

Seeing Misty's hand on Jason's arm then hearing her comment, Susanne's eyes widen slightly. Only after Misty had left the office does she look back to Jason, raising her eyebrows. "You two seem to be... getting along well." 

Jason can feel the heat in his face, but he just casually shrugs. "Sure. We always have." 

"I mean... really well..." 

Jason eyes Susanne, unable to help the grin that quirks just the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, so?" 

"So.... is there something I should know?" 

"As a friend or as a nosy coworker?"

Susanne's jaw drops. "When have I ever been nosy, Jason Kurtis?!" 

Jason's grin finally evolves into a laugh as he shakes his head and returns to sit down at his desk. "I have nothing to say, and I'm not going to tell you that those suspicious in your eyes are wrong." He waves her towards the door. "I can't concentrate on this paperwork with you standing here." 

Susanne's eyes narrow. "Oh, fine." Spinning on her heel, she stalks out the door but pauses for just a moment, sticking her head back in. "Jase?" 

His head comes up at her softer tone. "Yeah?" 

"It's good to see you smiling again." 

Without time to respond before Susanne was gone again, Jason does smile to himself. Someday he'd think of a way to repay Susanne for all her love and kindness. 

Catching Katie blushing, Hunter's eyes drop to concentrate on dunking his sandwich again while leaning his elbows on the table. He wasn't about to lie to himself that he didn't know why her cheeks had turned pink. Perhaps though, his mouth was running just a bit too fast for his own good. 

Glad for a subject change, he nods then smirks a little at the comment about riding the bike. "Yeah... that might be a little... uncomfortable." He rolls his eyes.

"Right after we eat is fine with me. We'll have an hour for our food to settle and I'm guessing that if your dad's released, he's gonna be sitting there waiting to get out of there." 

...The rest of the noon meal experiences no more interruptions of clapping or teasing - for which Hunter is grateful. He liked it that he was being welcomed into this close-knit family, but the attention he'd already received was enough for him.

Leaving with Katie a while later was nice for several reasons. One, he convinced her to let him drive, which he always liked. Two, it gave him an excuse not to ride or clean stalls while his legs were still so sore. And three, he got to have more time with Katie - a growing perk of being in Texas... 

Heading down the highway with the radio playing softly, Hunter's eyes remain on the road, his hands staying on the steering wheel. It was a quiet ride. Few words were spoken, and when they were, it was only about picking up Jeff. Nothing was said about earlier. About the kiss. About them. But... Hunter was okay with just letting it be for now. Katie was going through a hard time - he didn't want to take advantage, nor did he want to assume there was more to this if Katie had just needed a moment to feel good. Every woman needed affection - this much he'd learned to be true. He knew it was possible that Katie wanted nothing more from him than that one moment to get her past a storm cloud. It was also possible that she really did want him to be more than just a friend. But he'd be careful and not press the issue - he'd let her take her time and do his best to read her cues to see which way she wanted this thing to go. For now... for now, he would be content with a quiet, peaceful ride into town...

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Jeff straightens from slipping on his boots. Standing up, he tucks his t-shirt into his jeans and looks at the clock once more. 

"Don't leave yet, Mr. Pent." 

His eyes narrow at the nurse. "That's the fifth time I've been told that in the last half hour. You wanna chain me to the bed?" 

"Of course not. But wait for someone to bring up the wheelchair."

"Wheelchair?! Do I look like I need one?"

"No, but it's hospital rules."

Jeff rolls his eyes. "Right. Okay. I'm staying right here on my leash, don't worry."

Justin blinks. And it's only several silent moments later that he realizes he still hadn't responded to Beth at all. 

"Hmm? Oh... wait, me?" He shakes his head, a silly grin coming to his face as his cheeks redden. "Next to you, I look like I'm a mess." 

Smiling, he reaches out and runs a finger under Beth's new bangs. "I like it... and I like the dress too. You look fabulous." 

Looking down at the flowers, he sighs loudly. "These were pretty 'til I saw them next to you."

Tired Out

Looking over at her husband Rosetta shakes her head a little bit and gives Mick's arm a whack. Looking back down at her half eaten food and than up again her eyes twinkled. She new Mick was harmless and he was testing Hunter maybe after everything Katie was going through he wanted to make sure Hunter was in it for the long hall and not just a fun time.

   "Would you leave that poor boy alone? He already past two of your tests, the halls, and riding one of our roughest horses I think He'll be around for a while."

 Letting her hand lay on Mick's arm a little softer now Rosetta leans into him slightly and gives a kiss to his cheek. Mick was a caring Uncle and she new that so she wouldn't harass him to much for just looking out for her in his own odd ways.

Hearing Hunter's comment for some reason Katie cheeks turn a little red as she looks down at her food. Why she felt mildly embarrassed she wasn't sure but she couldn't help it either. It was possible that maybe it was before she could sense something growing between them.

   "Soooo....I'll drive to pick dad up since we can't all fit on the bike and your probley a little sore for that."

Katie new it was a shift in topics but it was all she could do to keep from saying something silly. Though in the back of her mind hearing Hunter wanted to get married some day strikes a little cord. Her dream was to one day be married. Could...that still be possible?

   "We can go right after lunch if you want, or wait a little till your food settles."

Giving another laugh and sitting up Misty shakes her head. Jason had a good scene of humor and that one was thing she liked about him. Just seeing that twinkle in his eyes or hearing that laughing in his voice it was refreshing.

   "Well...thats a..."

Misty words trail off as Susanne comes into the room. Turning and looking at her Misty smiles before looking back to Jason. She couldn't help but see the look of question in Susanne's eyes and it just made her smile grow even more. Making people wonder was always something fun to do.

Standing Misty gives a little nod to Jason knowing they both should get back to work so they could get out on time and be able to hang out tonight. Walking forward past Jason she stops and just lays a soft hand on his arm before letting go and moving past Susanne too.

   "See ya tonight Jase, don't work to hard to be to tired out."

Exiting his office and making her way back to the infirmary a smile was stuck on Misty's lips as she entered and sat down at her desk. She's had a good lunch how could she not be smiling right now, not to mention it seemed like tonight was going to be a good one too.

Standing on the other side of the room with her hand on the handle Beth just stands there for a long moment not opening the door. She was just a little bit nervous of what Justin would say about her. This morning she had deiced she wanted something different. It was time to change things and she started with a hair cut. Now her hair that had gone past her shoulders was at shoulder lagnth, and her bear forehead had bands on one side. It was different and she thought maybe she liked it but it was really to soon to tell.

Finally taking a deep breath she opens the door, The draft from doing so making her red sundress sway in the breeze a little bit. The delicate necklace that had been her mom's glittering a little in the light. She new this wasn't a fancy date but she wanted to look nice for the first date anyways. 

   "Heya, sorry it took me so long to open the door. You look really nice tonight."

A Wife

Catching Katie looking at him, Hunter gives her a crooked sort of grin. He wasn't sure what to think of all this. First what new things might be developing between him and Katie, then walking into this scene. He really wasn't sure whether to be embarrassed, on guard, honored, scared or at ease.

Picking up his sandwich, he pauses before taking a bite as he receives Katie's apology. His grin returns and he shakes his head. "Don't be sorry. I have a strange feeling that all this is a good thing - I just haven't figured out why yet."

His eyes roam to where Mick was sitting with his back to them. "But I will... I have a feeling Bonzai wasn't the last of these shenanigans." He still didn't really get it, but somehow, there was a bit of stubbornness that had been ignited down deep. He might have lost his city slicker title, but he had a long way to go yet before he'd fit in here. And for some reason... he wanted to. He'd do it, too. He'd figure out how.

Dipping his sandwich in the soup and taking a bite, he closes his eyes with a murmur of pleasure. "Mmmm... you wouldn't think something so simple would taste so good, but this is definitely the best grilled cheese and tomato soup I've ever had." A chuckle is heard behind him and he turns to look over his shoulder, spotting Becky.

"I'm glad you like it." Becky smiles. "If I can please somebody with something like this, I think I've got it made."

"You do, at that. I'm not sure I want to go back to my bachelor cooking."

Becky laughs. "Maybe you just need to learn how to cook."

"Tried that once." Hunter grins. "I think I was made to do something else. Maybe one day I'll have a fantastic cook for a wife."

Jim chuckles, elbowing Becky. "That's what I did."

Still grinning, Hunter turns back to his food and takes another bite. Looking across at Katie again, he winks.

"...Do you have someone who's going to come get you?"

"Yeah, my daughter's gonna come I think." Sitting up in bed, Jeff sighs as he's checked over one more time by one of the nurses.

"And the doctor gave you instructions, right?"

"Of course." Jeff grimaces. "Yeah. Eat bland food and sleep half my life away."

The nurse gives him a chiding look. "Now now... it's not that bad."

"I know." Jeff winces as he's pricked for some blood to be drawn. "Avoid fatty foods or excess salt, get plenty of rest for the next two weeks, don't lift over ten pounds for four weeks and when I get tired, stop."

"There, you see?" The nurse smiles sweetly. "That shouldn't be too hard."

"Not for somebody who likes to sit around and do nothing." Left alone again, Jeff looks up at the clock. Pretty soon he could get dressed in his own clothes and be waiting to go home.

"Ahhh twenty-five minutes total then. That should do it." Jason laughs, taking his feet off his desk and cleaning up some of the lunch mess. "I'll at least have the couch cleared off..."

Glancing up at Misty, his grin is a sly one, but he says no more about it.

"Jason, could you..." Having entered the office without knocking, Susanne stops short, papers in hand. "Oops, sorry." She looks at Misty then at Jason, then back and forth one more time. There was obvious question in her gaze, but she doesn't ask. "I just wondered if you could fill these out of me. Reese is breathing down my neck."

"Yeah, sure." Standing up to retrieve the pages, he looks to Misty. "I'll um... see you after work then."

Knocking on Beth's door, Justin waits for her to answer. As luck would have it, she'd had to work the last few days and he'd been extremely busy, juggling visits to Scott and Mackenzie, helping his mother, seeing Jared and helping Mr. Jones finish building his porch. It wasn't fair, after their relationship had taken another step. All they'd had were a couple phone calls and that was it. Tonight though, he'd promised he'd take her out somewhere.

Dressed in his nice jeans and his black collared shirt tucked in, they weren't going anywhere fancy, but he rarely got out of his holey jeans and old t-shirts, so for him, it was an obvious occasion.

Holding the bouquet of spring flowers, he shifts his weight just a little nervously, hoping she liked them.

15+10= Enough time?

Grabbing her and Hunter both a plate and some food Katie joins Hunter sliding the plat to him. Looking down at the food Katie couldn't help but lick her lips. Everything looked so good she hadn't realized just how hungry she was till now. Hearing his comment though Katie stops looking up at him. Her eyes go slightly wide. Did he really think she was in on it?

   "I...I can honestly say I did not. This is the first time I have even seen them act like this myself. Maybe they have been bored?"

Katie looks past Hunter for a second at her Uncles before back to Hunter. Shaking her head a little she still couldn't believe they had all been in on this with Hunter. Why she wasn't sure but she was glad though that Hunter was a good sport.

Dipping her grilled cheese into her soup and than taking a bit Katie just continues to study Hunter for a moment as a smile spreads across her lips. She could search his eyes all day because they were held with so much emotion. It was like each look had a new story. 

Finally looking away though Katie takes a little sip of her soup before putting the spoon down. She new maybe she didn't have to say sorry to Hunter, but something make her want to anyways. Just to make sure.

   "Sorry they put you through that. Thanks for taking it in good stride though."

Misty nods taking the last sip of water from her bottle. She new her Uncle wouldn't be mad or at least she thought he wouldn't be but she didn't know if he would be happy either. The last thing she wanted to do was have either of them working more while there relationship was starting to finally grow.

   "Knowing my Uncle it wont take him long to figure it out once he see us together, but I think you right he should figure it out himself. Last thing we need to do is work more than we are already right?"

Giving a little grin and shaking her head a little Misty gives a chuckle. She couldn't believe how natural this really felt. It was almost normal and it didn't frighten her only intrigue her to move forward.

   "Ha, and you think my place is clean. How about I leave fifteen minutes after you leave, go to the store, pick up some snacks and pop that will take another ten minutes....and than head to you place?"

My Butt

Getting swatted on the arm, Mick turns in surprise before his grin returns. "Aw, he's no worse for wear. See?" He gestures to Hunter who was smirking. Eying Katie a moment, Mick's grin spreads and he pats her shoulder. "Just don't let him run away too quick. Bonzai needs a new rider and -"

"And this sore ex-city slicker may not be able to ride for a month," Hunter intervenes. Though his eyes were narrow, humor laced his tone.

"Right... right. Sorry about that."

"Sorry my butt." Hunter takes Katie's shoulders from behind and steers her towards the nearest table. "Give me a good meal and maybe, just maybe I'll still stick around."

Mick gives him a little bow, moving back out of the way. The clapping resumes along with some laughter from the other guys and Hunter rolls his eyes as he sits down across from Katie. Catching her eye, he leans in a little bit, keeping his voice low. "So did you know they were going to "initiate" me like this? Is this a normal routine for friends of family members or what?" 

Mick returns to his seat next to Rosetta at another table, gluing his eyes to his food as he takes a new bite of his sandwich. He...hadn't exactly told her about any of this. 

Jason grins again. "Maybe we should just wait and let him find out on his own." The last thing he needed was to give Reese one more reason to give him a bad time or keep him busy. He could just see having to work late nights all of a sudden for "no" reason. 

"Okay." Setting aside the food carton, Jason takes another long sip of pop. "I get a fifteen minute head start then. You realize that's not much for a bachelor to make his place presentable." 


Feelings hand slip into her own Katie just lets her smile grow a little more. Just something about feeling his hand with hers Katie couldn't explain it but it was nice, and it felt....good. It was almost like a warm sensation that crawled up her, much different from when she drew emotions from a person, this was natural.

   "Food at this point sounds great."

Entering the dinning hall and hearing all the clapping start Katie looks around. She felt for a moment like some kind of super star. She didn't know what was going on and as the other spoke between them, and Hunter all she can do it stand there looking to them, than Hunter than them again. 

As the talking continues though and Katie starts to peace everything together she finally folds her arms over her chest and looks at her Uncles. They were lucky Hunter could take a joke and was in good spirits about the whole thing and didn't want to high tail it or they would have to deal with her and that was a much worse fate.

Continuing to listen and just listen Katie starts to move forward once more to get them both a place to eat. Hearing about the bet though Katie stops and turns having just passed Mick. Giving him a swat on the arm and a stern look her eyes betrayed her as they sparkled with a new light.

   "I think if anyone should get bet money it should be Hunter since you did his at his exspence."

Giving a laugh and putting another peace of broccoli into her mouth Misty couldn't blame Jason for not keeping his apartment clean. He was a single male after all they were aloud to keep there places mess that was just the rule right?

   "Clean, dirty I don't care what your place looks like as long as your there. However if it makes you feel better I will wait fifteen minutes before leaving after you so you can clean a little bit."

Taking a little scoop of rice and than setting the container down on Jason's desk. Putting the top on she lets out a stuff content sigh. She could not eat another bit if she wanted too. She'd already over eaten but if asked she would blame the little bundle of joy inside of her. 

Picking up her water again and taking a swig she swishes it around in her mouth for a second before swallowing it. Thinking about Jason's question Misty sits back in the chair. She really hadn't though about what Reese might say but what really had her hung up was that Jason just called her his girlfriend. Those were words Misty never expected to hear that but now that she did...she really liked the sound of it a lot more than one might expect.

   "I think...I think I don't know what he will thing..."

Misty is silent for a second as she looks across the desk at Jason.

   "I care what he thinks, but I don't care if he doesn't approve, but I think he will. Maybe we should tell him and find out?"