

Smiling at Jason and giving a small laugh at his comment Katie was thankful for his understanding, and his sense of humor. She needed than, and it helped he was willing to wait for her. It made her feel good, it made her feel special. 

   "Thank you Jason, for everything...and always just being you."

Looking down at the plates again Katie smiled a small twinkle in her eye. She felt...things were going to be ok and though she felt bad for Hunter she new there was a girl out there for him. He was a good guy, and a woman would be lucky to have him. Now she hoped he would stay clean, take care of himself, live.

   "Better eat the rest of your food or I'm going to have to rat to Rick you didnt."

They almost had everything the needed but the ice cream. Wondering to the freezer section and having Garret pick the ice cream he smiled and for a moment he saw a glint of humor in Garret's eye. 

   "I'd have to say Maggie would agree with you on that one. Throw it on in the cart."

Walking past some of the other items for ice cream Nate grabs nuts, whip cream and cherrys. If they were going to get junk food the might as well go all out with it and just be terrible.

   "Ok I think we have enough here for a sugar high?! Can you think of anything else we might need?"

Wondering past the bunks Ashlee smiles seeing Travis on the steps of his. Giving a wave she walks over. She had seen Angel was back so figured Travis was good. It was good to see him again and she was happy she would have someone to hang out with for a while.

   "Heya...how are you liking your own place? It's not much but its still pretty cool you get it to yourself."

Leaning on the railing Ashlee looks at Travis noticing the new scratch on his face. She wondered about it and what happened but something told her to just stay quiet, at least for now. It wasn't her place to pry to much.

   "Are you going to be coming to dinner tonight? I'll save you a seat."


Jason couldn't blame Katie for giving herself time, and he knew it was probably wise. They'd both messed up...could they really make it work by trying yet again? He was willing if she was. Being without her had been a very real reminder of what she meant to him. As much as he'd tried so many times to deny it...he simply couldn't anymore. He loved her and it was that simple.

As she ran her thumb through his palm, he glanced down at it. He didn't know if hers was the same, but in his hand, the nerves around the circle scar remained incredibly sensitive. He didn't pull away though...he enjoyed her touch too much. 

"I can wait," he responded softly. "I've got three girls wanting dates, but I can hold them off a couple days at least." A teasing smile emerged to prove he was joking, and he wriggled her hand. "Just make sure what you decide is what you really want."

Garret was rather surprised about Reese, but he didn't voice his opinion. He remained quiet the rest of the drive, simply looking at the scenery while memorizing his surroundings so he could find his way again. 

Once at the store, he followed Nate in and wandered the aisles with him to pick up the few items for Laura. When it came to the freezer section though, he suddenly seemed to care about the choices. Opening one of the freezer doors, he pulled out a tub of chocolate ice cream and handed it to Nate. Though he held a straight face, his eyes gained a new little light. 

"I hear chocolate is the better flavor for getting over the flu." 

Travis finished putting his clothes in the dresser and sighed as he glanced around the bunkhouse. His bunkhouse. For...who knew how long? It was strange to think that this place was so suddenly his home. 

Flexing his hand, he stretched out his arm and winced a little. He'd overdone it today. Angel had warned him that the sprain would take quite a while to heal and though he was impatient, he knew she was right.

He wandered to the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror. He was looking almost human again. Then there was the new mark. He touched it gingerly. It hadn't bled much, but it still stung. It looked like it might bruise just a little, too. 

Letting his head hang, he left the mirror. What was worse than his stinging cheek was his stinging heart. Angel had made the day so much more bearable and he'd always be grateful. But he wasnt sure that anything could ever erase the scars how own mother had created. It just...hurt. 

Weary from the day, but feeling cooped up, he exited the bunk and eased down on the porch step to just sit. He knew supper would be soon, but...he wasn't too sure he felt like joining in this time around.

Music blared from the radio as Hunter sped down the highway. He'd called in to work. He'd skip racing tonight. He just wanted to...be. Shifting gears, he increased his speed. 

Eventually he wound up at the lake, walking slowly along the beach. His thoughts and emotions were all topsy turvy and he wasn't sure which direction to go anymore. Stopping to stare out at the water, he finally pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed. 





"Well hi there. What's up?"

"I fell off the wagon and need somebody to tell me I'm an idiot."

"You're an idiot."

Hunter almost smiled. 

"What happened?"

"Katie and I are done."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry."

"Eh... I shouldn't have been surprised. Maybe I wasn't really at all. Still stings to come in second though."

"Uh oh..."



"How'd you guess?" Hunter scuffed the sand as he walked and talked, venting and listening both. And in the end, it was a quiet ride back home. But at least by the time he went to bed, he'd given up the notion of any more drinking, and was able to face the night.

Few days

Feeling Jason's hand on her own Katie could feel the warmth, it was a warmth like no one else had. Now having his hand in her own Katie new how much she really had missed it, missed Jason.  How foolish they both had been. They spent time searching for something new,  when all they needed was right in front of them.

   "I guess we both have had our fair share of blunders, and that's something we need to work on among other things. "

As Jason brought her hand to his lips Katie closed her eyes. He was the best thing that ever happened to her. Jason completed her, made her whole, and see life in a whole new light. Con had asked her if she was ready to continue fighting, and the answer was a very simply one, and yet so hard. 

   "Just give me a few days to think things over. I'm not saying no, and I'm not saying yes. I just have to make sure I am ready before I jump back into another relationship. I don't want to hurt you again J and I want to make sure of that this time."

She wasn't sure if Jason would understand but she hoped so. Katie loved Jason will all her heart, and she was pretty sure what her heart was telling her, but she just needed to make sure if was the right direction. 

Moving Jason's hand slight Katie locks her fingers with his. Her thumb rubbing the scar on the inside of his hand. They may not be connected emotionally anymore, but they had always been connected, some thing people so rarely ever experances. 

   "Will you wait for me...just a few day to figure everything out?"

Starting forward Nate glanced at Garret. He looked so much better than he had, but he still looked tired. He was happy he was going to stay and get more strength. Hearing his question he thought for a moment. 

   "No actually. He knows you are staying with me and...he didn't complain at all."

Continuing to drive Nate took a few turns, and stopped at a light.

   "Reese really is a good guy when you get to know him. I think he is finally trusting you a little more."

Still here

Jason remained quiet as Katie spoke, trying to understand all she said. He wore no smile, but a look that was almost sad. Her admittance of love sent a pang so strong to his heart that it almost physically hurt, and his stare lowered once more to the table.

Pushing his plate aside, he slowly reached across the table and took Katie's hand in his. Just feeling her touch at long last seemed to relax his entire body and soul. His thumb ran over her fingers like it had so many times before. His eyes rained down as he tried to swallow his emotions.

"You shouldn't tell me not to be sorry... I've...messed up so many times with you. All those times you couldn't let me go..." He shrugged. "I didn't help any. Just like this time."

He finally looked up to catch her eye as his grip tightened around her hand. "I never stopped loving you either, Katie. Never. Even...when I had others, my heart just...kept coming back to you. Then I'd get scared and...mess it up again." He gave a short scoff. "Maybe I was just always afraid of losing myself in you when... I should have realized you made me whole."

He lifted her hand to his lips to kiss it softly. "I'll understand if you don't want to be with me again. It's never been easy with us and... I will respect that decision." He paused, still holding her hand. "But if you do change your mind... I'm still here."


Looking at Jason Katie could see his regret and it pained her. She didn't want him to be sorry for how he felt. The emotions of the heart couldn't be helped. No one could be blamed for that.

   "Please don't be sorry. If anyone is sorry it's me. I messed things up with us. I over reacted and wouldn't hear anything youd had to say. I jumped in a relationship again to soon."

Katie is silent for a second just thinking about her words. She'd gone this far she might as well tell him the rest.

   "I've hurt so many people because I tried to stop loving you, and i just...couldn't let you go."

Taking a sip of her hot tea Katie let the hot liquid slide down her throat. So many things to think about, so many emotions.

   "I love you J, I never stopped loving you.  But I just need to work though a lot of things because even though I hurt you this last time, you've hurt me so many times before and before I just jump back in...I've gotta make sure this is what I want so I don't hurt anyone anymore."

Never could

Garret bit his lip to keep from laughing at Maggie's teasing. He really hadn't meant to startle Nate, altho he supposed he was used to walking rather quietly. 

At the top of the stairs, Laura held Brian and glanced down to Nate, blinking in surprise. Garret had just walked out... hadn't he? "Oh...okay. Well you two have fun." She smiled, thrilled that Garret apparently was staying. "Oh, and Nate, grab some ice cream...might be a nice treat tonight."

Garret followed Nate outside and to the car, sliding in on the passenger side. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, glad he was feeling better today but still impatient about gaining back his energy. As they started forward, he opened his eyes again. At the very least, he was getting to know his way around town. 

"So... Reese been giving you a bad time about me being on the loose again?"

Jason almost dropped his chopsticks. His eyes searched Katie's in shock and bewilderment. A chill ran down his spine. What was she saying? Was it what he thought it was?

"I... I don't know what to say." He set aside his utensils before he really did drop them on the floor. "I am...so sorry." He swallowed hard. The expression on his face really did reflect his regret. "I never should have found you in the crowd like that, I just... it..." He stopped and fiddled with his water glass, finally dropping his gaze. His appetite had fled.

After a long pause, he finally looked back up at her. His shoulders sank just a little. "I couldn't help it. If I would have known it would cause this... I should have just found someone else to be there to watch my back." He pursed his lips. "You've just always been my hero... I guess maybe I forgot things weren't the same anymore."

He took a sip of water before taking another moment to study her face. "Are we really both feeling the same way? 'Cause...I thought I was on the losing team with this one." His voice grew quieter. "I tried to stop caring about you but... I just never could."

Because of you...

Giving Laura a light kiss on the head he gave her a hug. He didn't want her blaming herself at all. This wasn't her fault, not his fault, not Garret's or anyone. This was just another walk in life.

   "You have been wonderful and dont think any differently."

As she leaves to check on Brian Nate turns and looks in the fridge to grab something to drink before he left. Finally settling on a bottle of cold water he cracks it open before and downs a little. Turning around and seeing Garret followed by his voice Nate jumps not even knowing he had come back inside.

   "Goodness man...we need to put a bell on you. I didn't even hear you come back in."

From over in the other door way Maggie poked her head around the corner laughing hysterically looking between Garret and Nate.

    "He got you good Nate...you should of seen the look on your face."

Rolling his eyes at his sister he throws the water bottle cap gently at her as she ducked back into the room squealing. Looking back to Garret he smiles. He didn't expect him to come back but he was really happy he did. Who new what the outcome was still but this was another step.

   "I think I remember something about that..lets go."

Heading out to the hallway Nate looks up the steps to Laura was.

   "Garret and I are heading out to the store babe. We will be back."

Hearing Jason's reply Katie searches his eyes wondering if he was telling her everything. As he continued to go into more detail and looked down again for a second grabbing a green bean and taking a bite of it. He was opening up to her more than he had before. Even if it wasn't as much as some people would want it was a good step in the right direction.

   "Being a human target for a crime organization that no one believes is out there can really mess with people's emotions and make them tired. I don't blame ya for being worn out."

Hearing Jason's words about missing her Katie looked up again quickly. She was sure her mouth was hanging open with a half chewed bean. She was happy Jason's eyes were shut as she closed her mouth and continued to chew. That was not what she expected to have him say or hear today. Had Con been right...was Jason really that miserable.

   "I think its impossible to forget something like that when...deep down you have been feeling the same way."

Looking down at her plate Katie looks at her food for a long moment. Hunter had been right, she was missing Jason, she did still love him too and while it made her feel horrible, it made her feel warm too. Should she talk to Jason about what happened with Hunter? Was this the right time? Would it make her feel better?

    "Hunter...got drunk last night, and ended up breaking things off because of you..."

Katie looked up for a second looking at Jason and new she had to explain more.

   "He was at the concert last night and I guess....we have a look that speaks more words than both of us admit. I guess....he was right."

Missed you

Despite Garret's desire to remain in control, as Nate spoke, his eyes drifted to the floor. Was he really holding himself back? But what else was he supposed to do? Was it really that he wasn't trusting these people? This family? He hadn't thought leaving the Agency would mean he would become an entirely different person and...if he was completely honest...it was frightening.

Yet to make up his mind, he realized Nate had just walked away, and he put a hand to his throbbing head. No. No, he just couldn't do this. It was too much. Too hard. Not worth it. At least staying at the Elite, even in a tiny room, he was surrounded by people and things and jobs he could related to. It was still foreign, but not as foreign as this. He'd thought all that had been hard, but it was nothing compared to this. These people. These hated, confusing emotions. He'd wanted to get out of the Agency to escape the madness of being a robot...but at least as a robot, he hadn't faced all these ridiculous issues. 

Finally making up his mind, he grabbed his ball cap to slap it on his head, donned his jacket, and slung his backpack over his shoulder. On some level he was grateful for the care he'd received, but it was time to move on. 

In the kitchen, Laura looked up as Nate came back, taking note of the look on his face. Something wasn't good, and she had a feeling it had to do with Garret. Hearing about the little discussion, she sighed and was just ready to respond when she saw Garret pass by the kitchen on his way to the front door. "Well...you tried." She gave Nate a look of apology. "I'm sorry. I know I haven't helped any. He seemed really bothered by what I told him earlier, I just couldn't lie to him." She was going to say more until Brian's crying from upstairs interrupted her. "I better go check and see what he needs. I'll be back." 

Garret made it all the way out the front door and onto the porch when his ears picked up the sound of Brian crying. Just as he was ready to take to the steps, he stopped. The upstairs window must be open, otherwise he wouldn't still hear it. It wouldn't take long, he knew, for Laura or Nate to take care of it. He might have been sick, but if he'd noticed one thing, it was that both parents took their jobs seriously, never once neglecting Brian or even Maggie for that matter. What made them care? What made them love? Garret had been so young when he'd been handed over to the Agency, and he wasn't supposed to remember anything at all of that exchange. But it would be burned in his mind forever, along with the realization that he had not been wanted, cared for or loved. He'd lived with that knowledge the rest of his life. Until...he'd come here. 

He turned and looked at the closed door. But what about his job? What about who he was? His skill sets? His killing instincts? His inability to understand this world outside the Agency? Where did all that fit? Even Nate had said he'd always be a fish out of water. So what was the point in trying to fit in anywhere? Or...was trying to fit in really the point? Wasn't his original goal to simply find out what life could be outside the Agency and be free from that noose around his neck? It was just...so different out here than he'd imagined. But Nate was right... and Garret knew he was fighting him every step of the way... and it was wearing him out. 

Hearing the crying stop, Garret turned back around and stared out at the street, then back at the door. Reentering the house, he retraced his steps back to the room, left his backpack, then returned, stopping by the kitchen to see Nate. "Thought you were going to the store..." 

Jason felt bad for Katie. He knew this had to be hard. He didn't know what had happened between her and Hunter, but whether it was her choice or his, it was never a happy thing. He understood that she would have a lot on her mind.

Asked about himself, he paused his chewing and cocked his head. She wasn't just politely asking...she really wanted to know. He finished his mouthful before leaning back in his seat and thinking for a moment. "Oh... I'm alright." He gave her a grin. "I'm always alright, you know that." 

A shrug followed before his eyes sank to the table. "It's been...kinda rough lately. Besides the whole got somebody out to kill me thing. I mean, I've got the band but...other than that...it's just been...work." He eventually looked back up at her. "Been tired. Rick keeps telling me to watch my sugar levels so that's probably the same old thing. I dunno. Nothing been happening besides all that."

He searched her eyes. "I've missed you," he admitted quietly. As soon as he'd said it he regretted it, and scrunched his eyes shut. "I'm sorry... you probably didn't want to hear that. Forget I said it." 

Always a Fish

Nate looks at Garret for a long moment just studying him. He didn't really know what to say anymore honestly. He'd tried, and he had kept trying but he didn't know how much longer he could.  You could only help someone so long before it was time for them to help themselves. 

   "Here we go you not putting trust in us again. If Laura was scared of you, you wouldn't be here still, if Maggie wanted you to live up to anything other than who you are she'd tell you. She actually has been a lot better since you have been around. And me I think you can be normal, because I know you can be. But you can't...and thats whats holding you back."

Nate shifted a little just studying Garret for a moment. He wanted to go, should he let him go? Would holding him here against his will help him? Nate didn't think so but letting him go made him feel like a failure. Maybe it was time to let him go.

   "You can leave with me and go to the store, or you can walk back to the Elite. I'm not going in today, so I dont plan on going there or they will find something for me to do. It's your choice though Garret. I can't hold you here if you don't want to be here. You'll always be a fish out of water, but at least here you have a little bit of water to catch your breath in."

Not saying anything else Nate turned and head to the kitchen to wait a few moments just to see what Garret would do. If he wanted to go back, he could, he'd make it ok, but Nate couldn't force him to stay, not anymore.

Pulling her Wong tong apart Katie was enjoying the meal. It was quiet and she didn't mind that her mind was still processing and spinning as she works through things. Having realized Jason had said something to her Katie looked up at him and gave a small smile. She didn't really know how she was but she new she would be ok.

    "I will be, promise. Just a lot floating around up here at the moment."

Katie pointed at her head before poping the rest of her Wong tong in her mouth. Falling silent again while she chewed Katie studied Jason for a long moment. It was nice to be sitting here even if it was work. He was always such good company. 

   "Enough about me, how are you feeling? Besides the shot in your leg that is. "

Katie wondered if Jason would open up to her. They hadnt talked much and she did wondered how he was. Yesterday he seemed tired, today  all things considered he looked ok, but she still wondered.

Smiling at Travis as he walked away Angel layed a hand on Lane's arm and smiled up at him. She really was happy to have helped and been there for Travis. It meant a lot to her and for now Travis 's secret was safe with her.

   "You are welcome Lane. I was happy I could help. I'm pretty sure he will be around for a while. He's a good kid. You did a good job doing the best you could."

Fish out of water

Garret looked up quickly as Nate came into the room, and immediately bristled. He was feeling crowded enough the way it was. Finishing off his shoelace, he sat up and just sighed. Did Nate realize he had been preparing to leave? He wondered. 

"Look...it's time for me to go back to the Elite." His body was still trying to recover, and he was already exhausted from being up this short while, but he wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. Standing up, his tired eyes met Nate's. "I've traumatized your wife, Maggie's got me on a pedestal I'll never live up to, and you apparently think I'm capable of being human in spite of thirty-one years of Agency programming." He shook his head. "I don't think I can do this. Just...I'll leave with you now, but take me back to the Elite." His tone was more quiet and lost than angry. "I didn't think it could worse than being stuck in that room, but maybe I was wrong. I'm a fish out of water and I'm dying out here."

As Katie agrees to lunch, Jason finds himself smiling. "How about Chinese?" It felt nice to be going to get lunch with her. They'd had coffee a few times as of late, and it felt like maybe finally they were getting to be friends again.

It didn't take long to get to Tou Han's, and as they sat across from each other, Jason couldn't help but study her face...her eyes. He felt almost guilty. She'd just broken up with Hunter, and he wasn't meaning to take advantage of the situation - he just wanted to be able to relax and see her smile. But it still felt a little awkward. Maybe because there was something down deep in his heart that still stirred when he was around her.

Dropping his gaze to his food, he took another bite of chicken. "So...you doing okay?"

Travis appreciated the long ride back to the ranch. He wasn't sure Angel was purposely taking it more slowly than earlier or not, but regardless, it gave him a little extra time to mentally prepare for whatever his dad might say or ask. 

Once back, it was no surprise Lane met them as they parked. He was just relieved they were both back in one piece without a police escort. "Hey...you made it back." 

"Uh-huh." Travis threw Angel one last glance before sliding out of the cab. Most all his new things had been thrown into a new bag as well, so it wouldn't be so obvious they'd been shopping. "You think we wouldn't?"

"Well no..." Lane shrugged. Maybe a little. He frowned when he caught sight of his son's face. Was that a new cut? "Hey, what happened to your face?" 

Travis smirked. "Remember that time I shut my own head in your car door?" He moved to the bed of the truck and grabbed the two bags, then swung back around to his dad. "Don't ask."

Lane bit his lip to keep from laughing. "I won't. This all your stuff?"

"Yeah. Good enough for now anyway." He started for Angel's office as his temporary place, but Lane stopped him. 

"I think you're going the wrong way."


Lane thumbed towards the bunkhouses. "Number seven. You have Jade and Wendy to thank for getting it ready for you."

Travis' eyebrows rose and he looked at Angel, then back to his dad. "You mean..."

"It's all yours for as long as you want, approved by Rosetta and Mick." 

Travis couldn't help a little smile. "Okay." 

As he headed that direction, Lane just let him go, but neared Angel. "Thanks...for helping him today and bringing him back. I was a little worried he might decide to stay with his mom once he got there."

Fresh Air

Angel just grinned deciding she wouldn't bother him about Ashlee anymore. He was a good kid, and so she. A new friendship would be nice or them both. Getting the bill and paying for it Angel new there time in town was coming to an end. She wished it would't but for now it had.

    "Well I guess we should head back before it gets to late and your father sends and army."

Giving a small grin and gathering there things together it didn't take Travis and Angel long to get back on the road. It would take a little to get home, she also drove a little slower knowing Travis wasn't quite ready even i he didnt say anything. They would get there when they get there.

Coming into Garret's room and seeing he had his boots on Nate new what was going on. He wasn't going to let Garret go so easy. This is where he belonged and Nate new it, he needed family.

   "Oh good you have your shoes on already."

Nate looks him over a quick second before shifting a little. He felt bad Garret felt like he needed to run and he wasn't sure how to fix it.

   "We are going to run to the store and get a few things Laura needs for breakest. Figure you can come too and get a little fresh air."

Looking up at Jason Katie cant help but give a laugh. Leave it to him to forget his lunch, however she couldn't balm him or not watching a lunch room sandwitch they really were not that good.

   "Well  lucky for you I forgot mine too."

For a second Katie glance down. She felt terrible second guessing herself hanging out with Jason. What was she doing, Jason was her friend and it was dumb of her to think twice.

   "Yes, lunch sounds great. What was tickling your fancy today?" 


Travis just listened quietly, finding Angel nicer every minute. It was so different being treated this way, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was the kind of thing he'd missed out on growing up.

He just smiled a little and took a sip of his pop. At the mention of Ashlee, his teeth bit into his straw as his cheeks got just a little warmer. His lips curled into a sheepish grin though. "Ashlee?" He acted as though he didn't know what Angel was talking about. "What's it matter what she thinks?" 

He chewed on the straw and shrugged with a little smirk. "She's nice. I like her. And she does seem kinda lonely, especially with Dylan being so offish." 

Glancing at his watch, he sighed. He'd taken up most of Angel's day, and he knew they needed to get back. He wasn't sure how he was going to deal with his dad, but he'd just have to figure it out.

"Alright, alright." Garret let Maggie almost drag him to the house where the scent of breakfast was now wafting through the air. He stopped halfway down the hall though, and managed to get his hand back. "You go on ahead and find out what Laura made."

Once alone, he turned to aim for the bedroom where he sank down on the bed. He sat for a couple minutes, but was so tired, he finally eased over to curl up on his side. His stomach was hungry, but his mind didn't care about eating. From his little meeting with Laura in the kitchen to Maggie's bird funeral,  everything this morning was upside down and backwards, and it felt like something in his mind and soul had an electrical short that kept painfully sparking. 

He didn't understand why he was still here if Laura was so fearful. Why did she allow him to stay and care for him? He didn't understand Maggie's affection and need for his hand...his arms...his assurance. And he certainly didn't understand why all of these unfamiliar emotions had started to churn in his heart. They were completely foreign, uncomfortable, downright painful, and he didn't like it at all. What was happening to him? He was trained to keep his walls up. Maintain distance from emotion. Keep others at arms length, and certainly never get attached. He was an expert at focusing and not caring what anyone else thought or felt. So why, all of a sudden, did it feel like he'd completely lost control? He didn't like it. Nor did he like the fear it created in his soul.

Sitting up again, his head spun. No fever or not, he wasn't well yet. But he had to leave. He couldn't stay here any longer. He'd go back to the Elite and suffer through the rest of his recovery there. But he couldn't take Laura's graciousness anymore. Or Maggie's blind faith in him. It wasn't fair to these people. He wasn't who they thought he was. He couldn't be. It's not who he was programmed to be. 

He slipped his socks on, then bent to lace up his boots. This was best for all involved. He never should have let Nate bring him here in the first place.

Jason winced as he moved his leg onto his desk to prop it up. He hadn't exactly stayed off it enough today, and was paying for it already. Trooper came around the corner of the desk and huffed a sigh before starting at him.

"What?" Jason rolled his eyes. "I know. You're hungry. So am I. But I forgot my lunch. So I can feed you, but what am I gonna do, huh?" 

Getting up, he limped his way down the hall, and over to Katie's cubicle. Leaning over the wall like he always did, he scrunched his nose a little, giving her a crooked sort of grin. "Um... I know this is...sort of not a great day... But, um... I may have forgotten my lunch today and... I was wondering if I dared break out of here, if you wouldn't mind watching my back to go grab something to eat?" 

He cocked his head a little, looking just about as pitiful as he could. "I'll bring it back here so it's a quick trip...and... I'll buy yours too. Or if you've already eaten, I'll buy you an ice cream. Or something." He grinned again. "Please? I really don't want a sandwich from the break room."