

Accepting the papers from Katie, Jason's eyes drift over her face for just a moment. "Thanks." 

He's about to turn and leave when Katie speaks, so he stops. Her idea for lunch catches him off guard, and for a moment or two, he just stands quietly, his eyes staring into hers as if searching for her motives. What could she possibly want to talk about? They were over - that much was obvious. What was done was done, and that was it. Why did she want to speak with him now? 

Sighing, he leans an arm on the top of the cubicle wall, feeling rather torn. Part of him wanted to roll his eyes and walk away with a snide comment, while part of him wanted to hear whatever it was Katie wanted to say - he did miss her friendship.

"I don't know, Katie..." He fiddles with his papers, looking down to shuffle them together in his hands. "One minute we were close, and the next you were walking away. Now all of a sudden you want to do lunch?"

Shaking his head, he turns and exits her cubicle only to stop again. Setting his hands on his hips, he wishes that his conscience would hush. If he was to deny her this now, what did that say about him? Did that not make him just as bad as she? 

Slowly turning back around he gives her a little smirk of surrender. "Where and when?" 

Justin is relieved to hear Misty's answer and he scoots his chair closer to the wall to look at his calendar. "Tomorrow evening... sounds.... perfect. Yeah, that would be great." He and Beth hadn't made plans for tomorrow yet, and he knew she'd understand anyway - she supported his work, and he truly did appreciate that. 

"What time would you like me there?" 


Hearing the noise outside her cubicle Katie had looked up just in time to see papers go flying everywhere. Blinking and realizing it was Gunner and Jason Katie doesn't say anything. She'd seen Jason in the hall a few times today but neither said anything to each other. It was just one of those things and it still felt strange.

Seeing some of the papers floated into her cubicle Katie looks down at them for a second before looking up as Jason knocked on the wall. Hearing him say sorry something twisted inside her. He shouldn't be sorry...he hadn't dont anything wrong.

    "No, No, don't be sorry accident's happen. I..."

Closing her mouth and not finishing what she was going to say. Bending down and grabbing some of the papers that had gone farther in Katie looks down at them for a second remembering what she'd talked about with her dad. She did need to talk to Jason. Maybe they wouldn't ever date again since he was with Misty now and she had Hunter but there friendship alone at least deserved it.

   "Here you go."

Looking up at his for a second Katie searches his face. He really did look like he was doing well and for that she was happy. Not to mention Misty was probley making sure he was taking better care of himself too. Giving a little smile she sits back up and lets out a small sigh.

   "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to lunch today with me....Just as friend...I don't expect anything more and if you feel better you can bring Misty along too. I just...I'd like to talk to you about a few things. If you feel more comfortable eating here too...thats...thats alright as well."

Picking up the phone and hearing it was Justin Misty was a bit surprised but excited and nervous too. She didn't think he'd be calling again so soon, and she hoped nothing was wrong but on the other hand she wondered if it had to do with seeing Mackenzie more too.

   "Hey Justin!"

Hearing that her family wanted to put Mackenzie into t troubled girls home Misty would have argued. She wasn't a troubled girl, she was just confused and having a hard time dealing with the changed in her life. A place like that was not for her. Hearing Justin had argued the point she was thankful. At least the girl had someone who was sticking up for her.

   "Yes we would love to still see her more. If you want to come over tomorrow for dinner we can swing that."

Giving a few hacking coughs Victoria puts her hand over her mouth before sniffing as well to follow it up. Looking at Garret her eyes give a small twinkle again.

   "Man, I do feel like I am coming down with something. Just out of no where I am feeling a little crappy."

A small chuckle follows as she stands up again she new that staying here much longer than she already had could be a bad thing and she shouldn't linger. But it was hard not too. Being able to talk to Garret in the light of day, seeing his face as the sun shone on it, it was something she enjoyed and wish she could more.

   "Mmmm..and I love you more and more every moment.  One day...one day we will go on a mission together and we will know whats its like to be free...even if its only for a few hours."


Garret bites his lip to keep from grinning too much. Victoria had gotten her way - like she usually did. And even though he didn't like breaks, part of him really was glad that he'd be able to rest for a while. Maybe he could get his head back on straight and quit dwelling on his desire to flee. He'd been more foolish than ever during this past mission, whether it was drug-induced depression or not. He still shouldn't have acted on what he felt, like he had.

"I... think I'll probably stick around here." For more reasons that one. First, he liked it here. Second, Victoria was here. And third, he'd be nearer Medridge and the doctor who were still using him as a guinea pig. Not that he liked that - he hated it. But he was hooked, whether he wanted to admit it or not, and if anything went wrong, he'd be here. 

"I wouldn't mind a few extra nights in our spot," he muses. "You'll just have to come down sick or something so you don't get assigned to too much." He'd like to suggest that he go to the beachfront property and they come up with some scheme to get Victoria there too... but he knew it would never work. If they were anywhere near alone, they'd be bound to slip up and get caught. 

Sighing, he nods. "I'll talk to Medridge - apparently he's not going to have me executed." Cocking his head, he gives Victoria a once over, letting his gaze come to rest on her face once again. "Thanks..." His tone lowers to a whisper as he refrains from standing and wrapping his arms around her. "I love you more every day." 

"Hi, Misty, this is Justin Hawks." Sitting in his office at home the next day, he leans back in his chair amidst a clutter of papers, a dying plant, his lunch, and who knows what else underneath the organized chaos. Rick had answered the infirmary phone, but he'd only had to wait a minute or two for Misty. 

"Listen, um... I've been talking to Ken - Mackenzie's adopted father. I've been trying my best to keep the family from putting Mackenzie in a facility for troubled kids - I still think she just needs a little more time. That said, I'm taking the risk of opposing other counselors and hoping that you and Alec would still like to see Mackenzie more often. If you do, I'd like to sit down with both of you and discuss some of the issues and ways to handle Mackenzie, should any trouble arise. I've been given permission by Ken to tell you both all you need to know." 

"Gunner, look ou-" Susanne cringes, knowing she'd spoken too late. Having just exited her office, she'd been just in time to see Gunner and Jason on a collision course - neither one paying attention to where they were going, both with their noses stuck in open files they were reading. 

The two men round the corner from opposite sides and smack right into each other. With a cry of surprise, papers go flying.

"Oh crap." Gunner blinks and looks down at the mess. "Whoopsies."

"Aw, I'm sorry." Jason kneels to pick up the papers - apparently Gunner had latched onto his own, so it was only Jason's that were now spread all over the floor.

Gunner bends as well. "Here, let me help."

"No, it's okay, really. If I pick them up in order, it'll be easier."

"Alrighty. Suit yourself."

Jason gives him a wry grin. "Thanks. Get back to work before you blame me for this."

Gunner smirks, but takes up his route again. "Yeah, yeah." 

As Jason continues to retrieve his papers on hands and knees, he realizes that they'd crashed just outside Katie's cubicle, and some of his papers had slid into her space. Standing up, he gives the wall a quick knock before bending to pick up his work. "Sorry," he apologizes quickly. 


Giving Garret an almost sly smile Victoria leans on the railing of the porch a little bit. How well that had gotten at this game. Playing like they merely worked together, maybe a little lust but nothing they would act one. They had mastered the art of throwing people off and in a way it was sicking not being able to really express themselves to one another.

   "I just told my grandfather how awful it would be if one of his best agents got warn to thin and wasn't on his A-game witch might lead to something even worse happening."

Though Victoria pulled off the look of just talking her eyes gave a twinkle though to Garret something she new only he would see. She was happy he was getting time off she thought he needed it even if he didn't want to admit it. Every one got worn thing once and a while.

   "You're gonna have to owe me though because I'm gonna have to pick up your slack I think."

Giving Garret a wink Victoria didn't know if she really would have to pick up his slack or not. Maybe a little week because four weeks was a long time to go without one of the major agents. If Garret choose to take his break here at the estate though she'd be able to see him more and than pleased her.

    "Just make sure you let Medridge know if you wanna stay here, or go else where to relax."


Seeing Victoria coming near, Garret was a little surprised. It wasn't often that she ventured to the guard house, simply to avoid arousal of suspicion. Sitting up a little straighter, he gives her a little nod as a greeting, even though he'd rather grab her by the waist and pull her into his lap. 

"Yeah... I think I'm feeling a little better, thanks." He gives her a rueful grin. "Things just got the best of me there, I guess. You shouldn't worry though... worry kills people." As if there was nothing else around here that took lives. 

"Four weeks, huh? I'll be right as rain in one, let alone four. I might even get bored." He quirks an eyebrow. "How'd you pull it off anyway? Getting me time off, I mean." 


Continuing to stand Victoria felt like jumping for joy inside, excited that Garret would be given the time off he ended, But on the outside everything remained the same. Her facial expression, and her stature never moved from how it was. To show joy over thing would surly give it away that they were involved more than working together.

   "I think four week should be more than enough for him to recover, and get himself together again."

Giving a nod Victoria waits till she is sure her grandfather is done talking to her and dismiss her before she turns to leave. Making her way out of the office she wasn't sure where Garret was right now but she'd find him. She was good, but she could track him.

...It wasn't to much later that Victoria was making her way across the yard and to the small house where she new now Garret was. Looking out one of the windows she'd spotted him on the porch. Getting closer she gives a small smile but not to much noting some people might be inside.

   "Medridge gave you four weeks off to recover and regroup. He said you could stay here or be moved to one of the other properties, the choose is yours."

Moving a little Victoria looks around for a moment making sure no one was close before leaning a little closer to Garret. Anyone from a distance would just think the were talking about work or his time away but it would take someone closer to know anything else.

   "Feeling any better today? You look like you got a little more sleep. I was really worried about you Garret, I never want anything bad to you."

You May

Garret sits in a chair on the porch of the small house, looking out across the sprawling yard and up to the main house. A light rain had been coming down since early that morning and had not let up. He was thankful that he'd been giving a day of medical leave for his shoulder, even though his wound wasn't all that bad.

Leaning back, he sighs deeply, breathing in the cool damp air. He'd tried to figure out their location by weather patterns, but so far hadn't had much luck. Not that he researched it often - if anybody found out that he was trying to figure out where they were, that would just be one more reason for him to be shot in the head.

Glancing down, he flexes his arm, looking at the fresh needle mark. He was going to have to talk to Medridge about changing his dosage - it was doing nothing for his moods, and probably making them worse. Medridge would probably be thrilled to discover something negative about their latest serum. Garret hoped that it was the drug that had caused him to get down so low the last couple days - if not, he had a bigger problem.

Rolling down his sleeve, he buttons the cuff before looking back up to the main house. And his mind wanders to Victoria, like it usually did.

Medridge sits behind his desk and looks up at Victoria thoughtfully. He trusted his granddaughter. She had a good head on her shoulders and was one of his best agents. He never sent her out on mindless jobs or meaningless assignments - those were kept for the brainless peons. No, Victoria was special, and he'd made sure she had the training to stay alive.

Now about Garret...

Medridge rises from his chair and slowly walks to the window, clasping his hands behind his back as he thinks. "I'm glad to see that you are keeping an eye on him. We've had our differences, but if there's one man I don't want to lose, it's him. I know sometimes my judgment becomes clouded by personal feelings."

Turning, he studies Victoria for several moments. "He's like a son to me. Or, grandson, as it were. He's learning fast the way we operate and has made some very wise observations that have saved us many resources. I've often toyed with the idea of removing him from the field, but he's too good there as well."

He sighs deeply. "But...if I cannot protect those I hold most dear, then I can protect no one." He smiles. "You're probably right. I have been pushing him very hard lately. Although, it is also good to know a man's limits. I would hate to think he has already reached his."

Turning around again, he stares back out at the rain. "However... I will not be around forever to make these kinds of decisions. Therefore, you may inform him that he has four weeks of rest. He may spend it here or at one of our other properties."

You think

Continuing to study Garret Victoria shakes her head. She had no answers to his questions, and there would be even more questions if she could. This wasn't always fare this they had but it was there life and its just how it was. 

   "We can say I wish and what if still we are blue in the face Garret but the truth is out there...it's death for us. We will be hunter till we around and killed. Being out there and living a normal life sounds nice but...its not what we were born into."

Leaning her head into Garret's hand a little Victoria closes her eyes for a second before opening them again and just searching his face. She could see how tired his eyes were, and she could hear it in his voice. If she had all the answers would that be better?

   "As long as you have me your heart will never turn to stone. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to my grandfather about getting you some time off. I don't like how your acting right now its scaring me."

Sure they talked about getting out before, what life would be like on the outside together. But just something about how Garret was talking today she didn't like it.

   "You've got to snap out of it because the next time we meet your in a pine box."

...And when the next day comes she did go to her grandfather. Giving a knock on the door and waiting for his voice Victoria enters. She stood tall and elegant in front of her grandfather like she often did. 

   "It's my job to know everything that goes on. It's how I can serve better and the last thing I heard was about the slip up Garret made. It's very unlike him for something like that to happen and I was thinking maybe he needs a little time off."

Victoria wanted to shift out of being uncomfortable, scared she might say the wrong thing and give herself away. Her words were chosen wisely, she'd thought about it all night and now she just had to exacute it. 

   "He's out best, top of the rank and dang good at his job. The last thing we need is our best getting burned out. Don't you agree?"


Jason chuckles and sinks a little lower in the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Misty might have some kind of motherly glow, but she was beautiful whether she was pregnant or not. He'd always thought so.

Yawning, he watches the movie with tired interest as his eyes begin to grow heavy. It had been a long day and it was finally catching up to him. He knew if he was alone, he'd be lying in bed tossing and turning. But with Misty here... she was so warm and comfortable under his arm... so relaxed...

It didn't take long for his breathing to slow, signaling he'd fallen asleep.

"Cory just... got in the way," Garret responds lamely. "He just... got in the way." It was the truth. But only partially. They'd staked out that warehouse for two days and on day three, they'd finally been able to move in. And when they did, Garret had found himself alone with a clear route... to freedom. He'd never taken advantage before. Never. But something inside of him had seemed to snap. Slipping away from his position, he'd aimed for that door... the door that would lead out to the bay where he would disappear. But Cory had seen him. Stopped him. Questioned him. Suspected him. And Garret, fearing his slip in judgment to be exposed, had shot him. And that shot had started a mini war, throwing the whole mission into upheaval. He had dared, for one moment to grasp the tattered edge of a dream, only to discover his foolishness.

Blinking, Garret pushes the images from his mind to bring Victoria's face back into focus. It takes a few seconds for her words to register, as if he'd been in a momentary daze.

"I don't know if it's even possible to relax anymore," he counters wearily. This was a life of wealth and frills. Anything anybody wanted right at their fingertips. But somehow it had all lost its appeal... ever since Cassandra.

His eyes fall shut once more, his fingers gently running back and forth through Victoria's hand. "I'm just so tired... in here." He taps his chest. "I never thought I could tire of this life. But I have... and I don't know if I can recover or not. Suddenly nothing makes sense. Like discovering all along, I've just been a rat in a formulated maze, prompted to the end over and over and over, and like a robot, I have obeyed. One wrong move is certain death. Yet there is a sick side to it all that lures people in - that keeps them addicted to the glamor and power. As much as I am sickened by this prison, I wonder if I ever really could walk away." He'd started to today, but would he really have followed through? He'd never know. "Maybe this isn't the nightmare at all - maybe it's the outside world that truly is, and we're better off here than anywhere else." It was a pitiful conclusion, but the safest.

Letting go of her hand, he opens his eyes before lifting his palm to her face, his thumb running slowly down her cheek, over he lips, then back to her cheek again. "You and I are cursed. Cursed with a forbidden love. When does a man finally break under the agony?"

He was talking in circles, but whether he realized it or not wasn't clear. Was he finally losing his mind?

"Sometimes I feel I am losing my heart. That it is slowly turning to stone, allowing me to continue each assignment of insanity. But how long can a man live with a stone in his chest? Perhaps longer than I think - your grandfather has no heart. But why would a man even want to live without a heart?"

He stares into Victoria's eyes, desperately searching for something real to grasp. "Without a heart... can I still love?"


No Victoria didn't blame him for his mind being far away. Sometimes to get through the days and the missions she didn't want to do the most she would put herself somewhere else. Take herself far away where she was with Garret and only him. Where his hands that were the only ones that ever touched her skip. Far away...she'd like to leave and forget about this place sometimes.

   "No I don't blame you at all. Sometimes...I dream of that place too and wonder if it's really out there."

Letting out a small sigh and still holding Garret's hand Victoria cocks her head unable to help the surprise on the news of Cory. He was annoying and Victoria didn't much care for him. She didn't like the way he talked to her, or looked at her. It was better if he was gone but to hear Garret was the one who killed him...it was a bit surprising. He was usually good with his temper. What had gone wrong?

   "Cory had it coming for a long time. What happened though? Did he try to throw a plan or something I mean..."

Silent again Victoria's face coursed with even more worry. If Garret was starting to slip up it was only a matter of time before he wouldn't be able to cover it and than...cretin death would come. And if that were to happen, Victoria would surly die of a broken heart.

    "Maybe you should see about a few days off or something. Relax here, regroup, be pampered...I could talk to my grandfather and maybe get you some time to get it together again."

Looking up at Jason Misty smiles and nods her head. She didn't mind how many times he told her..she still liked hearing it. It was nice, and just having him speak it freely was wonderful.

   "You did but you can tell me again I don't mind. I think I have a motherly glow about me or something."

Giving a laugh and turning her head to lean it on Jason's chest again. Her hand finding his as she runs her thumb over his fingers. She was feeling tired but not ready to say goodnight. She was tired of being home alone so maybe she'd just stay here a little longer where she felt safe, and loved.