
True to myself

Searching Kirk's face again Misty's emotions churned more. He had a point, he had a very good point. But there was stuff he didn't know too. Shifty Misty looked down focusing on some things on her desk. Oh how she hated this, oh how her emotions did too and yer there was still a part f her that wanted to defend Carson.

   "A few times he was blackmailed. He was trying to keep the people he loved safe."

Looking up again Misty's eyes held a few tears. This was all so hard to talk about, so many memories, so many emotions that were not good. Finding Rick in the room she wondered if he was listing too.

   "I would always be true to myself when it came down to it. That's all I can do."

Jamie giggles as Con kisses her neck and leans her own face into him. She soaked up the moment and didn't care who saw.  She wasn't going to let this oppertunity slip by her.

   "You make my day better by just being here."

Being turned around to face him Jamie's smile grew even more. Looking up in his eyes  Jamie searched the never ending pools. Glancing back at her paper work for a second Jamie finally stands pacing a kiss on Con's lips.

   "Subs sounds like an amazing idea. Lets get out of here before anyone sees us." 

Just watching Travis Ashlee smiles folding her arms across her chest. Travis was so gentle with the horse. It surprised her, but made her happy at the same time. He'd get along just find here even if he wasn't the best at riding just like her.

   "Fishing sounds like fun. I've never been but it looks like fun anyways."

Hearing Travis wanted to help her groom made her perk up. That would be nice to have someone to just hang out with. She could feel and excitement in the pit of her stomach something that seemed to chase the loneliness away.

   "That sounds great. I was going to head to hose Stardust down and than brush her if you want to take along we can go at a slow pace. I dont mind one bit. The company would be nice. I can show you around a little too."


"Ups and downs?" Kirk almost laughed...almost. "I'll say. He was involved with how many Agency women? Then in the end he wound up bending to Agency threats and lying to everyone around him about what was really going on. I honestly can't believe Reese still allows him to work here after he's caused so much damage." He cocked his head. "What's to say he won't just lie again? Or be seduced by an Agency woman again and let his loyalties slide? It's his pattern after all. You...came here to stay, and never looked back. Carson...he hasn't stopped looking back."

He paused, tapping his own on his notepad. "What would happen if you found out he was going back again? Would you endanger the Elite or turn him in?"

Con chuckled and bent down low to kiss the side of Jamie's neck. "Mmm... I don't know if I can make your day any better... But I can take you to lunch if you want."

He spun her chair around so he could face her. "I'm thinking subs. In the park. Unless you'd rather stay here with your paperwork instead."

A new smile emerged on Travis' face as he was given the sugar cubes. Handing them to the horse, it was obvious he was used to the large animals. Scratching her cheek again, he gave her some loving. "Mmm, you're a pretty girl, aren't ya, Stardust, huh?"

He threw Ashlee a glance. "I'm not so great in the saddle myself, but that's prolly 'cause I don't get to ride as much as I want. Only when I stay with my dad, and half the time we go fishing instead...if he's not wrangling cows." He might be upset with his dad right now, but he knew Lane had been the best father he could.

Realizing he'd let his mind drift, he snapped his attention back to Ashlee. "Going for a ride sounds like fun, but it might be a while til I can handle that again." He reached out to stroke Stardust again. "Wouldn't mind helping groom this girl though..."


As Con comes up behind her Jamie gives a small gigle. She wasn't expecting to see Con today but she could never forget the smell of his cologne and the feel of his skin. She'd play along though.

   "Is it my knight in shining armour coming to save me from the disaster of a day?"

Bringing her hands to to Con's Jamie give them a squeeze. What a nice surprise this was to have him here. She missed there interactions at work and flirtatious ventures.

Misty eyes Kirk for a long moment thinking what what he said. The look on his face was full of judgment and it made Misty feel very self conthious. No one talked to her in a long time a about her involvement in the Agency.

   "I was for a short time. We all make mistakes Mr. Young. It's what we do to correct them that matters in the end."

Looking down at her ring for a moment Misty could feel her emotions churn. Everything with Carson was still being sorted out. It was hard to talk about it. But she new if she didn't Kirk wouldn't go away.

   "As for Carson, really that's my business. He's had his ups and downs, but he's trying. He's come a long way since first coming to the elite."

Misty couldn't help but wonder just how much Kirk bew about her life.

Ashlee cant help but laugh and shake her head. She should of guessed Angel was still giving him liquids still. She was good like that nursing everyone back to health.

   "Well maybe we can convince her to tonlet you join us all in the mess hall tonight. Becky is making her amazing burgers."

Just looking over Travis for a moment Ashlee could feel her smile widen. In this light, he was cute, bruses and all. He looked a lot like Lane, and Angel too. You could tell they were related.

 Hearing his questions Ashlee pulls herself from her thoughts and smiles again. She liked her was asking questions and engaging with her. It felt nice to be noticed.

   "This is Stardust. As much as I wish she was mine she is not. She belongs to the ranch. I just like riding her the most."

Petting the horses neck again Ashlee pulls a sugar cube from her pocket and hands it to Travis her fingers brushing his for a moment.

   "I'm not the best rider yet. Stardust has a calm about her so I can ride myself and not ha e to worry to much but can still learn. Maybe when your better we can ride together."


Con looked down at Katie with a little more seriousness, and he sighed. "I miss you guys too," he admitted. "I...haven't been able to find my niche since leaving." 

Jason ceased his teasing, knowing good and well how much his best friend had suffered lately, trying to survive with jobs he hated. "Reese...he still have an opening for you?"

Con rolled his eyes. "He hasn't stopped badgering me about coming back. Although from the sounds of it, even if..." Oops. He bit his tongue and tried to recover. "Well...just, things have changed some."

Jason quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Katie. Con was holding something back. "Even if what?"

"Nothing." Reese would kill Con if he spilled the beans about the real intent of the FBI. "Anyway... great to see you guys." He reached down and patted Trooper's head. "And you too."

Trooper gave a short woof, then a little whine.

"Not you too," Con chided. he sighed again. "Okay. I gotta go. And we'll see about the future." He tossed Katie a wink before finally leaving. He still didn't leave the building though. Instead, he walked the short row of cubicles before stopping at Jamie's. He might be big, but he could be quiet when he wanted to be, and he slipped in behind her chair. Leaning down, he put a hand over her eyes. "Guess who."

Kirk nodded slowly, then eased down in an empty chair. "What about before that though?" He flipped through a file. "You were... involved in the Agency, right?" He continued to browse a few pages. "Ah yes. Then after you came here, you got romantically involved with an Agency man."

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "Some might say you have an unhealthy attraction to the enemy." Without giving her time to respond, he went on. "How's that working out for you, by the way? I see you're still wearing your wedding band. I'm pretty impressed after all I've heard about your husband - who also just can't seem to make a clean break with the Agency."

Seeing Ashlee ride up and hearing her comment about the fence, Travis smiled and stayed right where he was. As she dismounted, he cocked his head. Seeing her out here when he wasn't groggy in bed, she really was cute, especially in those jeans and t-shirt. His smile widened and he leaned both arms on the top fence rail to set his chin on his hands, which put him down nearer her height. 

"Nope. Well, last night I still had soup. But I'm really hoping today she'll let me eat something else. I mean, I like soup, but..." He grinned again. Despite his slowly heeling, beaten face, his eyes twinkled just a little. This whole thing had been a nightmare. Then yesterday with his mom, it hadn't helped any. But today...at least it was a new day, right? 

"So..." He straightened and reached over the fence to stroke the horse's cheek. "This your horse?" 

Thinner Skull

Sapphire was thankful for Scott's impute and his calming words. She was feeling better not like she could finish the rest of her day.

   "Thank you Scott. Hopfully you are right and he is. He sure is doing a number on peoples emotions."

Looking up at Kirk Misty eyes him with question. From what she had heard he was causing quite a stir with people. Why was he do intrested in her now?

   "I have a moment to talk."

Hearing his question about how she got there Misty found it odd. Why was that important and what did it have to do with anything.

   "I had a passion for helping oeople. I went to medical school in England and got my degree. Reese my Uncle offered me a job here and this is where I have been ever since."

She wondered if that was a good enough answer for Kirk. Even if it wasn't it was the truth, and that's all she could give. She had nothing to hide.

Katie shakes her head in reply to Con's statement she loved the banter they all shared, oh how she'd missed Con. And how she missed Jason's smiling face, his sparking eyes when he laughed. Stopping her train of thought right there Katie looks to Con again not daring to look at Jason least he see her cheeks she was sure were red.

   "I've tried Con...just dosnt stick. Somethibg I think Trooper has a thinner skull."

Laughing again Katie finally looks to Jason, and than back to Con. It would have wonderful if Con did come back. She missed seeing him every day.

   "You should come back. I miss moments like this. Heck, we all miss you in general. You are an important part of our team."

Out in the pasture Ashlee had just slowed down from a sprint on Stardust. Movment by one of the fences caught her sight. Seeing it was Travis she smiled. It was good to see him up and about even if maybe Angle would advise against it. Yelling to him she cant help but laugh at the same time.

   "Watch out how to lean on that it could give way at any moment."

Walking over to him and stops and swings her leg over the house and jumps down. Her hair was in a lose ponytail as some stray hairs had broken free,  A while tshirt was her shirt of choice today, with a flannl tired around her wast, washed out jeans with holes in the kneeds, and cowgirl boot. Keeping a hold of the rains she pats the horse on the neck before looking back to Travis.

   "You are starting to look a lot better than a few days ago. Hardly even recognized you. Has Angel finally let you eat something besides soup?" 

No idea

Con wrapped his arms around Katie in a big bear hug. Maybe he'd missed their friendship more than he'd admit. He'd always see her as his little sister, and without being around the office lately...he'd been deprived of her sunshine. 

Smiling, he thought to himself how Hope had been right. He needed this. The confirmation from others that he wasn't a monster. Maybe...he did still have a purpose. A crumpled piece of paper hit his shoulder and he looked over to Jason, surprised. "What was that for?" 

"I just asked what you were doing here." 

"Well next time say it louder." He smirked down at Katie. "You gotta teach that boy to have better manners. He knows I can't hear worth crap." Turning back to Jason, he shrugged. "I just got back from Texas." 

"Wait...the ranch? We heard something was going on, then next thing we knew, Reese said he had it covered. That was you?" 


Silence. Jason's eyebrows rose. "So... does that mean..."

"No." Con paused. "No. It just means...I helped out."

Jason glanced at Katie as a grin formed on his face. Con was going to come back...he knew it. 

"Hey," Con growled. "I said no."


"It's true!"

Jason just grinned. 

Con finally smirked. "Well. It did feel good to be on a case again."

"I knew it!"

"But that doesn't mean anything!" Con looked to Katie again. "You'd think I'd need the interpreter, not him." 

Scott returned Sapphire's hug, just letting her cry more if she needed to. "I'll always be here," he assured. "I might get grouchy but...you know I always got your back." 

Pulling away a little, he smiled and reached for a tissue to hand her. "Try not to think about it any more, okay? You're right about him being a jerk, so nothing we say or do is gonna change anything. He'll be gone soon." He at least hoped that was true. Surely he was almost done here.

"Misty?" Kirk entered the infirmary and gave a nod to Rick before approaching Misty's desk. "I don't want to interrupt, but I'm trying to catch as many people as I can before my stay here is over. I'd like to talk to you about a few things, including how you came to be ere on the Elite, if you don't mind?" 

Angel's words meant the world to Lane, and he could only hope that one day he could somehow make up for all the lost time he'd caused. He hadn't meant to hurt anyone...but he had. Having his sister now encouraging him in spite of that fact was a bold reminder of how much he'd missed family. His real family. Here. 

"Thank you," he managed quietly. "Hopefully Amber won't surface again for a while. I don't know what Travis said to shut her off, but I'm glad he did. I'm...glad to know I have some options though." The last thing he wanted was for Amber to drag him to court over bogus accusations. But if Angel said she had a lawyer friend then...maybe he didn't need to be scared, just like she assured him.

"I, um...I appreciate all you're doing here for me and for Travis. I had forgotten how nice it was to be here. With family. I think of everyone here as family too, even if I wasn't around all these years." 

Thankfully, Amber really had left, so the rest of the evening was quiet. No more visitors. No hint of the Agency. Perhaps they really could start to relax just a little...

...Travis opened his eyes to find morning light faintly streaming in through the windows. It had not been a good night. He had tossed and turned, and twice Angel had given him something to ease the pain. He must have slept at some point, since at least for the moment he felt halfway rested.

Wincing as he sat up, he cradled his ribs with his good arm, while his other had been put in a brace to help speed the heeling of the sprain. A clean set of clothes was on the nightstand. A pair of jeans and a plain tshirt. He didn't know who had brought them, but he was grateful.

Managing to get changed, and slip on his old cowboy boots, he wandered slowly through the office. He assumed Angel was at breakfast. That was okay...he'd rather be on his own for now anyway. He was going stir crazy and needed some fresh air.

Getting outside, the morning air was a little chillier than he'd expected, but he didn't mind. Walking wasn't the easiest thing in the world, so his pace was slow until he reached a nearby corral fence to lean on. His eyes roamed the main ranch yard. It was a nice looking place. Clean. Well-kept. Lots of horses. A repair shop? Nice row of bunkhouses. It had a peaceful feeling to it, and though he was upset about this whole ordeal, he had to admit it was a nice place to be until he recovered. After that? Now, he didn't know. He'd had a job interview at bookstore that by now he'd missed by several days. His mother hadn't been happy about it anyway. She'd prefer he went to school, but he just didn't yet know what he wanted to do, even if she had her own ideas. After yesterday though...he'd be lucky to find any of his personal belongings still at the house when he returned home.

Still leaning on the fence for support, he turned to gaze across the corral to the pasture and beyond. How long would he really be here? A few more days? And what about his dad? That was a sore spot in itself after learning all the history he'd never been told. How could he just suck it up and move on? 

He sighed and picked at a splinter on the fence rail. Things had changed in the blink of an eye, and he had no idea where to go from here.

Would help

Listing to her brother Angel's heart broke. She could tell by the look on his face how much it hurt him. Amber sounded like she was lovely when they first met, someone Angel really could get along with but now...it was sad how people changed like that. 

   "Lane, I am so sorry. I wish I could of been there to help you. I want you to know, even if you already do...its not your fault."

Angel felt like that was such a silly thing to say, something people said all the time but she meant it. She wanted Lane to know it wasnt. No one forced Amber to do anything, even if she was unhappy it was still her choice.

   "It's sad how people can change sometimes. Be influenced and sometimes become unrecognizable, blaming everyone for there problems when really its there own self that is the problem."

Placing a hand on Lane's arms she offers a smile. How she missed her brother, and how upset she had been with him. But it all seemed to fade away. No matter what he was family and she loved him and she new he loved her too. More importantly he loved his son more than anything.

   "You wont lose Travis I can promise you that. If it comes down to it, I know a good lawyer myself who wont let anyone walk on her, or blind side her. Payment is not an issue with her and she is one of the best. I know she would help, She'd do all she could. 

Angel stood tall as she looked at her brother. He wasn't alone, not anymore, not ever again. She'd always have his back even if he didnt want the help.

   "Your ex-wife dosnt scar me, and nether does her fancy pants husband. You shouldn't let them scar you eather. You are not alone Lane, you and Travis are my family, and I wont go down with out a fight, not to mention every single person at this ranch looks at you as family too."

As Scott talked with her Sapphire could feel herself calming down a little. His voice was so soft, his words were always the right ones. Even since they had been kids, he just new what to say and when to say it. Sapphire loved her brother so much, even if they had drifted apart. How she wished they hadn't but it was life, and at least they were doing better now.

   "Kirk the Jerk...that is what he is."

Looking down at her brother hands her thump ran over one of his own fingers and she let out a long sigh. More tears fell, but she did feel a little better. Hearing Scott's words about Gage meant a lot to her, not just because of what he went through bit because he was her brother.

   "Thank you Scotty, for always being there for me. It means a lot to me to have you in my corner. I've missed talking with you."

Reaching out Sapphire put her arms around Scott and hugs him tight. Tears still ran from her eyes as she hugged him. She couldn't ask for a better bother, through everything they were still there for one another.

   "I'd be bored too because cooped up in your house all day too."

Katie laughs and sticks out her tongue at Jason before going back to scratching Trooper behind his ears. Hearing someone at the door Katie looks up and can't help the excitement that spread across her face seeing Con.  It had been to long and she missed him.


Excitement was in her voice as she got up off the ground and went over to him for a big hug. He always did give some of the best hugs around. Stepping back Katie looks up at him her eyes sparkled. Today had been one of the best days she had, had in a long time. Something was different about Con too. A good different and it made her happy.

   "I'm always working hard. One way or another I gotta protect this one over here. It's hard work you know."

Grinning from ear to ear Katie looks back at Jason. It had been a long time since all they of them had been in the same room together and oh how it brought back memories. Oh how things had been different than, but oh how Katie's life had changed knowing Con and Jason. Her heart skips a beat for a moment even surprising her a little as she thinks of the past. Bringing herself back to here and now though Katie still cant help grinning from ear to ear. 


Hard at Work

Travis accepted Angel’s help back into bed, finding himself grateful for her care. She was being so kind, despite the mess they were all in right now. He was embarrassed by his mother, and thankful Angel had taken the whole thing in stride. He wasn’t used to someone reacting that way and it was…nice. He watched Angel leave the room as his eyes started to drift shut again. He was so very tired.

Out in the other room, Lane leaned back against the wall, his arms folding across his chest. His eyes remained down, and he shook his head at Angel’s question. “No.” Unexpected tears sprang into his eyes and his voice wavered. “No, she wasn’t.”

He swallowed hard and nudged a crack in a floorboard with the toe of his boot. It took him a few moments to speak again after he’d swiped away a tear with the back of his hand. “She was quite lovely, actually. I loved her so much.” He said it as if the love was gone, but anyone could see the way he talked about her that even after all these years, he hadn’t been able to let go.

“I guess after we were married, she figured out it wasn’t what she really wanted. She started to be unhappy. Moody. Harsher. Then when she met Dirk…” He shrugged lamely. “He wasn’t good for her. Obviously she made the choice to have an affair with him – how I didn’t see it, I’ll never know. But she changed a lot that year, and seems to have just gotten worse ever since.”

Pain lingered in his voice. It was so obvious how hurt he continued to be by Amber’s words and actions. He still didn’t look up at his sister. “Dirk’s a lawyer and likes to draw blood. So any of Amber’s threats…I have to take seriously. Which pretty much leaves me helpless. To be honest, I have no idea why she let me have as much time with Travis as she did while he was growing up. Either a soft spot still exists, or she was just using me as a babysitter.”

Another long pause followed as his emotions churned, and eventually he pushed off the wall and turned to face Angel. “She likes the money she has now. Likes the power she holds over people like me, and…I don’t see that changing any time soon. I’m just sorry Travis has gotten caught in the middle. He’s the only good thing that came out of my marriage…and now I’m on my way to losing him too.”

Scott stood by for a moment and sighed. No, it wasn’t fair. Reese hadn’t said so, but he had a feeling there was more to Kirk being there than simply checking up on them. Seeing his sister’s tears, he came closer and knelt down by her chair to look up at her. “Hey… It’s gonna be okay. I know Gage has changed.” Those were quite the words coming from him, who had disapproved since the very beginning. But the fact was…he knew Gage was on the straight and narrow, and he couldn’t deny that.

“I know I gave you grief before…and I still have a hard time seeing any ex-Agency men… but you’re not wrong to be with him, and don’t let Kirk make you feel that way, okay?” He looked up into her teary eyes and his heart hurt. It had been a very long time since they’d sat together like this. When they’d been younger, they’d interacted like this often, battling hurt from bullies at school. But as adults…they’d just…drifted.

He remained on one knee, and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “You have nothing to be ashamed of, and Kirk has no proof Gage would even think about turning bad.”

Hearing Katie’s comment, Jason couldn’t help his grin. “Naw. If you weren’t in here, he’d be making a fuss all on his own, so I’m used to it. I think he’s gotten bored lately.”

“Knock, knock.”

Jason looked to the door quickly, a new expression of pleasure crossing his face. “Con! What are you doing here?”

“Oh, just stopped by.” He smiled down at Katie and Trooper and shook his head. It had been a while since he’d been to the office at all, let alone stopped to talk. Even if he did make an appearance, it was usually brief and maybe he’d just give a wave to a few people then disappear again. But not today. “You look like you’re hard at work,” he teased Katie.

Carson slowed and pulled his car to a stop alongside the curb of the quiet street. It wasn't the most fantastic part of town, but certainly not the worst either. The houses in this area were rather nice - old, but at least it was a well-kept community. Then there was this particular house.

Carson sat back and let his eyes roam the two-story house. It was white...or at least used to be. Now it was in dire need of a new paint job. At least one window was broken, and the roof over the front porch had been severely neglected. The yard was full of weeds, tall grass, and branches from two large maple trees. The property had potential though. Nestled in the center of the block, it had a nice-sized front yard and an even bigger back yard. The house's front porch ran the length of the house, and would be perfect for a swing or even some patio furniture. The driveway led up to a garage - small, but could serve its purpose well. Overall, it wasn't a bad property, if one was willing to put some time and effort into it.

A battered For Sale sign creaked in the wind. It hadn't taken much investigation to discover why the house had never sold. Poor management after the owner's father had died, had led to the disarray of the property, and few people had the time or motivation to get a place up and running again. Carson didn't have all that much time himself, although he was trying to take more breaks from the restaurant lately. As far as motivation went, the price on this place was unbeatable.

After a few more minutes, Carson finally pulled away from the curb and continued on his way. Would making a move like this be wise? He was so tired of sleeping at the restaurant. He could rent an apartment but he just didn't want to. Would this finalize his break with Misty, though? He'd been begging to come home. What if he had his own home? What would that do to them?

He stopped at an intersection and ran a hand through his hair. Then maybe she'd just have to come to him. He couldn't keep living in limbo just because he was afraid of what direction Misty might go.

Not Fair

Angel didn't like this woman at all and that was saying a lot. She liked or at least could tolerate almost everyone. But there was just something about Amber she couldn't look past, something about that bothered her to no end.

Seeing Travis move she winced herself knowing what kind of pain he was in. She didn't try to stop him though.

   "I don't think anyone should or will be paying for anything since no one did anything wrong."

As Travis stepped up to his mom she took a step back. As much as she wanted to defend her nephew she new he could handle himself too.

Not knowing what Travis had said Angel was shocked seeing Amber leave but was happy letting out a small sigh of releaf that Travis was staying here. He would be ok, but she wanted to keep an eye on him, just to make sure.

Taking ahold of Travis Angel helped steady him. His words to Lane cut through her own heart. Looking to Lane her eyes said she was sorry even if hadn't been the one who spoke the words.

   "Don't you worry none about your mom. I've been up against some of the hardest people before. It's just sad people have to live with so much anger it consumes them. Come on let's get you back in bed and resting sweety. I can give you a little something for the pain too."

Helping Travis back into bed and giving him something for the pain Angel made sure he was resting comfortably before leaving the room. Once out she ran a hand over her face and let out a long sigh before looking to Lane once more. She didn't know if Amber was gone gone or just lingering around the ranch but she hoped there paths wouldn't cross again.

   "She is quite a peace of work. Was she always like that?"

Once Kirk was gone Sapphire's anger turned to sadness and her heart ached. Letting out a long sign and sitting down in her chair she tried to keep herself together. She wasn't sorry for the slap, and she wasn't sorry for her words but inside it felt like everything was breaking. Gage meant the world to her even dispute his past and to have someone rip him apart and rip her apart for loving him made her think of things she hadn't in a long time and it hurt.

Hearing her brother voice Sapphire looks up quickly. She felt a little embarrassed that anyone had to hear her commotion. She had gone this long without anyone seeing ber temper. She was sure it shocked a lot of people.

   "Hey Scott."

She was trying to keep it together but her brother being there now she just couldn't. Tears streamed out of her eyes as she looked down at her desk and played with a sticky note that had been there. This was all so over whelming and emotional. 

   "No...no I don't think I am ok.  Gage is not a bad guy, hes changed so much...I'm not a bad person for loving him, none of us here are bad people. We are trying to do good, we are trying to help and yet someone like Kirk comes in and tries to rune it all. It's just not fair."

Entering Jason's office and being greeted so enthusiastic by Trooper Katie cant help but laugh as he licks her face continuously. Finally telling him to get down Katie sits on the ground with him and pets him.

   "Hey Trooper, have you been a good boy protecting Jason while Ive been away?"

Nuzzling her face into his neck she smiles looking up at Jason again. She really had missed this. Just being here, care free, enjoying her time with Jason and Trooper. They had been such a big part of her life to have it gone, it had hurt, but knowing things were getting better, and a friendship was being formed again made her happy. That was better than nothing.

Looking back down at Trooper Katie kept petting him as he rolled to his back, and than up to lick her again. Her laughter was loud and she new it but it was hard to keep in. Looking to Jason with a grin and than back to Trooper she whispered loud enough for Jason to hear.

   "Shhhh...if we are to loud Trooper Jason is going to kick me out of here and that will be no fun at all." 

Whispered Words

As Katie accepts his offer, Jason can't help his grin. At least this broke up the day a little bit. He led the way to his office, and once the door was open, Trooper stood from where he'd been laying. Spotting Katie, he gave a deep but quiet woof and his tail started to wag. Coming over to her, he, very easily, put his front paws up on her shoulders and started licking her face.

Jason let Katie fend for herself, knowing good and well the giant of a dog wouldn't hurt her. They were friends, after all. Actually, without any incidents as of late, the dog might actually have a chance at being around every day like he used to be.

Sitting in his chair, Jason just watched Katie and Trooper, still smiling. As much as he tried to ignore his feelings...he missed this. There was no way he could ever go back to what once was. They'd both played a part in destroying what could have been. But...at least there were moments here and there...right? 

As he watched Katie, he noticed the light bouncing off her red hair, making it sparkle. Her eyes were lit up as she played with Trooper, making them oh so deep like never-ending pools. Her...

Jason halted his thoughts and dropped his gaze to try and concentrate on work. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea. 

Kirk's eyes had gone wide and his hand touched his face tenderly where he'd just been slapped. She had quite swing, and he was glad it hadn't been a fist. Listening to her go off on him, his expression didn't change much, and before standing, he wrote a couple more notes. 

Getting to his feet, he sighed deeply. "I can exit myself, thank you. But know this, Ms. Johnson... you're not helping the Elite by losing your temper. The FBI sees facts, and the fact is, you're walking on thin ice." 

He nodded to her. "Thank you for your time." 

Many eyes had snapped to the scene as Sapphire's voice had risen, and now those same eyes followed Kirk as he exited. Once he was gone, a new face slowly poked around the corner.

Scott's expression was a worried one. He'd heard the commotion and was going to interfere but Kirk had left too quickly. He and Sapphire might not have the greatest relationship but that didn't mean he wouldn't defend his sister. "You okay?" he asked softly.

Angel's slamming pencil brought Lane's attention up and his eyes widened as she entered the room. Still at a loss, he simply straightened to watch, wondering if anything she said could even make a difference. 

Amber gave Angel a disinterested look as she explained herself and the situation further. She folded her arms and sighed. "I'm sure you are very good at what you do," she replied coolly. "But I don't need to see any medical records. You see, I'm his mother, and I know exactly what he needs." 

Travis slowly got to his feet, hiding how much it hurt. 

Amber smiled in satisfaction and glanced back to Angel. "See? He'll be just fine. And don't worry, I don't blame you. You're not the one who will be paying for this absurd incident." 

Travis stepped closer to his mother, his height above hers now obvious as he looked down at her. "I'm sorry...but I can't go with you." 

"Of course you can." Amber frowned at him. "Get your shoes on." 

Travis' eyes went first to his father, then Angel, then back to his mother. Bending down close, he whispered something in her ear.

She recoiled, her face paling slightly. Glancing around, she composed herself and tilted her chin in the air. "Alright. Fine. You know the consequences." 

"And so do you," he replied evenly. There was a biting edge to his tone that could send chills down one's spine.

Amber swallowed hard. "I hope you're happy," she responded. "Because when you finally get home, things are going to be much, much different." Spinning on her heel, she stomped out of the room, then back outside, letting the door slam behind her. 

As soon as she was gone, Travis started to collapse, and he grabbed Angel to keep from falling. The stress of the situation had been too much. Lane automatically stepped forward to help, but Travis held up a hand to stop him, followed by a glare. "Don't even." 

Lane drew back, the pain returning to his face. Obviously he was still bitter about being left in the dark. It was Lane's own fault and he knew it...but his son's rejection still hurt like nothing else. 

Travis leaned heavily on Angel, wincing as his ribs retaliated against the movement, and his head spun. "I'm sorry about my mother," he apologized. "She won't be coming back." 

How could he be so sure? Lane's brow furrowed. "What did you say to her?" 

"That's between her and me." Travis turned back to the bed, needing Angel's help so as not to fall.

Throw you Out

Listing to Kirks reply Sapphire can feel her emotions bubble, and a new anger raise. She didn't like getting mad, She didn't like not being in controle, and she didn't like the people she cared about being spoken badly when they didn't even know them. It was one thing that bothered her more than anything else.

Before Sapphire even new what she was doing or even why her hand met Kirk's face hard with a loud slap. Her voice raising higher than she even new.

   "No one has seduced me, and it is not your place to even say so. If you really new anything you'd know Gage would not do that at all. He HAS changed, he has become a different person, and he wouldn't hurt a fly."

Relising she had been talking loudly and sure someone else might of heard her Sapphire stood and cleared her throat. Kirk hadn't even been here that long but it had been long enough already. 

   "Gage has changed and if your narrow mind can't see or comprehend it than that is your problem but don't you dare go around smearing someones name in the mud just because you have a different idea of how things work. Now get out of my office or I will throw you out myself."

Sapphire walks to the door in the office and holds it open for him. She'd had enough and was already upset and didn't want it to continue. Work was her safe place and Kirk was ruing that.

As Jason starts to walk away Katie was ready to go back to her own work when she hears Jason tell her Trooper was there. It had been a long long time since she saw her fuzzy friend. 

Pushing all better sense aside Katie stands and walks to catch up with Jason. A little time away from work wouldn't hurt anything.

   "Paper work is no fun. Lets forgo it for a littel while longer, and visit with Trooper."

Giving a smile to Con she was happy she was able to help. Giving his hand a pat she stood and walked back over to her desk and sat down. 

   "Embrace the day Con, you've got so much to be happy about."

It made her feel good to have helped him as well. She lived for these moments, to see the smiles return, to help those who needed it. Today she had helped, and it made her feel good.

Standing as someone came in the door she had hear a commotion outside and was on guard in case it was the Agency again. Seeing Lane enter her face held worry that got worse being introduced. She had heard enough about Amber to know she didn't like her already. How she had hurt her brother, and how she had walked all over him. Angel did not take kindly to that one bit.

About to introduce herself Angel just steps back as they go into the other room her eyes following them. Just staying back she would stay out of this for now. She didn't know what was going to happen and she'd rather stay out of the family matter. Sitting back down she just waited.

As Amber raised her voice again a few moments later Angel had, had enough. Slamming her pencil down on the table she stood and walked into the other room putting herself in front of everyone. She did not like the way Amber talked about her brother, or her home.

   "Excuse me...I am Dr. Angel Trahern. I have a full medical degree, and this is just as good here as going to the hospital. Nothing unlawful happened in this office. This might not be a big fancy hospital, but I have just as much knowledge as any other doctor."

Eyeing Amber she looks to Lane fire in her eyes mixed with sarrow. How could he ever love someone like this. The only answer she use to be much much different than she was now.

   "Travis needs to continue to rest and now be moved. If you take him not you run the rise of doing more harm than good. Even if you take him to a hospital. He just needs a few more days of rest, and he will be right as rain. I can go over everything with you in his medical records if you'd like."

She was trying to be nice even if she didn't like her. For everyones sake, she was trying.



Kirk pursed his lips in thought, and made a note or two, but didn't seem phased by Sapphire's strong response. "I'm not judging," he corrected. "I'm simply going by the facts. And what I see is an ex-Agency man, first allowed to roam the streets free, second to actually obtain assistance from the Elite, and third to seduce a young Elite agent so he can get his foot in the door whenever he wants and destroy this place little by little, right under everyone's noses." 

He leaned forward slightly. "That...is the risk I see. That...is the danger I see. He may not have interfered yet, but who says he won't? A leopard can't change its spots. What makes you think Gage can change his?" 

Feeling Katie's light touch, and looking down into her eyes, Jason sensed a tingle run all the way down his spine. Not good. At all. ...Right? He swallowed hard, fighting the urge to take her hand in his. What? No. Definitely not good. Was he staring? He blinked.

"Hawk eyes? Oh, right. Yeah." A new smile formed. "Of course. And thanks." He nodded. "You're right...I can't put my life on hold. I keep telling Reese that. You'd think I'd take my own advice." 

He gave a light laugh and straightened up with a little sigh. "Well, now that that's settled, I gotta go do some paperwork. Fun, fun, fun." He turned to leave, then stopped and glanced back over his shoulder. "Oh, by the way, Trooper is with me today, in my office if you wanted to see him." 

Listening to Hope, Con felt something inside of him crack. A wall, perhaps, that he hadn't even realized was there. Looking down at the floor, tears stung his eyes, and he was quiet for a long while, afraid if he spoke, his voice might crack. He finally nodded and took a deep breath. She was right. He had friends. Family. He was loved. And none of them were afraid of him, let alone thinking of him as a monster. It was his own lack of confidence that was gnawing at him - not facts. 

"Thank you," he finally whispered. "I think... you're right." He turned to look at her, appreciating her gentleness and honesty. "And I think... I have some people I need to go say hi to... so I can remember what they really think of me." 

Lane flinched as he was whacked upside the head, his eyes going wide, then even wider as his sister called him by his old nickname. As she continued though, his shoulders sank a little, as did his eyes. Strayed? Indeed. How could she forgive him? 

"Thank you..." Nearing, he wrapped his arms around her in a strong hug. "I know I said it before, but I'm so sorry. I'll try to make it up to you...and everyone else here...

...The sun hadn't quite set yet as it laid its golden rays like a blanket over the ranch. It was peaceful tonight. Despite everything, somehow peace was able to dwell here in this very special place. 

Mick sipped a cup of coffee as he stood on the porch after supper, leaned back against the wall, just looking out over the ranch yard. Chores were done. Supper had been eaten. Things were quiet. That was a good sign. Stacy would be making her extra rounds. Sparky was on schedule to also make rounds, and Xander would be keeping an eye on the camera monitors tonight. They had a system, just like Con wanted them to and Mick only hoped that it wouldn't last long. As soon as they were confident the Agency wouldn't try any tricks, they could relax again. 

Movement caught Mick's eye, and he straightened, squinting down the driveway. "What the..." Was that someone approaching on foot? They had closed the gate at the end of the driveway and padlocked it. Who in their right mind would come traipsing in like this, if not to cause trouble? 

Slipping back in the house, he set his coffee mug down and grabbed his shotgun once again. "Stay alert," he mentioned calmly to those still at the tables. "We got company." 

He exited once more and seeing the figure had neared even more, he cocked the gun and put it to his shoulder, still walking to meet them. "Stop right there," he barked.

It was a woman. She had been paying very little attention, and now realizing a gun was being aimed at her, she stopped in her tracks with a gasp. Her hands went up into the air, and her cellphone was dropped on the ground. "I-I-I'm just... I didn't mean... I'm sorry. I-I just..." 

Mick's eyes narrowed. She was well-dressed. High heels. Dress pants and nice shirt. Designer purse. The fear on her face appeared to be genuine. "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked sternly.

"I-I'm looking for...for someone," she stammered. "Isn't this th-the R/M ranch?"

"Didn't you see the gate?" 

"Well yes, b-b-but I didn't think...I mean...please, I-I just...I didn't mean to trespass." 

Back inside the house, several people had glanced out the window or stepped out on the porch to see what was going on, ready for anything. Lane, inside, drew back a curtain to see. As soon as he did, his eyes widened. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Hurrying outside, he came up behind Mick. "Whoa, she's alright, you can put the gun down."

Mick wasn't so sure, and kept his eyes on the woman. "Who are you?" he repeated. 

She was too shook up to even answer, so Lane stepped in front of her to force Mick to lower the gun. "She may be stupid, but she's not here to hurt anyone." 

The woman's face turned into a scowl. 

"This is Amber," Lane finished explaining. He turned to face her, hands on hips. "And I would like to know why on earth she is here." 

"Are you crazy?!" Her hands came down to give his chest a shove, causing him to take a couple steps back. "What kind of sick place is this and where is my son?!" 

Lane took off his hat to run a hand through his hair, then slapped it back on his head. This...was not good. "How did you find me?" 

"That is not the question here!" Amber picked up her phone and stuffed it in her purse. "Where is Travis? Tell me, or so help me I will have you arrested for kidnapping!" 

"For crying out loud!" 

Mick's eyes had widened, and he slowly backed away from the scene so as not to be involved, but still within earshot. This was clearly a personal matter. 

Lane set his hands on his hips. "He's eighteen years old. He's an adult, Amber. What possessed you to come looking for him?!" 

"What possessed me was knowing the kind of man you are! You've threatened more than once to take him to Mexico, so tell me - where is he?! I will call the police." She held up her phone to threaten him. 

Without warning, Lane snatched it from her hand and held it up out of her reach. "You will do no such thing."

"Give me my phone back!" Amber ordered. When he wouldn't, she tried hitting his chest, then his arms, then his ribs. 

He was okay until she got to his ribs. Blocking with his free hand, he grabbed her arm, twisted it and spun her around so her back was held against his chest, and he was holding her in a partial bear hug. "Cut it out!" he demanded. 

"Let go of me!" she shrieked, trying to get away. "Get your hands off me, you brute!" 

Lane let her go...with a slight shove. Stumbling forward, her ankle rolled on her high heel, and she wound up on all fours on the driveway. Glaring up at him, her words came out ice cold. "You lay one more finger on me, and I will have you arrested for assault so fast your head is going to swim."

Lane visibly winced at the harshness in her tone before he growled and tossed her phone back to her before putting his hands up behind his head. He knew she wasn't bluffing. Her husband would see to it he'd lose in court, and he'd be behind bars quicker than he could blink. Pain was the most pronounced emotion on his face in this tormented moment. 

Amber stood again and brushed herself off before continuing her glare at her ex-husband. "Now. You tell me where my son is." 

How she'd found them, Lane didn't know. But he wished he could have seen this coming. So much for smooth sailing. 

Mick startled him. "Lane...you need any help?"

Lane knew he was offering to get Amber off the property, but if he did, who knew what kind of lawsuit she'd bring to the ranch? Lane couldn't let that happen. He shook his head. "No...I was just going to take her to see Travis." His shoulders had dropped in surrender. 

Amber nodded her approval. "That's much better."

Feeling - and looking - like a whipped puppy, Lane trudged towards Angel's, knowing that stuff hadn't even hit the fan yet. It was about to get worse and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His stomach tied itself in a knot and his head hurt. It was all his own fault though...so he might as well face the music. 

Following along behind him, Amber's stride matched her irritation. If one looked closely, they might see fear behind her eyes, but in no way did it dictate her actions at this point. She was out for blood - Lane's blood. Once they were at Angel's, Lane opened the door for her to enter first, then followed. 

He looked to Angel with pained apology. "Angel, this is Travis' mother, Amber. Amber, this is Angel Trahern. My sister."

Amber's eyes widened and her gaze snapped up at him. "You don't have any family." 

"Actually, I do." Before she could argue further, he pointed to the back room. "Come with me." His jaw was set with tension as he led her to where Travis was. 

Seeing him in bed with his battered face, Amber gave a little wail. "Travis!" 

He'd been asleep, and now blinked his eyes open groggily. "Mom?" 

Her hands covered her mouth as she came closer. "Oh, what happened? Who did this to you?" Her eyes automatically found Lance, accusation in her stare. 

Lane held up his hands angrily. "What do you think I am?!" 

Travis pulled himself up a little. "Mom, what are you doing here?" 

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I've been trying to get a hold of you for days!" She sat on the edge of the bed and gingerly touched around some of the bruises on his face. "What happened to you?" 

Lane stepped forward. If she didn't get satisfactory answers, this was going to get even uglier. "He was abducted by a crime organization that I helped fight against years ago, before we even met. They were trying to use me for their benefit, and holding Travis until I did what they wanted. These people at this ranch have been fighting this organization almost all their lives - this is where I lived at one time. So I called on them for help. We rescued Travis and brought him back here to recover." 

Amber's mouth was hanging open. Standing, she came within inches of Lane. "You mean to tell me you called on some friends, rather than the police?" she hissed. "You brought him to a stinking horse ranch instead of a hospital? What were you thinking?" Her voice started to rise again. "How could you even do such a thing, and without even a single word to me? His mother?! What kind of a father are you?!" 

Lane's anger was boiling as he tried to keep his cool. Anybody could see how deeply her words were hurting him. "I did what I thought was best," he replied calmly. "Calling the police - or you - would have gotten him killed. As it is, he's recovering and will be quite well in a few day's time." 

"For your sake, I certainly hope so." Amber swiveled to see Travis again. "Can you walk?" 

Travis frowned. "What? I think so. Why?"

"Because we're leaving. Now."

"He's not going anywhere," Lane intervened. They hoped Travis was out of the woods, but with Agency poison, one could never be sure. "He needs to rest." 

"What he needs is a hospital!" 

"He's getting the best possible care right here." 

"Do you have any idea what I could do to you right now?" she threatened. "You failed to report a kidnapping, you failed to report criminal activity, you failed to give someone the medical attention they needed, and now you are deliberately interfering with an attempt at giving them the care they need. Do you realize I could put you away for this? Do you?!" 

Lane had nothing to say. He had no defense. All he could do was stare at her as his emotions boiled inside. 

She lifted her chin before focusing back on her son. "I'm calling the police, then you're coming with me." 

Travis had been scowling during the entire episode, and now shook his head slowly. "No. Dad's right. Don't call the cops. And I'm not going with you."

"Do not defy me, young man," she reprimanded. "You may be eighteen, but I'm still your mother, and there is no way on God's green earth I am letting you stay here. And if I have any control, which I do, you will be seeing far less of your father because he is going to pay for this."

Lane's hands became fists at his sides. It felt as though he'd just been stabbed through the heart...multiple times. He was completely helpless. There was nothing he could do. If he fought, she'd have him thrown in jail - and she could do it, too. Without any options, he turned and left the room, then braced himself against a wall, his head hanging as he continued to listen. He didn't have the strength to even look up at Angel. He was a coward. Weak. Powerless. Embarrassed. Hurt. And probably the worst father to walk the face of the earth. 

Back in the room Amber tapped her foot impatiently. "You said you could walk," she prodded Travis. "Was that the truth?"

"It was. But that doesn't mean I'm going with you." 

"It does unless you want to see your father behind bars." 

Travis gritted his teeth and pulled back the covers, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, prepared to stand.


Doubt Yourself

   "When you think of your wife...how does that make you feel?"

Hope is quiet for a moment studying Con's face, but before he can reply she continues.

   "And the though of someone hurting her, or hurting your friends? You feel angry not because you are a monster but the other way around. You get angry because you are scared of losing the people closest to you. It's human nature to get mad, and makes mistakes sometimes this line of work it happens more than others."

Standing Hope comes around her desk and sits down next to Con giving a soft smile. The big man was no monster and no one thought of him that way. He was one of the softest people she new.

   "If you went on a rampage and killed people with no reason. When out right now, and shot anyone who had been Agency, anyone who made you mad in your life just because you could that would make you a monster. But you have people in your life, Misty, Gage, Carson who have become your friends. Killing them...that dosnt cross you mind because you care for them."

Giving Con's arm a pat Hope nodded slightly to her door. Con was a good man. She new it, everyone new it. The only one who didn't was him.

   "When you leave here, take a moment to go say Hi to Katie, how will she greet you? A big hug? enthusiasm, joy? Go see your wife while she works. A hug, a kiss, happiness, a twinkle in her eye? That is where the truth lies...with the people you hold oh so close to you Con. Look to them when you doubt yourself...they would never lie."

Without warning Angel wacks Lane over the back of the head before looking her brother square in the eyes. She wasn't going to let him get away with anything right now.

   "Mississippi you know good and well you are not in anyones hair and this place is never normal."

Her facial expression softened and she just placed a hand on her brothers arm. She might have been hurt, but she didn't hate her brother. He was so important to her.

   "I love you Lane, and I love my nephew. No matter what happened...you mean everything to me and I dont want you to leave right away. You have not failed me...only strayed."

Katie cant help but smile and shake her head. Full of jokes as always. As Jason asks for her imput she couldn't help the little bit of shock that ran through her. She was just Jason would notice it but she was doing her best to recover. She didn't hate he did it just had been a long while.

   "Oh J....I dont think you are endangering anyone at all. We can't put our lives on hold just for Agency nonsense. That's what they want."

Reaching out and patting Jason's hand Katie smiled. He was so thoughtful and she could tell he was worried, but she was confidante things would be ok. Searching his eyes for a moment Katie just wanted him to not be in fear. He needed to have a little fun too.

  "Don't forget I'll be there too. Hawk eyes...I got this!"

   "It's no different that having any other boyfriend."

Searching Kirk's face Sapphire wondered what his motive was here, and what the point of these questions were. She didn't like how he asked them. Acting like she wouldn't be faithful to the Elite, and saying Gage would go back since the Agency. He didn't know him one bit. how dare he.

   "My alliance is to the Elite, and it always will be, so is Gage. He would never go back to the Agency so its not a concern. You shouldn't judge people before you know them for a past that is long gone."


Kirk cocked his head at Sapphire's response and just studied her for a moment before easing down in the extra chair. "I can certainly see you all are busy most of the time. It seems to be down to quite a skeleton crew around here. As I understand it, there used to be more players on the team." But that wasn't why he was here. He flipped over a couple pages in his notepad where he had written a handful of notes. 

"So...it must be pretty interesting having an ex-Agency operative for a boyfriend," he mused before looking up at her. "I've had to investigate Gage's story of how he came to be here, and I must admit, I'm impressed with his apparent progress in living among normal society without causing trouble. However..." His brow furrowed. "I have to ask... what would happen should he return to the Agency? That would put you in an awfully hard position, wouldn't it? I mean...I find it hard to believe you would remain a hundred percent loyal to the Elite if you knew Gage would suffer for it. So tell me...what would you do if you found out he was still working for the Agency?" 

Con dropped his gaze again as Hope finished her question, mulling over it for several long seconds. "Maybe," he finally responded. "I mean...of course it feels good to save someone. I just..." 

He clamped his mouth shut as his emotions started to rise without warning, and it took him a few moments to regain control. "I'm just scared of the monster in me." His eyes rose, showing the terror he felt deep down. "When Dalton got hurt on that job I botched, I shot a guy in the back just because I was angry. Maybe he deserved it. But that's what I'm capable of. I've hurt people...badly...with my bare hands, guns, or both. Then with this, doing it so easily, and then feeling like all of a sudden I'm on cloud nine when it's over, I...I can't tell if it's because I did something good, or if it's the monster that's happy." He shook his head. "I didn't know what a deep hole I've been in lately until I felt better and could see it. I don't want to go back there. But I don't want to feed a monster, either, and I don't know what to do."

A smile spread across Jason's face. "Of course. You'd get the best seat in the house no matter what, though." After he'd said it, he quickly diverted his gaze and cleared his throat. "So anyway, yeah. Thanks. And this way, too, I can assure Reese that I'm being looked after."

He ran a thumbnail along the top of the cubicle wall, lost in thought for a moment. "Wyatt thought he saw someone tailing us this morning, coming from my place. No shots though, so...I may have 'forgotten' to tell Reese." He gave Katie a look that combined silliness and guilt. "You don't think I'd be endangering innocent bystanders by going through with the concert, do you?"

Lane's eyes dropped as he was reminded how badly he'd hurt his sister. "I know," he responded quietly. "I just...I've been a failure at everything. Husband, father, brother." He shrugged. "I guess I deserve this." 

He forced a faint smile. "Thanks for looking after Travis anyway, though. I appreciate it. As soon as he's better, we'll get out of everyone's hair and this place can get back to normal again."

Best Seat

Hearing the knock on her door Sapphire looks up. Seeing Kirk standing there she signs internally. He'd been causing quite the stir at the Elite since he had been here and she really had hopped she wouldn't have to deal with him. That though was unrealistic and she new it.

   "I'm not sure why you are asking, I have a feeling in the matter I don't have much of a choice."

She had to at least hear him out and try to get along with him if he was going to be around for a while. Sapphire didn't like it but it was just one of those things. Maybe just maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Giving a nod to the chair in her office. Might as well get this over with. 

   "Around here we are always busy, but I have a little time to talk if you insist."

Hope was surprised when Con knocked at her door but she would never say no to someone who needed to talk. It was good to see him no matter what and to know he got back from his trip safe.

Just listing to Con as he talked Hope took everything in and processed what he said. She felt bad for him that he was feeling good, but so badly at the same time. Honestly she probable would fell the same if it was her. But she wondered if maybe Con was processing it all wrong, and that wasn't his fault it was just how there brains worked sometimes.

   "First off, I am happy that everything worked out well, and things are going good at home again. You and Jamie both deserve it. Sometimes it just takes a little time and having someone who is there with you no matter what."

Hope is silent again for a second as she leans back against her chair and just thinks for a moment. 

   "Do you really think you are happy because you killed someone or maybe could it be because you did something good, you didn't save just one person's life you saved two. "

Searching Con's face for a moment she left her question linger. She herself didn't think it was because oh killing someone he was happy, but rather because he had done something good. Hope new that, but she wanted to try and get Con to see it too.

Looking up at Jason Katie smiles. They had been getting along really good and she was happy about that. She had missed there time together, and there friendship. Even if things were a little awkward she was plugging right alone.

   "Don't let Wyatt hear you say that."

Katie gives a laugh and shakes her head. She didn't know if she was better than Wyatt but she loved doing it, and if Jason thought so than that made her feel good. 

Thinking for a long moment about the concert Katie is taken back for a moment of the good old days.  Concerts had been a big part of her and Jason's life. Even if she was working to protect everyone. Katie remembered when they had first told everyone in the band about working for the Elite. It had been quite the experience to say the least. Realizing she hadn't answered Jason yet and smiles again before replying.

   "Sorry, I got lost in thought about the good old days with the band. I'd love to be your bodyguard for that night. It would feel good to do that again, not to mention good music, and loads of fun. Um...and being the bodyguard means I get the best seat in the house."

As Lane comes back into the room Angel looks up at him with sarow in her eyes. She felt bad the conversation didn't go as planned and Travis was mad. It was clear to see that this was something that didn't happen often.

   "We all have things we mess up on. Just give him some time and things will be ok. You did what you thought was best. Though I do admit I understand where Travis is coming from to an extent."

Playing with the pencil on her desk Angel is quiet for a second. Emotions were a tricky thing sometimes. Trying to work through them, figure out what they meant. 

   "I have to admit I was pretty upset finding out about Travis. Family has always been so important. I wish I could have seen him grow, and known him when he was little. I know you had your reasons, and I cant fault you for that. It just...hurts."

On a roll

Garret bit the inside of his lip, trying to decide whether or not to take Nate up on his offer of lunch. He couldn't deny it sounded good. Really good. "Yeah..okay. Thanks. And as long as Reese doesn't mind, I'm more than willing to look through tapes." After all, that's what he was good at. He wished Aaron was on board with this whole thing...then they'd have two sets of eyes. 

The atmosphere at the Elite today wasn't bad, but tension still hung in the air. After all that had happened yesterday with Garret, the FBI's involvement was growing more and more obvious. Most remained quiet, although a lot of disagreeable whisperings were happening.  

Kirk knocked on Sapphire's cubicle before entering to sit in her extra chair. "Hey, got a minute?" He held a notepad and pen. "Making my rounds but hadn't had a chance to actually talk to you yet, and as long as you're not busy, I'd like to ask you a few things."

"And that's that." Con stood in front of Reese's desk, finished with telling him where he'd left off in Texas. 

Reese nodded with satisfaction. "Good. I'm glad you got the boy out safe and that the ranch is on alert. I'm sorry Xander had to be involved but pretty soon he was going to be exposed anyway."

"Yeah. FBI really being that hard on the Elite?"

"Pretty much. It's only a matter of time." Reese shook his head sadly. "There's nothing we can really do about it either. Technically, I can't blame them. We've always been a vigilante group that plays by our own rules. I understand why they wouldn't approve and they'd want to control us. Doesn't make it any easier though."

"What about people's jobs?"

"Don't know. If we merge with the FBI, maybe we'll all still have jobs. If they disband us, maybe we'll be offered something in law enforcement." Reese quirked an eyebrow. "You're not supposed to know any of this, mind you. You and Nate are the only ones." 

Con grinned a little. "Think none of the others have figured it out?" 

"I think there's a lot of theories, but I don't want to make any kind of announcement until we know for sure what kind of report Agent Young is going to give. I don't want to cause a panic." 

"True." Con sighed. "Well... I'll see ya."

Reese nodded. "Thanks...for helping out, Con. I knew you were the right man for the job." 

Con thought for a moment, but didn't respond. He knew Reese was holding back from asking him again to come back. And for now...that was okay. Wandering across the main floor, he waved to a few people he hadn't seen lately, but instead of heading directly outside, his feet carried him down the hall. Stopping in front of Hope's office, he paused, thinking for several moments. Finally though, he knocked...

...A few minutes later, Con sat in one of the empty chairs, lost in thought. He hadn't planned on talking to her but...he didn't like the way he was feeling, and he didn't know who else to talk to. 

"So...that's how it happened," he finished telling about what had gone on in Texas. "I didn't think I could do it. I didn't think I could take charge and actually succeed, let alone save anybody. So I... well, I felt good about it." He paused and looked down at his hands. "I...I feel better than I have in a long time. Like...like I'm actually worth something again but..." He shrugged. "I killed a guy. I'm a sniper. That's what I've always been good at, but... I just... When I came home, things were great with Jamie and me and...and I could tell she was happier with me than she had been in a long time, but..." 

He sighed deeply. "I just didn't expect to feel so good after putting a bullet through someone's head and...it scares me." He finally glanced up at Hope, knowing if she was going to say anything, he needed to look at her to make sure he caught everything. "I don't like feeling good after doing something like that. I feel like there's something wrong with me." 

Jason leaned over Katie's cubicle wall until he got her attention, and gave her a sheepish grin. "Alright, so this weekend...we've got this concert coming up where JetStream is opening for Kyle's band, and... well..." He scrunched is nose a little, unsure how to say what he was thinking. 

"I dunno... we'd love to have you there as always, but if you'd be more comfortable having Wyatt watch my back, I'll work it out with him." He just didn't know how much Katie really wanted to do. It had been almost like old times lately, but he didn't want her to feel too awkward. Concerts had been a big part of their history together and if she felt too weird about it, he didn't want her to have to be there. 

"You're the one with the hawk eyes though," he mused. "You've always been a better bodyguard than him."

Travis just stared at his dad. He was sitting up in bed that evening, his dad in a chair having just told him the whole story - finally, after having pressed the issue all afternoon. He'd learned of the history here. The Agency. Why Lane had never mentioned family. It all sent Travis' head spinning. "You mean to tell me that my life has always been in danger, and you never thought to tell me?"

"No, it wasn't like that," Lane assured. "I was trying to keep you safe. As long as you weren't around here, then there wasn't any danger."

"Which was proven so well just now."

Lane shrunk back a little, his shoulders sinking. "I know I haven't always made the right choices, but I did what I thought was best. I'm sorry. But what's done is done. You're safe, and that's all that matters."

"No, it's not!" Travis' voice rose slightly, though it was difficult. "You've been lying to me my entire life!"

"I haven't lied! It's just... I was trying to keep you safe. It didn't work, I was wrong, and I'm sorry. What else do you want me to say?"

"I don't know." Travis looked down at the blanket and played with a loose thread. "How long do we have to stay here?" 

"Until you're on your feet again and we don't think the Agency is coming after you. Then life goes back to normal."

"I don't think it can ever go back to normal." Travis threw his dad an angry look. "Just...I wanna be alone for a while."

Lane opened his mouth to argue, but then stopped. More talk wasn't going to help anything. He sighed and finally stood up and simply went to the other room where Angel was. Looking at his sister, sorrow was in his gaze. "Well, I certainly messed that up. I'm on a roll lately."


Alice can't help but let her smile grow even bigger at Kyles reaction. She new he would be happy, but that doubt had been there. Now getting the confirmation that he was in face excited she couldn't help but beam so bright. Even the can of pop going every where didn't bother at this moment.

   "You know you are pretty amazing yourself. Don't use all that energy up we are going to need it."

She couldn't help but laugh again and hug Kyle tight. This was another new chapter in there life and she was so excited to start it. Kyle was everything she could ever have imaged and more. Life had gone a different path from what she had planned, but she didn't mind. She was right where she should be and was happier than ever.

Giving a laugh at Kyle's comments Alice thinks a moment scrunching her face. Than shaking her head.

   "Well, I feel ok at the moment other than my feet hurt, give that time and I'll need you to hold my hair back in the bathroom."

Alice laughs leaning up to kiss Kyle.

   "In a few weeks I have an ultra sound and I'd really like you to come and meet our baby together. I'll also need you to stay on top of me eating good, and exercising, and when I have a midnight craving for something I'll need you to run and get it for me."

Kissing Kyle again Alice squealed a little the excitement really was overwhelming. Bringing her hand to Kyle's face Alice runs her fingers over his cheek. 

   "I love you Kyle, with all my heart."

   "That makes sense...not using there real names anyways."

Nate didn't say it but he was actually having a lot of fun plotting and thinking with Garret. Paper work was always such a drag and some how he always got stuck doing it. Having someone else though, to help his own brian work made the paper work not seem so bad.

   "I'll have to request tapes than, and we can set up in one of the interrogation rooms. I think you are going to have to take the brunt of the work looking at faces. I can point out fishy looking people, but thats about as far as it goes for me."

Pulling into the parking lot of the Elite Nate hears his stomach grown and can't help but laugh. It was louder than one might think as he remembered he skipped breakfast this morning.

   "Well...I guess my stomach is going to start eating itself if I dont eat soon. Laura packed me some left overs. I'm not sure what it all is but with her cooking you cant go wrong. Would you like to join me? I have enough for two plates and if you dont help me I'll be fat and eat it all myself."


Hearing Alice enter the living room, Kyle turns slightly to give her a smile. He hadn't been sure how long she'd be gone, and was just as glad that he wouldn't be alone this afternoon. "Hey there." As she draws close, he shifts to slip an arm around her waist and kisses the top of her head. "Wassup?" 

At the mention of doctors and not feeling well, Kyle immediately stiffened and turned so he could see her face. Worry flooded his eyes. Why hadn't she told him? Stress or not, it wouldn't have mattered to him at all. 

Hearing she was okay, his shoulders relaxed, and then her last words hit his ears. Pregnant. He blinked and just stared at her for several dumbfounded moments. "You're...really?" He backed up a step to put her at arm's length. "I mean...really, really? Pregnant? Like...we're gonna have a baby?" His eyes had grown as huge as dinner plates.

A smile slowly spread across his face and both hands flew into the air. "Woohoo!" What he'd forgotten was that one hand still held his mountain dew...which was now raining onto the living room carpet.

"Oh, oh, not good." He stopped, trying really hard not to bounce, and careful set the now almost-empty can down. As soon as his hands were free though, he wrapped his arms around Alice and spun her around with a laugh, then stopped short, to give her a kiss on the lips. "You are.." He kissed her forehead. "An..." He kissed her lips again. "Amazing woman." 

He paused and hugged her tight, laughing again. "Oh this is so exciting." He pulled back again. "Are you feeling okay? Anything I can do? Or not do? Or...something??" 

Garret simply shook his head at Nate. "Names won't do any good. They never use their real names on stuff like this. The only chance we might have is security tapes and staring at faces. If we spot someone, then we can have Hawks match them up with their alias." 

At least maybe he could help with this. At least maybe it would give him something to do besides stare at four walls. Maybe Reese didn't want him in the middle of the action again yet, but maybe this was a chance to prove he didn't have to kill someone to help out. 

His stomach growled, but he ignored it like he usually did. He hadn't been starved multiple times as a child for nothing. He'd learned early on he could survive a lot longer than he thought. Unfortunately, it was Laura's chicken that his tastebuds suddenly remembered.

Kip’s bedroom walls did very little to drown out any of the loud music being played in the living room. The party had been going on for over an hour, and even though there were just ten people, it was enough to crowd the apartment. Kip had retreated to find his phone, but now as he found it, he also saw another missed call. From Erik. Again. He sighed. He was tempted to block Erik’s number, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that.

Finally, he went to his text messages.

I’m alive.

A reply was quickly returned.

Erik: Are you okay? Where are you?

Kip: Im fine

Erik: Where are you at?

Kip: Somewhere

Erik: Seriously? Are you really okay?

Kip: Im fine. End of story

Erik: Please dont shut me out. Whats up?

Kip: Nothing

Erik: Can I call you?

Kip: Im done with this convo.

He closed the app and aimed back for the living room. He wasn’t going to let Erik bug him or make him feel guilty. He was on his own now and living a different life. He had a new circle of friends. A new lifestyle. Erik wouldn’t approve anyway, so there was no point in trying to strike up a conversation.