
That much

Looking Alec in the eye Hope knows he's not lieing, and though she new very little about The Agency but he was right this wasn't there Style. The Agency was cruel and wouldnt want anything to be helping in there long painful road.

"At this point, I'll do anything for Scott."

Hearing Alec's request to go with her Hope can feel a bit of surprise inside, but doesn't let it show on her face. Thinking for a long moment Hope looks down at her hands. She could probably get into big trouble for letting Alec out and going with her. She already new if she asked Reese he would say no, and if she didn't ask at all than she would be in even more trouble. But this was for Scott...maybe it was worth it.

"Can you swair to me on your friend Ryan's freedom not to run away or hurt Scott? If you can do that, you can come with me."

They new enough about Ryan and what she did in her spare time that if they had to they could put her away. Hope hated to have to play that way but if in sure Alec wouldn't try anything stupid than it had to be. Once getting Alec's confirmation than she would see about asking Reese about Alec.

Feeling Gunner drap his arms over her shoulders Bree turns her head a little and gives a laugh. Bringing her own hands to his arms and holding them for a moment leaning back slightly.

"Missed driving that much huh?"

Turning and giving a kiss to Gunner's nose Bree goes over to the vase that sat with a cork in it, on top of the fridge. Bringing it down she shakes it just a little hearing something rattle on the inside. A grin pass on her lips.

"Anything that important that Uncle JT doesn't want to lose something important he always puts it in this jar."

Opening it up and dumping it out one to the counter some money and paper along with Gunner's keys. Grabbing them and throwing them over her shoulder Bree new Gunner would catch them while she put the other stuff away.

Once placing the jar back on the fridge Bree turns around her eyes laced with humor. Giving a nod and grabbing her own keys to slid them in her pocket she was ready.

"Alright, lets hit the road. I haven't had one of those root beer less floats in a long while, let alone with a vampire."

Throwing down the money for the food and grabbing his own jacket Dan stands from the table giving there waitress a nod of his head before following Dylan out. Hearing his comment about making his sister happy brought a smile to his face. It was nice to know he made Jade that happy and it was nice to hear Dylan say thank you.

Not drawing much attachen to it Dan walks a little closer to Dylan throwing his arm around his shoulder in a playful manor as they continued to walk to the car. Finally letting him go only once they got there, and were ready to get in.

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