

Trying to keep up with Hunter and seeing the rocks coming quickly Katie was thankful. It was a hard task to keep up with someone and laugh at the same time. Sinking down next to Hunter Katie could feel her lungs burning but in a way it felt kind of nice.

   "Something nice huh? Lets see..."

Katie brings a finger to her lips to think for a long moment about what to say. Though it really didn't take her long to come up with something letting Hunter just hang on seemed to be part of the fun.

   "Your funny, nice, good sense of a humor, and...your Hunter."

Seeing Dylan's grin it makes Ashlee's grow even larger. He tried to hide it but it slipped though anyways and she saw it. But she wouldn't bring to much attachen to it now least she embarrass him.

   "I have to say I've never seen her like this around someone before so I am not sure. You must be special Eric."


Stacy's face gets even more red at her daughters comment. Though she wasn't upset with her she was still embarrassed.

   "What Mom its the trust!!"

   "Well that might be true but you don't have to tell everyone."

Picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder Grace turns and gives a nod to him again. Smiling she was ready to drop her stuff off and head to the store to see what she could come up with. 

   "Tomrrow it is...we can do the food testing while we work on your legs."

Giving a knowing nod she heads for the door once again.

   "I'll see you bright and early." 


Jared just shakes his head, still finding it hard to believe that Grace was being so kind. "I like to eat too... at least I think I do... I'm not sure after being in here for so long." 

He smirks but a smile breaks through. "I don't know why you're being so nice but... thanks. Sorta makes me forget about all my complaints for a while." 

His fingers fiddle with his blanket again. "So um... see you... tomorrow?" 

Stacy's comment makes Eric's eyes go huge until he laughs outright. Her slip of the tongue proved he wasn't the only one that sometimes spoke before thinking, and although his own cheeks were red, it was too funny not to laugh. 

"Hey, hey..." He interrupts her, knowing the kids were listening now. "That's not fair, changing the subject." He looks at Ashlee and winks. "Does she do this often?"

 Dylan hides a grin and keeps his eyes on the table. Seeing Eric and Stacy having fun like this was... different. But somehow, he liked it. 

"What?!" Hunter is late in taking off at a sprint behind Katie, caught off guard by her bluff. "Why you little..." 

Trying to catch up, at least his legs were longer than Katie's, bringing him up to her side. "Slow?" he pants. "Stick in the mud... scared... slow..." He pushes to keep up with her. "What is it with you anyway?!" 

Reaching the end of the beach neck-and-neck with Katie, Hunter slams into one of the rocks to bring the run to a sudden halt. Sinking down into the sand, he flops onto his back with his arms spread out wide and laughs, trying to catch his breath. "For all the... the insults..." He gasps for air. "You have to say at least...one thing nice now." 


Looking into the distance where Hunter talked about racing too Katie just cocks her head for a second. A nice evening, the cool water and soft sand and a race? Was a good night this was and what a fun time it had been.

   "A race huh? I don't know about....SIKE!!!!"

Dashing through the water Katie splashes behind her. She know she was getting a little bit wet but it wasn't much so she new sooner or later it would be alright.

   "Now added to everything else...I think your slow."

Ashlee gives a smile as she sakes her head. Seeing her mom with Eric didn't bother her like seeing her mom with Jeff. There was just something about Eric she really liked.

   "Nah, I like Eric and he's always been kind to me. My mom deserves to be happy too, and I like seeing her happy."

   "Ohhh I've already checked you out..."

Realizing what she said Stacy's cheeks go red. She didn't mean it like that. She simply ment she had checked the first out when she had caught him speeding. 

   "I mean....umm....I ment....Sooo....everyone know what they want to eat?"

Giving another big smile Grace gives a nod. She loved to cook, and it might be fun not to mention for some reason just seeing Jared sitting there, knowing nothing about his past is made her sad.

   "Of course I would. I like cooking and...I think it would be nice to put my talents to use. Oh and I'll make sure nothing with pineapple."

There was hope locked in there some where...Grace new it. Maybe something told her Jared needed someone a friend in his life, and God too. This could be the way, maybe she could messenger, only God new the answer to that but who was she to say no to a calling. 

   "Not to mention if I make it that means I can eat some of it too and I LOVE to eat."


Seeing Katie laugh, Hunter's smile widens. Her teasing makes him laugh too. "Hey, I could stand like this all day." He keeps his foot in the air. "I studied under the flamingos." 

Finally setting his foot back down in the water, he shakes his head. Still grinning, he studies her for a moment, enjoying her laughter "There it is... there's the spark that was missing."

Turning quickly back to the water, he hooks his hands in his pockets and just stares out into the darkness. "If I didn't have to ride my bike back, I'd go for a swim," he muses. "Maybe that'll be for next time." He tosses Katie a sidelong glance, accompanied by a new grin. Would there be a next time? Who knew. Maybe she'd go home tonight, call Jason and they'd work things out and Hunter would be back to sorting through boxes on his evenings alone. No matter... he was having fun tonight and would remember it. 

Scanning the beach, he squints to the far end where the large rocks jutted out into the water. "Race ya to the rocks," he dares. 

Ashlee's words struck Dylan and he concentrates on his water glass. Was life the same as riding a horse? He wondered. 

Still thinking about that, his attention is brought back around as he's nudged by Ashlee's elbow. Following her gaze he looks at Stacy and Eric a moment before giving Ashlee a bit of a wry expression. He'd seen those two making eyes at each other long before this, and nobody knew just what he'd seen in the barn recently. "Could they be any more obvious?" he questions under his breath. 

Only after speaking does he wonder if Ashlee thought it was a good thing or not. There was only one way to find out so he didn't end up sticking his foot in his mouth. "Bother you?" 

"If I got any slower, the snails would pass me by." Eric gives Stacy a rather sly look. "Besides... what do you want with my file anyway? Have I been flagged as a suspicious character, or do you just want to check me out?" 

Thinking Grace is going to leave, Jared is surprised when she returns to sit on the bed. Hearing what she'd like to do, his face resembles something of surprise and fascination. 

"You... you'd do that? For me?" 

He had a feeling she wouldn't do this for just any patient. But why him? 

"Um... yeah, if... if you want to. I mean, I'm not gonna turn down food that hasn't been cooked here. Anything but pineapple I guess... I hear I'm allergic to that." 

His expression remains inquisitive though. "You'd really take the time?"

Slowed Down

Finished with the heat Grace moves around the room throw some stuff away and putting other stuff back into her bag. Stopping and looking at Jared again her cocks her head for a second her smile never seemed to fade.

   "We are doing to do this method for a week, than after that we will do it once a week. Every night though on your own I wasn't you to ice your legs, and put heal on them. Since your not using the muscles regularly you need to continue with the hot and cold to keep the blood flowing so they wont lock up anymore than they have."

Cleaning everything up Grace goes to the door to Jared's room and closes it slightly. She wanted to keep his spirits up and maybe even help a little bit with his past and she had a good idea. Coming over to JAred again she sits on the edge of the bed and gives a whisper.

   "So I know I am only a PT Dr but I was thinking tomorrow...maybe I can bring in some different samples of food you can try. It's one step forward in remember what you like and don't like, it would be something other and Hospital food, and it might be fun. What do you think?"

Taking a sip of her pop and sucking on an ice cube for a moment Ashlee gives a nod. Finally crunching down on it and chewing it she was able to reply.

   "I'll have to remember that...always get back on right away. Its...kinda like life I guess. We all mess up we are human, but taking a few steps back is ok as long as we move forward again."

It was nice chatting with Dylan like this. They had talked before for sure but this was more sit down, and having a extended conversation and Ashlee liked it. Looking over at her mom and Eric she quirks an eye brow before giving Dylan a little elbow and nodding twords them. A grin spread across her lips, she wondered if that look in her mom's eyes was the look of someone maybe becoming head over heels for another person.

Stacy gives a laugh sipping her coffee. Her eyes twinkle again as she looks over at Eric. Something about this night was special, maybe because it was his daughters birthday or maybe it was something else, but it felt so natural.

   "Well maybe if you slowed down, I wouldn't have to look up a file on you."

Katie can't help but laugh again loudly that she almost lost her footing. Regaining her balance though she continues to laugh. It felt good to laugh, a breath of fresh air, a spice in a dull food. Maybe this was why Jason had started spending more time with his friends...maybe this was what she had been missing.

   "Ohhhhh....a seashell...I shall carish it forever."

Taking a few steps forward Katie takes the seashell from Hunter's toe and holds it close to her pretending to show it some love. Looking up at Hunter Katie gives another laugh.

   "I think you better put both feet back on the ground before you fall on your butt."