
Hard work and Dedication!

Following Sparky Faith takes his hand, and in simply doing so she could feel a warm rush of emotions. The warmth she felt from him weather kissing, or just holding his hand was amazing and it made her feeling, accepted, wanted.

Listing to Sparky very closely and on everything he told her Faith wanted to make sure she got everything right. Even repeating some of the things he said to make sure she was pronouncing them right with her accent. The last thing she wanted was to say it wrong and find herself flat on her back.

Doing as Sparky had instructed Faith puts her left food in the stirrup and swings her leg over the horse. Feeling a little nervous Faith does her best not to show it remember what Sparky had said about the house knowing if she was nervous or not.

Feeling Sparky adjust her legs gives her a reassurance though that she was not alone, and Sparky was right there if she needed him. Letting out a breath of air Faith gives a little jump not expecting Twilight to move just just but she calms herself.

Looking down at Sparky and giving a smile Faith nods. It was now or never, she was ready.

"Ok, I am ready, a little on the nervous side...but I am ready."

Giving a whisper to Sparky is was almost like Faith was trying not to let the horse hear her.

"I would say tallyho but every time I see that in the movies the horse takes off, and....I dont want that yet."

Faith gives a little smile but her eyes tell that she really ment what she said proving she in fact didn't know anything about riding, but was willing to learn.

Smiling at Carson as he comes over Jamie nods to him. It was always good to see Carson when they were there. He had been doing so well with her parents business there was no doubt in her mind that they had made the right choice in giving him ownership.

Hearing that he and Misty would be married in two weeks Jamie's face beams. She had known they got engaged but to hear that the wedding was so soon well it was happy news.

"Oh Carson that is go great. I really am happy for you two."

Looking to her husband before Carson walked away and than back to him she gives a nod.

"Of course we will come. We wouldn't miss it for the world. Congratulations again."

A smile forms on Sapphire's face as she hears the new. It was so good to see two people happy like this. To know Carson had come so far and now was going to settle down with Misty it was just perfect.

"I am pretty sure I have nothing going on. I'd have to check my calendar at home but I will do all I can to be there. Thank you Carson."

Continuing to smile as Carson walks away Sapphire brings her attachen to Gage as he talks. Giving a nod of her head she could see the confusion in his eyes. Giving a glance to Jamie who simply nods her head giving a sign that it would be ok to talk about it in front of her. Sapphire continues.

"He was, but a long time ago after Carson had been caught and brought to the elite simply like you He'd met Misty. She was a caring and kind person who match Carson's smart mouth, and temper head on. They ended up falling in love and though it was rocky for a while they worked through it. That was about a year and a half ago."

Sapphire continues to tell Gage a little but more about Carson and his turning around from what he once was, to who he was now.

"See...anyone can change if they want to Gage. It only takes some time and a lot of hard work. If you simply make bad chooses in life that dosnt mean you a bad person. Anyone can change."

Jamie gives a smile as she listens to Sapphire talk to Gage about Carson. Know Gage himself had done some stuff he wasn't proud of. If this help giving him hope than this trip had been a success already. Giving a small nod Jamie chimes in.

"There are many people out there who's heart of full of forgiveness Gage. Sometimes going to the source and asking for it is the first step. You'd be surprised how many people don't hate you. And in time you can land a great job. Just look at Carson, my parents life this business to him and he is an Elite agent part time. It take time, but you can get there if you want it bad enough."

Sapphire gives Gage's hand a gentile squeeze under the table as she looks to him and gives a nod followed by a smile.

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