

Eli wasn't so sure himself why Tal had suddenly taken off, but he gave Ryan a reassuring smile anyway. "Yeah, I'm sure he's fine. He's been sitting here almost as long as I have, and stayed til you woke up before I sent him for coffee. He's probably just going stir crazy."

It would take Eli a while to talk to the right doctors, but he was determined to get his sister home today, and after a few hours, he finally succeeded in having her released. By now, most of the day was gone and he was exhausted, but he wouldn't even think about sleep. He got Ryan settled on the couch and did his best to get whatever she needed before eventually making a light supper of chicken soup. 

Stirring the soup once more, Eli took his phone out of his pocket to text Scarlet.

Home. Ryan is doing ok. Is gonna need help working thru some emotional issues. Long story. But we're good for now. Can't wait til you're home.

After sending the message, he turned off the stove and took supper into the living room. It wasn't until he'd given Ryan a bowl that he fianlly brought up the subject once more of getting help. 

"So...you'd really be okay if I found someone you could talk to?" He eased down next to her on the couch. "About...the whole Alec thing, I mean. 'Cause I know a guy who's pretty good at helping figure stuff out..." He didn't want to pressure her, and this was awkward enough the way it was, but he didn't want to wait too long.

Garret closed his eyes for a moment, wishing he had the right words to say. Wishing he could convince Victoria of the things he felt could work for them. But he'd given her all he could. He knew it was a big decision, and he'd thrown it at her all at once, but they simply didn't have time to think through every detail. 

"Please just..." He was cut off as the door opened, and he turned quickly, automatically putting himself between Nate and Victoria in a protective stance. No...no, he didn't have his answer yet. Their time couldn't be up yet. He didn't know what Victoria was going to do. He couldn't walk away until he knew! Desperation flickered in his eyes as he looked back and forth between Nate and Victoria. He'd given Nate his word - and if he didn't keep it now, he'd be doomed for sure. 

His shoulders dropped, and he gave Victoria one last glance. His quiet words to her were not spoken in English, but in Russian, knowing full well that Nate would not understand him, but she would. "Think quickly. I can't change paths now. The future is in your hands." 

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he turned back to Nate and nodded, even though every fiber in his being wanted to stay. He knew now that he'd be questioned again. That Nate would be searching for better answers as to what was going on, and Garret had given him his word. And right now, all he had in his defense was his honor. He had to keep his promise. "Okay," he relented. 

Think about it...

Sinking down in the bed a little more Ryan lets out a long sigh. Everything was a mess and she hated it. She hated disappointing people, she hated knowing she was not ok, and most of all she hated depending on people. She new that Eli didn't mind but it still bothered her.

Seeing Tal come into the room Ryan gave a small smile to him. He had been there, she wondered if he was or not. She was happy to see him and yet there was part of her that felt guilty too. Tal was very important to her, and she loved her time spent with him but at the same time, now relized deep down she cared about Alec still hurt, and she new it was wrong. Before she never noticed it though, and now she did. She'd definitely need to talk to Tal before she would lose even a friendship with her. At the moment though her mental state couldn't handle it but she hoped soon she oculd.

Getting the small kiss from Tal Ryan smiled again about to thank him for coming but was cut off as he said he needed to go. Ryan found that a little strange but really didn't get to say much as Tal made his way to the door. Hearing him comment she gave a small laugh before waving a little.  Once he was gone she looked back to her brother with slight question on her face.

   "Is he ok?"

As Garret paced Victoria just stood there looking at him. This behavior was so...odd for Garret and it scared her slightly. She still didn't understand what was going on. This all was just crazy and it made her heart race. She came here to try and get Garret out, to rescue him, and instead he was tilling her he wanted to stay.

   "You'd choose the wrath of my grandfather over being safe? I don't get it Garret, this is all way to much."

Looking up into Garret's eyes Victoria searched. Searched for an answer different from the one she had been given. This was not what she expected, this was not how life was meant to go. 

   "I...I don't know Garret. I have to think about it. This is a lot of information at once. How am I to leave everything for a world we know nothing about? A world we will be hunted in. I always said I'll follow you anywhere...but I don't understand Garret."

Glancing down at his watch Nate new it had been a few min longer than the fifteen minutes longer than he had already told Garret he'd have. If he left Garret stay in there any longer he new Reese would have his head and than maybe loose all chance as help him, or them both. Opening the door Nate steps inside looking to Victoria and than to Garret.

   "Garret, it's time to go."