

"Sure... of course you can have some orange juice, too."  JT stands up, only to feel Amanda's hand on his shoulder. It was gentle, he noticed... her touch was... softer than expected.

Catching her eye, he gives her a grateful look before moving a ways away from Bree's bed. "Thank you." He pauses, pursing his lips. "You know you can go back home now... I've already dragged you in too deep. If you get home late tonight or tomorrow, nobody will even notice you've been gone."

Stopping again, he grins a little at a strand of her hair that was being rebellious and falling down over the front of her glasses. Reaching up, he moves it to the side with a finger. "I don't want you getting into trouble."

Jim tries to shrug off the whole thing and nods to his sister. "Yeah... yeah, you're right." He grins as he sips his coffee. "I must be getting bored if I'm resorting to picking on my brother."

Shaking his head, he shifts the conversation. "So after Faith... after she has her surgery and if everything's okay... Is she going back to Thailand?"

Sparky thoroughly enjoys Faith's company as chores are accomplished. They didn't usually have guest help with main chores. Other guests would help on the side, learn, or troubled cases would be put to work on stalls. But to Sparky, this was much different, especially now.

He lets Faith help him with hay and taking some of the horses out in the pastures. Keeping an eye on all the hands as was his habit the last few weeks, he manages the scheduling and preps the barn for the blacksmith coming later in the day to trim some of the horses' hooves.

Eventually, it's Twilight's turn and Sparky lets Faith retrieve the mare from the stall herself and bring her into the aisle to crosstie her. Setting to work, he helps her brush down the shining coat before taking Faith to the tack room. Scanning the saddles he pauses, then glances to Faith. "Um..." He scratches the back of his head, making his hat tilt forward. "We gotta find you the right size saddle here, so we have to, um..." He measures a distance in the air with his hands. "...see it's based on, um..."

Clearing his throat as a bit of color comes to his face, he steps back to size her up, starting at her feet, his eyes rising to her waist. "Yes, okay. You're pretty petite so... yeah." Trying to move on quickly, he steps towards the racks of saddles. "I think a fourteen and a half will do ya well."

Pulling a western saddle out, he sets it on a rack in the middle of the room. "Go ahead and sit in that and see how it fits."

"Hey, Saph." Gage sets his cereal aside for now, listening to her offer. He thought he knew who Jamie and Con were. After being at TJY for so long, the few times he'd been allowed to venture out of the one room, he'd seen some of the people though never interacted. He thought Jamie was the one with dark hair and the scar on her face and he was pretty sure Con was one of the two giants.

"Um... lunch and movie?" He fiddles with the phone cord, contemplating. He was used to going out with Sapphire, but she was the only one he ever hung out with. Why would anyone else want him along? Especially someone else from TJY? Gage considered Sapphire pretty unique that she was Elite and still wanted to be with him. But if she thought Con and Jamie were okay with it...

"Um... okay. Sure." He glances to the little table at the other end of the room where the glass jar sat. "I think I got enough money to do that. What time?"

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