

Finishing off her own food Cassy new Leo was just getting over being sick so if he didn't eat everything that was ok and she wasn't offended. At least he eat what he could and it seemed his stomach was handling it well.

" Ha! No one likes going to work, but we can't run away from it forever ether."

Standing from the table and taking the last sip of her OJ Cassy gathers her plate and Leo's bringing it over to the sink and setting it into the soapy water before turning and giving a smile to Leo.

"I'd offer to join you for watching another movie but after these dishes I should probably head out. Not that I have anything to do but I can't smell good at the moment so I need a shower. I can swing by later again though if you like some more company."

Listing to Scott Hope wish she hadn't asked as he tried so hard to remember for her what happens. The last thing she wanted was to pressure him and throw him into another episode. He was trying so hard and no matter how much she wanted him to stop he just wouldn't. So she sat and listened trying her best to make some sense of what he was saying.

Seeing Scott's face pale just a little Hope was on alert something was wrong, was he being thrown into the world of information in his own head, over working himself? She wasnt sure but she new something wasn't right.

"Scott, hunny I need you to calm down and sit down for a minute."

Standing to try and help Scott to sit down it was to late and all Hope can do is watch while he hits the pavement. Feeling her heart jump in her throat Hope was to Scott's side instantly putting pressure on the gash on his head.

Turning and looking around for anyone to help her Hope catches sight of an orderly. Waving one of hands she should.

"Hey...over here I need help right away please."

Passed out

Scott's eyes bounce around the ground as he tries to stay in command of his thoughts. He didn't know. The memory was foggy. He didn't want to remember. What if it triggered another overload? What if he couldn't stay in control? "I...I don't know." He continues to rock, his hands shaking under Hope's soft grip.

He swallows hard, knowing he needed to remember as much as he could, but not wanting to at the same time. "It...I... he came and... and I got scared 'cause... of what happened... happened before."

Scott draws in another shaky breath. "I...I don't know what happened. Seeing him, it... it brought back everything and I saw all this data and...and..."

Standing abruptly, he wraps his arms around himself and paces in front of the bench, still not looking at Hope. His head hurt. He felt like it was hard to breath. His pulse was growing more rapid. "He...he... I don't know. Said something. I didn't believe him. He was trying to apologize for something and... and I tried to listen but I was in the corner and, and.."

He puts his hands on his head, the headache worsening. "I was in the corner... it all went... black."

Without warning, Scott's legs buckle. His reflexes don't even react as his body collapses onto the ground, his eyes rolling back. His head ricochets off the corner of the bench, gashing his temple before he hits the soft earth, unconscious.

Leo chuckles and takes another bite of breakfast. "Well, I don't know about right as rain, but anything would be better than yesterday."

Doing his best to eat what he could, he manages to finish his eggs and almost all of his toast. Sighing deeply, he look across at Cassy, not really knowing what to do now. "I think... I am going to sack out on my bed and try to catch a stupid movie on television, which will probably put me to sleep again, but that would be better than going in to work."