

Giving a slight giggle Misty wished this moment wouldn't end. It was perfect, everything right at at this point in time they were untouchable from the world. But as Caron's rolls off the couch and lifts her up Misty knows it couldn't last forever. They did need to eat after all.

Hearing his comment and reeving the spank Misty just laughs and shakes her head. There were many better days to come. She would soon spend her life with Carson. Just that thought alone made her excited and sent butterfly in her tummy. Truly she would be happy, there was no doubt in her mind, that her life with Carson would be anything but.

Seeing the look in her Uncles eyes Bree new there was more there about Gunner. She was sure maybe she could guess as the images of that night slowly came back but she didn't want to say anything for fear of it being true. She wanted to see him so bad right now, and hated the thought that something happended to him.

Pushing herself under the covers again and than pulling them up to her chin Bree looks at JT and gives a small nod.

"Untoasted toast with butterless butter sounds good. Can I have some OJ too?"

Standing out of the bed Amanda gives a soft smile and walks over to JT. She felt so bad for him knowing he didnt want to leave her. He was more of a father to her than anyone else, and she admired him for that.

Resting a hand on his shoulder she gives a small nod. She wanted to be there for him as much as she could even if it was with the little things.

"I'll watch her while u get something to eat."

Faith beams and laughs at Sparky's comment about being a cowgirl. Shaking her head she felt like an idiot with the cheesy grin on her face, but she really couldnt help it. Sparky made her feel good even with the little comments.

"That sounds great. Anything I can do to help, you just point me in the right direction and I'll get it done with ya. Seemed like the last few days you guys were short handed so I just one extra wouldnt hurt."

Annie looks to Sparky and Faith and than back to Jim. She tryed to make reason with her own mind on why Sparky would be giving the lesson to Faith. Rosetta was busy, Mick wasnt here, and Jim...why she didnt know why Jim wasnt doing it himself.

"Well I know Faith has wanted to learn how to ride for a real long time. She was excited about coming to the ranch because now maybe she could. Maybe Sparky is just trying to help out with that since her surgery will be coming up soon."

Annie takes a long sip of her coffee letting the liquid warm her chilled bones.

"I guess he thought everyone was busy maybe, or didn't want to bother you. It seems odd, but...I dont know if we should make anything out of it."

Picking up her phone as she drove Sapphire dials Gage's number. Waiting the rings out for a moment she though maybe Gage was out. But finally hearing his voice on the other line Sapphire smiles.

"Hey there, I just so happen to have some free time this afternoon and I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch and a movie with Con, Jamie, and myself? I promise they are two of the nicest people you will ever meet and if you end up feeling awkward we can leave."

Sapphire pulls into Gage's driveway but doesn't say anything yet that she was there.

"What do you say? Sound like fun?"

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