

Standing back and letting Leo hang the decorations Cassy holds her hand up in the air as he wobbles just a little wanting to make sure it was perfect.

"Umm...hang over the ladder a little more so its perfectly straight ok?"

A slight grin makes its way on Cassy's lips as she gives a little shake of her head and a chuckle. She was happy Leo had offered his help. Her knee had given out on her this morning, and she needed to rest it for tonight so ladders was really not that high on her list. But since Leo was here and offered it worked out great.

"Thats perfect, I wont make you stay on that rickety old ladder anymore. Come on down and grab a doughnut and some OJ before you go to your real job."

Giving a smile and setting the rest of the decorations on the ground Cassy would finish hanging them up after Leo left. Since he did the hard stuff it was only the easy things left and she new she could handle that. It defiantly was a nice surprise to see Leo this morning and she was happy she had brought some breakfast items in.

"Henson...come to my office I need to talk to you."

Looking up from the letter to home he had been writing at his bedside Wes raises an eyebrow. It was rare the Sargent called anyone to his office unless they were in trouble let alone Wes. Laying his pen down for how and standing Wes can hear the woops from his friends, Chaz being the loudest. Throwing his pillow at him Wes smirks and stands following the Sargent to his office.

"Hey Sarg whats up?"

Looking over his desk at Wes the stout Sargent looks back at him, studying him for a long moment before clearing his throat and leaning back in his chair.

"Are you know Captain Ross was injured and is unable to lead his squad. So I've been watching you Henson and I am happy you have you back here again. I think its time you leaded your own squad as well. I want you to take over squad fourteen for Captain Ross and lead the men in the mission over seas."

Looking a bit surprised and stunned Wes wasn't sure what to say for a moment. He new he would be second in comment of the squad but not the Captain. This all seemed like a shock to him, an honor but a shock non the less.

Finally shaking the a little bit of the shock off Wes blinks. Before bringing a hand to his head in a salute.

"I'd be honored Sir to take over squad fourteen. Captain Ross can heal quickly and rest easy knowing they are in my hands."

Giving a nod and leaning forward on his desk the Sargent gives a nod as a small smile forms under his mustache.

"I am happy to hear that. We will go over the paperwork tomorrow. Try and get some sleep now. You dismissed Captain Henson."

Standing with another salute Wes exits the office. Once in the hall he lets out a long breath he had been holding in. Just standing there the shock had set in again. But finally Chaz comes around the corner.

"Well...what happend?"

Looking up at his long time friend Wes' lips turn into a grin. Now that shock was going away and a little excitement sunk in. He couldn't want to tell Cindy, he was so proude of the title he had earned.

"Looks to me like I am your new Captain."

Chaz looks back at Wes his own shock seeming to take over before he lets out a whoop and slings an arm around Wes neck and drags him a little down the hall.

"Wow, way to go buddy. Now I take orders from you great. Ah...this is so cool Wes."

Disappearing into there room again laughter erupts and cheering continues as the message was passed around. Though they needed there sleep not much would be gotten tonight.

Looking up at Jason Destiny see the determination in his eyes, and hears his words. There was a great deal of pain shooting through her shoulder but she did her best to stay with it.

Felling Jason pick her up Destiny would of wrapped her arms around his neck and hold on but she couldn't at the moment so she just had to trust Jason wouldn't drop her and she did trust him. Leaning hear head into him Destiny struggles to talk.

"You know...the is the second time...time... you've saved me."

Keeping her own gun drawn and close to her Kaite leads the way back to her car keeping a close eye around her and making sure there were no more thugs lurking in the shadows. Once getting to the car Katie stops before getting in seeing Chance run up with them. Just watching Jason and Chance Kaite can feel his uneasy feeling but doesn't say anything. She wasn't sure how she felt for Chance. He seemed nice but strange at the same time.

I'll keep an eye on it, if anything happens you will be the first to know thats for sure.

Feeling her head being place in Chance's lap and hearing his voice it confirmed it was him. Destiny does her best to open her eyes and look at him her lips forming a small smile. Bringing her good hand on top of his that was over the wound Destiny talks.

" Don't look so worried, I've had worse before. I cant....think of it now....but I...I am sure of it. Thanks....for being there...Chance."

Crepe Paper

Fighting with Markus, throwing punches and taking one or two to his own face, Jason struggles to keep the upper hand. This guy wasn't small, nor was he completely inept when it came to fighting.

As the man starts to get away and go for his gun, Jason recoils in defense. But as the last shot sounds, Markus falls dead. Jason's eyes widen and he slumps back to sit on the ground, panting as he turns to see Katie.

Well, Hero... thank you. Yeah, I'm okay I think.

Getting up, he wipes a little blood from his lip and returns to Destiny along with Katie. "I haven't the foggiest where Chance went," he answers aloud. Leaning over Destiny, he looks her in the eye. "Hey... hang in there."

We're taking her back to TJY - it's safer than the hospital at this point.

Leaning closer, Jason takes Destiny gently in his arms and lifts her up as he stands. He nods to Katie. "Lead the way and keep your eye out. We'll call the cleanup crew once we're to the car."

Halfway to the car, Chance comes jogging back, still out of breath, with sweat pouring down the sides of his face. "She okay?"

Jason shoots him a glare, but holds his tongue. "She will be if we can get her back to TJY in one piece."

"Let me ride with her."

Jason hesitates, his emotions flaring, sending the signal that Chance made him very uneasy. But he backs down for now. "Alright."

Helping get Destiny in the backseat of Katie's car, Chance slides in too, letting Destiny's head rest in his lap. His fingers run through her hair, his one hand keeping pressure on her wound.

Jason backs off, now planning to stay until someone else got there to help keep other people calm and tape off the area.
Watch him, will you? Get her back safe.

Leo stands precariously atop a step ladder, hanging off one side, his hand held way up into the corner as far as he could reach. In his grasp was a piece of twisted crepe paper as he looked over his shoulder and down at Cassy. "This good?" He'd stopped by that morning just to check on things and had wound up offering his help to decorate for tonight's opening and open house.

The ladder wobbles and his eyes widen, trying to keep his balance. "Please tell me this is good."

First Kill

Feeling the burst of emotions from Jason Katie new this was bad. Being able to hear and see everything was an advantage. Jumping out of her car and running down the hill Kaite's own gun was drawn as she now tried to dogged the frantic people trying to get away.

Hang in there J, I'm coming...

Finally making it to Jason and Destiny Katie stops a moment as Chance takes off but brings her focus back to what was going on here Katie goes to Destiny who was laying on the ground. Looking at the wound on her shoulder Katie cringes before ripping a peace of her own shirt off and holds it to the bullet wound, it looks like it was still in there. That was not good at all.

Still putting the pressure on the wound Katie looks over to Jason and the thug struggling. Seeing the thug reach for his gun Katie new she had to act fast.

"You'r gonna be ok."

Taking her own up again and moving a little to have a good shot not hitting Jason Katie takes a few steps closer.

"Drop the gun now or I'll shoot."

Sending a little fear twords the gun Katie hopped he would drop his gun. Seeing the fear in his eye Katie could see it only drove his anger as his gun started to come up. Not taking a second thought Katie pulls the hammer back on her gun and one last shot runs thought the air rendering the thug dead.

Taking a deep breath of Katie not realized she had been holding her breath. Relaxing she was still on edge but a little more relaxed, but going back to Destiny she holds the wound again.

Are you ok?

"We need to take her to see Rick. Where did Chance go?"

Still smiling down at Ty Libby leans down to give the top of his head a soft kiss before standing up again her hand still in his shaking it a little bit.

"You helped me, now its my turn to repay you. Anyways we can say this is a little vacation."

Shaking her head and giving a little laugh Libby smiles. Her face had healed nicely and only a few scars remained but the light in her eyes had come back and shown even a little brighter with the knowledge she was safe. and it was all thanks for Ty.

Chance's chase

Rick grins at Ty and Libby. He might tease about romances going on around TJY, but it was evident by the look in his eye that he enjoyed seeing the blossoming feelings for each other.

"You better come," he agrees with Libby. "Somebody's got to keep him out of those cursed casinos."

Ty laughs and shakes his head, giving Libby's hand a squeeze. "I'll stay out of trouble... I promise. When do you think we'll go?"

"I'll make the phone calls and set up the appointments. I'll let you know."

As Rick leaves, Ty turns back to Libby, his cheeks a little warm. "Thank you..." He really did want this to work. He really did want to find a solution so he could learn how to read. Without Libby, he wasn't sure he would have even gotten this far.

Seeing Destiny's tears, Chance isn't sure how to respond. He generally ignored his softer feelings - they weren't the most comfortable thing in the world. But this time... it being Destiny... he couldn't turn from her.

As she falls into him, he almost doesn't know what to do, but it only takes a moment for him to slip his arms around her, drawing her nearer. He gives her a little squeeze and rubs her back. "It's okay," he soothes. "Shhh... It's okay."

Watching from a distance, Jason quirks an eyebrow. It seemed just a little odd that Destiny would go to Chance like that. He was holding her awfully close. For the first time, he wonders if perhaps more had transpired than just Chance being a bodyguard.

Thanks, Katie... We're over at the northwest corner of the cemetery. Not that you couldn't find us.

He grins wryly as he leans against the tree, his eyes still scanning the area.

Everything looks fine, I just... I don't know. I'll be glad when your eyes are here too. The service shouldn't be too much longer though, I think they're getting ready to bury the caskets.

As the first shot rings out, Chance whips Destiny to the side out of instinct, his eyes looking around wildly and his gun already drawn. "Jason, where are you? Shot's fired! Where did it-"

Too late, the barrage of bullets ensues. Chance tries to cover Destiny, but someone he would later refer to as an idiot plows into him in their own scramble, knocking him out of the way and he stumbles over some chairs. Shaking out the cobwebs, it takes him too long to try and get to his feet without punching or shooting the panicked group of people as they trampled past.

By the time he's up, Destiny is already being dragged away. "Destiny!"

From Jason's view, he hears the shot and automatically straightens, sweeping the area with his eyes and his rifle. "Chance, where are you? Where's Destiny?"
Without a response, he stays put, trying to get a visual. There. Someone had grabbed Destiny and was dragging her away.

No, no, no.... Katie-

He didn't even finish his sentence. Instead, he emits his emotions in such a way that Katie could see and hear everything that was happening as his mind processes it. Adrenaline surged through his veins. He takes the rifle and aims. He sees through his scope. Blood. Destiny had been shot in the shoulder. She was being dragged by a rough-looking man. Jason would guess he was Agency. But Destiny was in the way of a clear shot. Jason couldn't fire. Where was Chance? There wasn't time to find out.

Slinging his rifle over his shoulder, he sprints down the hill towards Destiny and the thug.

Chance is just getting to his feet and starting after the man when Jason comes flying out of nowhere. His tackle takes both the man and Destiny down.

"Destiny!" Chance races for her, sliding down on his knees beside her and seeing her wound. "Hang in there," he directs, while putting pressure on her shoulder. "You're okay... you're gonna be okay."

Jason wrestles with the attacker, rolling and punching, trying to get the upper hand.

Chance looks up. A familiar car is pulling up the path - Katie. His eyes bounce to the far side of the cemetery where a van is just leaving. That was it. It had to be.

Knowing Katie was coming, Chance stands and takes off at a sprint. Jason looks up to see him and shouts at him. "Chance, no!"

But Chance wouldn't listen. At a dead run, gun drawn, he vaults over small fences and headstones, finally making it to the main fence that he easily takes in one swing. Hitting the pavement, the van is just ahead of him and he misses it by inches. As it speeds up down the road, his feet hit the pavement as fast as he can run, chasing after it down the street. But it's no use. As the van speeds through an intersection, Chance skids to a stop, aims and fires, taking out a back taillight. But with traffic approaching, he can do no more.

Lowering his gun, he bends over and tries to catch his breath, cursing as he watches the van disappear.


Standing and listing to Rick as he explains everything to Ty Libby just nods a little understanding what he was saying. She had heard of Irlen before but she didn't know enough about it to have thought it was connected with Ty.

Continuing to listen to Rick Libby's hand finds Ty's fingers that had been clenching the bed. Her fingers brushing over his as she just lets him know she is still there with him though she wasn't saying anything. She was there for support, and that what she wanted Ty to remember.

Hearing Ty ask her if she would come to the Las Vegas with him made Libby's heart jump a little. A warmth seeming to wash over her. She had come here with Ty and was so thankful she had but to hear him ask her to go farther with him was a new kind of joy. She was wanted, Ty wanted her around and it made her feel good.

"Of course I would come with you Ty, as long as you want me too. I can't let you have all the fun you know."

Giving a smile to Ty Libby's eyes give a little sparkle. She new Ty was scaried but she was so honored to be helping him through this. This made her feel needed and truly special.

Finally giving another frustrated growl Katie stands from her cuble and without saying anything makes her way out of TJY to her car. Jason didn't need to say anything he was right, something didnt feel right.

I trust your instincts, you've never been wrong. I am on my way even if you don't end up needing me.

Drawing closer to Chance Destiny did her best to give a smile but it just wouldn't come. Drawing closer Destiny stands in front of Chance for a long moment before falling into Chance knowing he would catch her. Her sobs shaking her everything piled into one and the longing just to feel Chance's arms around her and feel his strength.

"They...there really gone Chance....I...."

Destiny clings to Chance as she continues to cry her words seeming to blend together so she stops and just crys.

Wolf...I got a clear shot of Chance, I hate that guy. I'm going to take it.

Markus moves forward a few steps still in the shadows his dark clothing adding to his descise. Pointing his gun at Chance the red light making his back.

Markus....Don't you shoot....we need to get Destiny first without risk of hitting her wrong. Markus...Markus.

Wolfs words were lost in Markus' ear as his gun rings out in the quiet, but to his bad luck something from the tree and wacked his arm causing the bullet to scim past Chance and Destiny.

Moving away quickly himself Wolf moves away still talking.

Lynn, take her down and get to the van I am getting the van, Markus you idiot grab the girl after she is shot.

The next few moments was haywire as bullets fly and people scream, Destiny trying to hide behind something. Finding and over turned table she tried to use that. A shooting pain seems to go through her shoulder thought as she lied in shelter under the table. A warm sensation soaking though her now ripped dress. The pain excruciating bringing her hand up to it and than taking it away her eyes go slightly wide at the blood.

Lynn...go go...get to the van...Markus come on lets go.

Wolf I almost got her.

Forget her and go...Lynn come on.

No I can't mess up I'll meet you guys where.

Seeing where Destiny went Markus movies quickly to where Destiny was. Grabbing her arm he yanks her up.

"Your coming with me!"

Giving a scream from the pain being yanked caused along with fear Destiny's eyes streamed with tears her mind going all over the place as he body wanted to give up from the pain. But another scream rang out only to be met but the butt of Markus' gun.

"Shut up or I'll put another bullet in you like your parents."


Chance keeps his eyes and ears alert, continually scanning the crowd. Once Destiny goes to speak though, he focuses on her - maybe more than he should have. A strange pang hits his heart as he sees her tears and hears her voice quiver. The Agency ruined lives - it was that simple. Destiny was so gentle... innocent... yet her life had been ripped from her. It wasn't fair.

Seeing her falter, Chance almost steps forward, but he waits, knowing she needed this time. Standing beside the row of chairs, he catches her eye and gives a slight nod. She had done well.

Nearby, Jason feels a chill run down his spine. Looking around quickly, he sees nothing. He looks to where the gathering was. Nothing. He looks to Chance and Destiny. Nothing. But something felt very wrong.
I don't like this... I don't like this one bit. Something doesn't seem right. But I don't have a visual. I wish we had more eyes out here.

Ty manages a grin and shakes his head at Libby. "Well thanks for coming."

"Mmm..." Rick sighs, still thinking. "What about that one that he said was in a colored..." His voice trails off and he snaps his fingers. "Irlen's... that's got to be it. All the pieces fit, but we can't do any further testing here." He tries not to get too excited. "I can't think of anything else it could be... the symptoms are right... but there's only one way to find out for sure. Come on, let's talk to him."

Walking back over to the bed, Rick smiles at Libby and Ty both before directing his speech at Ty. "Have you ever heard of Irlen Syndrome?"

Ty swallows hard and sits up. Syndrome. That didn't sound good. "Uh... no. Is it... is it bad?"

Rick chuckles and sits down next to Ty on the bed. "Well, it's nothing to be afraid of. You've complained to me before about headaches... being tired... still bothering you?"

Ty didn't want to say yes, for fear those were symptoms of something, but he finally nods. "Yeah... I just figured I wasn't getting enough sleep."

"That might be." Rick smiles. "But I think it's something more."

Ty searches Rick's face, then Libby, then back to Rick. "You think I have this... this Irlen thing?"

"I think it's a good possibility." Rick nods. "What it is, is a problem with the brain's ability to process visual information. Your brain may process things differently than the average person, and that's why the letters you look at seem to all run together or get fuzzy. In severe cases, some people even see words move on the page or it's so blurred they can't even try to focus on it."

"How come numbers make sense to me?"

Rick shrugs. "I don't think you have a severe case of Irlen's, if that is what it is, and when you're looking at numbers, you're not trying to process what you're seeing into a language. Even though both are on paper, your brain may be processing them differently."

Ty's hand grips the bedsheets without even realizing it. "So what... what happens now? Is there a cure or... or something?"

"There isn't. However, there are helps. This certain syndrome actually involves color."

Ty blinks, confused. "Color?"

"Mm-hmm. I've done minimal research on this, and it's actually color that's key. Colors make a difference to how we see things. Even something as simple as a pair of sunglasses can change our depth perception. It's usually a small enough change though, that we either adjust or don't even notice. The key to Irlen Syndrome is finding a color that will assist the person's brain process visual information. I think that's why on that certain restaurant menu you were able to focus better - it may have been close to a color that helps your brain process what you're seeing."

Ty wasn't sure if this sounded like a good thing or a bad thing. He gives Libby another nervous glance before turning to Rick again. "How?"

"Well, after finding the specific color to match a person, they can create overlays to set over things that are read, or they make glasses too. It's all based on very precise tinting and everybody's color is different."

That didn't seem so scary. Ty nods a little. "How do they find out what color a person needs to see through?"

"They have testing centers." Rick cocks his head. He really did think there was something to this. Ty wasn't dyslexic, he wasn't simply distracted, and he wasn't stupid by any means. "There's one right in Las Vegas."

"You mean I can't just... just do it here or... or at the hospital or something?"

Rick shakes his head. "It takes some pretty special testing to first confirm that's what it is, and then to find what color you need. It would probably mean a few days in Las Vegas."

Ty swallows again, his nervousness returning. "I... I don't know... even if.... well even if I did go, I don't have the money."

"Oh, I think we can work something out. And I would probably go with you," Rick assures. "But you have to be willing, first. Are you?"

Ty bites his lip. How badly did he want to be able to read? Drive? Be more independent? He turns to Libby, the fear all over his face. "You wouldn't go with me... would you?"


Waiting with Ty Libby didn't mind at all. There was nothing else for her to do today other than going to work and though she enjoyed her job she didn't mind taking a day extra off. No matter how long it was taking she would not regret coming with Ty. He was important enough her her that time did not matter.

"Yes, acutely I am because when I am with you its never a wast."

Giving a smile to Ty and reaching out to take his hand again Libby new he was tired of being here and this was hard for him but she was still so proud he had come. Doing this showed he was trying to work towards bettering himself and thats all that was important and no matter the path, and how hard it was sometimes Libby would be there with him.

Standing along side Rick the the tests had been long but Misty didn't mind at all. Double check scans for Reese, making her own observation and coming to her own finds. This was her passion, what she liked to do.

"He said he was able to look at the pictures I know what something was, yet if he saw the words he had no idea. Pancake just didn't look like pancake unless he had is memorized. Change the menu up on him though and he had no idea once again what he said."

Misty lets out a long sigh. This was frustrating, not because she was upset or had no patients but because like Rick she new Ty was no stupid. So why he couldn't read Misty had no idea, unless.

"I think I remember hearing about a disorder that had to do with the eyes seeing words differently than how me and you see them...but I can't remember for the life of me what its called."

I do have to agree I think there should of been at least two more agents there, like Me and Con, or Carson. Its a big area with a lot of faces that Destiny herself probably doesn't even know.

Katie lets out a small sigh as she leans back in her chair. Today she just couldn't keep her mind on her work. She was worryed about this whole thing Jason was at and the fact they didn't have more people scoping out the place. Even if she new Jason would be ok, it still made her worry.

Just keep your eyes open J, everything will be ok.

As Chance stays close to Destiny though she doesn't talk much she didn't mind how close he wanted to be to her right now, the closer the better in her state. Not paying much attachen to the people around them Destiny's own look was one of someone strong yet at the same time her eyes held the very sad glint to them.

Once Destiny talks with the minister things move rather quickly from there. Taking her seat close to the front with Chance waiting her turn. Doing her best Destiny holds her composure as she listens to a few people some whom she didn't even know but were friends of her parents talked. Songs played and the minister...and soon it was her turn.

Slipping her hand into Chance's and gives it a squeeze before standing and making her way up front to where she would standing. Clearing her throat for a moment Destiny looks out over the faces before looking down again at the paper she had.

"To lose a parent is the hardest thing a person would have to go through. To lose two parents at the same time is a nightmare. Knowing that now you have no one left. Here one day, and gone the next. It worse than a nightmare because from this you can't wake up."

Looking up again Destiny's eyes glisten she tried to be so strong but it was so hard all of the faces looking back at her, tears in there own eyes.

"Mom and Dad did a lot of things that weren't right, and went against so much but one thing they never did was turn there back on there family. Being the only child I was spoiled a lot, but I never felt the lack of love and I always new they were there for me when I needed them. And it was because of that love that got them where they are today. They were trying to protecting there family, and trying to leave would be the only way. Sadly they did get out, but not the way they wanted...and so we are left with torn hearts, and stinging souls."

Destiny's eyes rome everyone again and than back to her paper as she her shook just a little and her voice quivered. It was so hard to keep her emotions in, and keep herself so strong under this pressure.

"But if anything else it brings me a little comfort knowing now, they are free. I'll miss them, and our summers together, the tennis games and trying to beat my dad. I never did win but I came close. I'll do my best to keep there memories alive."

Not being able to help it anymore the tears finally roll down Destiny's face, her eyes turning red. The sadness and greaf just seemed to over take her and she couldn't hold it any longer. She longed to be held, to feel strong arms wrapped around her. Letting her eyes find Chance she just focuses on him as the tears stream down her cheeks still talking about her parents.

"Its not fair you were taken before you time. But everyone ends up going away in the end. Whats important is the memories they leave us with, so we can keep them dear to our hearts no matter where they are. Mom and Dad, I love you!"

Moving away from the little poteum Destiny starts to make her way back to where they had been sitting though her vision was a little blurry.

In the dark shadows of the trees, and buildings figures moved. No one would know, as the walked with great care not to alert anyone, non of them catching sight of Jason ether.

Markus take the right, Lynn take the left, I got the middle.

Wolf, how many?

As far as I know Lynn and have seen its just the one. Chance, he came in from a different branch to protect Destiny.

Are we gonna take him out too?

If we can get a clean shot at him Markus yes, but hit Destiny first than go in and get her. Remember Lynn don't kill her with your shot we need her alive to find out where those files are.

Got it Wolf.

And so the shadow figures lurked waiting, watching for the right time.