

Continuing to look down at Jason a little wave of worry hit her. It was unlike him to ever sleep this deep even when he's gone days without. Though maybe because of all his body was going through it took that rout to recover better. Katie could only guess on it but she would definitely keep an eye on it for now.

"If your not feeling up to lunch right now I can always grab something from the kitchen and we can sit here to eat. Than tonight do dinner."

Katie gives a smile. She had an odd feeling Jason really wasn't up to lunch today and as much as she would be disappointed but being here and having lunch with him would be just as good as going out somewhere as long as she was with him.

Taking the papers again and giving a nod to Tal Ryan breaks her gaze from him she looks down at the paper where he signed and just lets her finger run over the edge of the paper for a moment before she speaks again.

"It was no problem really. I was almost done anyways and another car to keep me busy was not a problem. See ya around Tal."

Looking up again when Tal starts to walk away again Ryan just watches him. Even if they hardly said anything to eachother it was strange that he was walking away and it felt like they just had one of the best conversations. What an odd feeling to have, but than again her emotions were so messed up right now maybe it was just that.

Glancing over at Ashlee Stacy couldn't help but smile seeing the excited look on her daughters face. She was happy Ashlee was excited it just seemed to make this whole thing that much easier.

"Are you really as excited as you look?"

Ashlee turns to her mother as her smile widens and her eyes twinkle dispit the tired hint in them. She was excited and she could feel the butterflys in her stomach. It was always fun going to new places and seeing new things. Ashlee enjoyed that so much and going to a ranch just seemed better.

"You really need to ask that?"

"No but I just had to make sure." Stacy can't help the grin.

"Well, yes I am very excited. I want to be there now."

And so as time always did it moved on. Scenes passed and towns went by, the day nice and warm. A few stops had been in order, to recover, eat, and use the bathroom put them behind a little bit but Stacy didn't mind. They would be there today still and thats really all that mattered.

Finally as the road seemed never ending the sun starting to move twords its setthe ranch comes into view. Drawing closer Stacy couldn't help but be just a little suprised. It was bigger than she had pictures it and with all the buildings it was almost like a small town in itself.


Ashlee's own eyes grow as they turn into the driveway and make there way twords what looked like the parking lot. It was amazing and seeing the horses grazing she felt like a kid all over again.

"Yeah wow is right."

Pulling up to the other few cars Stacy cuts the engine off sitting in the driveway for a long moment. She wasn't sure where everything was or even where she should go to let someone know she was there. Looking over at Ashlee she gives a little shrug.

"Alright, well lets get out and see if we can find anyone."

Getting out Stacy straightens her sunglasses a little and looks around a little bit before looking back at Ashlee and giving a smile. Maybe if they wondered enough they would find someone.

Coming along side her mom Ashlee brushes her shirt off, and pulls up her socks a little from under her boots as they had slide down. Looking around she was ready to go so excited to look and explore. But she new she had to wait till at least someone new they were there.