
Because of you...

Giving Laura a light kiss on the head he gave her a hug. He didn't want her blaming herself at all. This wasn't her fault, not his fault, not Garret's or anyone. This was just another walk in life.

   "You have been wonderful and dont think any differently."

As she leaves to check on Brian Nate turns and looks in the fridge to grab something to drink before he left. Finally settling on a bottle of cold water he cracks it open before and downs a little. Turning around and seeing Garret followed by his voice Nate jumps not even knowing he had come back inside.

   "Goodness man...we need to put a bell on you. I didn't even hear you come back in."

From over in the other door way Maggie poked her head around the corner laughing hysterically looking between Garret and Nate.

    "He got you good Nate...you should of seen the look on your face."

Rolling his eyes at his sister he throws the water bottle cap gently at her as she ducked back into the room squealing. Looking back to Garret he smiles. He didn't expect him to come back but he was really happy he did. Who new what the outcome was still but this was another step.

   "I think I remember something about that..lets go."

Heading out to the hallway Nate looks up the steps to Laura was.

   "Garret and I are heading out to the store babe. We will be back."

Hearing Jason's reply Katie searches his eyes wondering if he was telling her everything. As he continued to go into more detail and looked down again for a second grabbing a green bean and taking a bite of it. He was opening up to her more than he had before. Even if it wasn't as much as some people would want it was a good step in the right direction.

   "Being a human target for a crime organization that no one believes is out there can really mess with people's emotions and make them tired. I don't blame ya for being worn out."

Hearing Jason's words about missing her Katie looked up again quickly. She was sure her mouth was hanging open with a half chewed bean. She was happy Jason's eyes were shut as she closed her mouth and continued to chew. That was not what she expected to have him say or hear today. Had Con been right...was Jason really that miserable.

   "I think its impossible to forget something like that when...deep down you have been feeling the same way."

Looking down at her plate Katie looks at her food for a long moment. Hunter had been right, she was missing Jason, she did still love him too and while it made her feel horrible, it made her feel warm too. Should she talk to Jason about what happened with Hunter? Was this the right time? Would it make her feel better?

    "Hunter...got drunk last night, and ended up breaking things off because of you..."

Katie looked up for a second looking at Jason and new she had to explain more.

   "He was at the concert last night and I guess....we have a look that speaks more words than both of us admit. I guess....he was right."

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