

Thinking for a long moment Katie twirls her chopsticks on her plate as she thinks. Trent hadn't liked the though about her helping Thirteen find him, but what if she didn't tell her, and instead they would all just go. Trent couldn't get mad at her because she had said nothing to Thirteen.

"Well, I'm not sure what he would do. If we invited her and Ryder along so they didn't have to be alone for the holidays I don't see there being a problem technically she would be with family too than . It's not like we would be telling Thirteen Hey Trent is your dad, So...I dont see to much of a problem."

Putting her chopsticks down and leaning back in her chair Katie lets her mixed emotions flow twords Jason. She felt so trapped with this whole thing. Thirteen not knowing who her dad was when she wanted so badly to look into his eyes, and feel the love of a parent. She felt as though she was doing something wrong by not telling her. Yet the respect she felt as though she had to hold to Trent even if she didn't know him well. It was his wish for Thirteen not to know, was it really Katie's place to say other ways?

"I think...we should mention it to Ryder. It would be good for Thirteen to get out, and be around more people. The ranch is one place I know she would be safe to wander and explore. Do you think it would be a good idea?"

Karla gives a small nod seeing the look in Kip's eyes. She new Twila hadn't meant to offend her, and she really hadn't. It just had been a bad day all together and she was mad at a lot of reasons. It really had not been the day to have someone so peppy up in her face.

"I know she didn't mean to and I'm sorry I came across that way. I guess I am just not use to people, and everything at once I just wanted to be mad, and didnt want someone around me who was so happy, if that makes seance at all."

Karla wasnt even sure to herself it made much seance, it was just a feeling that was hard to explain. Bitting her bottom lip Karla sits down on the edge of the counter as Kip continues to dry his face. Thinking for a long moment. She did want friends, and get to know the band members more, she only hoped they didn't think differently now.

"Maybe I can go with you for a few small things, and than go with Twila some other time for the more girly stuff so I don't have to torcher you with it?"


Jade nuzzles into Dan's chest, giving a long, contented sigh. "Mmm... every day with you is a special one." Closing her eyes, she feel as though she could drift off right here. But a whinnying horse breaks the moment. 

"I guess I should go to the house and see if they need help getting things ready. It's about the only thing I do to earn my keep around here. I feel like I should be doing more but..." 

She shifts her head to look up at Dan, a grin on her face. "...I like spending my time out here with you too much." Taking her hand, she reaches above his ear to tuck down an unruly tuft of his hair. She liked the feel under her fingers, so she lets her hand linger below the brim of his hat. 

"I can't wait for tomorrow," she concludes softly. "I'm gonna miss you while I'm gone." Giving his lips one last kiss, she finally pulls away to stand up. "I'll see you in a while at supper." Smiling, she thumps the brim of his hat before heading towards the door.

Kip grimaces as he gingerly touches the bruise on his face. It had spread from his cheek to his eye overnight alright. "Hot, huh?" A small grin emerges. "That's a first." 

Sighing, he shakes his head. "I'd rather sneak out to shop than wear makeup. And as far as the money goes, don't worry about it, okay? I don't wanna make you feel bad or anything, but this is what friends do. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that eventually, the acts of friendship come back around. One of these days it might be me needing your help." 

He grabs his towel again, this time more careful as he dries the rest of his face, not giving Karla time to argue. "Twila might be disappointed though... I know she was hoping she could take you shopping." 

He pauses and looks to Karla. "She didn't mean to offend you the other day... I think she's just trying to help and get to know you better."

"Mm... yeah." Jason sighs. "I guess I see both sides to that thing. But I feel bad too. For Thirteen, I mean. She's missing out on a lot. She's got Ryder and I'm glad she's feeling more comfortable working for Carson and all... but there's something special about family."

He shrugs. "I never had much of it myself, but at least I had my mom, and Austin for a while until that fell apart. Now at least I know my dad and we're on okay terms. There's just something about knowing family is there, even if I'm not all that close to it, ya know?"

Twirling his water glass on the table, he continues to think. "What do you think Trent would do if Thirteen showed up at the ranch?" His suggestion was obvious, but he didn't dare ask outright if Katie would actually ask Thirteen to come along to Texas.



Dan laughs as puts his arms around Jade to hold her comfortable in his lap. Leaning his aganst hers he looks into her eyes just studying them for a long moment.

"I can't tell you were we are going for dinner, its a surprise but you will need a new dress. We can go shopping for that while we are in town if you like. An anything else you think you might need."

Giving the tip of Jade's nose a kiss, and than finding her lips Dan press his own to her as he tightens his arms around her to pull her even closer. Not letting it linger to long, he pulls away a little as his smile is wide, and his eyes twinkle.

"The day seems like its filled with a lot but, this will be the first Christmas I have spent with someone in a long time. I want to make sure its a special one."

Katie loved that Jason was just about as happy as she was. That feeling alone was a great one, and it felt so nice. The warmth that seemed to come from it and wash over her, it deffintly was a feeling worth feeling.

As more drinks are brought and  Jason brings a new question Katie thinks for a long moment. Thirteen and Ryder had been working a bunch over the last few weeks, Thirteen still getting use to waitress it was going ok for her. Katie hadn't even thought of what they were doing till the holiday till now.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I know Ryder has been working a lot at the Zoo and with me not being home Thirteen stays at Mom and Pop's a lot even if she is not working. That why she doesn't have to be alone. She really has taken a liking to Carson. She said she feels safe with him. I think its mostly because Ryder told her she would be with him."

Taking a sip of her water Katie is quiet for a moment thinking about her little cousin. She was coming along nicly in learning, and understanding things. Thirteen was very smart, and a fast learner. Katie only felt sorry she had yet to know who her father was still.

"My guess would be they are going to stay at the house while I was gone. I just with Thirteen could be with her family. It's just sad she doesn't even know we are related."

Bouncing a little on the bed as Kip bolts up right Karla cant help but be jerked around a little. Kip's bed was just so squishy and she was on the light side it took nothing to get jolted around.

Sitting up on the bed Karla gives a streach cracking her back as she does so. Her back was stiff proof that it had been a long time since she slept on a good bed. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed Karla gives a jump as she hears Kip's yelp. Moving quickly to the bathroom her heart races.

"Kip whats wrong? Are you ok?"

Seeing the bruise on his eye she could put together what happened, and again now seeing it in better light felt bad for him. Turning him twords her a little she looks at it from a few differnt angles before giving a small smile.

"I have to say, you look even hotter whit a bruised eye."

Karla's eyes twinkle as she trys to make Kip smile, but figuring she it wouldn't she backtracks a little.

"Is you want we can do a few things, one I could see if Twila will let me use her cover up and we can put it on ya. Or..maybe we can slip by and you can bring me to the mall. I don't have much money but I think geting at least a few shirts and under clothing would be a good idea so I dont start to stink."

Forgotten wound

Jade's eyes widen a little as a laugh slips out. "Oh, Dan..." Giggling, she sets aside her broom and stands in front of him, looking down into his eyes. She tips his hat back so she can see him a little better. "You goof... how long have you been thinking about this? I expected maybe an evening at most!" 

Still grinning, she moves to sit down across his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "The day sounds wonderfully perfect. I'll do anything." Another giggle bubbles out. "We may want to skip the sledding though. We'd have to go pretty far and high to get enough snow for that." 

She leans her head down so her forehead and nose are resting against his. "Besides... I wouldn't want to get too worn out before supper." 

Giving his lips as little kiss, her eyes twinkle. "A free for all might involve shopping if I'm gonna need a dress for that fancy dinner. What did you have in mind?"

Jason's laugh is muffled in the kiss as his hands move to the sides of Katie's face.

Man, I shoulda told you sooner if this is the response I get.

His emotions tell of his inner laughter.

Better back off before we make a scene in public.

His eyes dance as he slowly pulls away, staring into Katie's gaze. "I thought you'd like that. I figure we could both use the time off and... hey, it's Christmas. It only comes once a year."

Interrupted by the waiter bringing more to drink, Jason resumes his train of thought once they're alone again. "I saw Ryder and Thirteen the other day in the office... do you know what they're doing, if anything?"

"Mmm... both." Kip closes his eyes again and sighs deeply. "I still am... both." Yawning, he knows he needs to get up, if only he could find the motivation. 

Without warning, he shoots out of bed - the only way to get himself going. Stumbling to the bathroom, he leaves the door open as he splashes cold water on his face in an attempt to wake up. Grabbing a towel, he buries his face in it before remembering yesterday's episode. 

Letting out a little yelp, he looks to the mirror. The swelling was down, but the bruise was a big and nasty one. Leaning his hands on the sink counter, he just stares at it for a few moments, wishing he could hide it. He had Erik's speeches memorized and really didn't want to deal with them this morning.

Nothing wrong

Continuing to clean out one of the last stalls while Jade was sweeping Dan thinks for a long moment. In a way he kind of felt sad Jade would be going away for a little while. He understood her mom wanted her there and all for christmas, but her felt a little sad anyways they she would feel so far away, but he would make the best of the time they had till then.

Finishing up Dan leaves the stall and puts the pitchfork back still thinking about Jade's question. A smile seemed to lay behind his eyes as his face was straight his hat just covering his eyes a little. Turning back to Jade he walks over to her and sits down on one of the bails of hay.

"Well I was thinking we could get up early, and I could take you out to breakfast, than we would come back here. I have a few things I'd like to give you, than I was thinking about making you lunch."

Dan beams as he talks to Jade. He really enjoyed planning this day out, and it seemed like maybe he had been thinking about it forever now.

"...After that maybe we can go sledding, and if you feel silly going as an adult I am sure Rosetta would let us take BJ. Than last but not least I would like to take you out to a nice fancy dinner. Also whatever we do in between is a free for all."

Smiling up at Sparky Faith's eyes give a twinkle. Though she was worried about what was to come, knowing what she had here and now gave her the will to drive on and face the next day. Giving her the determination she would not let her illness win.

"Dinner sounds good. I'll go wash up and wait for you."

Taking his hand in her Faith gives it a little squeeze before letting them slip free so he could finish up what he was doing, and she could ready herself for a nice meal with Sparky.

The smile that layed beyond Katie's eyes was begging to be let free. She wanted to tell Jason how excited she was, and thankful and surprised she was that he had decided to go to Texas but she had to wait. It was all based on timing, and she just had to wait for him to tell her.

Finally as Jason breaks the new about changing his mind and wanting to go, Katie's face breaks out in a large smile. Jumping out of her chair is was almost like a spingbored that had been waiting to go off.


Wrapping her arms around his neck Katie leans in and press her lips to Jason just letting her emotions and how happy she was thought to him.

Oh J, You dont know how much this means to me. Thank you so much!!

Taking a moment to remember where she was Karla keeps her eyes closed. Feeling the warm body next to her, it felt nice, but stange at the same time. She was so comfortable and warm this must be a safe place. 

Hearing Twila and than Kip's voice Karla suddenly remembers where she was. Feeling Kip's fingers move in the palm of her hand Karla can't help the small laugh that escaped her lips. 

"Good Morning. I guess we were tired last night? Or really comfortable."

Karla tightens her arm around Kip just a little in almost a manor of a hug. Anyone else this would of felt wrong, but being here with Kip just holding him, it didn't feel like she had done anything wrong, the warm feeling it gave her inside felt nice, refreshing, and it just made her feel good.

Not really a surprise

Kip closes his eyes tight, wishing the world would just go away. Somewhere though, Karla's words lingered as something he could hang on to. Feeling her behind him with her arm around him, and feeling of warmth washes over him, despite his tears. She was the one in need of help, and here she was helping him instead.

Finding her hand, he locks his fingers through hers and just lets his head sink farther into his pillow. He really didn't care what time it was or how long they would lie here. It was what he needed...

Kip's muscles tense as he prepares to roll over, but something stops him. Something was different. Opening his eyes, they're met by sunlight streaming in the window and he squints. It had to be late for it to be that bright. As far as he knew though, no one had come to wake him up - that was probably Erik's doing. He could be a slave driver, but he usually did a good job of looking out for his younger friend.

Kip then realizes that he's cozy warm and that someone else's hand is in his. Then he remembers. He must not have moved all night, and his body's stiffness confirmed that. Yawning, he just lies still for a few minutes, trying to wake up. The night was over... last night was gone. It was a new day and he could forget about what had happened.

A female voice at the door makes Kip jump. He was just as glad he'd locked his door last night.

"Kip... Kip, are you awake? Is Karla with you?" It was Twila. She'd just come from Karla's room, finding it empty and worrying.

Kip sighs. All he needed was to get a tongue lashing from her too. But he couldn't lie. "Yeah," he calls to her. "Whatcha need?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to make sure she was okay?"


"Alright. See you later."

Kip quirks an eyebrow. No questions. That was nice. Maybe Twila trusted him more than Erik did. Knowing surely Karla was awake now, Kip wriggles his hand around. "Hey, sleepy... sun's up."

JT grins and shakes his head at Bree. "You can eat with your knife for all I care. Come on." He pats her leg and stands up, stretching with a yawn. The stress of this whole thing was wearing him down and he knew it. But the papers had been faxed to Angelica and David. Bree would be safe. And that was the entire point of this thing. He hoped Gunner was fairing as well as he was though.

"Yes." Jason nods to Katie. "Food would be a good thing right about now. You're driving though. I'm getting lightheaded." He knew good and well that he should have eaten sooner, but he'd gotten busy. Better late than never, and his emotions to Katie ask nicely not to give him a bad time about it.

Once they're off and to the little Chinese restaurant, Jason relaxes, being able to eat and bring his blood sugar back up. Settling in after a little chatting, he cocks his head at Katie, a crooked grin on his face. "So, um... I got some vacation approved with Reese... for both of us." He glances at his watch. "By this time tomorrow... we should be halfway to Texas on the TJY jet... what do you think?" 

Enveloped in Faith's kiss, Sparky returns his own, his hands sliding down to wrap around her slim frame. His hat gets tipped back farther on his head, but he ignores it. Life was short. Sometimes shorter than anyone wanted. And he couldn't pass up the opportunities to love, no matter the outcome. 

After a few moments, he finally draws away, a smile lingering on his lips. "You look tired... let me finish up here and I'll meet you inside for supper?"

"So...." Jade swivels around the broom as she pauses her work sweeping the barn aisle and looks up at Dan with a flirtatious look. "If I gotta leave day after tomorrow I thought tomorrow night we could celebrate Christmas?" 

She sweeps a little more before stopping again. "What do you wanna do, hmm?"



A smile spreads on Faith's face giving Sparky's reply was a nice confirmation even if she new he would say that. Maybe just hearing it was was true was just nice. She was scared more than she would tell anyone so having him confirm brought some comfort.

"I wont make anymore comments on you leaving. I just...needed the confirmation I guess. Its really scary whats going on, and you mean so much to me Sparky ."

Closing her eyes as she feels Sparky's cradle her face Faith leans into it a little. His kind so soft, and his words seemed to linger in her mind. This was a happyness that made her feel so complete to know this, was one of the best things ever.

Finally opening her eyes again and looking back at Sparky Faith's lips turn up into a smile. She felt so many things for this man who looked back at her. Her eyes twinkling, and beaming proved just so much in timself.

"I am so happy I got to meet you, and knowing this feeling of love. Thank you."

Drawing herself close to Sparky' Faith's hands rested against his chest and than over his shoulders till her fingers locked behind his neck. Drawing close to him her heart thumped. Pressing her lips to his her emotions flowed over her, and over Sparky everything she felt for him being present in that one kiss.

Looking up as if about to see Jason, Katie was a bit confused when she didn't see him. She could hear his voice in her head almost as clear as day. It hadnt been the first time it happend, and Katie still found it odd but...what is something new?

Trying to contain her own feeling as she "overhears" Jason talking about going to Texas she new now, she really couldn't tell him she heard. He was so excited talking to him Mom that he was going to surprise her that Katie couldn't rune that for him. Maybe she would mention it to him another time.

Looking up from her cubical as Jason drew near, Katie couldn't help the twinkle in her eye as she looked back at the love of her life. Givign a small nod she things for a long moment.

"Oh..I guess I can stop working for you. After all you havent had anything to eat all day, and neather have I. We both need something dont we?"

As Kip lays down on the bed Karla's heart hurt even more, and hear his words was almost like a loud crash of thunder. In a way she kind of new the feeling of not being good enough. Maybe not to her parents but to the outside world. They could be just as cruel as anyone.

Moving around on the bed a little so Karla was behind Kip she lays down her body seeming to mold around his so they fit comfortable on the bed. Drapping her arm over his side and across his chest she tucked her hand under him. Just holding him she offered her comfort her words few.

"You are something Kip, your something great and you have such talent. If your dad can't see that, than its not your fault bur his own. I think your something great!"

Rolling over to look at JT Bree is quiet for a moment, her eyes were a little puffy and red the sigh of crying even though her eyes were dry now. She didnt feel much like eating but she new at least she should try a little something.

"I'll try to eat a little something."

Sitting up and bringing her feet to the edge of the bed Bree places them on the ground before looking at JT again.

"Can I eat with my spoon not a fork too?"


Friday. Sparky's heart skips a beat. He knew that Faith's condition was serious, but for a doctor to give her less than a week to prepare drove home the fact just how critical this was. Patients sometimes waited months for surgery... for it to be this soon was a harsh reality check. 

"Wow... that's... that's soon." Sparky keeps his arms around Faith, almost afraid that if he let go, she might be gone forever. But having her pull away, he releases his hold, staring down into those eyes that had captured him from day one. 

Hearing what she had to say, a new emotion rises within him. It wasn't an anger towards Faith herself, but it was an anger towards the idea that he would just drop her at a time like this. He didn't know what the future held and though every day that passed he fell harder for her, he didn't know if it would even work between them in the end. But how could he walk away just because she might need help after surgery?

His tone comes out gently but with a very stern edge. "I'm not going to walk away. I knew about this before and if I'd wanted to walk, I had the opportunity then. You've stolen too much of my heart for me to leave now." 

Sparky reaches out to cradle the side of Faith's face. "I know there's a good chance you won't ever even wake up from surgery." A lump rises in his throat and his voice wavers just a little. "So just having you alive will make up for any help you might need... and that's a burden I'm willing to bear if it means I get to still be close to you."

Jason leans back in his desk chair, chatting casually on the phone with his mom. "Yeah, so... Katie wanted to go to the ranch for Christmas but she didn't want to leave me behind. I gave her the impression I wanted to stay here just so I could surprise her and say we're going to Texas." 

Cindy chuckles. "Don't make it too last-minute. She might kill you. A woman's gotta pack, you know."

"Katie? You're talking about the woman who leaves for missions at the drop of a hat. Besides, she'll be happy enough she won't kill me." Jason grins. "Naw, I figure I'll tell her tonight and we'll head out tomorrow after work." 

Unfortunately, Jason had no idea that his surprise was now not a surprise at all. Again, without his knowledge, everything said was being relayed directly to Katie as if he were wearing a mic. 

"You still at work?" Cindy asks. 

"Yeah... had to catch up on a few things."

"You've eaten supper haven't you?"

Jason gives the phone a wry gin. "Not yet, Mother." 

"Well eat something," she chides. "Don't think I wasn't paying attention to your last email when you said your sugar had been giving you problems lately." 

"Shhh." Jason smirks. "Say that too loud and Rick will be all over me."

"Good." Cindy's tone was firm, but she was still smiling. "I'm looking forward to seeing you, Jase. Let me know when you arrive."

"Will do. Talk to ya later." Once the conversation is finished, Jason sorts through some of his paperwork, putters in the filing cabinet, then decides he should be done for the night. It was getting late and he was getting a headache. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, his mom was right - he needed to eat something. 

Wandering out onto the main floor, he ambles to Katie's cubicle to lean over the wall, still clueless that she was now aware of his plans for the next day. "Hey, Hero. I need food. You gonna come with, or you choosing work over me?"

Alec stands inside his room, his arms folded as he looks at the calendar on the wall. Taking a pen, he crosses off one more day. The 25th was printed in red, drawing attention to the fact that Christmas was only days away. Alec could barely remember back beyond high school, but he recalled some fairly good emotions connected with the holiday. He'd never cared for family gatherings though... they were always a waste of time and no one wanted him there anyway. 

But as he stands in the quietness of TJY's lower level, it dawned on him that this would be the first Christmas he spent alone. Even while in the Agency the crowd he hung with would at least go partying. The next morning always had a hangover waiting, but at least there had been activity. 

Alec couldn't help but wonder for one of the first times if his mother was still alive, and if she was, if she was going to spend the holidays with family like she always had. If he were there...

He stops his thoughts short and scoffs at himself. That family wouldn't even let him in the door if they knew all that he'd done the last few years with the Agency. He'd killed people. Tortured them. He'd run around with women. Stole things. And basically learned how to be skilled at making other people's lives miserable. The reception he really deserved was a bullet to the head. 

Leaving the calendar be, Alec flops down on his cot. Where were these thoughts coming from? Was the Agency's influence actually starting to wear off? He'd clung tightly to their training ever since being caught. But... so far all he'd been was miserable. There was no peace of mind by holding onto those things. It had only proven to keep him here longer in this pitiful state. 

Rolling over, Alec stares back at the calendar and wills himself not to hurt when thinking about the holidays. It was silly. These were just other days in the year that meant nothing. He'd been alone thus far - this was no different.

Kip just sits in silence again, hoping that what Karla said was true. "My dad thinks I'm stupid," he finally responds quietly. "At least that's what he says. I guess I'll always be a disappointment to him."

Resting against Karla for a few more minutes, he finally moves to curl up with some of his pillows. More tears glisten in his eyes. He was having more and more trouble remembering what life was like before everything fell apart. He knew good times existed... he just didn't know anymore what it had felt like.

Staring at the wall, he secretly hopes Karla will stay with him for at least a while longer. Being left alone just felt too empty right now. "I always figured one day I'd show him I was somethin'... but it just hasn't ever come. I guess maybe I'll always be a parasite to him."

"Bree..." JT gently rubs her shoulder as he sits next to her on the edge of the bed. "Want any supper, Hon? It's getting to be that time."


Karla continues to hold Kip, for how long she didnt know and she didnt care. It felt right, and even if it did a little good than it was better than nothing.

Gently rubbing his back, her one arm still around him Karla doesn't move her head. Just keeping it rested aganst his. It was the most comfortable position.

"Your not stupid, and your not low down. Everyone crys, and well...it's ok."

Karla wanted to ask about Kip's dad but it really wasn't her place or the right time. It was his father after all and no matter what happened, or what his dad did Kip would always love him and that's what kept him going back.

Looking up at Sparky Faith gives a smile. Though she was worried, and her Dr. apt hadn't changed any outcome just being wrapped in Sparky's arms made her feel safe. LEtting out a little sigh Faith rests her head against Sparky's chest.

"My surgery will be Friday. The Dr confirmed still thats it very dangerous proseager but if I don't get it done, I might not even have a month left to live. I told him I still wanted to surgery done, I'd rather have a chanse of surviving than to indefinitely never see you again"

Pulling away from Sparky Faith looks up at him. Her eyes were laced with little tears, and she felt so tired, but she had to conferm it at least to herself she felt so alone in this.
"After the surgery its going to be a long recovery, there is a good chanse I will have to learn  to learn to walk again, and a few other things. If you want to walk away now I would understand. I'd never want to burden you with something like this."


Tell me...

Kip leans into Karla, the tears starting to flow. He never allowed anyone to see behind his closed door, but she was different... different from his other friends.

And through the course of it all, no words were said. But Kip doesn't move, crying as all the pain came forth. It wouldn't feel so bad if it were someone else who had hurt him. But his own father... the sting was never lessened. It only grew worse with every seething word and with every slap.

Sniffing, Kip keeps his head down. He didn't know how much time had passed, and he didn't care. His face was hurting worse and now his eyes hurt too. Finally finding his voice, he speaks into the dimness of his room. "Tell me I'm not stupid and low down?"

Sparky looks up quickly at the sound of Faith's voice and he immediately sets aside his pitchfork. Opening the stall door, he wraps Faith in a hug. "I was getting worried," he admits. "I finally had to keep busy before I went crazy."

Pulling away, he looks down into her eyes. "What did the doctor say?"


Karla could tell Kip really was hurting, even finding words to describe it were hard. But hearing he didnt want her to go, was enough to make Karla stay even if she didnt know what to do for him.

"Ok I'll stay."

Going over to the bed and sitting down Karla puts her arm around Kip and pulls him a little closer to him. Moving up slightly on the bed Karla just holds him. She didn't know what else to do, and maybe she couldn't find the words that would fit. But holding him and letting him know she was there was imporant too.

"It's ok to cry when your hurt. I wont tell anyone."

Karla leans her head against Kip's and closes her eyes. Two wounded souls coming to gather, offering the help and love to heal even if they thought they were doing no good. Two friends linked, helping each other the only way they new how.

Giving a laugh and a nod Dalton lets Dani up so if Carson did happen to look out, he wouldn't have a fit.

"Sounds like a good date to me. I'll be by around...9:30 to get you?"

Dalton smiles as he puts his money on the table. He didnt want to go back to work, but he new he probley should.

Looking at her brother Ryan laughs at Leo's comment. Giving him a look of innocents the michef glimmers hiding in her eyes.

"I have no idea what you talking about!"

Finally not being able to hold it in Ryan lets out a laugh. Poor Eli, he wasnt use to having the tables turn and him being the one to be picked on. It was fun when it happened though.

Entering the barn Faith looks around wondering if Sparky would still be in the barn. Her Dr apt had been long than planned. Seeing him over in one of the stalls cleaning she walks over to stall and leans on the door giving a tired smile.

"I thought I'd find you were. Sorry I am later than planned."


Karla's words and her hug from behind push Kip's emotions over the edge. Even at nineteen years old, sometimes the little boy inside just needed comfort. Hearing her walk away, he turns around and looks at her for the first time as his eyes well with tears. "Don't go," he begs softly. 

His face hurt and his heart hurt. Tonight was one of the worst nights he'd had and it felt like the world was bearing down on his shoulders. He was tired of dealing with it alone. He didn't know how to say it though. He didn't know how to tell Karla he really did want her to stay, or how her words really meant a lot to him right now. 

He takes a couple steps to his bed and sits down, staring lamely at the floor. "I shouldn't complain," he mumbles almost too quietly to hear. "I got it good here. But why can't... he just... I don't..." 

His words catch in his throat as his lip starts to tremble again. He didn't know how to say how badly he'd been hurt on the inside by his own father. It was a pain like no other.

Dani giggles as Dalton pulls her into his lap, but she doesn't resist. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she grins as he kisses the tip of her nose. "You goof... Carson would have a cow if he saw me out here like this." 

Laughing again, she nods. "Your place and a movie sound fantastic. And I don't have my car here tonight so you picking me up would be perfect. As for my fan club..." She looks over to the other table and rolls her eyes. "Harmless, but I'd much rather spend my evening with you."

"Me? Act like that?" Leo scoffs. "No, that's a sure sign of desperation."

Eli's head snaps in his direction. "Hey, Bub, watch it." He looks at his sister, his eyes narrowing. "You gonna let your boyfriend talk to me like that?"


Bring pushed away a little and watching Kip walk away Karla didn't know what to do. She wanted to offer comfort to him, but maybe he just wanted to be left alone like she did. But should she really go and leave him? It made her worried about him even more than she probably should have. Kip was her only friend now, and she didn't know how else to help him.

Standing Karla takes a few steps twords Kip but stops, she felt so confused, so messed up herself maybe she wasn't the best person to help him. Letting her hand fall down next to her Karla picks at the sweat pants that were a little to big.

"I want to comfort you, but I...I...don't know how. I never had to do it before."

Karla could feel her own hot tears behind her eyes as she steps forward to Kip and though his back was turned she wrapped her arms around him giving his back a hug. Than letting go she turns to make her way to the door again.

"If you....just want someone to be with you, you know where I am. I...can hold you too and I wont think anything differntly of you. I care about you too Kip. Even if I dont know how to show it."

Shaking her head as her brother continues to talk Ryan can't believe him. Though a bit of humor dances in her eyes to show she wasn't as irritated as one would think.

"Your lucky you moved your legs again or I would of kicked them again."

Looking to her brother and sticking out her tong she looks to Leo and gives a roll of her eyes at his smerk.

"Ok Mr. Smerky, did you act like this too? I cant remember."
Looking up again as Dani comes over a smile forms on Dalton's face. Reaching out for a moment he pulls Dani into his lap. Knowing she was working, but also seeing she didn't have any new tables he didn't much care. Leaning in twords her he gives the tip of her nose a little kiss.

"Thats the only thing I really needed. How about after you get out of work I pick you up and we do a movie at my place with some popcorn? Or...will your fan club be waiting?"

Dalton gives a laugh and a grin as he nods his head twords Ryan's table, a little bit of humor glimmering in his eyes.


"Mmm... cheesecake." Axel lifts an eyebrow even though his eyes are almost closed again. "I think I could... could handle that... but... later... I think I can't, um..." 

Stopping, he furrows his brow having no idea what he'd just started to say. "I think I need to sleep."

"Ow!" Eli rubs his leg. "You got high heels on there, Speedy. Man." He looks at Leo. "Fair warning - she kicks."

Leo hides his smirk, knowing Eli had deserved it. He follows Ryan's cue instead, to figure out what to eat. Eli settles down to order too and they eventually decide what they want. 

Once Dani returns, Eli tells her what kind of pizza they want, followed by more than just their order. "Dessert's on me if you got a break in a while."
Dani sets her hands on her hips, humor twinkling in her eyes. "You don't give up very easily, do you?"

"Uh-uh. It's more fun this way." 

"Well you can forget your fun. I don't have another break until closing." 

"Aw. Who's the slave driver?"

Dani thumbs to the kitchen. "The cook. And let me tell you - he won't back down."

"Dang..." Eli shakes his head. "A boyfriend with no humor and a boss with no mercy. What's as guy like me supposed to do?"

Dani grins. "Wait for someone else who will actually give you the time of day?" 

"Ohhh ouch." Eli cringes. "You're cruel."

Dani giggles. "Cruel? Or smart? I don't want to see you get hurt."

Eli gives a glance towards the corner table again, his sly grin still on his face. "I knew you cared." 

Dani swats his arm with her order pad, her jaw dropping in mock surprise. "You do know how to twist things around, don't you?"

"You have no idea." Eli raises and lowers his eyebrows.

Dani rolls her eyes and turns from the table. "I'll be back with your pizza in a few minutes." 

Eli scoots to the side to put his feet up on his booth to avoid another kick from his sister, a smile spread on his face.

Dani gives the order for pizza to Carson, then wanders back out to Dalton's table, giving him a smile. "Sorry I had to cancel on the movie tonight. You can blame Carson for making me work late. Anything else I can get you while you're here though?"

Kip lets Karla clean his bruise, not wincing or pulling away, even though it hurt. He just sits in silence almost as if he was in a totally different world. It was a stark contrast to his daytime fun personality. 

Still fighting his emotions, he shakes his head at Karla's question. But without warning, a hot tear escapes his eye to tumble down his face. Even more embarrassed now, he pulls away to stand up and walk from her so she couldn't see his face. He knew she was trying to help, but the last thing he wanted was for her to see him cry like a little kid. He wanted to... he felt like it... but he didn't ever let anyone see him like this, not even Erik. 

Just standing in the middle of the room, he crosses his arms, his back to Karla as his jaw muscles try to work out the stress instead of tears. Even so, his lower lip quivers. He didn't know if he wanted a hug or just to be left alone. For some reason, this episode hurt more than the last few.


Having wondered over seeing Axel was awake again Misty gives a small nod at his mention of hurting. Normally she would give pain killed if one hurt right after surgery but for now she couldn't. She needed to know how long the pain would continue in his hand, and in a few hours if he could feel anything at all in not pain. At this point in time she could not give him anything that would mask that.

"Thats a good sigh Axel."

Looking up at Misty and than back at Axel Jess couldn't help the wave of happiness that passed through her. Weather Axel had one hand, or two she wouldnt care but to him he thought having two was important so for him she was so happy.

"I'm so happy your ok. I think once your a little more with it I am going to buy you a BIG slice of cheese cake."

Leaning down to Axel's level Jess gives him a gentile kiss on the for head just letting her lips linger for a moment. She was so happy he was ok, she had been worried and scared but now he was awake and she new he would be ok.

Just staring at her brother as he talked with the waitress Ryan didn't know what to day. Her brother had always been the lady killer in the family but this...this was rediculate. Finally she cant do anything else but give him a swift hard kick under the table.

"I know your not the smartest in the family, but I would suggest you leave her be."

Looking down at the menu Ryan shakes her head again. Scanning what she wanted everything looked good.

"How about...I dont know. Everything on the menu looks good today why dont you guys pick."

Looking up from his meal Dalton eyes the man at the table to the far right. He's seem him hitting on Dani, and how flustered she was getting. I irritated him but he wasn't sure if it was bothering Dani or not. It didnt look to much like it so maybe he wasn't bothering her all that much.

Seeing the younger girl who was at the table with them Dalton could guess it was someone related to him. She looked just like the man did. Dalton can't help the smile that spread on his lips when he saw her kick him. That was satisfaction enough for him right now.

Entering Kip's room Karla makes a bline for the bathroom. She'd looked around when she was in there yesterday looking for something for a headache so she new what he had. Opening the little medicine cabinet she pulls out some ibuprofen he had and took a washcloth as well wetting it with warm water. Putting the ibuprofen inside Karla crushes it up letting it deslove into the cloth.

Coming back out with the washcloth in hand Karla sits down sideways on the couch. Putting one leg behind Kip and the other hanging over the edge of the couch on the ground. Leaning forward she gently cleans the wound on his face, before retreating the cloth and folding it finally holding it over his eye.

"Its just watch and some crush up ibuprofen. Your pours around you eye will suck it up, and it will take the swelling and some of the color down more than just ice will."

Still leaning close to Kip and holding the cloth on his eye Karla searches his other. Seeing the pain, and the anger she felt so bad. She couldn't remember what it was like when he parents left, but the sicking feeling she got in her stomach just trying to remember was enough to tell her it wasn't good. She could only imagine it was worse for Kip.

"You wanna talk?"

"If I thought she belonged in a hospital we wouldn't be talking right now and I would of already called the cops."

Hope gives a soft smile to JT and her eyes say she in fact they were talking now, and she hadnt called anyone. Bree was a normal girl, with a different look at life. Though her eyes, it was more fun to do things in a strange mannor, then the normal every day drone.

"She doesn't need to be in a hospital, let alone one like what she was in. They did more harm to her than good that's for sure. Crescentview is for people who are beyond help, not for someone who just looks at things in a different light."

Standing again Hope holds up her papers and gives a nod.

"I have everything I need here and this should help in keeping Bree safe. I want to get it to Angelica as soon as I can so I am going to see if Rosetta will let me fax it to her. Its going to be on JT."

Mixed emotions

Axel takes a moment to figure out what Jess was asking. "Um... groggy." Groggy on top of groggy just about covered it as his mind tried to shake the drugs. "...and thirsty." 

He manages to squeeze her hand a little, ironically trying to reassure her, when it was him who was lying in the infirmary bed. "...and it hurts." 

Stopping, he thinks about his statement and a little smile turns up just the very corner of his mouth. "I never thought I'd... feel good... about pain. Tell Misty... it hurts."

Eli grins and nudges his sister in return for the slap. "Yes... did I do a good job?" 

Leo comes up behind them, shaking his head. "Sorry we kept you waiting."
"Oh, no trouble. I just figured I'd like to kill two birds with one stone."

"What birds are those?"

"Saving both your lives as I forced you to come up for air, and saving my life so I don't starve." Eli sidesteps, knowing that a swat was going to come in his direction. Sidling up to the door, he opens it quickly, holding it for Ryan and Leo.

Within minutes, the three are at a booth and Dani is at their table. "Good evening. What can I get for you?"

Eli looks up, a sly glint in his eye. "How about a date so I don't have to control these two on my own?"

Dani laughs and shakes her head. "Sorry, mister, you're on your own for that one. I learned the hard way that once they're gone, they're gone and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Rats." Eli sighs dramatically. "Well... then I guess I'll settle for a coke."

Dani giggles as she jots it down. "Now that I can do." She asks Leo and Ryan what they want, then promises to return. "I'll be right back to take your order."

"Good, 'cause I'm starving... Dani" Eli winks at her.

Dani smirks, though some color comes to her cheeks anyway. "So am I, but I don't get to eat until after closing."

"Mm, well maybe I'll have to stick around until after closing then."

Dani turns to go, but can't help looking back at Eli again. "You see that hulk over there in the corner?"

Eli leans forward to see a giant of a man in a corner booth. "Yeah."

"If you stay after closing, you'll have to contend with him."

Eli quirks an eyebrow and takes a second look at the man before grinning up at Dani again. "Boyfriend?"


"Well... you know what they say... sometimes downsizing is a good thing." 

Dani's jaw drops, but a laugh slips out without her permission, finding Eli quite amusing. "I think I'll go get that coke now."

Eli grins and winks. "By the time you get back, we'll have our order ready." Watching her leave, he turns his attention to his sister. "Right? What kind of pizza we getting?"

Kip's fingers run along his door, contemplating Karla's offer. He felt miserable right now  and didn't want to make her feel any worse than she already did. But even though he was embarrassed and upset, he really didn't want to be alone either. 

Eventually, he nods and opens the door a little wider for her to come in. Shutting it behind her once she was in his room, he wanders to his couch and sits down to stare at the floor. She knew where the bathroom was if she wanted anything from there. 

A lump rises in his throat as he battles with his mixed emotions. He hated this. He hated people seeing him like this. He hated the blend of shame and anger. He hated the weakness. 

Heat rises behind his eyes as he wills the stinging not to get the best of him. He'd clean up then just go to bed. Tomorrow was a new day. It always was.

JT leans down to rest his elbows on his knees and sighs deeply before putting his face in his hands. He nods to Hope though, acknowledging what she'd said. "I never made her talk about anything... but I'm sure there's a lot pent up inside of her. I'm so..." He closes his eyes, controlling his temper. "...angry with Bree's parents."

Lowering his hands so he can see Hope, he purses his lips. "What about your evaluation on whether or not she belongs in a hospital?"

New Pain

Turning her head from her book at the sound of Axel's voice Jess smiles. She new he would be ok, but it was good and refreshing to actually see him awake and know he was alright. The confirmation was nice.

Standing and drawing closer to the bed Jess takes Axel's good hand in her own to hold it as she smiled down at him.

"Hey Hey my Rainbow decided to come out and play again. How are you feeling? Other than groggy?"

 Being brought deeper into the kiss Ryan forgot about everything else around them. The car, the pizza, the fact she was in a dress. All that mattered in that moment was Leo and herself. All other time stood still, and....

The sound of the loud bang on the car startled Ryan as she looked up quickly to see her brother. A small grin formed on her face as she shook her head and looked out at him. Wondering if he was hungry, or simply watching over his baby sister.

"Well I guess we better go than, he might try and eat the car or something."

Giving Leo a quick kiss again Ryan slides back to the passanger side and opens the door and getting out. Walking over to where her brother is she gives him a slap on the arm and shakes her head again.

"You sure do like to intarupt the intimate moments don't you?"

 Karla's heart ached as she stood there starring back at her friend. Her own problems just didn't seem as bad anymore as she looked at the bruise on the side of Kip's face. She didn't know what happened for sure, but she did know from Kip his relationship with his father was not a good one and from the observations of the others this wasnt the first.

Stepping a few steps closer to Kip's door Karla lets her voice low. The look that was on Kip's face was on of embarrassment, hurt, anger she'd seen it all before. Living in the rough area of town for so long, she really had learned much about life, and looks, and pain.

"If you let me in I can help clean that up for you and get the swelling down, I know a trick that works wonders."

The time moved on, maybe slow for those who had to relive something over and over again. In there mind each memorie ripping open a new wound when remembered. But with a tender word, and a loving heart comfort would follow, though the pain would always be there at the memoires would become easyer know there was someones arms to fall into.

Exiting the small room Hope scans the dinning hall. Seeing JT with Amanda over on the far couch she walks over papers in her hand. Sinking down in over the over stuffed chairs she lets out a long sigh before finally looked up at JT. Sadness plagued her eyes.

"I got what I needed JT. Bree is sleeping now. Her body was just so tired after crying and...they did a number on her."

Hope lets out a long sigh. Her session with Bree had been hard, and filled with much pain and Bree's part. Hope hated having to drag things up but it was for the best even if it did hurt.

"Once this is all over, if Bree will consent I'd like to see her again. She had alot of pain locked inside, from her parents, to the hospital. I think it would be good for her."

Hope trys to offer the best smile she can to JT letting him know everything would be ok. A small glint formed in her eyes as she was about to talk more.

"On a good note though JT. You and Gunner both played a big part in actually keeping Bree sain. If not for her having both of you, and meaning so much to her we wouldn't be here right now having this conversation. She loves you both very much."

Don't tell

Walking a while longer was nice and JT enjoyed it. Amanda was different than other women... she was quiet, but determined, and she knew what she wanted out of life. It was refreshing to say the least, and her faith in God was one thing JT admired.

Getting back to the dining hall, he follows Amanda in. Glancing to the living room, he wondered how long the evaluation would last, and he decides to sit out at one of the tables to wait it out.

Axel's subconscious thinks he might hear a familiar voice but his eyes are too heavy to open again right now. Instead, he manages a small nod before drifting off once more. It was a half hour before his mind awoke again, and this time, he forces his eyes open. He was in such a daze that he wasn't remembering much at all, but turning his head and seeing Jess, he knows that whatever was going on around him must be okay.

A faint smile creases his lips, his eyes droopy. "Hey Stormy," he greets groggily, his voice hoarse.

Leo couldn't feel more fortunate. Though things had been rough with Ryan for a little while, now, they couldn't be better. To think she took an interest in him was humbling to say the least. She was so vibrant, full of life, smart and beautiful to top it all off. And she'd chosen him. It was enough to make him fall for her even further.

His hands slide to the back of her head and her shoulder as he deepens the kiss, totally wrapped up in the moment and not their surroundings. If he had to describe bliss, this is what he would think of.

A rapid and loud banging shatters the quiet and the mood. It's startling enough that it makes Leo jump and look quickly out the windshield. Eli stares back at him with a crooked grin and a quirked eyebrow, showing his amusement.

Leo smirks and glances to Ryan. "I guess he's hungry."

Kip swallows hard and is quiet for a moment. "I'm... I'm fine."

But in his voice is a lie. He was far from fine. But Karla had the heaviest weight on her shoulders right now and he didn't want to add to it. She needed to receive comfort, not be forced to give it... not at a time like this when her life had crumbled. And yet Kip knew that come morning, he wouldn't be able to lie in the light of day. His eyes still down, his shoulders drop a little more. He might as well tell the truth. "No... I guess I'm not okay."

Opening the door just a little more, he continues to stare at the floor. But now visible is a raw bruise that covers his whole left cheek. A good-sized cut accompanies the black and blue as well.

"I didn't duck fast enough this time," he mumbles. "Don't tell anybody... please."


Starting to walk again with JT Amanda smiles and nodded. One of the things she liked so much about JT was his love for his niece. She had no one else, only him and he loved her like his own. Risked his safety, his job and even his life to save her. It wasn't every day you found someone like that and it was something Amanda admired so much.

A smile forms on Misty's lips as she comes to Axel's side again. This time bearing a cup of water for his parched lips.

"Those are some pretty strong words to be asked the Dr. who will be seeing to your recovery you know."

Putting one of her hands to the back of Axel's head Misty helps him sit up just a little and brings the cup with the cool water to his lips letting him take a small sip.

"You are indeed very much alive my friend. Tired, and groggy but still alive. Just rest, I'll let Jess come in to sit with you now. But you just rest ok?"

Leaving Axel's side for a moment Misty cleans up and goes out into the hall. Looking in the spair bedroom she finds Jess reading. Giving a smile she enters the room.

"Jess, everything we well. You can go in and sit while Axel now. He's in and out of courteousness but when he wakes again I am sure you will be the face he wants to see."

Looking up at Misty Jess smiles standing. It felt so good to be wanted, and to know she had someone she could look after and would do the same for her.

"Thank you Misty."

Exiting the room Jess makes her way back to the infirmary. Entering she goes by Axel's bed side and pulls up one of the chairs. Leaning over him she gives him a gentil kiss on the forhead and than sinks down next to him.

"I'm here now Axel when you wake."

Receiving Leo's kiss Ryan's eyes fall shut. She hadn't expected this but it certainly was something she liked. Tilting her head just a little into Leo's hand Ryan lets her own feelings return to him. Leo had to be one of the best things that had ever happened to her, and she wasn't afraid to let it show. Bringing her own hand to the side of his face and than sliding it to the back of his head to run her fingers lightly through his hair starting at his neck and than up to the top Ryan just lets this moment continue as she slid a little closer across the seat twords Leo to make it more comfortable.

As Kip's door opens Karla stops and turns back around. Not being able to see all of Kip's face she could tell the tone in his voice was different, maybe strained a little with the hint that he had been crying. Obviously if Kip had come up here he wanted his own space maybe?

"Ok, I...I will. Ummm...are you ok? I mean if you need anything you can come to me too ok?"

Karla did mean that, she had her own problems now but Kip was her friend and she would be more than willing to listen or simply give him a hug too. She cared about him, as much as he cares for her.


Hiding something?

JT still grins and nods. "Good."

Not having a clue what else to say, he's quiet for several moments until he changes the subject. "Guess we better keep walking so we can make it back inside eventually. I don't want Bree to think I abandoned her."

Under the anesthesia, strange dreams come to Axel's mind. Not bad, not good, oddly familiar yet foreign too. It was a strange world of unconsciousness that wouldn't lift for several hours. When it does though, he finds himself right where he'd been the last he'd seen of Misty.

Still in a thick fog, Axel's eyes try to open as they move about lethargically. He felt like he was still dreaming, trying to run, but finding he wasn't going anywhere. Blinking a couple times, he tries to focus. At first, he wasn't even sure he knew what was going on or why he was here, but gradually he remembers. There were lights on, but the little window near the ceiling on the other wall was dark, proving that hours had passed.

Swallowing hard, Axel licks his dry lips, then lets his eyes fall shut again. "Am I... still alive?" he mumbles groggily.

"I don't know." Leo shrugs at Ryan's question. "I know you wouldn't make fun of me, but  I know my hobby isn't typical either. I guess I might laugh at me too."

Hearing Eli might tease him, he chuckles. "That doesn't surprise me. If your brother doesn't ease someone, either he doesn't like them, or something is wrong. That much I've figured out."

Arriving to Mom and Pop's a while later, Leo finds a parking space and turns off the car. Turning to Ryan, he just looks at her for several minutes, the lights from the parking lot casting a soft glow against her face. Whether she was comfortable or not, she'd done herself up right pretty tonight, and only the dead wouldn't notice.

Reaching out, Leo cradles the side of her face with his palm and without saying anything, he leans in to find her lips with his own. It was a tender kiss, but filled with an emotion that proved more existed here than mere physical attractions. His feelings for Ryan were growing, and he lets her know through this simple gesture.

A click signals Kip's door being unlocked and it cracks open before Karla can walk too far. Half of Kip's face is hidden, but one could see his eyes were red. He tries to hide them though, refusing to look Karla in the eye, and seeming to almost hide behind the door for an unknown reason.

"If you need anything, let someone know," he mentions quietly. The spark in his voice was gone. "Sorry I... I left you. I, um... didn't feel good all of a sudden."

Do u believe

Amanda shakes her head and gives a small chuckle at JT. She thought it was overly cute his cheeks were a crimson color.

"Well, Jack Timble I would love to go on a date with you some time, somewhere."

Giving a smile she looked back out across the field. It was often funny how things worked out, but this just proved again God had planes for everything. This could very well have been his plan to them being here on top of keeping Bree safe.

Looking down at Axel Misty just smile. Brushing a hand over his eyes she whispers knowing he would be out any moment now.

"No counting, just close your eyes and relax. Everything will be ok, and before you know it, you'll be awake."

In no time Axel was out, and Misty was getting to work hooking him up to the IVs and starting on his hand. Misty hoped if all went well the surgery would only take about an hour.

Ryan can feel her face turn red as Leo comments about her looking pretty. It was nice to hear that even if she probably wouldn't ware a dress for a long while ago it was still nice for even her to feel pretty.

Giving a side long glance to Leo Ryan quirked an eyebrow at his comment. Did he really think she would laugh at him?

"You really think I would have laughed at you? You know better than that. I never would of dont that. More than likly I would have wanted to see you just like I do again."

Drawing quiet for a moment Ryan remember's her brother reaction Ryan's face turned up in a small grin.

"How ever I can't promise sooner or later Eli isnt going to tease you. But its only because he liked it too."

Feeling a little worried for Kip and thinking it strange he just left here there alone with the others Karla stands when Erik comes back.

Making her way out of the room they all had been in and finding her way back up the steps Karla goes to Kip's door and for a long moment just stands outside of it. She didnt want to bother him if something was wrong, but she didnt want him to come looking for her and not be able to find her ether.

Finally giving a knock on the door Karla stands there again for a moment before talking soft, but loud enough through the door Kip could here her.

"Kip...I, just wanted to let you know that I was going back to the spare room. Erik told me you were up here, so I...just didnt want you to come looking for me and not be able to find me."

Not really knowing what else to say Karla takes a few steps back from the door before turning and getting ready to head back to her own room.


JT knows his face must be red and he looks down at the ground, a crooked grin still on his face. Looking up at Amanda, he chuckles.

"Well okay then. Amanda Fuller, I'm asking you on a date. Don't ask me where yet 'cause I don't know, but I'll think of something if you actually do say yes."

Axel smiles and winks at Jess. "Alright. I'll see you later then." Returning the squeeze to her hand, he nods. "Don't go too far."

Once he's alone with Misty, he settles back on the bed. "Well... my hand is in your hands, Doc." He tries not to let the nervousness show in his eyes. "Tell me when to start counting backward.'

At Ryan's comment, Leo puts his head back and laughs. "You may look beautiful in that dress, but one thing you don't look is comfortable. Come in your work clothes for all I care. To see you out in the audience is enough motivation for anybody to be on stage."

Keeping one eye on the road, he gives her a sidelong glance. "I didn't figure you'd want to come again... but I can get you in free again. I'm... glad you like it. I guess I was always kinda scared to tell you about it. People laugh at stuff like that, ya know... they have. I thought maybe if... if you liked it then it I might get away with not so much teasing."

Erik and Kyle keep things lively in the living room for a while until the food was either gone or they were too full to eat any more. Jokes are flung back and forth and Twila enjoys the humor as much as anybody.

It's been a while though, when Erik finally looks at the clock. Furrowing his brow, he suddenly realizes that an awful lot of time has passed and Kip hasn't shown back up again. Seeing a shadow in the doorway, he calls to William. "Hey, Kip still out there?"

The older man sticks his head in the room. "No... why?"

"Well is his dad still here?"

"No. Left about twenty minutes ago."

"Oh... okay, thanks." Erik waits for William to leave before looking to Twila and sighing. "I'll be right back."

It was only a couple minutes before Erik returns to the room and sits down again, keeping his voice low. "His door's locked and he won't talk to me. One of these days I'm gonna make him refuse to see his father. This is ridiculous."


Jess gives a smile at Axel as she takes his good hand and gives it a little squeeze. She new she could of called him, but she also wanted to surprise him.

"Well I was trying to surprise you because I hadn't told you for sure I could take off work. If I had called than, that would of runed the surprise now wouldn't it have?"

Leaning in Jess gave Axel a quick soft kiss on the cheek as she eyes beam. She new He was worried, and a little scared but she tried her best to reassure him. Everything would be ok, she just new it.

Taking the clip bored from Axel again after he sign Misty smiled. It was good to see Jess there and being so sportive for Axel. That in itself would help Axel with his recovery.

"Ok, I hate to cut this short on you both but its time to start."

Misty gives a soft smile.

"Jess your more than welcome to wait in the extra room. Once the surgery is over I will come and get you so you can be with Axel ok?"

Jess gives a small nod to Misty know it was important she wasnt there. They needed everything to be very clean and there couldn't be a chance she could carry dirt in.

"I'll be here when you wake up again ok? Everything is gonna work out."

Jess gives Axel's hand another squeeze as she smile at him again, her eyes twinkling.

Listing closely to what JT said Amanda was wondering why he didnt have a lady in his life. He was smart, cute and really nice. When working with him before she started talking to him more and more she always guessed he has someone at home that would be waiting for him. But now talking more and she understood all to much what he was going through.

Giving a small laugh and turning her head to look at JT Amanda's smile was wide as her eyes twinkled in the peek of sunlight that shined through.

"Cheesy but not lame. I like cheesy. And, if you asked me on a date, I'd say yes."

Once in the car with Leo the smile was still on Ryan's face. She had enjoyed meeting some of the people Leo had danced with. A little pride came from being introduced to them as his girl too. I just felt nice to being appreciated.

Looking over at Leo Ryan smiles and gives a nod. She had enjoyed herself more than she would admit to anyone, But she would to Leo he deserved to know.

"I did like it actually. The music was upbeat and pleasant to listen to, the dancing was amazing, and well you were part of it. That was even better."

Slipping her hand into Leo's free hand Ryan give it a tiny squeeze. She was so proud of him and being able to dance. Some people might think it was girly, but Ryan thought it was amazing.

"Do you think maybe...tomorrow I could come again to watch? But this time I leave the dress at home."