

"Mmm... cheesecake." Axel lifts an eyebrow even though his eyes are almost closed again. "I think I could... could handle that... but... later... I think I can't, um..." 

Stopping, he furrows his brow having no idea what he'd just started to say. "I think I need to sleep."

"Ow!" Eli rubs his leg. "You got high heels on there, Speedy. Man." He looks at Leo. "Fair warning - she kicks."

Leo hides his smirk, knowing Eli had deserved it. He follows Ryan's cue instead, to figure out what to eat. Eli settles down to order too and they eventually decide what they want. 

Once Dani returns, Eli tells her what kind of pizza they want, followed by more than just their order. "Dessert's on me if you got a break in a while."
Dani sets her hands on her hips, humor twinkling in her eyes. "You don't give up very easily, do you?"

"Uh-uh. It's more fun this way." 

"Well you can forget your fun. I don't have another break until closing." 

"Aw. Who's the slave driver?"

Dani thumbs to the kitchen. "The cook. And let me tell you - he won't back down."

"Dang..." Eli shakes his head. "A boyfriend with no humor and a boss with no mercy. What's as guy like me supposed to do?"

Dani grins. "Wait for someone else who will actually give you the time of day?" 

"Ohhh ouch." Eli cringes. "You're cruel."

Dani giggles. "Cruel? Or smart? I don't want to see you get hurt."

Eli gives a glance towards the corner table again, his sly grin still on his face. "I knew you cared." 

Dani swats his arm with her order pad, her jaw dropping in mock surprise. "You do know how to twist things around, don't you?"

"You have no idea." Eli raises and lowers his eyebrows.

Dani rolls her eyes and turns from the table. "I'll be back with your pizza in a few minutes." 

Eli scoots to the side to put his feet up on his booth to avoid another kick from his sister, a smile spread on his face.

Dani gives the order for pizza to Carson, then wanders back out to Dalton's table, giving him a smile. "Sorry I had to cancel on the movie tonight. You can blame Carson for making me work late. Anything else I can get you while you're here though?"

Kip lets Karla clean his bruise, not wincing or pulling away, even though it hurt. He just sits in silence almost as if he was in a totally different world. It was a stark contrast to his daytime fun personality. 

Still fighting his emotions, he shakes his head at Karla's question. But without warning, a hot tear escapes his eye to tumble down his face. Even more embarrassed now, he pulls away to stand up and walk from her so she couldn't see his face. He knew she was trying to help, but the last thing he wanted was for her to see him cry like a little kid. He wanted to... he felt like it... but he didn't ever let anyone see him like this, not even Erik. 

Just standing in the middle of the room, he crosses his arms, his back to Karla as his jaw muscles try to work out the stress instead of tears. Even so, his lower lip quivers. He didn't know if he wanted a hug or just to be left alone. For some reason, this episode hurt more than the last few.

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