

Grabbing her book and returning to the porch Destiny picks a closer to one of the lights illuminating her book so she could read better. Not minding the quiet Destiny seemed lost in her book but her mind was wondering. Going back to that moment in the living room with Chance. Thinking about it still brought a warmth to her as a small smile formed on her face. She was only happy she was reading a book at the same time so someone might think it was that.

Chance's voice breaks her train of thought though. Hearing his voice she looks up from her book putting her bookmaker in to hold her place. Listing to him stumble over his words Destiny had an idea on what he was saying before he even did, and hearing him have a problem saying it was kind of odd. But finally it was out and she stopped a moment to think about it.

Did she mean the kiss and the emotions attached, it sure did feel like she meant it but if she said that would it drive Chance away? If she didn't than she'd be lieing to him and they had made a promise.

Looking up at Chance and her eyes meeting him Destiny searches his face her eyes darting from one of his to the next. Searching, searching but still coming up with nothing but that warm feeling she felt. Sitting up a little straighter in her chair Destiny sets the book down in her lap for a moment.

"The first one was meant to be part of the game, but the moment our lips touched..something happened. The slight warm feelings I felt for you seemed to grow a whole leap in that one kiss. The kiss that followed..."

Destiny stops for a moment looking down at her book and picking at the bookmarker that stuck out of the top for a moment before looking back to Chance again.

"...I meant it, and I new what I was doing. The warm feeling the washed over me...it was nice. We get along great, I love being around you, and...over the last few days I've...found my mind thinking about you. So yes...I did mean it."

Still searching his eyes Destiny wondered if he would say if he meant it or not. Filling her in on the way he felt...so she new he returned the feelings, or if she had been way out of line.

Ryan's eyes twinkle at the mention to Reese letting Alec go. That sounds great and she new Alec deserved it. He'd been doing what they had wanted for so long they needed to give him something.

About to reply Ryan feels the snap to her bottom and stands up looking over at her brother with a playful glare. Rolling her eyes she turns and goes to the bench for the masks and paint handing on to Alec as well.

"Oh great artiest, lean us your wisdom and show us whats to be done."

Alice gives a little chuckle. She was kind of excited about having some people stay with her and she got along great with Twila and Karla as it was so why not.

"I wouldn't mind them staying here for as long as they want. It's lonely having this big place to myself so having more people would be nice."

Returning the soft kiss to Kyle Alice brings her hand to the side of his face and lets her thumb run over he cheek softly as her eyes don't leave his and the smile remains on his lips.

"I don't like it ether. It just feels...wrong knowing your so far away now. I got use to you being there are night, and in the morning."

Squinting his eyes a little in the dim light a smile spreads across BJ's face when he see Mick. The little boy didn't know how much time had past it just felt like a long nap. He wasn't even sure why there was such looks of releaf on his parents faces. But looking at Mick one could see his little brain was working on trying to think about the questions asked.

"My head horts, and my froat is dry. I...I think I hit my head when I was chasing my anflibien."

Though BJ's words were soft they were strong in Rosetta's ears and to hear him speak again was like someone giving her a million dollars. She'd missed having him running around outside, and hearing him play softly in the office while she was working.

Tearing start to fill her eyes with the happiness she felt. Looking to Mick she smiles before looking to BJ again. A silent thanks to God going through her mind for bringing there little boy back to them. There family was complete again.

"Did you mean it?

"Ok." Chance finally lowers his gaze and turns to head to the living room. "I'll get my laptop."

A few minutes later, he had turned on the light out back and was on the patio area, sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on a little stool. His laptop sat across his legs and he typed some, keeping an eye on Destiny as he read her book.

The silence was nice for a while - the only sound was his clicking keys or the turning of a page. A few insects buzzed around one of the lights, but they didn't bother the two much.

Eventually though, Chance's mind couldn't concentrate anymore. He had been concentrating for a while, typing, browsing, typing, sending messages and seeming to be in his own little world. But now as the hard stuff was done, his mind had started to wander. But it always came back to the same thing. He hated this weird little awkwardness that was between him and Destiny now. It wasn't terrible... not like they weren't speaking to each other or anything. But it was enough to make it feel strange and he didn't like it.

"Destiny..." He pauses, not wanting to sound stupid, or too bold. Fingering his laptop, he thinks for another moment or two. "Earlier... when we... um... in the living room." He chuckles softly, trying to remain casual about the whole thing. "Um, I just... I want to know... if you um..."

Pausing again, he felt pretty silly, stumbling over his words and sounding like an idiot. Finally, he closes his laptop and just asks flat out. "Did you mean it?"

Having Ryan lean over his shoulder and kiss his cheek, Alec grins. Turning his head, he brings one arm up and around Ryan's neck to keep her face next to his as he presses his lips to hers. "I'm glad I made it to. Been getting a little bit of help on escaping my prison, but... one of these days, I think Reese is gonna let me go."

"Hey, lovebirds, come on." Eli walks up behind them, swatting Ryan's behind with a towel. "Paint. Masks. Lemme show you guys how to get started. We're going pink."

Kyle shifts a little, settling back into the couch, his feet up on the coffee table and Alice's head in his lap. His fingers gently rub her forehead and run through her hair, back and forth absentmindedly as they enjoy the quiet. Everything had been happening so fast and was so chaotic that the quiet time with Alice was a nice break. Things with the band had been slightly delayed but nothing major - they just have a few more free days than planned, so getting places to stay was becoming more important.
Alice's suggestion comes as a pleasing one. "Hey, that's not a bad idea... if you don't mind sharing your space for a while. I know Twila would be thrilled - she's been a bit leery of finding her own place in a new town, even if she hasn't said so specifically. Not sure about Karla, but I have a feeling she'll be the same way."
Bending down over Alice's face, he puts a tender kiss on her lips. "I don't like leaving you at night," he admits. "I'm too used to saying goodnight and going to the next room over."

Hearing Rosetta, Mick's head snaps up. He'd fallen asleep in the chair in Angel's office, gaining a crick in his neck like he had the last few days. There hadn't been one normal night since BJ had had his accident - this was night number four and concern had risen to a height that no one was comfortable with.

But now having Rosetta call him, he's on his feet in an instant, his heart giving a leap in his chest. Walking quickly into the other room and seeing BJ's eyes open, relief like no other washes over him. With glossy eyes, he approaches the bed and sits down on the edge of it, running his hand through the boy's hair and down the side of his face. "Hey, kiddo," he greets softly. A smile comes to his lips. "How ya feeling?"


"Oh...ah I dont mind you being there at all. If I wanted alone time I could go into my room. I just new you had work, and I didn't want to be in your way and all."

Giving a smile it was the truth, Destiny didn't want to get in the way or start anymore messing around if Chance had to get some work done. Not to mention she still had no idea about what happened earlier if Chance was upset or not.

"If it's not going to bother your work than that would be ok. I wouldn't mind you sitting out there with me at all."

Straightening a little Destiny continues to look back at Chance. Her eyes almost felt like they couldn't look away. When she had first met him there was tention and an uneasy feeling but now she felt like anyone else might not do the job good enough.

"I just need to go grab my book from my room, thank I'll be right back out."

Placing the last peace of tape around the window, along with the door handle Ryan pops her head up from the opposite side of the car Eli was on. Grinning at her brother from the other side Ryan gives a thumbs up.

"Its all set over here. Ready to paint the flowers."

Ryan did her best not to break into a hystariea again as she though about the pain job on the car. Inside though she was still dieing just thinking about it. She couldn't wait to see Roth's face.

Going around to the front of the car Ryan gets close to Alec and leans over him as he is taping up the headlight just watching for a long moment. Tilting her head a little bit she gives his cheek a kiss her lips close to his ear.

"I'm happy you ended up making it tonight. Wouldn't have been the same with out ya."

Feeling a little tighten in her own Rosetta's head shoots up her eyes still so tired but the move meant gave her strength. Looking down at BJ's face Rosetta never felt such joy as seeing those little eyes looking back at her.

BJ had been sleeping for a while Rosetta was starting to lose hope, and Angel was starting to wonder herself if he should be moved somewhere else to be taken better care of.

But seeing him now looking back at her Rosetta was filled with so much joy but knowing he might still be in a little shock himself on everything she tryed to contain it a little. Leaning over she gives him a kiss on the forhead as she pushes the hair from his eyes.

"Hey there Bud, You have use quite a scare."

Looking up a little into the other room where she new Mick was Rosetta called to him.

"Mick, come quick BJ is awake."

Sitting quietly with Kyle Alice didn't mind like always. She liked the quiet moments they shared. It was deffintly not something everyone could do but she and Kyle seemed to have it down pat.

Shifting a little on the couch she moves her head that was in Kyle's lap so she was now on her back and looking up at him. A smile passing her lips as an idea had come into her mind.

"Hey Kyle, I was thinking. I know your trying to find placed for everyone in the band to stay but I was thinking maybe Karla and Twila could stay here."

She had a big apt all to herself and most of the room was being wasted on nothing. If she could have people use the rooms, and it being two people she already new it would be great. Having other people around would be nice too so when Kyle wasnt near maybe she wouldnt feel to lonely.

I'll pretend

Alec looks both ways before heading across the lower level foyer. Getting to the first pillar, he watches the far camera sweep the room. Just as its focus reaches the other end, Alec counts to ten then walks at a medium pace to the bottom stairs. Stopping and counting to fifteen, he then heads up the stairs, stops, counts again, then heads down the hall.

Meeting him halfway was Ty, having been to work for only a couple hours. Nodding, then giving each other a high-five as they pass, in Alec's hand is now a security key card. Aiming for the main floor, he takes a look around, spotting the camera in the far corner. Dropping to his hands and knees, he crawls along the right hand side of cubicles, counting as he goes, until he reaches the end. Waiting until he'd reached thirty, he then makes it through the doorway before the camera ever catches him. It helped when someone had already figured out the exact timing pattern to be able to get out of the building without detection.

Once outside, Alec heads to an Elite vehicle and within minutes, it was hotwired so he could drive across town. And half an hour later, he, Eli and Ryan were in the garage with Roth's car.

Eli put down another strip of tape around the window, sealing the plastic. Some might think it impractical to be so particular about a paint job that would most likely be stripped within hours of its exposure. But Eli couldn't do half a job - it would be professional.

"Hey, Speedy, how's that tape over there coming? We ready to start painting or what?"

Alec fiddles around the headlights, making sure everything that needed to be covered was, though this really was out of his element. He was having to take directions from Eli, which was okay, but not something he was used to. At least Leo wasn't around tonight.

"Um..." Chance didn't like the thought of Destiny being out on the back porch by herself. There were enough cameras that no one could get past him, but by the time he got from the living room and out back, could be enough time for someone to nab her, or worse.

A few days ago, telling her no would have been no problem. But tonight... for some reason, it was just hard. He looks in her eye, wanting so badly to talk to her, but not having a clue what to even say.

"I could... bring my laptop out back with you," he suggests, even though it wasn't his ultimate. "That way you can get your fresh air and I can still keep an actual eye on you."

He knew it didn't sound so great - him needing to follow her around everywhere. It wasn't fair. If he were Reese, he would probably handle things differently, but... this was the way it was. He scrunches his nose a little in an apologetic look. "Sorry. I know you need "you time" too. You'll just have to put up with me a while longer. I'll pretend not to be there."

Under control

Hearing Chance would still be with her parents service made her fell good. It want that she thought he wouldn't go, but he said in a few days he had to do his own thing, and in a few days was the service too so she just wanted to make sure. If for anything out of her own paranoia.

"Yeah, Reese seems like he can be a pretty hard guy to work for. Not that, thats a bad thing ether. Like to keep everything under control. But I can see the frustration in it too."

Giving a chuckle as she puts another glass away Destiny makes in her own mind how being an Elite agent would be. In a way it seemed exciting thats what she always though about he dad's job to till the time he had explain to her how wrong it was. Those the Elite and Agency were two completely different sides of the law she could make a connection with them.

"I don't think I like watching my back all the time. Don't show it to much but even after your done being my bodyguard I am gonna always jump thinking the Agency is after me. Something about stepping outside the house and wondering If I'm going to die today is kind of a turn off."

Finishing up and putting the last glass away Destiny turns to Chance looking at him for a long moment. Shifting her weight Destiny was unsure now what to do. She wanted to say something more to Chance but she wasn't sure how or what.

As he talks first about getting some work done Destiny let out a short breath and gave a nod. He had work she couldn't stop that.

"Oh...ok, I'll figure something to do. I might grab a book and sit on the back porch is thats aloud or just sit at the kitchen take with the sliding door open for some fresh air."

Before bed

Chance looks to Destiny quickly, wondering why she'd have to ask if he'd be at her parents' funeral. Wasn't it natural that he would be? Had he implied otherwise, or acted like he didn't want to go? He hoped not. When two people got along, a friendship could form in a matter of minutes. With him and Destiny, it had formed over the course of several days being together. He'd treat her like he would any friend. Maybe he wasn't all that close to anyone, but he wouldn't leave her high and dry now.

"Of course I'll be there," he answers softly. "We're friends right? I wouldn't leave you to do that alone even if I wasn't your bodyguard."

Rinsing out a glass, he hands it to her carefully. "I'd bring you along to that meeting of mine in a few days but... first, you're right - Reese would have a fit, and two... I know you can act but... I wouldn't want to risk it. I've got to meet up with someone in that undercover scene - gotta make a deal on a gambling debt, then get out of there again." He sighs. "Which means I also have to come up with something to tell Reese since he's not in that loop. I wasn't planning on having to make any connections while I was here, but... I'm getting pressure and if I don't give, it's gonna blow my cover."

He leans on the sink and gives Destiny a sidelong glance. "The life of an Elite agent. Even when I'm playing bodyguard, I gotta watch my back."

Handing her the last glass, he pulls the plug in the drain and lets the water swirl down in the sink. Wiping off the counter with a little flourish, he hangs up the towel and turns to Destiny, seeming to not be too sure what to do now. It was too early for bed yet.... but he wasn't so sure about starting any more games or playing around tonight. "I got some work to do before bed..."

Oh yeah

Destiny didn't mind hearing about where Chance lived. It sounded nice, busy but there was nothing wrong with something being busy. Thinking about it now Destiny could understand why Chance probably missed it there. It was normal to him to always be on the go in the middle of everything that was busy.

"Sounds like a nice place there I could see why you would miss it. Always being on the go and than coming to almost a complete halt can be odd."

Taking the plate from Chance and drying it Destiny than puts it in the right location before taking the bowl and doing the same each time coming back to Chance's side for another.

Stopping a moment and lingering for a moment as he talks about having to go away to do another job Destiny can't help the loud thump in her chest. Someone else would have to come? It would only be a few hours but after getting use to Chance and his ways of doing things having someone else come would feel odd.

"Oh yeah, I am sure he could find someone. Not that I couldn't keep myself out of trouble if I just went with you. Slipping into a roll is easy but I guess Reese wouldn't be to happy if he found out. I...maybe Jason can come or something since I know him already it wont be to awkward feeling with someone else here. Your gonna be there for my parents service right?"

In the middle

Destiny's hand brushing against Chance's causes his eyes to fall shut for a moment though she doesn't see. Turning quickly back to the sink, he keeps his sights down, not really sure what to say now. They had kissed. But it wasn't like it was anything serious. It was just... just a kiss. Heat of the moment type thing, right? Sure, he'd liked it - who wouldn't? It didn't mean there was anything more to it than that... right?

Hearing Destiny's voice, he's brought back to what he was doing, realizing that the sink was almost full and quickly shutting off the water? "Hmm? Oh... yeah... I was in a pretty fast-paced area. Got a nice apartment... lots of city traffic. Not the sleepy side like it is around here. Back there it's get up and go, get to work, go go go, then back home and out for a night on the town."

He chuckles as he scrubs a plate, rinses and hands it to her. "It's weird not having that routine. I mean... sitting around here... it's like... not sure what to do with myself." He pauses, scraping away at a stubborn spot on a bowl. "Other than watching you and that undercover business of course. Which reminds me... I gotta meet up with a guy in a few days - figure I might have Reese get someone to come over here so I can take off for a couple hours. Don't want you in the middle of anything."


Walking into the kitchen with Chance Destiny gives a small smile. Something about today seemed so different than the days before. She'd always been pretty good at keeping her own emotions at bay. It was another thing her father taught her because the Agency would feed on those emotions. She had done pretty good, till today. She had let her feelings show for Chance, about everything doing on...it was strange and now she couldn't deny they were there.

Coming up behind him Destiny reaches around him placing her cups in the sink. Just lingering for a moment she hand brushes his as it retreats even if she wanted to it to ling she pulled it away still unsure about how Chance was feeling not wanting to push to far.

Turning and grabbing the dish towel from the counter behind them she returns next to Chance waiting for him to start the dishes. Not knowing really what to talk about since what happened in the living room she just watches out the window too for a moment. Looking at Chance slightly she can see the far off look in his eye.

"Whats your home like? Is it quiet or busy? Lots of people?"

Destiny didn't mind knowing a little more about Chance and where he lived. She'd liked learning about new places and this would be a perfect chance to do so!

Wash and dry

The corner of Chance's mouth upturns a little. Yes, he'd wanted some time alone, if anything just to sort through and figure out how to justify kissing. But he didn't want to make Destiny feel badly. She was one strong, gutsy woman. But tonight, Chance had seen her need... her need for compassion... care... affection. He figured it existed in every woman somewhere, and tonight, for some reason, he'd seen it in her, full-blossom for the first time. And it had done something to him. And that, was what struck a strange cord of fear in him.

Forcing a smile to the surface, he shakes his head. "Come on... I'll wash and you can dry." He picks up his cup of tea as well and wanders to the kitchen, starting to run the hot water and putting the stopper in the drain. Looking out the back window, there wasn't a whole lot to see with the reflections in the way, but there were quiet town lights. It reminded him a little of home.


Taking both his hands to stand Destiny does so, still looking into Chance's eyes. There was something different there now, they both thinking, wondering if it was right or wrong, or if it was a mistake. She new in her mind, there had been something there that made her care for Chance, and drew she closer this now just seeming to add a little to it.

"I don't even know whats going on enough in this movie to sit and watch it to the end. I've missed way to much already. Not that I mind."

Straightening a little and giving a little stretch before picking up her tea glass with what was left of the now cold tea.

"And we did say I would help you since I kind of cheated with the candy game. I said I would dry if you washed and I will stick to my word. I honestly don't mind helping, unless you would rather have some space."

Again like before Destiny didn't want Chance to feel like she was smothering him. So if he did want to be alone than she understood completely wouldn't be mad.

Never a victor

Chance catches a slight look in Destiny's eye that wasn't there before, and he feels a little badly. Had he just led her on? Well, not really... he might not want to admit he'd just enjoyed kissing her, but it was true. But was it right? He was here to do a job, not have a summer fling. And besides... those eyes... they were too pure to just love and leave.

He grins at her comment and reaches down to push a stray strand of her hair out of the way. "Or you can finish up the movie while I go do the dishes. It's my job after all and since this was a tie... it's still my job."

Standing up again, he bends to give her both her hands if she wanted help getting up. "Besides... I have a feeling that a wrestling match would never end up with a victor. I'm too strong and you're too cunning."

Best Moment

Destiny can feel her heart thump in her chest. It pounded so hard she couldn't remember a time when it had been loud along with these feelings of bliss. These feelings she had to offer though it had only been a few days it was still a few days of 24/7. Ever since she told Chance off that day outside the lawyers office and the promised not to keep secrets she was now happy to share these with Chance, and make him feel good too.

As Chance pulls away from the kiss Destiny looks up at him. Her one hand sliding from his back but the other staying on his face as her thumb runs over his cheek bone. Searching his eyes for the longest moment, looking...looking for something. Hearing his words about being her bodyguard she continues to search the eyes looking for what was meant by his words. Was it a no we can't do this, or was it yes, but there was no time for more questions as the beep goes off and Chance stands going to the computer monitor.

Staring upward Destiny lets all the emotions flow through her as she trys to calm her breathing not letting on she was a little out of breath. Feeling Chance come back over she tilts her head back a little to look up at him, a smile coming to her lips again.

"Stupid dog rune the best moments."

She new for now the moment had been broken but it had been an amazing moment at that. But she could feel Chance's awkwardness and she couldn't help but feel bad a little. Swallowing the lump in her throat she turns her head to look at the tv a moment before back at him.

"Well...we could watch the rest of the movie that we have no idea whats going on, or we could go do those dishes since our wrestling ended in a tie, or we could continue the wrestling and see who wins."


Chance's foot moves up against Destiny's foot, rubbing it slowly. Her hand running up and down his back felt good, as did her continued sweet kiss.

Her words bring his mind back around to what should be a dilemma that was being ignored for the moment. It had started out a game... but now wasn't? She wasn't just teasing him, trying to get him to give up so she could win their little battle and avoid doing dishes? She really did... want to be doing this? Her palm on his cheek felt so soft.

Destiny's continued kiss makes it hard for him to get a word in, but for the next few moments, he doesn't mind. Throwing caution to the wind, he ignores logic for a while, just to stay here and kiss a little longer. There was something different here... something different than what he'd felt just a day or two ago. Actually being caught in an embrace and kissing... Destiny brought on more feelings for her than he knew had existed. She wasn't just a frightened little girl who needed help. She was a young woman with feelings of her own to keep and to share.

Shifting around a little, Chance's arm comes back down, his hand brushing the side of her face. As he does though, his elbow brushes up against his side holster. And all of a sudden, reality hits him squarely in the face.

Breaking away from the kiss, he stares down into Destiny's eyes, searching them for the longest moment. How had they gotten into this? Were these feelings real? Did he really feel something for her? Did she really think this was more than a game, or was she just releasing pent-up emotions with everything that had been going on?

His voice is quiet... softer than normal. "I'm your bodyguard."

A beeping at the computer monitors snaps his head up, his whole body tensing. Somehow managing to get up without stepping on Destiny, he stumbles over to the screens to see what was going on. His eyes narrow. It was the neighbor's dog - nothing to worry about. But the moment had been successfully broken, leaving the awkward aftermath. He had broken so many rules tonight.

Turning around, he wanders back to Destiny, squatting down near her head. "Just a dog," he informs. He searches her eyes again, biting his lower lip. "Well, darlin' what do we do now?"

The second time

Taking Chance's nudge back as a sigh it was ok, and he liked it Destiny just continued. Her hand running on Chance's back her own little murmur coming from her lips showing she did in fact like his kiss as well.

Hearing his words between there kiss Destiny can't help the small smile a little but still not breaking the kiss ether. Letting it ling for more than a few moments she finally can take a few breaths and gets some words in herself.

"I...was going to ask...you that same thing. It....stopped feeling like...a game to...me...when I actually kissed you...the second time."

Keeping her hand still on Chance's back and one in his head Destiny lets it slide to the side of his face so she could cradle it. Letting the kiss continue before he can say something else.


Destiny's hands moving to his back and head make Chance relax all the more, one hand moving down to the side of her face as they kiss.

Feeling her foot slide on his leg, he at first thinks she might be going to tickle him again, but realizing she's not, he nudges her foot back a little, continuing the motion.

By now, his mind was starting to get just out of reach - Destiny's embrace... her kiss... they were tantalizingly sweet, seeming to put him almost in a trance, while somewhere there was something tugging at him, trying to pull him back to reality. But this was so warm... comfortable... different... totally insane.

Managing to speak, he murmurs, though his lips seem to have a mind of their own as they refuse to stay away from hers to form a complete sentence all at once.

"Are we... still.... playing... a game?"


As Chance leans down to let her rest her head on the floor again Destiny slips her hands so one was now on his back and the other going to the back of his head.

Continuing the kiss Destiny still didn't quite understand these emotions that were going on inside her but there was no resist for her ether. Chance's kiss was sweet, and soft, it brought a warm, safe comfort inside her.

Pulling her head back for a moment Destiny's breath was heavy but tilting it the other way she returned once again. Now lost if this way still the game or there own emotions that drove them to this, Destiny really didn't know if she cared. Bringing her leg to meet Chance's destiny runs her foot up his leg lifting the pant leg a little to rub her foot on his skin.

Um.... o.O

Destiny's comment makes Chance grin a little - she was just being a big tease, that was all. Trying to find any way she could to get him to give up just so she could win the game. His awkwardness vanishes and he's about to tell her he'll let her win but she owes him, when without warning, she returns for another kiss.

Shocked for a second time, Chance can't help it that the gesture - serious or not - sends a flood of warmth through his veins. Destiny's hands that crawl up to his shoulders seem to have more power than he had and his hands slide forward a little, bringing him down closer until she can lay her head back on the floor though he had not broken their kiss.

Surely she meant nothing by this. Surely she was still just playing. She had to be, right? They'd been together a few days, but she was just toying... just fooling around as part of their silly game... right?

Chance moves his head the other way, letting the kiss linger. She was an awfully good actress... He questions if it really was just playing. It certainly didn't feel like it this time, and he could feel his own emotions start to slip from the vice grip he usually held them under.