
The last thing she needed...

Seeing how pleased Misty was made Carson smile as he wraps his arms around her. He never would have thought it could feel so good to make someone else happy, but that's exactly what happened when he made Misty happy. If he could make her smile, it felt oh, so good.

The idea of marriage had once turned him off. But thinking of being married to Misty... it was nothing but contentment. People who knew Carson from years before would have placed bets that he'd never settle down. But now... he was ready. He still had a craving for adventure, but that was curbed by TJY missions every once in a while. And in the meantime, living a quiet life wasn't nearly as bad as he'd thought it would be. Besides, being with Misty made it all worth it.

Returning Misty's kiss, Carson pulls away grinning. "I was scared you wouldn't like it." He laughs. "I've been meaning to tell you for the last two weeks."

Resting his head against hers, he closes his eyes, wishing the rest of his life were this easy. Suddenly he remembers supper. He'd forgotten all about it. Giving a start, he rolls over Misty and slides off the couch. Standing up, he reaches down to pick her up all over again, and again, slinging her over his shoulder. This time though, he gives her a teasing spank on the way to the kitchen. "Dang sheila always distracting me. Supper's getting cold."

JT knows his eyes betray him as Bree asks him about Gunner, but he tries to be positive. The last thing she needed right now was to make her feel worse.

Giving her hand a squeeze, he forces a smile. "I'm sure we'll see Gunner soon, hon. He needed to stay in Nevada for a bit, but everything will work out, okay?" He gives Amanda an other wary glance before looking back to Bree.

Still smiling to cover up his worry, he taps her under the chin. She might be a grown woman, but she was still his niece. "I'll get you some untoasted toast, how does that sound?"

"Heeeey." Sparky grins as he sees the boots Faith's got on. "We're gonna make you a cowgirl yet!"

Giving her a wink, he nods. "Sure you can help me this morning. I'm not gonna turn that down."

Needing to stop as he coughs, he takes another sip of coffee. "We gotta make sure all the chores get done, and get things ready for the blacksmith to come later today. Then we can prep Twilight and get some riding in before lunch."

A table away, Jim quirks an eyebrow at Annie, keeping his voice low. "Sparky usually give riding lessons?" He knew the answer, and it was no. If any lessons were ever given to guests, it was Mick, Rosetta or Jim himself... Sparky never had the patience.

Gage eases down to sit cross-legged on his mattress, unable to help a yawn. It was lunchtime and he'd only been up for about half an hour. The last couple weeks had been back to the same routine of getting up early, working all day and coming home beat. A couple phone calls with Sapphire had been about all he'd gotten as far as socializing was concerned. They'd eaten lunch once, but she'd only had a short amount of time before getting back to work, so it had been a bit rushed. Gage missed having several hours to just hang out... especially since they'd been getting closer.

Crunching on cold cereal, he flips on the tv but no station would come in today - at least not clearly enough for him to want to watch it. Turning it off again, he goes back to breakfast... or lunch... breakfast. He shrugs. It was food.

Thinking about what day it was, he glances to the calendar on the wall. Unbelievable. He didn't even know what day of the week it was. He'd totally lost track. Was Sapphire coming over today? Now he couldn't remember.

Sighing, he reaches over by the wall and plugs the Christmas tree lights in again. It was one thing in his apartment that was pretty and it reminded him of his one friend.

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