
Little Corner

There was a new sense of peace in this particular morning. Eric really couldn't put his finger on it but he couldn't deny it was there. Back in the depths of his heart there was a strange fear - as if there were places he would not allow his thoughts to travel. But at the same time, the peace overcame any of that. Perhaps for the first time, he truly was seeing Stacy as a friend. Not just someone at the ranch. Not just a watchman. Not just somebody they hired. But someone he was slowly gaining more and more respect for, and someone who, whether she knew it or not, was gaining his trust.

Eric's eyes remain on the horizon as the sky slowly, slowly begins to change colors. "There ain't nothing to thank me for," he responds softly. He swallows hard, feeling a sudden surge of emotions for reasons he didn't know. Maybe it was because all at once he realized that in this single moment... he wasn't hiding alone in the shadows.

Turning slightly, he sees a woman who had just woken up - her hair a bit askew... her eyes somewhat sleepy but bright and attentive... a face that could use a good splash of water to wake up. But with the rising sun, a warm, pink glow caresses that face, bringing to it a shine that upturns Eric's mouth into a little smile. He wasn't sure, but he couldn't remember seeing Stacy like this before. Something was different. This wasn't a fellow worker, a policeman or even a mother. This was a woman. And she was beautiful.

"Welcome to a little corner of my world." He speaks quietly as if afraid the dawn would cease if he spoke too loudly. "I don't... share this with many people," he admits. "Or... anyone." Come to think of it... there had never even been a moment like this with Dana - a moment of pure peace. "So maybe I'm the one that should thank you."

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

Nobody trusts me. I dont fit.
No matter what, i screw up.


Unwanted tears roll down Dylan's cheeks as he buries his face against the bed mattress. A quiet sob is choked out. His text was words he truly felt. But all he wanted was reassurance. All he wanted was help. All he wanted was someone to keep telling him not to end it - to keep going - that he was loved. And he didn't know how to ask.


Falling into a peaceful sleep Stacy has no dreams, no nightmares, her mind rested. For the first time in a long time she was in a sleep that even if not for long would leave her refreshed. How it had been so long since she had gotten this comfortable, had someone by she side while she drifted off....that is what let her fall into the sleep she so desperately needed.

Feeling her hair shift slightly, and hearing Eric's soft voice that followed it takes a moment for Stacy to remember where she was. Finally her eyes flutter open as the sky was starting to turn colors. A smile immediately spreads across her face she sits up and looking to Eric than back at the colored lights.

"I love watching God paint, he's so good at it. Thank you Eric...so much."

There was something different about this...Stacy couldn't put her finger on it but there was something different, something she had enjoyed. Now a new question lingered would this be the last time? Would they share a moment like this once more or would this be the only time. Stacy couldn't help but wonder. But for now if this was the last moment she would enjoy it the most.

Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From: Dan

Home could be the end you seek. Try and remember
there was some peace for you here.



Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

I dont know what to do
I just wanna end it


Eric can't help a little laugh. Him? Comfortable? Like this? It had taken more than that for Dana to say he was comfortable. His thoughts suddenly leave him for a moment before he brings his attention back around again. Leaning his head over, it rests on Stacy's. "You can fall asleep. I'll wake you up."

Though his hands stayed in his pockets, the strange temptation to put his arm around her presented itself. It was strange enough that it almost scared him. Straightening a little, he falls quiet, the quiet sounds of the breeze and crickets lulling the night...

Though dozing off shortly later, true to his word, Eric was wide awake as the first gray light of dawn began to form on the horizon. Glancing to his side where Stacy was still leaning on him, he smiles a little. Reaching over, he gently removes a piece of hay from her hair.

"Hey," he whispers. His finger brushes her cheek softly. "You wanna see the dawn?"


Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From: Dan

You might not think so but your stuck with it.
That's one thing you can't change.


Stacy gives a laugh finding Eric's joke a little funny. He was so different from when she first met him. It was hard to believe he was the same guy. It was amazing how different people could be.

"A pillow huh? I have a boney head you know!"

Shafting just a little bit Stacy moves in closer to Eric and leans her head on his shoulder. He felt pretty comfortable to her.

"Now I gotta try not to fall asleep its hard though when your so comfortable."

Welcome to it

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498

I dont deserve it...


Eric chuckles softly. A pop in the head might not be bad once in a while. Goodness knows he could have used that many a time. "Yeah... you know what a pain those speeding people are..." He throws her a teasing sidelong glance, hinting at his speeding ticket.

Pulling his jacket around him just a little more, he stifles his own yawn. Fifteen minutes ago, he'd been unable to even think about sleep. At the moment... he was apparently relaxed.

"We got a while yet," he mentions quietly. His eyes return to the sky then drift back to Stacy. She looked a little sleepy herself. "I don't make a very good pillow but you're welcome to it if you wanna nod off."


Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From: Dan

Because its call unconditional love!


Giving a slight knowing nod to Eric's comment about moving to fast Stacy did understand. She spend her life for the longest time in the fast lane. She fought the bad guys, drove fast, shot a gun before she new it so much time had now pasted.

"I understand what your saying. I spose that kinds of why I like it here. I still can do what I love but its not as fast pasted as I am use too. So much time has gone by already..."

For a moment Stacy becomes a little pensive. Thinking about how Ashlee had grown and she had missed most of her life. But now she got to be a part of it. It wasn't to late she had to enjoy it while she could before soon she was gone.

"Sometimes I think God should just pop us in the head to tell us to slow down and just live."

Stacy gives a yawn but tries to hide it. She wasn't ready for bed even if her body was. This was to nice, she wanted to be here with Eric still watching for the sun. She'd force herself to stay awake if she had too. But it was warm up in the loft and feeling Eric's warmth next to her was comforting.


Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498



Seeing Stacy's enthusiasm for the view and having her sit with him, Eric felt good. He hadn't wanted her to think him inappropriate or anything - he just really wanted to share this with her. He really wasn't sure why... it felt a bit peculiar really. But... for someone he'd detested upon arrival... he was rather enjoying her company now.

Turning to look at her beside him, his smile widens a little. "You're welcome. Most people don't realize the nighttime view up here since they're all busy sleeping."

Leaning his head against the hay and looking out to the dark sky, he sighs with content. "I've spent half my life on the road, watching everything go by too fast. It's the only place I felt like I was doing my part... that I was worth something. But there's a part of me that hated it too. Life's too short to spend it all behind the wheel. Ya miss out on things like this."

He shrugs. "I guess I think God puts these moments and these views everywhere all the time... we just ain't got sense enough to stop and notice them often enough."

Glancing beside him again, he lets his eyes roam Stacy's face with an invisible gentleness. His expression was somewhat sober. His thoughts were a million miles away yet right here at the same time. A thousand and one thoughts raced through his mind.

He finally breaks his gaze and shifts down a little further, bringing up his knees so he didn't slide all the way down on the floor. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he settles in the hayloft warmth. They had a while yet before the sun would reveal itself.


Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From: Dan

You're not spose to come back, its your
choose, and if you were to choose that
we would welcome you with open arms.


Stacy gives a laugh at the comment about the coffee. It was normal to be tired in the morning for her but this was going to be on a whole new level. She'd be lucky if she got an hour or two to sleep at all.

Having Eric stand unexpected it makes Stacy jump just a little thinking something might be wrong. Having Eric tell her to follow though she is quiet and just follows going twords the barn. Getting to the top and making her way to the other end Stacy can't help the small gasp as Eric swings the doors open. The light streaming in, the pasture and horses, the dull light on the horizon it was all so amazing and breath taking.

"It's amazing Eric!"

Taking a moment to just walk over to the opening and look out Stacy can feel the warmth of the light even better, as it lights everything around her softly. Stacy had never seen something so pretty before.

Turning finally and smiling at Eric she comes over to where he was and sits down next to him. This was worth being tired in the morning for sure. Looking to Eric again and just taking the light that streamed over his face in Stacy's smile grows even more his voice a soft whisper.

"Thank you Eric, for sharing this with me."