

Feelings hand slip into her own Katie just lets her smile grow a little more. Just something about feeling his hand with hers Katie couldn't explain it but it was nice, and it felt....good. It was almost like a warm sensation that crawled up her, much different from when she drew emotions from a person, this was natural.

   "Food at this point sounds great."

Entering the dinning hall and hearing all the clapping start Katie looks around. She felt for a moment like some kind of super star. She didn't know what was going on and as the other spoke between them, and Hunter all she can do it stand there looking to them, than Hunter than them again. 

As the talking continues though and Katie starts to peace everything together she finally folds her arms over her chest and looks at her Uncles. They were lucky Hunter could take a joke and was in good spirits about the whole thing and didn't want to high tail it or they would have to deal with her and that was a much worse fate.

Continuing to listen and just listen Katie starts to move forward once more to get them both a place to eat. Hearing about the bet though Katie stops and turns having just passed Mick. Giving him a swat on the arm and a stern look her eyes betrayed her as they sparkled with a new light.

   "I think if anyone should get bet money it should be Hunter since you did his at his exspence."

Giving a laugh and putting another peace of broccoli into her mouth Misty couldn't blame Jason for not keeping his apartment clean. He was a single male after all they were aloud to keep there places mess that was just the rule right?

   "Clean, dirty I don't care what your place looks like as long as your there. However if it makes you feel better I will wait fifteen minutes before leaving after you so you can clean a little bit."

Taking a little scoop of rice and than setting the container down on Jason's desk. Putting the top on she lets out a stuff content sigh. She could not eat another bit if she wanted too. She'd already over eaten but if asked she would blame the little bundle of joy inside of her. 

Picking up her water again and taking a swig she swishes it around in her mouth for a second before swallowing it. Thinking about Jason's question Misty sits back in the chair. She really hadn't though about what Reese might say but what really had her hung up was that Jason just called her his girlfriend. Those were words Misty never expected to hear that but now that she did...she really liked the sound of it a lot more than one might expect.

   "I think...I think I don't know what he will thing..."

Misty is silent for a second as she looks across the desk at Jason.

   "I care what he thinks, but I don't care if he doesn't approve, but I think he will. Maybe we should tell him and find out?"

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