
Thinner Skull

Sapphire was thankful for Scott's impute and his calming words. She was feeling better not like she could finish the rest of her day.

   "Thank you Scott. Hopfully you are right and he is. He sure is doing a number on peoples emotions."

Looking up at Kirk Misty eyes him with question. From what she had heard he was causing quite a stir with people. Why was he do intrested in her now?

   "I have a moment to talk."

Hearing his question about how she got there Misty found it odd. Why was that important and what did it have to do with anything.

   "I had a passion for helping oeople. I went to medical school in England and got my degree. Reese my Uncle offered me a job here and this is where I have been ever since."

She wondered if that was a good enough answer for Kirk. Even if it wasn't it was the truth, and that's all she could give. She had nothing to hide.

Katie shakes her head in reply to Con's statement she loved the banter they all shared, oh how she'd missed Con. And how she missed Jason's smiling face, his sparking eyes when he laughed. Stopping her train of thought right there Katie looks to Con again not daring to look at Jason least he see her cheeks she was sure were red.

   "I've tried Con...just dosnt stick. Somethibg I think Trooper has a thinner skull."

Laughing again Katie finally looks to Jason, and than back to Con. It would have wonderful if Con did come back. She missed seeing him every day.

   "You should come back. I miss moments like this. Heck, we all miss you in general. You are an important part of our team."

Out in the pasture Ashlee had just slowed down from a sprint on Stardust. Movment by one of the fences caught her sight. Seeing it was Travis she smiled. It was good to see him up and about even if maybe Angle would advise against it. Yelling to him she cant help but laugh at the same time.

   "Watch out how to lean on that it could give way at any moment."

Walking over to him and stops and swings her leg over the house and jumps down. Her hair was in a lose ponytail as some stray hairs had broken free,  A while tshirt was her shirt of choice today, with a flannl tired around her wast, washed out jeans with holes in the kneeds, and cowgirl boot. Keeping a hold of the rains she pats the horse on the neck before looking back to Travis.

   "You are starting to look a lot better than a few days ago. Hardly even recognized you. Has Angel finally let you eat something besides soup?" 

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