
Chance's chase

Rick grins at Ty and Libby. He might tease about romances going on around TJY, but it was evident by the look in his eye that he enjoyed seeing the blossoming feelings for each other.

"You better come," he agrees with Libby. "Somebody's got to keep him out of those cursed casinos."

Ty laughs and shakes his head, giving Libby's hand a squeeze. "I'll stay out of trouble... I promise. When do you think we'll go?"

"I'll make the phone calls and set up the appointments. I'll let you know."

As Rick leaves, Ty turns back to Libby, his cheeks a little warm. "Thank you..." He really did want this to work. He really did want to find a solution so he could learn how to read. Without Libby, he wasn't sure he would have even gotten this far.

Seeing Destiny's tears, Chance isn't sure how to respond. He generally ignored his softer feelings - they weren't the most comfortable thing in the world. But this time... it being Destiny... he couldn't turn from her.

As she falls into him, he almost doesn't know what to do, but it only takes a moment for him to slip his arms around her, drawing her nearer. He gives her a little squeeze and rubs her back. "It's okay," he soothes. "Shhh... It's okay."

Watching from a distance, Jason quirks an eyebrow. It seemed just a little odd that Destiny would go to Chance like that. He was holding her awfully close. For the first time, he wonders if perhaps more had transpired than just Chance being a bodyguard.

Thanks, Katie... We're over at the northwest corner of the cemetery. Not that you couldn't find us.

He grins wryly as he leans against the tree, his eyes still scanning the area.

Everything looks fine, I just... I don't know. I'll be glad when your eyes are here too. The service shouldn't be too much longer though, I think they're getting ready to bury the caskets.

As the first shot rings out, Chance whips Destiny to the side out of instinct, his eyes looking around wildly and his gun already drawn. "Jason, where are you? Shot's fired! Where did it-"

Too late, the barrage of bullets ensues. Chance tries to cover Destiny, but someone he would later refer to as an idiot plows into him in their own scramble, knocking him out of the way and he stumbles over some chairs. Shaking out the cobwebs, it takes him too long to try and get to his feet without punching or shooting the panicked group of people as they trampled past.

By the time he's up, Destiny is already being dragged away. "Destiny!"

From Jason's view, he hears the shot and automatically straightens, sweeping the area with his eyes and his rifle. "Chance, where are you? Where's Destiny?"
Without a response, he stays put, trying to get a visual. There. Someone had grabbed Destiny and was dragging her away.

No, no, no.... Katie-

He didn't even finish his sentence. Instead, he emits his emotions in such a way that Katie could see and hear everything that was happening as his mind processes it. Adrenaline surged through his veins. He takes the rifle and aims. He sees through his scope. Blood. Destiny had been shot in the shoulder. She was being dragged by a rough-looking man. Jason would guess he was Agency. But Destiny was in the way of a clear shot. Jason couldn't fire. Where was Chance? There wasn't time to find out.

Slinging his rifle over his shoulder, he sprints down the hill towards Destiny and the thug.

Chance is just getting to his feet and starting after the man when Jason comes flying out of nowhere. His tackle takes both the man and Destiny down.

"Destiny!" Chance races for her, sliding down on his knees beside her and seeing her wound. "Hang in there," he directs, while putting pressure on her shoulder. "You're okay... you're gonna be okay."

Jason wrestles with the attacker, rolling and punching, trying to get the upper hand.

Chance looks up. A familiar car is pulling up the path - Katie. His eyes bounce to the far side of the cemetery where a van is just leaving. That was it. It had to be.

Knowing Katie was coming, Chance stands and takes off at a sprint. Jason looks up to see him and shouts at him. "Chance, no!"

But Chance wouldn't listen. At a dead run, gun drawn, he vaults over small fences and headstones, finally making it to the main fence that he easily takes in one swing. Hitting the pavement, the van is just ahead of him and he misses it by inches. As it speeds up down the road, his feet hit the pavement as fast as he can run, chasing after it down the street. But it's no use. As the van speeds through an intersection, Chance skids to a stop, aims and fires, taking out a back taillight. But with traffic approaching, he can do no more.

Lowering his gun, he bends over and tries to catch his breath, cursing as he watches the van disappear.

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