

Nibbling on her slice of pizza Misty was thankful Jason stayed. Some where in her mind she was thankful encase Carson came and tried to get into the house. Someone would be there to keep him out. Also she was happy to have one of the people she trusted the most with her. Jason had always been special to her so him being here meant a lot.

   "I"ll be...I can't say I'll be ok because I dont honestly know Jas. I will survive though and move forward for me, and for the baby."

Misty lays a hand over her stomach. She wasn't that far along but she was far enough that she could tell a life was growing inside her and despite the heartach it was also filled with joy. Though her worry still lingered. Would she be ok? Would the baby be ok? What would it be like raising the child as a single mother. She would have to be ok though for this life...she had to be.

   "I'm scared though Jas. To raise this child alone, I thought...I though I would have someone behind me and now...I have no one. What if...what if I'm not a good mother? I'm scared...more than I was before, I'm scared Jas."

A few tears rolled out of Misty's eyes. Telling Carson had been a fear but she had, had hope they could work it out and get through it together. Now, now she was on her own and it was better than little a man use her for a child sake, but she didn't know the first thing about being a mother and it was frighting.

Standing and giving a nod Dalton understood Scott had to get going. He did have a life outside of here, and probley more things to do. Though he would miss his friend who had just shown back up Dalton new it was a must.

   "Why are you asking if you can come to your own office...Mmmmm...?"

Dalton gives a grin before holding out his hand to give Scott a hand shake. Scott might be different now, and things might have changed but he'd always be his little buddy and he's always like having him around.

   "If your asking if I mind having your company tomorrow the answer is no, I'd like it if you came again. I was going to do lunch with Dani tomorrow. Maybe you can come too and bring a friend along...Hope, you sister, anyone you'd like. It might be fun."


Jason gives Misty a small smile and nods. "Of course I can, but you don't owe me anything. I'll call work in case anybody's missed me and... I'll stick around as long as you want me to." And he meant it. Misty was too good a friend to leave her when she needed him most. Not to mention, in the back of his mind, he wanted to be here in case Carson decided to show up.

"Let me help straighten things up in here..." He wanted to at least help her rearrange the living room so it looked settled without Carson's things. It would make it feel better in here. "And then I'll go out and grab us some supper."

Setting a hand on her shoulder, he gives it a little squeeze. He had a lot of questions... about the baby, about her and Carson... but none he would ask. It was not his place.

When calling work, he gave no explanation other than he was taking the rest of the day off. Helping clean up a few more things, he leaves to pick up some pizza. Tonight though, it came from the Pizza Box, not Mom and Pop's. Back to Misty's, he encourages her to sit and take it easy for a while and eat at least something, even if she didn't feel like it. He'd even brought a bottle of Dr. Pepper, knowing it was her favorite. 

...Leaning back in the couch after polishing off a third slice of pizza, Jason puts a foot up on the edge of the coffee table and turns his head to study Misty. He really was concerned about her, especially in her condition now. Carson certainly had great timing. If he'd known about the baby, would he have left? Jason had to wonder. Not that the answer mattered - it was over now, and the more he thought about it, the better it seemed that Misty had decided to act so quickly. There was no point in begging a man who would apparently never change. 

But now... tonight... pushing aside all that anger, what was Misty going to do? Would she be okay? Would she manage? Would she even stay here? 

"You gonna be alright tonight?" Jason asks gently.

Scott snickers and nods. "Yeah... whatever you do, don't mention gutters. Might be a bit of a buzzkill." 

Sighing, he finally sees the clock on the wall. "Speaking of buzzkills..." He glances at the computer, then back to Dalton. "I should probably go. Domino's gonna wonder where in the world I am." 

He didn't feel like going yet though. After being here for several hours, it felt... good. And his house seemed so... empty. 

"I might come in again tomorrow... if that's okay?" 


Working quietly and quickly Misty didn't talk. She didn't exchange words with Jason, she didn't make small talk, ask for about work, talk about the baby she didn't talk about anything. She just worked, pointed out what needed to be moved, and what went outside, the stuff for the trash and the stuff she didn't care about. 

As it turned into later afternoon and everything was out on the lawn the air was thick and almost smelled like rain. Misty didn't care though if Carson's stuff got wet, if it got ruined it did no matter. Her life was ruined in the snap of the fingers.

Turning to Jason and his question Misty thinks for a long moment. There wasn't anymore work right now she could think of that needed to be done. But it still was going to be a long night. The first night in a long long time Misty would be doing everything alone.

   "Do...do you think you could stay just a little while longer with me? I'm not ready to face everything alone after so long. Maybe dinner and a pizza, we could call it a thank you for helping me."

Misty stood feeling so defeated and lost. She had to be strong, strong for her baby but at this moment she felt broken. Her arm stretched across her stomach she felt like crying again but held the tears away. There would be much more crying but for now...for now she did her best not too.

As his friend says yes and Dalton see the smile that grows on his face he couldn't help the smile on his own. He felt nervous just talking about it, how on earth was he going to ask Dani himself.

   "I...I have no idea. I'd like it to something really special thought. She deserves the best so I'm still trying to come up with something. I'm really nervous about it..I guess because there could always be a chanse she would say now. But than again...I guess thats every guys fear right?"

Dalton gives a laugh as he puts his arms behind his head thinking for a long moment. He's come up with lots of plans on how to ask Dani but none seemed to strike him right not yet.

   "Maybe I can take her to the lake for a candle dinner. I guess anything would be better than calling her a gutter flower like I did when I first met her. It was meant to be a complement and its just...came out all wrong."

Katie gives a nod to Trent. She was happy he'd come and they had talked. It really was nice to chat with him and what information he shared with her had made her feel a little better. It was nice and she new already she'd made a good choose coming here.

Anything else?

Misty's questions did make sense to Jason. No... no, he wouldn't want to work things out if his spouse had done all that either. He just hoped a week from now that Carson was still happy with his decision. Yes, in a sad, pitiful way, Jason hoped he'd finally be happy. But he doubted it. A man like that, who could never keep his promises or keep his hands to himself... it was a hard, self-inflicted road that awaited him. And yet... it's what he deserved for such behavior. To have left Misty in this way was despicable.

"I'm sorry," Jason apologizes. He hadn't meant to upset Misty further - he was just in shock and had only wanted to make sure she wasn't only acting in the heat of the moment. Maybe she was, but he also recognized that look in her eye and he knew good and well that after today, she'd still feel the same. This wasn't just a fleeting decision she would regret. No... she'd made up her mind. 

Nodding, he follows her directions without any more questions. As he works though, his mind wanders. Cleaning out the desk, he found notes, trinkets and photos that spoke of the couple's love for each other. Smiles, short words of love... These were all things that Carson had betrayed. Turned his back on. Trampled on. And there were several painful moments when he thinks of Katie and all that had been torn apart for them too.

Jason works quickly, helping Misty get the worst of it over with. Although Carson deserved no mercy, Jason does his best to at least keep things piled together in the yard for easy pick-up. There was no point in strewning it about just for spite. The more he works though, the more his initial shock wears off and evolves into a righteous anger. Several times he stopped to watch Misty working, noting her bent shoulders, her hollow eyes, and her tears. They cut him to the quick and he wished there was more he could do to help her. But he knew there was not. There were no band aids for the heart. The most he could hope for was that despite Carson's absence being painful for Misty - that he never return. It wasn't fair to her. 

He wasn't sure how much time had passed when finally the couple pieces of furniture were moved out as well. But it seemed the job was about finished. Standing in the living room, he eyes Misty with uncertainty. Oh how he wished there was more he could do. Was she going to be okay? Not just on her own, but with a baby on the way too? 

"Is there anything else I can do?" he asks quietly. 

Hearing Dalton was going to ask Dani to marry him, Scott's grin widens. Then to be asked to be Dalton's best man? He beams. "Of course I will." He gives Dalton's arm a teasing punch. "I didn't know you two were that serious. That's great." 

He truly was happy for his friend. If he really thought about it, deep down there was a twinge of sadness, but it was only selfishness. It seemed most people he knew were moving on with their lives, and in a way, he felt as though he were standing still - or at least that he'd missed out on a whole chunk of life the last couple years. 

"Decided how you're gonna ask her yet?" 

"Mm..." Trent reaches over and gives Katie's hand a pat. "It's not waiting to see if it works out... it's just waiting for it to work out." 

Hearing the door open, his attention is diverted and he stands. "I better get out to the barn. You hang in there and I'll see you later, okay?" 

Would you?

Hearing Jason ask if she was sure she wanted to leave Carson Misty turns and just looks at him in almost a dumb founded look. Was he really asking her that? That she was sure they couldn't work things out.

   "Would you want to work things out with someone was was sleeping with another person? Laying down, kissing holding someone else. Would you like to kiss the lips knowing that the had been on someone else? No Jason there is no working things out because what Carson did and still is doing is wrong."

Turning Misty didn't care if anything though she was acting quickly. Weather it was today, or tomorrow what Carson was doing would still be wrong. He still will have held another woman, and he still would of broken there marriage vows.

   "If you could get the stuff off the desk in the study and throw it outside I'll take his clothing. Than I will need help with his dresser, desk, and the chair in he living room thats his. I don't want it anymore."

Dalton smiles and gives a nod leaning back in his own chair. He was please with what Scott had dont and was proud of him too. He'd been gone a long time but his skills were still hard and that was good.

   "A few tweaks and time on our side and we should be sit. I doubt anyone in The Agency could do it faster than you. So one would hope by time they cracked it we would already know about it."

Today...had been a good day and Dalton was happy. Taking a sip from his can of Pop he looks over at Scott. This felt right, like it was meant to be this was and he was happy.

   "Hey, I got a question for you. I haven't asked Dani yet, but when I do and we pick the right time. Will you be the best man at my wedding?"


Jason closes his eyes for a moment and sighs deeply. He couldn't believe Carson had done this... again... after all he and Misty had been through... after all the promises... after even getting married. Everyone had thought he had changed, even Jason. 

"Don't be sorry," he assures. "I'm glad you called me."

Setting his hands on his hips, he takes a look around at the mess, not knowing what things were Carson's and what things were Misty's. It would be up to her to tell him what to do. At the same time though, he hoped that she was making the right decision. 

"I'll help you however I can and I'll stay as long as it takes," he promises. "Just..." He bites his lip. He knew she was upset and he knew that she was terribly and deeply hurt. "Are you sure? Are you sure there's no chance of working things out? I'll help you do whatever you want, I just... want to make sure this is really what you want." 

"Reese?" Susanne pokes her head into his office.

"Hmm?" He looks up absentmindedly from his paperwork. "Yes?"

"Um, well, I was just wondering..." Susanne lets herself in. "I hadn't heard much about Alec lately."

Reese smiles a little, knowing that Susanne had always had a soft spot for Alec, even from the beginning. "Well, I haven't heard an awful lot either."

"It's been a couple weeks since you set him free, right?"

"Yeah." Reese sighs. "All I know is he's been drunk a lot, but he's been job hunting.

Susanne finds it sad, as her face shows. "Isn't there anything we can do?"

"Not anymore. If he comes and asks for help, I'll consider it. But it's time he learned the hard way how life is lived. He wanted freedom - now he's got it."

"Are you really going to evict him after the six weeks is up?"

"I am."

Susanne sighs. "Okay. I guess I was just curious." 

"Opah..." Scott leans back, swiveling in his desk chair as his eye remains on his computer. A can of Mountain Dew sat empty next to the monitor and several hours had passed already. 

A little grin quirks his mouth as he waits for Dalton to take a look. "It's good... real good..." But he'd broken through. "I don't think it'll take but a few tweaks though."


As Jason takes Misty in his arms she just falls into him. She was so lost, so hurt and so confused. What had she done wrong? Was there just something about her? What was it that Carson found in another woman he could not find in her? There were so many questions left with no answers. 

   "I've known for about  three days now that I am pregnant. I was waiting to tell Carson because I wasn't sure how he would act. So I picked today was a good day over a nice lunch. Before I called you I went to Mom and Pop's and confronted him. I told him all his stuff would be on the front lawn and not to bother trying to come inside. I don't want anything to do with him."

Pulling away from Jason and looking around the house Misty just wanted to continue doing what she had been doing. She didn't know if Carson would be leaving work early or not but she didn't want to chance it. The quicker it was done and over with the better.

   "Sorry I bothered you, but I need...some help...with the bigger stuff. I can't get it outside on my own in my condition and your the first one I thought of the I trusted more than anyone else."

Misty takes in a deep sniff trying to dry her tears and not dribble snot all over herself. She hurd so bad but didn't want to slow down. Not now...this had to get done...now.

   "I was such a fool once again. I really thought he'd changed."


As soon as Jason sees Misty's face and tears, fear grips him. What on earth was going on? He couldn't remember ever seeing her like this before, and it scared him. Carson... Carson what? The house was a wreck with things strewn all over the place. Had someone been here? Was she hurt? Was Carson hurt? 

Listening to Misty's explanation, Jason's eyes widen. Carson had been cheating on her? Seriously? Wait, had she just said he was going to be a father? 

Speechless, Jason dumbly steps into the house with her and accepts the note she hands him. Reading it once, he has to read it again to truly believe it. It was Carson's handwriting alright. He really had been cheating on her. 

Looking back to Misty, Jason's heart breaks for her. He'd been dumped by his girlfriend a week ago - that was bad enough. Misty had just been betrayed by her own husband - that was something on a whole other level. "Aw, Misty... I am... so sorry..." 

What else could he say? Her tears cut him to the quick and he felt utterly helpless. Tucking the note in his back pocket, he steps towards her and gently pulls her into his arms, wrapping her in safety. "You're okay," he soothes. "Shh..." 

Pulling back just a little, he tucks her hair behind her ear, wiping away some of her tears. "Are... are you really pregnant? Have you seen Carson since reading this note?"


Katie smiles at her Uncle and gives a slight nod. She con thankful for his confidence and she could only hope it was true. Being able to find her way again was important and she only hoped that she could. It wasn't going to be easy but she was ready for it.

   "Thanks Uncle Trent....I just...it sucks at this point. Waiting to see if its going to work out is just hard sometimes."

At home Misty starts working on packing boxed, and taking cloths out of the closet. Misty didn't care what happened to the items or where she was throwing them. Some items didn't even make it into a box but to the lawn just like that. Tears streamed down Misty's face her anger still in the mixed but more sorrow, pain, and sadness showing at the moment.

Hearing the knock on the door Misty goes to see who it was. Seeing Jason she opens the door and just starts crying more. If anyone would understand her she new it would be him. The understood each other in more ways than anyone would know.

   "Jason its...Carson. He...."

Misty had a hard time getting the words out as the tears just streamed down her face. It was so hard believing this was happening again after all this time Carson would throw everything away.

   "I was going to meet him here today for lunch to tell him the good news that he was going to be a father...and when I got home...I found a little on the table from him telling me he's been cheating on me for months again."

Opening the door Misty lets Jason come in before taking the letter from the little side table and handing it to him. Her hands shook, the house was in shambles as she had his stuff all over the place. She just wanted it gone, she wanted him gone, she didn't want to think or look at him. Right now the man she had loved so much...she hated.



Trent quietly listens to Katie, leaning back in his chair and watching her as she spoke. He was the least involved of any of the family, but that didn't mean he didn't know what was going on or that he didn't care. He did care... a lot. And right now, his heart went out to his niece. 

"I'm sorry, hun..." He purses his lips and nods slowly. "Sounds like you're going through a bit of a rough patch there." He certainly knew about rough patches. 

"Guess I don't have any miracle advice... but I'm glad you decided to come here." He offers her a new small smile. "Things have a way of becoming clearer when we take the time to step back and let ourselves just 'be' for a while. If I know you, you'll get this figured out." 

Working at the stove with his back to the kitchen door, Carson is unaware of Misty's presence until she speaks. At the sound of his name, he whirls around to face her. The shocked look in his eye proved that he had not expected her to come down here. He had assumed she would be too upset to see him... He'd been wrong. 

His mouth opens to respond, but he cannot get a word in as Misty continues. And as she does, his expression slowly evolves from shock to anger to horror. His heart drops to the floor as he pales, unable to believe his ears. He had expected the anger and lack of forgiveness. He had expected her to hate him. But... a child? She was pregnant? Misty was pregnant with their child? He was going to be a father again? This... was not expected. 

His eyes focus on a closed door as suddenly Misty is gone, and the quietness feels as loud as thunder. 

Just finishing his hamburger, Jason feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. Seated at the picnic table with the others, he retrieves it, surprised to see Misty's number show up. 

Answering and hearing her strained voice, he's immediately put on edge. "Yeah, sure, no problem. I'm up at the lake so it'll take me a while but I'll be there as soon as I can." 

He wanted to ask what was going on, but he could tell that details would have to wait. What was up, and why did she sound so upset? "I'm on my way." 

Ending the call, he looks with apology to his friends. "That was Misty. Something's come up." He'd let them assume it was work - maybe it actually was. But he doubted it. "Thanks for inviting me out - I had fun." 

After bidding all a quick farewell, he takes off, heading back to town. Taking advantage of slapping his blue light on the roof of his pickup, he knew he could get in trouble for using it when it wasn't an emergency call, but it at least allows him to make it to town much faster. 

Arriving at Carson and Misty's, Jason parks in the driveway behind Misty's car and heads up to the door, ringing the bell.


Katie gives a small laugh thinking about her Uncle and staying out of trouble. Whenever anyone always said that it made her laugh for some reason. Why she wasn't sure of but it was just one of those things she guessed.

   "Well staying out of trouble is always good, but a tiny tiny bit of trouble is ok once and a while."

Looking out the window again watching the rain pitter patter on the window the sky was starting to turn a dull shade of gray. The sun always came up if you just wanted for it. Katie wondered about that statement for a moment. The Sun always did come up, but it didn't always shine.

   "I'm...surviving. How well is what I am not to sure of but thats why I am here. Jason and I broke up after I saw another woman kissing him. He said he didn't kiss her back and he didn't cheat on me and I think I believe him...but I still feel angry and hurt. I'm just all messed up right now and don't know what way it up, and what way is down. I just don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore."

Letting out a sigh Katie's explanation on how she was, was a whole lot longer to Trent than she had planned. It just had been the right moment though she guessed and maybe her Uncle would understand a little bit of what she was trying to explain. That in itself had become a lot harder in itself.

Sitting outside the house in her car Misty could feel her stomach twist and turn. Today would be the day she told Carson. He was going to be a father again, they were going to grow there family and it scared her more than anything. She'd deiced just meeting at the house for lunch would be better than go out anywhere.

Taking note that Carson's care was bit here yet Misty figured he'd gotten help up at work but would be home at anymore. That was ok with her it would give her time to set up lunch and a little more time to go over in her head how she was going to tell Carson.

Heading inside and throwing her keys on the coffee table Misty sets her purse down too and heads into the kitchen. Walking right to the fridge she grabs what she needs to make lunch and puts the items on the counter. Going to the cupboard and getting out plates Misty turns to the table and sets them down. Finally seeing a small note she cocks her head. Strange that it was just sitting there marked to her.

Picking up the note and slowly reading the words Misty's smile slowly fades as she continues to read. Her stomach started to churn and she felt like she was going to be sick, tears slowly slip out of Misty's eyes and down she cheeks. She couldn't believe what she was reading. This had to be some kid of sick joke. 

Reading the letter over again Misty can feel an anger start to boil in side her mixed with the pain, and the agony. Reading it again there was more angry, more tears. Reading it once more she was beyond hot. Standing Misty wouldn't let him get away with this. He had tricket her, lied to her, cheated on her, turned his back on her AGAIN. No...Misty wouldn't take it than and she wouldn't take it now. He would not act like it was just another walk in the park.

Leaving the house and slamming the door behind her one of the pictures falls off the wall and shatters on the ground but it goes unnoticed. Getting into her car and making her way to Mom and Pop's it takes no time as Misty gets out of her car. Not even bothering to stop and ask if Carson was in there she makes a bline for the kitchen closing the door behind her. She was angry, her temper flaring. Seeing Carson with his back to her it only made her that much angrier.

   "Carson Grabreil Banks, I can't believe you. After everything, EVERYthing we have been through you go and pulls a stunt like this. You cheat on me, lie to me, and turn your back on our family again. This time I wont forgive you. I wont forgive you now, or years down the road. I've had it. And to think I though you really had changed I was a fool Carson and so are you because you just lost the best thing in your life forever."

Misty stops herself from saying a curse word as she wraps her arm around her stomach. It felt uncomfortable and reminded her she needed to calm down. It was not only her health that would be in danger but her unborn childs health too.

   "I wasn't you gone forever and dont think about stepping foot into my house. All your stuff will be laying on the lawn by night fall so you better pick it up before someone steals it and the rest are taken by the trash man."

Turning Misty goes to leave. She didn't want to look at Carson anymore, she didn't want to talk to him anymore..She just wanted to get away. Getting to the door Misty stops before turning slightly to look over her shoulder. There was still one thing she needed to tell Carson.

   "Oh, by the way congratulations I found out a few days ago your going to be a father again. Don't worry though you wont ever have to see the child. Even if you wanted to you wont now. I just wanted to be the bigger person and let you know. Good Bye Carson."

With that Misty turns and leaves not stopping just heading right out and back into her car. She had work to do and she didn't want to wait. This was the last straw and her mind was not going to be changed. Home was not her path chooses right away. She was going to need help with her condition and she new who would more than likely help. Pulling out her own she dials Jason number and waits for him to answer. She new her voice was shaky and her anger clean.

   "Hey Jas, I need your help, can you meet me at my house please. I can explain more once you get there and I am a little calmer."