

Karla's words and her hug from behind push Kip's emotions over the edge. Even at nineteen years old, sometimes the little boy inside just needed comfort. Hearing her walk away, he turns around and looks at her for the first time as his eyes well with tears. "Don't go," he begs softly. 

His face hurt and his heart hurt. Tonight was one of the worst nights he'd had and it felt like the world was bearing down on his shoulders. He was tired of dealing with it alone. He didn't know how to say it though. He didn't know how to tell Karla he really did want her to stay, or how her words really meant a lot to him right now. 

He takes a couple steps to his bed and sits down, staring lamely at the floor. "I shouldn't complain," he mumbles almost too quietly to hear. "I got it good here. But why can't... he just... I don't..." 

His words catch in his throat as his lip starts to tremble again. He didn't know how to say how badly he'd been hurt on the inside by his own father. It was a pain like no other.

Dani giggles as Dalton pulls her into his lap, but she doesn't resist. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she grins as he kisses the tip of her nose. "You goof... Carson would have a cow if he saw me out here like this." 

Laughing again, she nods. "Your place and a movie sound fantastic. And I don't have my car here tonight so you picking me up would be perfect. As for my fan club..." She looks over to the other table and rolls her eyes. "Harmless, but I'd much rather spend my evening with you."

"Me? Act like that?" Leo scoffs. "No, that's a sure sign of desperation."

Eli's head snaps in his direction. "Hey, Bub, watch it." He looks at his sister, his eyes narrowing. "You gonna let your boyfriend talk to me like that?"

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