gives a knock on the door before entering.

"Hey Alec, I know I've asked a lot of you already but I was wondering if you could help me again. Scott had a visitor last night and the Dr. don't know who it was but he's had a nervous break down. Do you if the Angecy might have sent anyone to push Scott father along into going crazy so he wouldn't talk to anyone?"

Looking back at Alec Hope new it was a lot of ask. She had already asked him so much but he was the only one she new of that might have an answer or some kind of key to what happened to Scott last night.

"Ha, I think you will do just fine back there. As long as you work hard, and you Dad see that you are trying and you talk to him about everything going on, I think things will work out just fine."

Giving a small laugh and a stretch Dan continues to streach with his arms folded on the table. Dylan was an ok kid, miss understood and confused but he was ok all in all. This was part of God's plan and Dan new if given the opportunity it would work out great, and he would work in Dylan's life. That was deffintly something worth working twords.

"Well, I am ready to go back when you are. Its no rush, and if you need anything while we are in time just let me know."


"Mm-hmm..." Gunner just lets their time together continue, taking advantage of the fact that neither one of them needed to be anywhere else right now. If t here was one thing Gunner was learning, it was to take each moment he had and live it.

Eventually though, he finally does pull away with a few more short kisses and a deep sigh. He pulls Bree down to hug her close, but knows he can't stay this way forever.

"Alright, up and at 'em!" Without warning, he shoots up and stands, pulling Bree right up with him, just to dump her back on the couch and throw the blanket over her head. Heading for the hallway, he hollers over his shoulder. "This rare breed has to see a vampire about a dog. Don't go too far though... we have a date with two sinkable floats."

Reese hangs up his phone, concern raging in his eyes. This wasn't good.

Standing up, he opts to go to Hope's office instead of using the phone. Heading for the hall, he barely acknowledges others he meets along the way. The morning had been great - everyone was in good spirits after Gunner's release yesterday. But now suddenly one small storm cloud had become much more ominous.

"Hope?" Reese taps on her door and opens it slowly. He knew she was planning to leave to go to Brookshire shortly, so it was just as well that he caught her now.

Stepping inside, he closes the door behind him, signaling that he had something serious to say. "Um... I just got a call from Jenny at Brookshire. Something... something happened."

Reese shakes his head, unsure about any of this and not wanting to upset Hope either. "It's Scott." He knew he just needed to say it - there was no beating around the bush with Hope. "Jenny said they don't know what happened, but they're diagnosing it as a nervous breakdown. He had a visitor yesterday and a while after that, Jenny said Scott just went to pieces. He won't talk, won't move and just sits in his room. She said he's babbling things that don't make any sense. But if they can't pull him through, they'll have to move him to a difference facility."

Reese swallows hard. This wasn't good, especially after the information Alec had shared... had Scott finally broken under the strain? Were they too late to help him? A small voice was in the back of Reese's mind, telling him to go talk to Alec, but his stubbornness was winning over. There was no way he was going to tell Alec about this and involve him further... that wouldn't be right at all... would it?

"I'm going up there myself... so if you want to ride together, we can."

Dylan almost retorts with a comment about not caring what Mick thought - if he wanted to go see the dirtbike track, he would. But this time, he holds his tongue. "Yeah... that'd be cool. If I survive getting back to the ranch that is."

Smirking a little, he finishes off his pop and sets his cup aside. He looks over his shoulder to see the front windows, noting that it was still pouring rain outside. At least it hadn't been doing this when BJ had gotten lost. He supposed that was one good thing.

Turning back at Dan, he cocks his head a little bit. This guy was alright... and if he was going to be Dylan's brother-in-law, he might as well get along, right? No point in making any more enemies than he already had.


Giving a little laugh Bree kiss Gunner again knowing it did in fact tickle him but she wanted to do it anyways because he liked the way it felt under her fingers. Just being in a moment like this with Gunner Bree liked it. It was different but welcomed.

"Ok well..."

Bree stops talking for a moment as Gunner's lips meet her's again just holding the rest of her sentience till after the kiss. Feeling his fingers on the back of her head causes Bree to shiver just a little as a tingle goes down her spin.

"...when you ready...let me know..."

Bringing her hand to the side of Gunner's face Bree cradles his face in her head, tilting her own head a little and pressing her lips to his. Bree's heart beating so fast she was sure Gunner could feel it.

"...so I can get off of you first...since I'm on top."

Just looking down into Gunner's eyes again for a moment Bree felt so captivated by them. So big, so bold, full of color, and full of the life she had first sensed in them. Leaning in again Bree doesn't pull away so quickly just letting the passion flow. The kiss deeping as the both enjoyed the moment that was intended for them.

Taking another bit of his burger Dan thinks for a long moment. Since he had gotten out of jail really he hadn't taken interest in much other than working so it took him a little longer thing think.

"Well, I like horses, spending time with you sister...readying. I've watched dirt biking before but never did it myself. I know the have a nice track a little father into town, maybe sometime if Mick says its ok we can go check it out."

Finshing off his burger Dan smiles at Dylan. He was ready when even Dylan was but he didn't want to rush him. He was rather enjoying having someone else to chat with, even if Dylan had nothing else to say.

I promise

Not sure how to have smalltalk after such a deep subject, Dylan shrugs lamely. "I dunno."

He picks up a fry again to chew on it, his eyes roaming the room. He shrugs again. "I like dirtbikes. Parents didn't want me riding, but I did anyway. Guess I don't have too many hobbies... spent too much time getting into trouble, I suppose."

His finger runs around the rim of his glass and he looks back to Dan. "You?"

Gunner grins and returns Bree's kiss, enjoying their deeper passion. It was different... it was more than they'd shared before... he liked it.

Squirming just a little, he brings his hand up to stop Bree's fingers from moving on his chest. "You know that tickles," he teases quietly.

He chuckles and nods. "Yeah, breeds don't come much rarer than me. I might even go as far to say that I'm the only one of my kind." Moving his arm up a little, his hand slides up to the back of her head, bringing her closer to him so he can kiss her again.

"Floats," he murmurs. "Yeah... that would be good." He returns to kissing her.

"Soon... I'll get up..." He turns his head a little as he kisses her lips some more.

"I promise." He tightens his grip around her, wanting to feel what it really was like to just be passionate without jail bars in the way.


Dan gives a simple nod, that was better than nothing. At least Dylan would come back and at least try. That was more than he had hopped for, and if it was keep Dylan safe, and at least getting him to tell his story than Dan was happy.

"Ok, its a deal than. If you need to go, or you need anything else just let me know and I will see what I can do."

Looking down at his meal again Dan starts to take a few bits now a little more content with the situation, and feeling a tad bit of his hunger coming back to him.

"So Dylan...what are some things you do like?"

Squinting her own eyes open as the rays of light had come into the living room, it dosnt take Bree long to remember where she was. Feeling Gunner under her still Bree gives a tiny stretch but dosnt move much. Her own side felt sore, but she hate the idea of moving.

"I could stay like this forever. But than again we would miss out on the rootless floats, and I think thats a crime worth being punished for."

Shifting a little again so Bree could be closer to Gunner's face she lays her hand on his chest, her fingers finding the soft curls there to gently run her fingers through. Bringing her face down closer to his Bree press her lips to Gunner letting it linger for a long moment. Putting away but not moving to far she smiles down at him her eyes searching the depths of his.

"I never met a vampire who felt so warm before. You must be one of those rare breeds."