
New Couch

Katie gives a small nod to Rick. She could see he was upset and she hadn't meant too but she did understand why he was and it was not with her. But she still felt bad like she was tattling on Jason it was for his own good though.

"Mmmm...He left but..."

Thinking for a moment Katie could feel a little jolt of Jason's emotions again but not to much. He was still close...outside.

"He's out in the parking lot now. I don't think he's doing all that well."

Looking down at her hands Katie fiddles a little. She didn't want Jason to be angry with her for coming to Rick but she really had been worried and if she hadn't said something and he'd gotten worse she would of felt horrible.

Giving another small smile Ryan shrugs a little too. She was smiling and it did feel good after everything that had been happing. Tal really did seem nice and it felt good to have someone else in the house again. Not to mention to keep Eli company when she wasn't around.

Hearing Tal yell from the living room again Ryan rolls her own eyes and gives a chuckle. She wasn't sure if he really wanted to help, or he just thought he should but either way at least he was offering. Hearing her brother telling her to go keep Tal company Ryan looks at him again raising her eyebrow for a moment. Not saying anything her look gave it away that this seemed all to convenient. Shaking her head though she leaves what she was doing.

"Why do I feel like this is a blind date or something."

Not saying anything else Ryan wondering into the living room. Standing behind the couch she doesn't look down at Tal right away for focus on the tv and the game.

"Whats the score?"

Going to say something else Ryan glaces down at Tal stopping what she was saying as she see him stretched out across the couch. Even looking down at him he looked good. Just continuing to look him over for a long moment a devilish smile forms on Ryan's lips as she moves around to the other side of the couch. Not saying anything she positions herself and sits down landing right on Tal stomach.

"Mmmm...this couch seems lumpy today. ELI...I think we need a new couch."

Ryan can't help but give Tal a sassy side long glance. She'd known he was there but it was way to funny of a move to give up.

Standing Stacy gives a nod to Mick. She new he had alot of work to do still and didn't want to keep him from that. She wanted to make sure she could get settled in with Ashlee a little before dinner herself anyways. Maybe even scope things out a little herself before it got to dark.

"Nope no more questions at this time. I will see you at dinner though and look forward to meeting everyone else. Thank you once again Mick."

Giving a nod she turns and heads out of the office. Taking in the surroundings as she exited Stacy had a good feeling about this. Maybe she would take a little look around now and than find Ashlee.


Seeing Katie, Rick sits back in his chair and abandons his work for now as she approaches. Listening intently, he purses his lips as his eyes flash with irritation - not towards Katie though.

"I wish Jason would have told me." He sighs. Jason had promised him he would. And it was getting more and more obvious that he was just being stubborn and trying to fight this thing on his own, which was stupid.

"Thanks for cluing me in, Katie. I noticed he's been avoiding me lately and I didn't think he looked well, but I let it go, thinking he'd see me if he didn't feel good. But apparently that was my mistake to trust him on that one." He shakes his head. "I don't know what to do. I need him in here to find out what his symptoms are and see if it's something halfway normal or if it's more serious than that. If I think it's connected to this trouble he's been having, then either you two will have to go back on the antidote, or he's going to have to shape up his attitude and do what I told him to do. Either way though..."

He lets that thought trail off. There was no point in saying it straight to Katie's face. She knew that it didn't look good for Jason no matter what they did, unless they could find something to combat the invisible toxin.

Rick stands up and pushes his chair back under his desk. "Is Jason in his office still? I can go talk to him so at least he won't get mad at you for coming to me."

Outside in the parking lot, Jason sits in his pickup, bent over the steering wheel. He'd made it this far but had given up on trying to drive just yet. His knee hurt so bad he knew he shouldn't be trying to drive at all, let alone his nausea and dizziness.

Trooper sticks his head up between the seats and nudges Jason's arm, giving a short whine. Jason ignores him. He just needed to let this wave pass then he'd go home and sleep this off. He'd feel better after a nap... right?

Jerking his head up, he realizes that for several seconds he'd just drifted off into that same deep, lethargic sleep. Still holding on to all of his emotional and physical discomfort, it starts to hurt and bubble beneath the surface. But he didn't want Katie to feel it... he didn't want her to suffer too. If he was going to die, she shouldn't have to feel like she was dying too. It wasn't right. It wouldn't be fair. She deserved more than that.

For the first time since Rick had told him that this might be terminal, tears surface in Jason's eyes. Not for himself... but for Katie. He hated seeing her suffer... he hated seeing her hurt or sad. She hated the antidote and how she became so quiet and unlike herself. He wanted to see the real Katie... the happy Katie. So no antidote was better. Yet without it, all he was trying to do was keep her from feeling how sick he was... and now... after today... she'd be more worried about him, unless he could do a better job of hiding it.

Resting his head on the steering wheel, he feels a desperation that he never had and never would let Katie feel. It was a desperation that was kept only between him and God. What was happening to him? Would he survive? Would he die? How long would it take? Would he suffer more than this? Would Katie be okay when he was gone?

His muddled thoughts are the closest he can come to a prayer as his emotions swirl and distort his feelings. Taking a deep breath, he sniffs as the last couple tears fall. Another nudge to his arm gets him to look up at Trooper and he reaches over to pat his head. "It's okay, buddy... I'll be okay." One way or the other, in the end, he would be okay.

Sitting up again he wipes his eyes with his shirt sleeve and goes to start the engine, but a new and stronger wave of nausea keeps him from going anywhere just yet.

Eli just grins a little at Ryan and shakes his head. "Nothing." He continues with the steaks but does look back at her again. "Naw, that's a lie. I'm just... glad you're smiling, that's all."

He shrugs and turns on the stove burner, heating up the pan. His tone becomes quieter. "Tal's a good guy. I'm glad we can give him some good company too. I don't think he gets much of that."

"You sure I can't help with anything?" Tal hollers from the living room.

Eli smiles and rolls his eyes. "Not unless you want those black crispies again!" He swings his gaze to Ryan. "Go keep him busy while I cook these things. The hungrier he gets, the more annoying he gets."

"I heard that!" Tal was stretched out on the couch, on his back with his hands behind his head, grinning. He felt comfortable here... it was nice. He didn't have many friends, and even fewer that he'd hang out with. He and Eli had known each other for quite a while now, but just recently seemed to make an effort to get together. Now that they had, they were quickly becoming more than just coworkers. Tal enjoyed it... he hoped Eli felt the same and he also hoped he wasn't intruding on Ryan's territory.

Mick nods, glad Stacy had taken the information as well as she had. He knew if he were in her position, he'd have to think on it a while, and even then, it might still be hard to know what to do exactly.

"You're welcome... and thank you, too. I appreciate your willingness to be here and help be our eyes. Even though Dylan's been in trouble, I... I'm still his father and I just don't want to see anything happen before he has a chance to get going on the right path."

Glancing at the clock, he stands slowly. "Unless you have any questions right now, I need to finish up a few things out in the barn, then around seven or so, everyone will gather in the dining hall. I'll want to make sure you know who everyone is and I'll give you a rundown on who comes and goes and who usually sticks around so you'll get an idea of what to expect."