

Feeling her phone vibrating in her pocket, Rosalyn slowly opens her eyes. She was still lying on the bed with Chad's shirt still clutched in her hand. Swallowing hard and smacking her dry lips, she brings her surroundings into focus, finding it difficult to rouse her foggy brain. 

Finally rolling over, she digs out her phone and flips it open. Seeing a message from Chad, her heart immediately flutters, though she tries to make it stop. After reading what he had to say, her thumbs hover over the small buttons. Half of her wanted to just grab a truck now and go into town. And half of her wanted to tell him to quit trying - it was over. 

Glad to know u found a place.
Thank u for the bracelet- i love it.

She pauses as her mind races. 

Im sorry tho... its just not going 
to work between us. Its too much 
stress and it will tear us apart
eventually. I dont want to see u 
hurt. Im so sorry. Thank u for
everything. Goodbye.

Rosalyn stops before hitting "send." Tears welled up in her eyes as she reread her own message. She could imagine Chad's face and the disappointment in his gaze. She could imagine the hurt - that she would cause. And she pressed "delete" instead, before retyping.

Glad to know you found a place.
Thank u for the bracelet- i love it.
I dont know when i can get away. No
promises, but i will try tomorrow.
U've put up with so much already. I
dont want to make it harder on u.
Goodnight, Chad.

"I think... I like the first option." It wasn't that Cindy didn't want the others to see Wes, or that she didn't want her daughter around either. But she did want more time for just herself and her husband, if only for a few more hours until the reality of life had to return. And she knew no one would blame her. 

"But the others do need to know." She lifts her head, a little grin coming to her lips. "At least that way they won't have the shock of their life like I did." 

Letting her lips brush Wes', her voice softens. "But it was a good shock." 

Easing away from him, she doesn't want to get up, but she knows she had to. Prying herself from the couch, she runs as hand through her unruly hair and wanders to the kitchen phone. And it was Mick's cell phone she chooses to dial...

...The news spread like wildfire, as did the shock and joy. It was hard to believe that Wes was alive, let alone right here at home. Everyone wanted to see him, but all understood him spending time alone with Cindy until the next day. Of course, that also gave everyone enough time to plan a little party for supper tomorrow night. 

Jared breaks his gaze from Grace to keep eating, though his eyes did return to hers, as if drawn by magnets. "I dunno..." He gives her a little shrug. "I s'pose we could find out if we really wanted to."

Taking another sip of water, he lets a couple moments bring a silent pause, just prolonging the suspense. Finally though, he shifts a little on his side, keeping one hand on the floor for leverage. Lifting his other hand, he runs his fingers along the side of Grace's face. "At least... I don't think it would be hard." He leans a little closer. "I don't... anticipate this... being... too horrible." 

His lips brush hers just lightly. "Mm... yeah... not so bad..." Remaining an inch or so away, his eyes twinkle, challenging her to kiss him back."

Family Time

Not rushing back into town Chad drives slow just enjoying the view and the scenes. Being by water, the ocean, or a late was like home to him and where he would feel most comfortable but something about this place to it was just peaceful and he wanted to enjoy it while he could.

Finally getting into town though and finding a place to bunk down Chad pulls out his phone. Flopping down on the bed he holds it for a second before finally opening a message to Rosalyn. He said he'd text her and he planned on it. This was not the last she had seen of him.

   Rosalyn, Staying at the Western Inn, in town. I know tonight it might be kind of hard but tomorrow afternoon maybe we can meet for lunch or dinner. I hope you got my gifts ok.

Keeping his one arm tightly around Cindy Wes didn't mind just laying here, and falling asleep, in the comfort and safty of his own home just that short nap felt like he had been sleeping for days. Knowing Cindy was this close to him and just feeling her warm skin against his own. He was anxious to see Kaylee too but there was part of him that was a little scared too. 

   "Mmmm...than how about we see if Wendy will watch Kaylee the night I am sure she wont mind and than that will give use a chance to catch up a little more."

Leaning his head down against Cindy's Wes did know that everyone in the ranch needed to find out he was still alive but he couldn't help but what the quiet with his family first. So they could get use to him before everyone else deiced to have there time with him too.

   "Or I could wait here while you go get Kaylee and than we could just have a family night. So long as I am with you guys I am happy."

Seeing the smile spread across Scott's face it pleased Dalton. Even if it was for a small moment it was still there, and she was happy. A little was better than nothing and at this point Dalton would rather see Scott's face light up a small bit than not at all.

   "Mmm...I think Dani said she wanted a spring wedding, or maybe next year? I'm really not a hundred percent sure. I figured when she is sure on the date she will let me know since I need to be there and all."

 Giving a smile to Scott Dalton was happy to help him get his mind of things and have the topic be a little brighter. And the though that he got to share this moment with his best friend was even better. Scott was the closest thing Dalton ever new to a best friend and he'd though he had almost lost him once he wasn't going to let it happen again.

   "I guess at this point its just go with the flow till Dani has a few things figured out. Than I can try and work around that. I'll be happy your my wing man though. I'm gonna need a guy to just kick back and relax with once and a while."

Laughing at Jared Grace gives his foot one last push before leaving it be. Taking a bit of her own food she was happy they had done this today. The food tasted good, and the company was good what else could she ask for? Throwing a little grin to Jared her eyes give a little sparkle.

   "That wouldn't be such a horrible thing if you did...would it be?"