

Though surprised, Leo can feel his pulse quicken as Ryan's first words sink in. What he wouldn't have given not all that long ago to hear those words. He'd tried so hard for ages to just get Ryan's attention... when he'd finally had her, he felt like he was in seventh heaven.

But he had someone else now... and he knew in his heart that it was right. He couldn't help it that right now, feelings for Ryan lingered. But they were slowly, slowly dissolving. The hole in his heart was being filled by someone who understood him so much more than Ryan ever could. If it weren't for Cassy, would he take Ryan back now? He'd vowed at one time that he never would. But maybe it was best he didn't try to even answer that question.

Hearing that Alec hadn't called her, Leo understands more now, where Ryan's feelings were coming from. He felt badly, but surely something like this wouldn't mean that she and Alec would break up... did it?

Having been staring at the car, he now turns his head to study Ryan's face, looking into one eye then the other. Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. What could he say? She'd certainly made him feel good, in a way, but saying thank you wasn't appropriate. Nor was saying sure, take me back.

Wandering a few steps closer to her, he thinks before speaking carefully. "You didn't make the wrong choice, Ryan. You wouldn't think so either if you'd heard from Alec, so don't let his thickheadedness make you think you chose poorly. You and Alec, you're..." He fishes for the right word. "Kindred spirits. What would you and I do?"

He grins a little. "Our weekends would be spent with you at the races and me down at the dance studio. The important things in our lives are just... different. You wouldn't need me at the races - I make a good speedbump, but that's about it. And you don't care at all for the stage scene. It would only end in frustration."

Leaning back against the car, he keeps his eyes on her. "You're pretty and smart and you don't let anything stand in your way. You're bullheaded, rough and tumble and you can take on any guy you want. What am I supposed to do? Stand on the sidelines and cheer you on?" He shakes his head. "Alec's the kind of guy who will jump right into that fight ring with you - stand back to back with you take out anyone who dares threaten you." He rubs his jaw, a twinkle coming to his eye. "And he can do it, too."

Letting out another little sigh, Leo purses his lips, forcing another small smile. Maybe he was trying to convince himself as much as her and that's why he'd become long-winded. "I'm... glad to know that you see value in me. At one point, I didn't think you did or ever would, and it hurt. But... just because you see it now, doesn't mean you can compare me with Alec. We're two totally different people and... I don't want him to disappoint you, but I do know that whatever happens, you will find happiness someday... you're too stubborn not to."

Spotting a little smudge of grease on Ryan's cheek, he chuckles and straightens to reach up with his thumb to rub it away. "I'm a homebody, Ryan... you need to run... go... stretch yourself beyond the small town boundary. You've got a drive for adventure that I never will have. I wish I did - I really do. But... I don't. But Alec does. I see it. Don't let regrets get in the way of what you really want. We've all learned some hard lessons lately but... if anyone can come out on top, it's you."

Continuing to search her eyes, he nods. "Maybe you haven't heard from him because he's being a jerk. Or maybe the Elite's got him grounded for staying out too late. You don't even know why he hasn't called, so don't throw it all away yet... I know you don't want to."

Mmm... better make it half an hour. Any sooner and I'd think the pizza wasn't cooked.

Jason lets some humor slip through the cracks.

I'll be waiting for you. Maybe I'll see if there's any movies on tv. Nothing loud - don't wanna disrupt Destiny, but maybe enough to entertain us for a while.

He grins.

Not that we couldn't find something to entertain ourselves, but I wouldn't want us getting in trouble over here.


Giving another laugh at Leo's comment to his wires being loose Ryan shakes her head tighting another bolt. Maybe Leo was a little crazy, but thats ok almost everyone that worked here was as well in one form or another. It was nice that way though, they all had there quirk and it seemed to fit just right!

"Yeah he does get clean happy, specially when its someone else work bench."

Shaking her head Ryan continues to work figuring Leo would be leaving now but resizing he stopped right by the car she had been working on she looks up at him for a moment still bent over the engine. It almost looked like he wanted to ask something so Ryan just waits.

Hearing his question if everything was ok, Ryan looks down at what she was working on again. Thinking for a long moment Ryan lets out a sigh as she works on the engin again not looking up at Leo. She was slightly embarrassed and it was odd for her to ever admit what she would next.

"Leo, I think I made the wrong choose and now I'm paying for it. I care about Alec a lot, but I still think I made the wrong choose."

Ryan finally looks up again and stands straight closing the hood of the car she as working on. Walking over to her work bench and putting down her wrench she turns around and cross her arms over her chest. The term oil in her eyes, and it was easy to see she was hurting.

"He hasn't called me since I yelled at you guys. I've not heard anything wrong him. Not a call, not a text, nothing. Maybe he doesn't care as much as I though and me yelling at him pushed him to far."

Sitting home Thirteen was gone again with Ryder still at the hospital flipping through the TV channels. Being able to talk to Jason without a phone came in handy sometimes even when they were far away.

I hope she is feeling better tomorrow. I feel bad for her, I couldn't imagine how she must feel.

Letting her smile widen as she hears Jason's plan of her coming over Katie can't help but feel that little warm glow inside of her. Pulling on Jason's own emotions to repay the feelings. But its all to soon interrupted but the rum baling of her stomach.

I'm hungry too, I'm lonely, no one is home...I think I will come and see you with pizza in hand. See you in fifteen?


Leo quirks an eyebrow and pauses his rummaging. Ryan didn't have a date? Nor one the day before? That was odd. Come to think of it, he didn't think he'd seen her on her phone at all today either. Were she and Alec on the outs? Or was he just in trouble again?

Ryan's comment about her and Eli makes Leo laugh. "I've got a few loose wires up top, but not that many."

Finally finding his scribbled note, he holds it up in triumph. "This is what I'm doing here. Figured if I waited until tomorrow, it mighta gotten even more lost or thrown away. You know how Ron's always 'cleaning' things up."

Ambling with the intention of heading back out again, Leo stops by the car Ryan was working on, and runs his hand on the edge for a moment. Looking over to her, he eyes her with curiosity. Something just felt a little... off. She hadn't said anything was wrong, and she'd laughed and smiled all day but...

He cocks his head inquisitively. "Everything okay?"

Alec stands in the middle of the tiny apartment, his eyes circling from one corner to the other and back again. It was quiet. Still.

His backpack slides off his shoulder and onto the floor. There was one long room that would serve as both living room and bedroom, one small bathroom with a shower, and a tiny kitchen. It was almost exactly like Gage's, that was only a couple doors down.

Reese, or rather, the Elite, had supplied Alec with an air mattress, pillow and a couple of blankets. He had a small allowance... enough to get by with the bare necessities until he got a job.

This was better than the lower level of TJY... right?

Alec tries to convince himself it was. In no time, he's got the mattress aired up, his few clothes in one corner and... he looks around. That was about it.

Flopping down, he digs out his tennis ball and tosses it against the wall beside the window. After a few throws, he gets up and stares out the glass onto the front lawn, parking lot and street. And for a moment... he wishes he were back with the Agency. No place of his own, but he'd felt like he belonged. And right at this point in time, he didn't feel like he belonged to anything at all.

Sighing, he goes to the kitchen and scrounges around, finding just a few utensils - everything was clean... he imagined someone had brought them before he and Reese came. By the little ribbon on the silverware, he would guess it to be Susanne.

Finding a little jar that looked like it had been there and forgotten for at least a year, he unscrews the lid and digs in his pocket to pull out a thick roll of cash. Depositing it in the jar, he puts it back in the cupboard. It was just as well that Reese didn't know he had that.

After a little while longer of wandering around in circles, Alec finally heads outside to go for a walk. He needed to do laundry sometime... he was short one set of clothes that were still over at Ryan's, as far as he knew. He sighs. Ryan.

Jason watches Destiny as she leaves, pauses in the living room, then goes back to her bedroom. He'd tried... maybe tomorrow would be better for her. He could only hope.

Miss you tonight...

He wanders back to the couch after having found nothing for supper.

I wouldn't call the police if you wanted to stop by... maybe with a pizza for company... I think Destiny's finished for the night and all I'm doing is staring at a still security monitor.

Chance leans his head against the jet window, closing his eyes. The flight wouldn't be long, but if he could doze, it would go even faster. His mind, however, wouldn't let him sleep. What was he supposed to do, once he got home? If he did nothing, he had lost his freedom. Yet he had no job now. If he did anything with the Underground, he would be caught. He wasn't sure who Reese or Toby would have tailing him, but he knew they'd be there somewhere. Maybe this was worse than jail. And maybe that was Reese's whole point.

The plane touches down at the airport. An Elite vehicle comes. Chance is taken to his apartment. It felt dark and lonely tonight. It had never felt that way before.

After making himself some tea, he goes to the living room to sort through a pile of mail. He leaves it, and his half-finished tea with disinterest though, and wanders to his bedroom where he lies down, sore and miserable. To top it off, he'd lost his necklace... the one with the tiny silver starfish he'd picked up for good luck somewhere along the way - how appropriate.

And the one thing he didn't want to think about tonight, continued to cloud his mind: Destiny. He'd seen pain today... a pain that ultimately the Underground had caused, though he had contributed. The Underground wasn't supposed to be that way though... at least he hadn't thought so. It was supposed to be clean cut. Those they killed were only the ones who deserved it. But... did others have families left behind like Destiny had been?

Chance rolls over and winces, forgetting about the sore spot on his ribs from one of Jason's punches. It was going to be a long night.

Couldnt help

Working quietly Ryan had her ear phones in just drowning herself in music and work. Alec still hadn't called, Eli was going to be working late she might as well work late to catching up on the few days she had missed in the last week.

Hearing Leo's voice break through her mind it doesn't scare Ryan but it does cause her to jump a little as she had been lost in a whole another world. Looking up she gives a small smile and than raises her eyebrow for a moment wondering why Leo was here.

"No...no hot date tonight, non last night either unless you consider eating dinner with my brother a Hot date but if you do than your really messed up."

Looking down at her car again Ryan tinkers with a few things, tighting this and than thighting that before looking up at Leo again as he roots around his desk.

"What are you doing here so late? Kinda surprised to see you....not that I mind."

Giving a nod Dalton watchs the young man he had seemed to form a friendhsip with. He'd come a long way since he first got here, and Dalton was proud to see him going out on his own now. He always felt that way though, maybe it was the soft spot he had in his heart for those in need, or should have a second chance.

"I can do that. If you ever in the area and even if your not and need some mountain dew you know where to find it."

Dalton didn't mind being there for Alec if he ever needed someone and he new he was smart enough to know thats what he was talking about without saying it. It was hard to find a place in the hulks heart, but once you were there it was even harder to get out.

Taking a sip of her water Destiny listens to Jason. He was there for her, and if she needed to talk he would listen. It was nice to know he was there but it didn't make her feel better and she still felt alone. The dark cloud over her heart something Destiny wasn't sure to but couldn't shake.

"Ok, thanks Jason."

Taking the water bottle and going into the living room Destiny looks around for a moment. Images of Chance flash in her mind. How the laughed the first day with the sour patch kids, how they few to liking each other, the tickle war and the first time they kissed. It was hard to face these memories and it hurt even more.

Catching sigh of something on the floor Destiny goes over to the couch and bends down. Picking it up and seeing it was the necklace Chance always wore she could only assume the struggle with Jason.

Just holding it for a long moment Destiny remembers when she had asked Chance about it once. It seemed important to him though he wasn't sure why. There was never a day though Destiny had seen him without it. Unclasping it Destiny puts it around he neck clasping it again and letting it fall under her shirt before standing up again.

Looking around the room and letting out a long sigh Destiny heads back down the hallway and to her room shutting the door behind her. Everything was fresh still, her mind still processing everything and miss those she loved more than she had before. Being alone...was the best thing right now.

Getting onto her bed again Destiny lays down taking her pillow once more. So many things flowed through her mind with feelings she'd never felt before. They all confused her and just made her feel worse.

Standing and getting out of bed Destiny goes to the window and looks out. The sky look cloudy almost like it was going to rain it just seemed to match the mood. Destiny couldnt help but wonder where Chance was.

After dark

"Well thanks anyway." Alec gives Dalton a quirky grin. "I guess you're one of the few who actually put up with me."

Glancing at the wall clock, he stands from the desk. "I suppose I ought to go throw my things in a bag. They might give the newbie the downstairs since I'll be gone."

He pauses before he reaches the door, and turns around again. "I'm sure it'll be a while before I get a job, and... I'm sure Reese will want me reporting back here all the time so... if you ever need help with something again..." He shrugs. "Let me know."

As Destiny emerges from the bedroom, Jason is relieved that she was at least up and moving around, though the look in her eye drove a stake through his heart. Even though she'd been brought here under horrific circumstances, there had still be life there... still a drive to beat the odds and move on. But not tonight. Tonight, that light was gone. Perhaps her relationship with Chance really had been much more than anyone knew.

Following her slowly to the kitchen, he leans on the doorway and nods. "Yeah..." He was ready to say, "most of the time," or "for now," but seeing her like this... he knew that he would request of Reese to let him stay on this job as long as it took. Destiny deserved to have someone consistent - not being tossed around from bodyguard to bodyguard. "Yeah, looks like you're stuck with me."

He offers her a smile, though he knew it wouldn't help matters much. He just wanted so badly to have the right words to say.

"Destiny, I..." He pauses, his eyes going down, then back up again. Be yourself. "I'm sorry... for everything. You came to the Elite for help and... we didn't do a good enough job. I know that unfortunately, there's nothing we can say or do... no compensation that will ever make up for this whole thing. But... for what it's worth..." He gives a slight shrug, just trying to be a friend. "...I'm here. If you need anything or want to talk or just... want silent company, I'm here."

Jason knew that she must feel horribly alone, and it just made him hurt for her all the more. Why he felt so strongly about her, he didn't know. Usually he did a pretty good job of separating his emotions from Elite jobs. But this just felt different.

It was after dark. Leo was coming from dinner with Cassy on his way home, but he'd written himself a note to remember while at work, and without it, he couldn't make the phone call that he needed to. So before going straight to his place, he takes the long way around to stop by the garage first.

Arriving, he's surprised to see Ryan's car parked out front. Odd. He didn't think she normally worked late.

Parking and slipping inside, he wanders through the front office and into the auto area where the lights were on. Spotting Ryan working, he heads her way, trying not to startle her.

"What? No hot date tonight?" he teases. "Or is this how you get the jump on the rest of us?"

Grinning, he hooks his keys to his pocket and aims for the tool bench were a bunch of paper scraps were. He'd written it here somewhere...

A post full of sadness again! What have we done!

Having a good time with her friends Ryan herself hates that they had to go back so soon. The laughing, joking around and just being with friends was nice and made work a little easier.

Heading out Ryan stops for a moment leaning on her car and looks at her cell phone. No missed called, no new messages still. Was this how it would end? Was this her own payback for what he had done to Leo? She's hurt him, now she was being hurt? Maybe she should just call Alec herself!

Shaking her head Ryan gets into her car and starts it up. Finally pulling out of the parking lot and heading back to the shop Ryan heads. She had more work to do today, and though she was going to be staying late tonight she did want to get done all she could to make up for a few missed days.

Letting out another sigh and leaning his head against the glass a little Nate was so tired, but he refused to go home. He couldnt leave right now he had to stay with his wife and child. He was getting a little sleep on and off, that would have to be good enough for now.

"Yeah coffee would be good. Thanks Con."

Just standing there for a long moment after his friend left Nate continues to watch his new born son. A tear rolling down his cheek. If something was to happen to either of them he'd never forgive himself.

Yeah I'll go check on Trooper. Give Wyatt a little beak on the brute. He always has such a hard time with him. Its kinda funny.

Katie sits at her desk the day almost over and really not being able to wait. She told Reese she would hold off on seeing her family and in a week or so when things calms down a little she would go. With Nate being out because of Laura, and other being tied up Katie though it was best for now.

Just be yourself, and listen if she needs to talk.

Still not moving from her bed Destiny looks up at the knock on her door followed by Jason's voice. She really wasn't ok, and she didn't want to talk but if she said that would Jason persuade here to do so? She didn't think he would but he was her friend after all so he'd want to make sure she was ok right?

Getting up slowly from the bed Destiny felt shaky but she new it was just from her own emotions. No matter what she though, or where she looked her thoughts were on Chance, or what had happened. Opening the door and looking out at Jason her eyes held dark circles and were puffy from crying. She didn't try to smile when she saw him.

"No, and I'm not that hungry. I am kind of thirsty though so I'll get a drink."

Moving past Jason and heading into the kitchen Destiny's walk was a slow one. She didn't say anything right away to Jason thought because she didn't know what to say really. But finally getting to the fridge and grabbing some water she lets out a sigh as a memorie of making Tea for passes through her mind.

"So your going to be watching me now?"

Shaking his head Dalton didn't need any thanks. Alec had been the one willing to help and he simply let him. Not to mention he kind of liked the guy and if keeping in here with him t do something kept him out of trouble than that was a pluse.

"You did it all on your own Alec. You decided to help me and not be a stick in the mud. I'm glad your going to have you own place now. You deserve it."

Dalton gives a little nod as he continues to study Alec. He couldn't help but wonder now that the young man was free would he ever see him again?

Celebrating alone

Hearing Nate speak, Con takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly and quietly. He hadn't quite caught everything Nate said, but he'd heard enough. Part of him blamed Nate as well. Con had known that Laura didn't feel ready for this, and he also knew that Nate had been more than enthusiastic to start a family. It was none of Con's business - he knew that the whole thing was between the married couple. But he was still Laura's big brother and always would be. At the same time though, he was Nate's friend and couldn't imagine being in his shoes either.

Reaching over, he lays a hand on Nate's shoulder, giving it a firm pat, trying to offer some sort of encouragement. He could easily agree with Nate that it was his fault, but he refrains. Now wasn't the time.

"Laura's a fighter, Nate... she'll pull through. And this little one... he's a combination of the both of you... which means he's a fighter, too."

Withdrawing his hand, he folds his arms again, not knowing what else he could say. There really wasn't a whole lot he could say, come to think of it.

"I'm going to get a cup of coffee... want one?"

Jason keeps an eye on the clock, though he does wind up dozing once or twice. Eventually though, as darkness descends, his stomach starts to growl.
Which reminds me... would you make sure you or Wyatt go feed Trooper tonight? I don't think I'm going anywhere for a few days at least.

Getting up from the couch, he wanders to the kitchen to check out the refrigerator. Eventually though, he finds himself down the hall, tapping lightly on Destiny's door. He knew she was upset, but he still needed to make sure she was okay.

"Destiny? It's Jason... I'm gonna stay here with you a while. You doing alright? Want any supper?"

I'm so bad at this. I don't even know what to say to her.

Alec can't help a little laugh too as he flops back down in the chair. What would he do tonight?

"Well, I originally thought I'd have my girl over once I got my own place but looks like I'll be on my own for celebrating. Maybe I'll just sprawl out on the floor and enjoy a space bigger than that cell downstairs."

He stares into nothingness for a moment, wondering at his own feelings. It didn't seem quite as much fun without dragging Ryan along to be happy with him. But in reality, he was thrilled. He knew there would be rules and he knew that it wasn't necessarily going to be easy on his own without anything to give him a start. But - it was definitely better than staying here and maybe... maybe it really was a small slice of that freedom he was so fond of chasing.

Looking back to Dalton, another grin emerges. "I guess I owe you a thanks too for letting me help out - otherwise Reese might still think I was their mystery man."

Catching Ryan's eye, Leo's gaze was just a little bit sheepish. But how else could he have managed to buy Ryan's pizza as a sign of their truce without giving anyone the wrong impression?

"Wooee - nobody sit in Ryan's chair," Jed warns. "Apparently she takes it personally."

Miles whacks him on the head. "And that is no way to get on her good side."

Shuffling around at the table for a moment or two, Axel winds up next to Ryan with Leo across from her, and the other guys circling the end of the table as they admired Ron's new cell phone.

It was a fun lunch... the group didn't often do this, and generally speaking, they didn't hang out as a group much either, unless a few of them wound up at the races - though Axel never went. The group was just a little loud and just a little obnoxious, but not enough to get them into trouble, and the pizzas were devoured quite quickly

Too soon, it's time to head back to work, though several complained it was time for a nap instead. But knowing they needed to finish out the work day, they all head back to the shop again.

Wandering out to his car, Leo watches as the other guys take off first, while he takes his time, walking slowly. Unlocking the car door, the reflection in the window was of Ryan going to her car too. Life was funny sometimes.