
Hard work and Dedication!

Following Sparky Faith takes his hand, and in simply doing so she could feel a warm rush of emotions. The warmth she felt from him weather kissing, or just holding his hand was amazing and it made her feeling, accepted, wanted.

Listing to Sparky very closely and on everything he told her Faith wanted to make sure she got everything right. Even repeating some of the things he said to make sure she was pronouncing them right with her accent. The last thing she wanted was to say it wrong and find herself flat on her back.

Doing as Sparky had instructed Faith puts her left food in the stirrup and swings her leg over the horse. Feeling a little nervous Faith does her best not to show it remember what Sparky had said about the house knowing if she was nervous or not.

Feeling Sparky adjust her legs gives her a reassurance though that she was not alone, and Sparky was right there if she needed him. Letting out a breath of air Faith gives a little jump not expecting Twilight to move just just but she calms herself.

Looking down at Sparky and giving a smile Faith nods. It was now or never, she was ready.

"Ok, I am ready, a little on the nervous side...but I am ready."

Giving a whisper to Sparky is was almost like Faith was trying not to let the horse hear her.

"I would say tallyho but every time I see that in the movies the horse takes off, and....I dont want that yet."

Faith gives a little smile but her eyes tell that she really ment what she said proving she in fact didn't know anything about riding, but was willing to learn.

Smiling at Carson as he comes over Jamie nods to him. It was always good to see Carson when they were there. He had been doing so well with her parents business there was no doubt in her mind that they had made the right choice in giving him ownership.

Hearing that he and Misty would be married in two weeks Jamie's face beams. She had known they got engaged but to hear that the wedding was so soon well it was happy news.

"Oh Carson that is go great. I really am happy for you two."

Looking to her husband before Carson walked away and than back to him she gives a nod.

"Of course we will come. We wouldn't miss it for the world. Congratulations again."

A smile forms on Sapphire's face as she hears the new. It was so good to see two people happy like this. To know Carson had come so far and now was going to settle down with Misty it was just perfect.

"I am pretty sure I have nothing going on. I'd have to check my calendar at home but I will do all I can to be there. Thank you Carson."

Continuing to smile as Carson walks away Sapphire brings her attachen to Gage as he talks. Giving a nod of her head she could see the confusion in his eyes. Giving a glance to Jamie who simply nods her head giving a sign that it would be ok to talk about it in front of her. Sapphire continues.

"He was, but a long time ago after Carson had been caught and brought to the elite simply like you He'd met Misty. She was a caring and kind person who match Carson's smart mouth, and temper head on. They ended up falling in love and though it was rocky for a while they worked through it. That was about a year and a half ago."

Sapphire continues to tell Gage a little but more about Carson and his turning around from what he once was, to who he was now.

"See...anyone can change if they want to Gage. It only takes some time and a lot of hard work. If you simply make bad chooses in life that dosnt mean you a bad person. Anyone can change."

Jamie gives a smile as she listens to Sapphire talk to Gage about Carson. Know Gage himself had done some stuff he wasn't proud of. If this help giving him hope than this trip had been a success already. Giving a small nod Jamie chimes in.

"There are many people out there who's heart of full of forgiveness Gage. Sometimes going to the source and asking for it is the first step. You'd be surprised how many people don't hate you. And in time you can land a great job. Just look at Carson, my parents life this business to him and he is an Elite agent part time. It take time, but you can get there if you want it bad enough."

Sapphire gives Gage's hand a gentile squeeze under the table as she looks to him and gives a nod followed by a smile.


Sparky can't help the chuckle that surfaces. Nothing else mattered... he'd never felt that way before, but now he understood it. It just didn't matter. Faith simply made him feel good and brought a smile to his face whether he tried to keep it in or not.

Adjusting his hat on his head, he glances to the wall of saddles. "Well... if we had to do it the same way, I'd probably end up having you try them all..." He gives her a sidelong glance. "But then we'd be in here all day, wouldn't we?"

Still grinning, he puts away the saddle and retrieves a smaller one, having Faith sit in this one too. He doesn't linger long though and is satisfied enough with the fit to say it was a match. Easily carrying it, he lets Faith go first out of the tack room, his eyes following her the whole way.

In no time at all, Twilight is saddled and ready to go. Making sure Faith is still with him, he offers his hand on the way to the corral. Once there, he instructs Faith how to mount the horse, explaining details and showing her how a horse would react to different commands.

"Okay... left foot in left stirrup and swing yourself up."

Waiting until she was in the saddle, Sparky takes her feet and make sure they're positioned right in the stirrups. "Now, if anything happens, the reins are your breaks, and grip with your legs."

He puts a hand on Faith's knee, applying slight pressure. "Right there."

Twilight fidgets a little, and Sparky grins up at Faith. "Ready for a nice walk?"

Con smiles broadly as Sapphire and Gage approach. Before they arrive at the table though, he nudges Jamie, speaking under his breath. "Do they... look like a couple to you?"

Looking up at Gage, he nods, offering his hand. "I saw you around TJY there for a while."

"Yeah..." Gage returns the handshake, and nods to Jamie as well, though his discomfort is apparent by his gaze dropping as he slides into the booth next to Sapphire. Hearing that she'd been talking about him at work, his own face reddens just a little. She said it was all good, but he couldn't help but wonder what other people thought about him. Con and Jamie... they were Elite. Con had been on the scene the day he'd been brought in... what did he think?

"I don't know about you two, but I'm starving." Con breaks into the silence, scanning a menu.

"Why do you look at that thing?" Carson walks by the table, carrying a tray of dirty dishes, a towel slung over his shoulder. "You always want a pizza."

Con laughs. "You're right. How ya doing, Carson?"

"Great." Carson smiles, actually knowing he meant it today. "By the way, you and Jamie are invited to a wedding in two weeks. Formal invitations aren't high on the list at this point but... we're trying to get a hold of anyone we want to be there."

Con's eyebrows rise. "You and Misty?"

Carson smirks. "Do you know of any other sheilas who have me roped?"

"Nope." Con laughs again. "Two weeks, huh? I knew you two were engaged, but I didn't know it would be that soon."

"Well, you know... life moves too fast sometimes." Carson pauses and glances at Jamie. It never failed. Every time he saw her, he had a flashback of that little basement and the bravery in her eye as he'd tortured her. "We're looking at just a small group, um... if you can't come or whatever, it's no big deal." Though forgiven, he didn't know if she'd even want to come. "Misty just wanted to make sure I caught people when I saw them. If you think you'll make it, you can tell her at work." He looks to Sapphire next and nods. "You're on the list too."


He looks to the kitchen, hearing his sister's voice. "I gotta go. Figure out what pizza you want and I'll be right back."

Gage has been sitting quietly and watches as Carson heads back to the kitchen. Thinking for a few minutes, he turns to Sapphire, his voice quiet. "Carson was... top Agency... one of the worst. I knew he was rehabilitated but he's marrying Misty? As in Misty Miller?" Confusion shone in his eyes. An Elite agent was marrying ex-Agency? It didn't make sense. He was ex-Agency too and Sapphire liked him, but... but was something more actually possible?

That way...

As the kiss was broken Faith's own breath seemed heavy as she relaxed again a little on the saddle. Her heart was still racing faster than she could ever remember it had before. Just looking into Saprky's eyes Faith was feeling so much, her feeling for this man in front of her were totally different from anyone else she had ever known. There relationship had taken another turn and it felt like things were getting deeper and through all that....it felt so right.

Running a hand along the side of his face, whipping a little bit of sweat from his face she gives a small chuck at his comment about the saddle. She wasnt upset that was all he had to say, knowing more than likly he would like to say more but didnt.

Moving her leg and swinning it over the saddle again Faith slids off it standing next to Sparky. Bending down to pick up his hat that had been fallin on the group Faith gives a grin standing up again.

"Small saddle got it, but if we have to measure it again can we do it the same way?"

Faith gives a chuckle as she puts Sparky's hat back on his head humor and emotions glittering in her eyes.

Pulling into the parking lot Sapphire finds an easy spot in the familure restront. This time of day Mom and Pop's wasn't busy. Look over at Gage Sapphire gives a little nod with her ehad.

"Yeah they should be inside already waiting for us. Come on."

Getting out of the cars Sapphire waits for Gage to get out as well so she could lock the doors up. Coming along to his side Sapphire holds out her hand to his again locking her fingers around his. Sapphire loved holding Gage's hand no matter where they were. It felt like to have someone to call her own.

Entering the restront Sapphire looks around the room till she finds Con and Jamie. Giving a smile she leade the way over to the table.

"Hey guys!"

Sliding in the booth and taking off her jacket Sapphire turns to Gage a little bit and gives a smile making introductions.

"Gage, this is Con and Jamie. Guys this is Gage."

Jamie smiles from next to Con giving a nod. It had been a while since they had been out, so when Sapphire had called to ask about dinner and a move with her and Gage they couldnt help but jump at the opertunity.

"Hi Gage, its very nice to meet you finally. Sapphire talks about you alot about the office."

Sapphire cant help the color that comes to her cheeks as she looks at Gage again.

"Don't worry, its always good stuff."

Jamie gives a little laugh.

"Of course it is."


Somewhere along the way, Sparky's hat gets knocked off, but he ignores it. He joins Faith's passion, totally overcome by the feeling of her kiss and her embrace. Letting her retreat then come back for more, he continues to give, not caring about time or where they are.

Though time seemed to stand still, in reality it does pass, and Sparky finds himself slowly pulling away, his breath catching in his throat. His heart racing as the kiss is broken, reality seems to come back to him, along with his senses.

Still breathing heavily, his eyes dive into Faith's once again, looking for the same feelings that he felt right now. And he found them. It had happened so fast. Only yesterday had they admitted their feelings... today, this... was this too fast?

Swallowing hard, Sparky moves his fingers a little bit, feeling the saddle behind Faith and realizing that when she'd moved forward, a space had been formed. He discovers it's difficult to find his voice and it comes as a hoarse whisper. "You need a smaller saddle."

As Sapphire leans over and gives Gage a kiss, his hand finds its way to the back of her head, enjoying the surprising moment. He lets restrained passion through, happy with the fact that these moments were now allowable with Sapphire.

When she pulls away, he's smiling a little, a faint spark in his weary eyes. "You're pretty good at that," he teases. Her compliment of his aftershave scent creates just a bit of color in his cheeks.

Buckling up, his hand slips into Sapphire's just as natural as if they were walking down the sidewalk. It was a good feeling. A feeling that he was accepted. A feeling that he was liked and that there was something beyond the dim life he saw every day.

Hearing about Scott, he nods. "Let me know when he's back in town. Since I'll be learning how to drive, I might be able to get some of my hours cut."

Once arriving to the little restaurant for lunch, Gage looks around the parking lot. "Are... are Con and Jamie here already?"


Hearing Sparky's words about asking for the kiss brings another smile to her face. As Saprky comes closer and leans his cheek against her it felt like electric sparks were going up and down her spin as she could feel Sparky's breath on her skin and lightly pass over her ear. Closing her eyes just listing to him it felt she was being taken to a completely different place.

As Sparky draws away again, and his lips brush her, it felt like Faith's heart was going to pound right out of her chest. The feelings, the emotions seem to grow even more as Sparky came in for the kiss. It was soft, but deep and Faith had no problem retuning it. The kiss was so sweet, and his lips were so soft Faith didnt want to the kiss to end.

As Sparky leans Faith back a little bit his hands on the back of the saddle Faith brings her arms around him. One to his back of his head, and the other to his back moving it up and down rubbing it gently as she leaned into him. A low noise come from her throat proving that she likes the kiss.

Pulling away for a moment Faith moves her head the other direction returning for another kiss with Sparky. The emotions washing over them.


Sparky's eyes move up almost crosseyed as Faith pushes his hat up. His gaze drops back down to her eyes, just letting himself stare into them, studying them and mapping out the depth that he saw.

Feeling her fingers on his skin was like a little electrical shock. He'd been touched by others before... Mel had run her hand up and down his arm... but it had not felt like this. Everything about Faith was different. He reacted to her differently without being able to help it.

Her words bring another smile to his face, creating the faint wrinkles around his eyes again. "Who said I was going to ask?"

Cocking his head, he leans in a little closer, his cheek resting against hers. "It's not fair, surprising a man like that," he whispers into her ear. "You gotta give him time to respond... like this."

Moving his head back again, his lips brush lightly against hers for a moment, almost teasing her before they part to kiss her. This time he wasn't taken off guard, so he lets the kiss linger, deeper but still very gentle. His hands slip down behind Faith to rest his palms on the back of the saddle.

If you ask..

Faith gives a small giggle as Sparky fumbles with his words not realizing she would of have that affect on him. She could feel her cheeks continuing to grow red themselves.Looking down for a moment Faith trys to process what she had just done. He had just been there, trying to find the right words, being so cute, and looking incredibly handsome as the sun shone through the windows. She couldn't help it, and she didn't regret it ether.

Feeling Sparky draw close again Faith looks up coming face to face with him. Just searching his eyes Faith could feel her heart start racing, his blue eyes seemed so deep, She could get lost in them. Reaching up for Sparky's hat Faith pushes it back just a little bit so she could see his eyes even better. Her voice was a soft whisper now that Sparky was this close to her.

"If you ask me kiss you again....I will. I wont mind postponing my lesson for that."

Faith's hands find Sparky's arms as she gentily runs her fingers tips up and down his arm. Her touch very gentile and soft.

Giving a small laugh as she hangs up her phone Sapphire waits in the car for Gage. Turning the music up and just singing to the song on the raido.

In record time Sapphire catch sight of Gage coming twords her car. Turning down the raido and giving a smile as he gets into the car.

"Hey you!"

Leaning over Sapphire press her lips to Gage's as she takes in his sweet smell of aftershave. Letting the kiss last for a few minutes Sapphire finally pulls away giving a smile and just looking into his eyes for a long moment.

"You smell really good. I like that aftershave you have."

Sitting up and starting out of the driveway she takes Gage's hand in her own free hand holding it as they start down the road.

"Oh Hey...my brother said he would be more than happy to teach you how to drive. So when you have some free time we just have to let him know. He's gonna be out of town for a few days but after than he said he would have no problem."

Sapphire gives a small smile. She new her brother had been a little hesitant about it and she couldn't blame him but she was happy when he finally said he would. She new that would make Gage feel good as well and he would be excited.


JT quirks a grin n surrender. He didn't like putting Amanda in his position, but if she was that willing and really wanted to stay, he wouldn't argue with her. He knew better - it would just be a lost battle anyway.

"Yeah... okay. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back."

Giving Bree one last look of assurance, he heads out of the room to find his way into the dining room and find some breakfast. Once he and Bree and Amanda had some of their own nourishment, Becky came around with some clean clothes offered by her and Rosetta.

Jim chuckles and nods. "Don't I know it. We're busy now and we don't even have any guests here. Maybe if Annie stays, we won't need to hire out for seasonal kitchen and housekeeping health. Between Becky and Rosalyn and part-time with Wendy, Jade and Cindy... maybe hiring out will be one less financial burden."

He shrugs and turns back to breakfast. "Well... it's in God's hands like always."

Hearing the horn honk, Gage recognizes the sound and chuckles. "Give me two minutes to change my jeans and get some socks and shoes on."

Getting up, he carries the phone with him until he reaches the end of the cord. "Nah... nah, I think I got enough money. You wind up paying for too much anyway."

The jar rattles as he dumps out one dollar bills and loose change. "Okay... be right out. Don't go anywhere."

Gage ends the call and goes to find a pair of cargo jeans that don't have any holes in the knees or paint splattered on them. Quickly washing his face and splashing on some aftershave, he goes for his socks and shoes, finished getting ready within three minutes instead of two.

Down the stairs and outside, Gage ambles to the car, his hands tucked in his hoodie. Getting into the passenger side, his eyes fall on Sapphire. "Thank you." 

Sparky waits for Faith to sit on the saddle, taken completely off guard as she approaches him instead. Too surprised, he doesn't even move, stunned as she kisses him. But her lips were so soft and warm... His eyes fall shut and his hands automatically move to rest lightly on her waist. Returning the gentle kiss feels so inviting and tastes so sweet as his face leans into her hand.

Blinking as she pulls away, he knows his face must be beet red. He'd kissed women before, but for some reason, this was different. For some reason, Faith was different.

Seeing her try out the saddle and question him, he's still stunned. "Um..." He clears his throat. "Yeah... expert." Realizing what an idiot he must sound like, a laugh surfaces. He sets his hands on his hips and looks down at the floor a moment, trying to compose himself.

Wandering to the front of the saddle, he sets his hands on it and lifts his head to look Faith in the eye, the brim of his his hat touching her forehead. "You realize that, um... if I'm going to put you on a horse that, um... I need my wits about me. Another one of those and we might have to postpone your lesson to tomorrow."

Dont know why...

Amanda gives a soft laugh and shakes her head. She was happy for JT concern, but she was here already and it seemed Bree took to her well. She might as well stay and help.

"I'm already deep in this, and you can use all the help you can get. If anyone connects us than I am a goner anyways because I cant lie to save my life. It would be better if I stayed for now. I'll just call work and tell them I had family issues I needed to take care of. And its the trust. Friends, are always family to me."

As JT moves the hair from her eyes Amanda gives a laugh as the soft smile stays on her lips. Looking back at JT her eyes lock with his for a long moment. Finally looking away a little bit of color comes to her face.

"Go get the food before Bree and I starve to death."

Taking another sip of her coffee Annie gives a nod. She talked to Faith about it once, and she never really said yes or not, but Annie would guess she would.

"We talked about it once and she never said yes or not, but I would assume so. Than again she really has nothing left for her there. I don't know why she wouldn't want to go back its so pretty there."

Looking around the room at all the people that were starting to come in Annie gives a smile and greets some of them before going back to her brother, and her own conversation.

"And if she does not well...I don't know what would happen than. Not that it would be horrible to have another set of hands here.With the ranch growing so much over the last year Rosetta could use all the help she can get honestly."

As the morning pass and Faith helps Sparky a complain never comes from her lips though her hands start to hurt and she new for sure blisters would come. The pain in her hands were worth is though if it ment spending more time with Sparky.

Finally finished with the chores Faith follows Sparky and does what her tell her. Once and a while stopping making sure she was doing it ok, and asking when she had a question. She was enjoying herself and she hadn't even been on the horse yet.

Following Sparky to the saddle rack Faith just stands there waiting. She had no idea anything about saddles or even that you needed to measure one before getting onto it. Looking up at Sparky as he starts to stumble over his words Faith can feel her own cheeks turn red as she realizes what he is trying to say.

Bringing a hand to her mouth Faith lets out a small laugh trying to not to make Saprky feel any awkward than he did already. She found it a little amusing but didn't say so. Making her way over to the saddle Faith stops by Sparky. Standing on her top toes a little Faith wasn't sure why she did it, but she wanted to so her did. Her heart started to race as her lips pressed against his for a long moment her one hard cradled his face while the other found its way to his back.

Finally pulling away her cheek were a crimson red. She had no idea why she just did that but she liked it. Walking away from Sparky slowly Faith goes to the saddle. Swinging her legs around it and sits down. Looking over to Sparky her face was a little flush, still not knowing if the saddle fit right or not..

"It feels comfortable, but I know nothing about saddles...so your the expert. How does it look to you?"

A smile forms on Sapphire's face as Gage agreed to coming out. She wanted to help him find more friends, and what better two friends to have than Con and Jamie. They already new Gage were coming and, couldnt be more happy than to have someone else along. Pressing the horn three times Sapphire can't help but laugh knowing Gage would hear it.

"I'm here now if you ready. If now I can wait...its no hurry at all. Oh and Gage, if your a little short on money its ok, I got the rest for you. You just spending some time with me, is great payment."


"Sure... of course you can have some orange juice, too."  JT stands up, only to feel Amanda's hand on his shoulder. It was gentle, he noticed... her touch was... softer than expected.

Catching her eye, he gives her a grateful look before moving a ways away from Bree's bed. "Thank you." He pauses, pursing his lips. "You know you can go back home now... I've already dragged you in too deep. If you get home late tonight or tomorrow, nobody will even notice you've been gone."

Stopping again, he grins a little at a strand of her hair that was being rebellious and falling down over the front of her glasses. Reaching up, he moves it to the side with a finger. "I don't want you getting into trouble."

Jim tries to shrug off the whole thing and nods to his sister. "Yeah... yeah, you're right." He grins as he sips his coffee. "I must be getting bored if I'm resorting to picking on my brother."

Shaking his head, he shifts the conversation. "So after Faith... after she has her surgery and if everything's okay... Is she going back to Thailand?"

Sparky thoroughly enjoys Faith's company as chores are accomplished. They didn't usually have guest help with main chores. Other guests would help on the side, learn, or troubled cases would be put to work on stalls. But to Sparky, this was much different, especially now.

He lets Faith help him with hay and taking some of the horses out in the pastures. Keeping an eye on all the hands as was his habit the last few weeks, he manages the scheduling and preps the barn for the blacksmith coming later in the day to trim some of the horses' hooves.

Eventually, it's Twilight's turn and Sparky lets Faith retrieve the mare from the stall herself and bring her into the aisle to crosstie her. Setting to work, he helps her brush down the shining coat before taking Faith to the tack room. Scanning the saddles he pauses, then glances to Faith. "Um..." He scratches the back of his head, making his hat tilt forward. "We gotta find you the right size saddle here, so we have to, um..." He measures a distance in the air with his hands. "...see it's based on, um..."

Clearing his throat as a bit of color comes to his face, he steps back to size her up, starting at her feet, his eyes rising to her waist. "Yes, okay. You're pretty petite so... yeah." Trying to move on quickly, he steps towards the racks of saddles. "I think a fourteen and a half will do ya well."

Pulling a western saddle out, he sets it on a rack in the middle of the room. "Go ahead and sit in that and see how it fits."

"Hey, Saph." Gage sets his cereal aside for now, listening to her offer. He thought he knew who Jamie and Con were. After being at TJY for so long, the few times he'd been allowed to venture out of the one room, he'd seen some of the people though never interacted. He thought Jamie was the one with dark hair and the scar on her face and he was pretty sure Con was one of the two giants.

"Um... lunch and movie?" He fiddles with the phone cord, contemplating. He was used to going out with Sapphire, but she was the only one he ever hung out with. Why would anyone else want him along? Especially someone else from TJY? Gage considered Sapphire pretty unique that she was Elite and still wanted to be with him. But if she thought Con and Jamie were okay with it...

"Um... okay. Sure." He glances to the little table at the other end of the room where the glass jar sat. "I think I got enough money to do that. What time?"


Giving a slight giggle Misty wished this moment wouldn't end. It was perfect, everything right at at this point in time they were untouchable from the world. But as Caron's rolls off the couch and lifts her up Misty knows it couldn't last forever. They did need to eat after all.

Hearing his comment and reeving the spank Misty just laughs and shakes her head. There were many better days to come. She would soon spend her life with Carson. Just that thought alone made her excited and sent butterfly in her tummy. Truly she would be happy, there was no doubt in her mind, that her life with Carson would be anything but.

Seeing the look in her Uncles eyes Bree new there was more there about Gunner. She was sure maybe she could guess as the images of that night slowly came back but she didn't want to say anything for fear of it being true. She wanted to see him so bad right now, and hated the thought that something happended to him.

Pushing herself under the covers again and than pulling them up to her chin Bree looks at JT and gives a small nod.

"Untoasted toast with butterless butter sounds good. Can I have some OJ too?"

Standing out of the bed Amanda gives a soft smile and walks over to JT. She felt so bad for him knowing he didnt want to leave her. He was more of a father to her than anyone else, and she admired him for that.

Resting a hand on his shoulder she gives a small nod. She wanted to be there for him as much as she could even if it was with the little things.

"I'll watch her while u get something to eat."

Faith beams and laughs at Sparky's comment about being a cowgirl. Shaking her head she felt like an idiot with the cheesy grin on her face, but she really couldnt help it. Sparky made her feel good even with the little comments.

"That sounds great. Anything I can do to help, you just point me in the right direction and I'll get it done with ya. Seemed like the last few days you guys were short handed so I just one extra wouldnt hurt."

Annie looks to Sparky and Faith and than back to Jim. She tryed to make reason with her own mind on why Sparky would be giving the lesson to Faith. Rosetta was busy, Mick wasnt here, and Jim...why she didnt know why Jim wasnt doing it himself.

"Well I know Faith has wanted to learn how to ride for a real long time. She was excited about coming to the ranch because now maybe she could. Maybe Sparky is just trying to help out with that since her surgery will be coming up soon."

Annie takes a long sip of her coffee letting the liquid warm her chilled bones.

"I guess he thought everyone was busy maybe, or didn't want to bother you. It seems odd, but...I dont know if we should make anything out of it."

Picking up her phone as she drove Sapphire dials Gage's number. Waiting the rings out for a moment she though maybe Gage was out. But finally hearing his voice on the other line Sapphire smiles.

"Hey there, I just so happen to have some free time this afternoon and I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch and a movie with Con, Jamie, and myself? I promise they are two of the nicest people you will ever meet and if you end up feeling awkward we can leave."

Sapphire pulls into Gage's driveway but doesn't say anything yet that she was there.

"What do you say? Sound like fun?"

The last thing she needed...

Seeing how pleased Misty was made Carson smile as he wraps his arms around her. He never would have thought it could feel so good to make someone else happy, but that's exactly what happened when he made Misty happy. If he could make her smile, it felt oh, so good.

The idea of marriage had once turned him off. But thinking of being married to Misty... it was nothing but contentment. People who knew Carson from years before would have placed bets that he'd never settle down. But now... he was ready. He still had a craving for adventure, but that was curbed by TJY missions every once in a while. And in the meantime, living a quiet life wasn't nearly as bad as he'd thought it would be. Besides, being with Misty made it all worth it.

Returning Misty's kiss, Carson pulls away grinning. "I was scared you wouldn't like it." He laughs. "I've been meaning to tell you for the last two weeks."

Resting his head against hers, he closes his eyes, wishing the rest of his life were this easy. Suddenly he remembers supper. He'd forgotten all about it. Giving a start, he rolls over Misty and slides off the couch. Standing up, he reaches down to pick her up all over again, and again, slinging her over his shoulder. This time though, he gives her a teasing spank on the way to the kitchen. "Dang sheila always distracting me. Supper's getting cold."

JT knows his eyes betray him as Bree asks him about Gunner, but he tries to be positive. The last thing she needed right now was to make her feel worse.

Giving her hand a squeeze, he forces a smile. "I'm sure we'll see Gunner soon, hon. He needed to stay in Nevada for a bit, but everything will work out, okay?" He gives Amanda an other wary glance before looking back to Bree.

Still smiling to cover up his worry, he taps her under the chin. She might be a grown woman, but she was still his niece. "I'll get you some untoasted toast, how does that sound?"

"Heeeey." Sparky grins as he sees the boots Faith's got on. "We're gonna make you a cowgirl yet!"

Giving her a wink, he nods. "Sure you can help me this morning. I'm not gonna turn that down."

Needing to stop as he coughs, he takes another sip of coffee. "We gotta make sure all the chores get done, and get things ready for the blacksmith to come later today. Then we can prep Twilight and get some riding in before lunch."

A table away, Jim quirks an eyebrow at Annie, keeping his voice low. "Sparky usually give riding lessons?" He knew the answer, and it was no. If any lessons were ever given to guests, it was Mick, Rosetta or Jim himself... Sparky never had the patience.

Gage eases down to sit cross-legged on his mattress, unable to help a yawn. It was lunchtime and he'd only been up for about half an hour. The last couple weeks had been back to the same routine of getting up early, working all day and coming home beat. A couple phone calls with Sapphire had been about all he'd gotten as far as socializing was concerned. They'd eaten lunch once, but she'd only had a short amount of time before getting back to work, so it had been a bit rushed. Gage missed having several hours to just hang out... especially since they'd been getting closer.

Crunching on cold cereal, he flips on the tv but no station would come in today - at least not clearly enough for him to want to watch it. Turning it off again, he goes back to breakfast... or lunch... breakfast. He shrugs. It was food.

Thinking about what day it was, he glances to the calendar on the wall. Unbelievable. He didn't even know what day of the week it was. He'd totally lost track. Was Sapphire coming over today? Now he couldn't remember.

Sighing, he reaches over by the wall and plugs the Christmas tree lights in again. It was one thing in his apartment that was pretty and it reminded him of his one friend.

Will he?

Seeing it in JT eyes the pain he felt for Bree, and than looking in the young girls eyes and seeing her own pain it broke Amanda's heart. These were two good people even if she didn't know them all that well, she could tell.

"Hey breakfast in bed sounds great. It will be kind of like we are camping."

Looking up again as Amanda talks Bree looks to her and than to JT. She didnt feel like eating, she didnt feel like doing much of anything.But she new it was probley best if she at least tryed.

"I'm not to hungry but...I'll...try to eat a little bit of something. Will Gunner be here soon?"

Bree had a horrable feeling in the bit of her stomach that he wouldnt being coming but she had to ask, she had to hope that he would come through the door and she could feel the warmth of his arms.

Faith's own smile stayed pasted on her face. She felt so warm around Sparky that being in the cold hadnt bothered her. The feelings just bubbled, and they felt so good.

Taking a seat in the chair Sparky had pulled out for her Faith smiles taking the warm cup in her hands. 

"Thank you."

Taking a sip of the warm liqued Faith closes her eyes for a moment just letting it warm her. It had been a long time since he had, had coffee but it tasts just as good as she remembered.

"I am very much looking forward to having you teach me still today."

Holding out her feet so Sparky could see the boots Faith smiled at him as her eyes twinkled.

"She let me barrow some of hers, and when I go into town for my Dr apt I am going to get some of my own."

The look in Faith's eyes showed she was excited about riding, and having Sparky teach her was even better.

"Anything I can help you with this morning?"

Taking the tickets in her hand Misty just looked at them for a long moment. She had no idea he has planned any of this. A smile creeps on her face not being able to help the flutter in her heart. This was really happing, she was going to be Ms. Carson Banks and in two weeks no less. What some might think was fast Misty found it perfect.

Giving a little squeel and doing the best she could to put her arms around him as he was still along side her Misty gives him a big kiss on the lips.

"Its perfect Carson, perfect."


JT watches his niece, seeing the pain behind her eyes, and it hurt him as well. He knew that nobody could just bounce back from something like Bree went through, but he did not want to see her depressed.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. "It'll be okay," he assures. "I promise."

He glances over to Amanda, almost wondering what she thought. For the first time in this whole thing, he wasn't sure what to do or if he could handle this. Looking back to Bree, he forces a smile. "Think you could handle some breakfast? I'll even bring it to you... breakfast in bed - how does that sound?"

Jim smiles to Faith as she approaches, giving her a nod. He couldn't help but feel just a little guilty, knowing he and Annie had just been talking about her. But it wasn't like they'd been gossiping... it was just a normal conversation that wouldn't go any further than them.

Getting closer to the dining hall and seeing Faith make a beeline for Sparky, Jim catches Annie's eye. Her question made him think harder than he would have liked. "Nah... I mean... Sparky's smart, right? I'm sure there's nothing between them anyway. It's just..."

He looks inside and over to the two at the table. "...friends..." But his tone indicated more worry than that. He squints one eye, the other eyebrow rising. "So we'll keep an eye on it," he confirms.

Sparky glances up, a smile immediately spreading on his face. "Hey there." He shifts in his chair and reaches out with a foot to pull the next chair over out for Faith to sit. "I did sleep well, thank you. I hope you did too."

Retrieving a clean mug from the center of the table, along with a carafe of coffee, he pours some for her. "It's going to be a nice day by the looks of it," he comments. "Once chores are finished, we can start getting you in the saddle if you still feel up to it. Annie get you some boots yet?"

Carson grins and gives Misty another kiss. "Good. 'Cause..." He pauses and leans over her, almost squishing her as he did, but was too lazy to get up to retrieve the papers from the end table.

Once situated again, he shows them to Misty. "...these are two plane tickets to an airport near a nice little lodge in Montana, where there is a week's reservation waiting." The dates on the tickets were two weeks away.