

Working quietly and quickly Misty didn't talk. She didn't exchange words with Jason, she didn't make small talk, ask for about work, talk about the baby she didn't talk about anything. She just worked, pointed out what needed to be moved, and what went outside, the stuff for the trash and the stuff she didn't care about. 

As it turned into later afternoon and everything was out on the lawn the air was thick and almost smelled like rain. Misty didn't care though if Carson's stuff got wet, if it got ruined it did no matter. Her life was ruined in the snap of the fingers.

Turning to Jason and his question Misty thinks for a long moment. There wasn't anymore work right now she could think of that needed to be done. But it still was going to be a long night. The first night in a long long time Misty would be doing everything alone.

   "Do...do you think you could stay just a little while longer with me? I'm not ready to face everything alone after so long. Maybe dinner and a pizza, we could call it a thank you for helping me."

Misty stood feeling so defeated and lost. She had to be strong, strong for her baby but at this moment she felt broken. Her arm stretched across her stomach she felt like crying again but held the tears away. There would be much more crying but for now...for now she did her best not too.

As his friend says yes and Dalton see the smile that grows on his face he couldn't help the smile on his own. He felt nervous just talking about it, how on earth was he going to ask Dani himself.

   "I...I have no idea. I'd like it to something really special thought. She deserves the best so I'm still trying to come up with something. I'm really nervous about it..I guess because there could always be a chanse she would say now. But than again...I guess thats every guys fear right?"

Dalton gives a laugh as he puts his arms behind his head thinking for a long moment. He's come up with lots of plans on how to ask Dani but none seemed to strike him right not yet.

   "Maybe I can take her to the lake for a candle dinner. I guess anything would be better than calling her a gutter flower like I did when I first met her. It was meant to be a complement and its just...came out all wrong."

Katie gives a nod to Trent. She was happy he'd come and they had talked. It really was nice to chat with him and what information he shared with her had made her feel a little better. It was nice and she new already she'd made a good choose coming here.

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