
No Idea

Looking back at Alec Ryan lifts an eyebrow at him and his words. Holding out the paperwork to him most of the boxed were check as nothing was wrong. Except for one and that was a dirty filter that was replaced but it said no payment was needed because Ryan had dumped something on it to make it dirty.

   "I have no idea what your talking about and you can't pay for something that wasn't broken. If you look at the paperwork there is clearly says nothing is wrong."

Ryan comes around the counter and moves closer to Alec pointing at the paper work. Going through each thing showing her nothing was wrong. Her heart raced as she stood next to Alec but she did her best to ignore it.

   "So anyways you can take your bike now. There's nothing else I can do with a bike thats already fixed. Sorry Alec."

I can't

Alec would never admit he was bored out of his mind while waiting. After a couple hours, he'd gone through all the magazines, read all the posters on the wall, and had even dozed off a time or two. What he really wanted was to go in the garage and see how things were going, but he refrained when he remembered the looks he'd received.

Finally when Ryan comes back, Alec stands up quickly, anxious to hear what she'd found out. But hearing what she had to say, he blinks. Furrowing his brow, for several moments, he was totally confused.

"But it... I..." Then he realizes just what Ryan was saying. Taken aback, his eyes widen slightly, and for a moment, his awkwardness flees, freeing up his tongue.

"Ryan, there was something wrong with that bike and I know it..." He shakes his head, bewildered at her actions. "How long did you spend on it? I have to pay for it. I can't let you just do this for nothing." His eyes lock with hers, his gaze full of questions.


Waiting for Alec to push the Ryan watches him for a long moment as her stomach did flip flops. She didn't want it to show so the others saw it she did her best to hide it but just having Alec here...remembering the time they spent together sends chills down her spine.

Watching as Alec than walks away Ryan lets out a long sigh before turning. Feeling eyes on her still Ryan looks around the room at the other guys that were there as well. Rolling she eyes and crossing her arms she looks at each of them.

   "What...what do you want from me? He needs his bike fixed and your the ones who told me to do it."

Grumbling under her breath Ryan turns and goes back to her work on the car. It wasn't till a few hours later Ryan got to Alec's bike and started working on it. Tinkering with a few different things and figuring out a few other things Ryan finally was finished with the bike.

Taking her rag and whiping her hands off Ryan goes back to the waiting room. Seeing Alec she stands there for a moment before shaking her head. She shouldn't look at him for to long, staring, gawking, no she shouldn't at all. Clearing her throat to get his attachen she puts the paper down before jotting a few things.

   "Well, I'm sorry I wasted a few hours of your time but I can't fix your bike."

Ryan hesitates for a few second searching Alec's face. He still looked so sad, so thing...he still looked horrible and it wrenched her heart. Even if she wasn't dating him she'd never wish anything bad on him and he was not doing good at all.

   "...Because as far as I can see there is nothing wrong with it. Started up fine and everything looks great to me. Maybe it just wanted to give you a fit, and it could use a bit of gas."

Just another customer

Alec was glad that Ryan wasn't being offish. Not that he expected her to, but... maybe he'd been a little worried about that. Besides, she could probably just as easily pass on this job to one of the guys, right? So... her offering to look at the bike herself was... a good thing?

Ryan's prompt to "make himself comfortable" brings another little smirk to his lips as he drops his gaze again, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah..." He bites his tongue from the comment that was dying to be let loose, and he clears his throat, choking down the nervous laugh. 

"Yeah, I'll bring her around and wait." Slowly raising his eyes again, they meet Ryan's with an intense stare. Had she really missed him? "I've got all the time in the world..." 

Turning quickly, he goes back outside. Guiding his bike to the open bay, he does as instructed, careful not to get in anybody else's way. He could feel the eyes on him and knew that he was not welcome here. As a customer yes, but not as a friend. 

Wiping some more sweat from his brow, it's only now that he realizes he must look a sight after pushing his bike this whole way. Oh well. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he trudges back to the waiting area. He remembered a time when he'd hang around inside the garage and chat or sit on the work bench while Ryan worked, just to tease her or simply watch her work. Today though... today he was just another customer.


Taking a few more step farther into the waiting room Ryan moves behind the front desk and gives a slight nod to Alec. Though she thought it was odd there was a problem with his bike that he couldn't figure out. Alec was good when it came to his own things and she wondered could he really not figure it out or was it a good reason to come visit.

   "I can take a look at it for you and see if I can find whats wrong. It might take a little bit though I have to finish up with the car I am working on and than I can look at yours."

Seeing Alec smile just a little bit Ryan could tell he was trying and it felt a little awkward but at the same time it was kind of not that bad. Clearing her throat and writing a few things down on the paper Ryan looks up at Alec once again.

   "You can bring your bike around to bay three if you want than if you want to make yourself comfortable you can."


Realizing that the task was suddenly on Ryan, Axel rolls his eyes. These guys were impossible. "Hang on, I'll..." Too late. Ryan had taken it. Axel throws Jed a withering look only to receive a blank stare in response.

Alec really hadn't expected to be waited upon by Ryan. Maybe he'd hoped he might see her... just for a moment... which might explain why he hadn't chosen an auto shop closer to home. But as Ryan approaches and smiles, he can't help it that his stomach does a flip. How many times had he shown up here to take her to lunch? How many times had he been greeted right here in front of all the guys, with a hug and a kiss? Today there could be... nothing. And though Ryan smiled, she was doing her job, and that was it.

Lowering his gaze, Alec rolls a pebble around under his foot. "Um... it's just my bike." He thumbs to the parking lot. "I can't figure out what's wrong with it and... just wanted an estimate I guess. I can't.... well, I can't afford much."

He looks back up to her again, trying to give her a small smile, but not knowing if he succeeded. Oh how he missed her.


Letting out a groan as she works on the car Ryan glances to the side at Miles before looking back to the engine. Shaking her hear a grin spread across her lips. She could be rough even when she was kidding around and sometimes that was the best thing about her.

   "Oh sure and you guys would love it if I did turn it down so you could call me a quiter thinking I couldn't handle my work, hummmmm...?"

Going back to the car Ryan tightens the nut she had been working on before standing up and walking over to her table putting her wrench down. Not turning to look out at the customer Ryan picks up her notebook and pulls off some paper grabbing a pen. 

   "Alright Alright, I'll grab it."

Starting to write things down on the new ticket its not till Ryan is out the door that she looks up. Seeing Alec she is a bit surprised but she smiles anyways looking at him. She wondered why he was here and in a way she hoped it wasn't just to see her.

   "Hey Alec, hows it going? What can I do for you?"

Customer Service

Jeff grins, knowing Katie was right - if Hunter did her wrong, he'd have this whole ranch on his tail. He seemed too smart for that though.

As quietness lingers while they ride, the last thing Jeff expected was for Katie to choose the new subject that she did. A lump rises in his throat, and he fiddles with his reins for a few moments. He knew exactly what she was referring to. Was it that obvious where his mind had been?

"Yeah..." A weary sort of sigh slips out before he can stop it. Spotting a clearing along the trail, he turns Hawk towards it, stopping just short of the small field of tall grass and wild flowers. The sun shone down warmly on the scene, creating an almost surreal picture. 

Leaning forward to rest his arms on the saddlehorn, Jeff's eyes roam the clearing. "Some days are harder than others," he admits. "Especially when I forget I'm surrounded by family and I get to feeling lonely." He couldn't help it that there were days it just didn't matter how much family he had around or how much they loved him. There was just a hole in his heart that left him lonely in ways the others here couldn't remedy. 

Watching a butterfly flit from flower to flower, he gains a small smile. "She would have loved it here. Your mother, I mean. I think she would have taken to the ranch just like you have." 

Swallowing hard, he looks down for a moment, finding it just a little difficult to keep a handle on his emotions. "I'm so glad she left me you," he continues softly. "I've even thought about moving to Nevada just so I could be closer to you but... I wouldn't want you to feel smothered." 

Lydia smiles broadly, her eyes twinkling. "I would like very much to do this again. Thank you... for everything." 

It didn't take long to drive back to the house, and Lydia returns to the kitchen to look after her bread. Today's baking had been for a needy family in church, and she wanted to include a few cookies too. 

Back in the bedroom, Jared was sitting up just a little. He'd made it to the bathroom and back on his own - a feat worthy of pride. He wasn't all that proud today though. He felt too low for that. But... he'd left the curtains open just how Grace had set them earlier. 

Hearing car doors, steps on the porch and the front door, he knows his mother and Grace must be back. Sighing, he lets his eyes fall shut once again. If he was Grace, he wouldn't want to come see a moping body like him. 

Pushing his motorcycle across the parking lot, Alec pauses for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow. It had not been a short walk, made even longer by pushing his bike the whole way. He knew he could have asked Jason for help, but he hadn't really wanted to impose. He'd been working on his motorcycle but something was still wrong with the engine and it was beyond his knowledge. He didn't have a whole lot of money, but he had a little since Misty had just paid him again, and maybe it would be enough to at least get an estimate and maybe get the repairs started. But it wasn't really the money or time that made him hesitate, seeing the open bays where cars were being worked on.

Bypassing the urge to go that way, he brings his bike around front instead and sets it on its kickstand before going inside. It must have been a slow day because the customer waiting area was empty, as well as the front desk. Ringing the bell brought no one, and Alec glances to the glass door into the garage. He wondered for a moment if he should just turn around and go to the other auto shop another eight blocks away. But...

Straightening from the engine in front of him, Axel flexes his hand, feeling a little tingle in his fingers. He hadn't told anyone about it... he'd hoped it would go away. But it hadn't, and he knew he needed to go see Misty again.

Turning to find a different wrench, his eyes happen to glance over to the door. Stopping, his eyebrows rise and he automatically bristles.

Alec pushes the door open and waits, glancing around the garage. His eyes stray past a couple guys he recognized before landing on Ryan, who looked as though she was deeply involved in an engine problem. This was definitely a bad idea.

"Somebody want to help a customer?" Axel suggests loudly.

Jed scoots out from under his car, not bothering to look at the door. "Ryan's closest!" he hollers teasingly. "I'm sure she needs a break anyway."

"You just want to win the race," Miles quips. "Come to think of it, so do I. Ryan! Customer service is needed!"

Do you

Continuing to ride and hearing her dad's approval Katie was happy about that. She wasn't sure what the future would hold or how long her and Hunter would be together. It could be forever, or only a few years. The only thing Katie did know was that she was happy now and would take one day at a time.

   "Thanks Dad. Hunter knows if he ever hurt me there would be quiet a few people who'd beat him to a pulp."

Riding on Katie falls quiet again but glances at her dad once and a while. Seeing the sad look in his eye she new what he was thinking about. She'd seen that look before and had been able to connect it with the thoughts of her mother. How it must hurt for him, the pain she felt was a pain of not knowing, she never new her mother so she didn't know what to miss. But his pain was from lose, because he new what he was missing.

   "Do you think about her a lot?"

Listing to Lydia Grace continues to smile and at some parts her lips give a little frown too. Some things were sad to talk about and some where happy. But through it all Grace could see the love in Lydia's eyes and how much of a big soul this woman had no matter what she went through. God certainly had his hand in her life.

   "I think you right. God did have this whole thing maped out long before we even new what was going to happen."

Taking the last sip of her coffee and setting the cup down Grace sits back and lets out a long sigh. Talking with Lydia had really felt good and almost like a weight had been lifted. Grace never really opened up to many people but today Lydia had been a  good choose.

   "Thanks for coming for coffee today. I enjoyed it and we should definitely do it again."

As well as you deserve

Settling it at the coffee shop with Grace, Lydia wore a smile, proving that she really did like getting out of the house for a while. It wasn't often she got out, other than to go to church. Justin did most of her shopping and though she did have lady friends come visiting, actually getting out of the house was nice. 

Engaging in conversation, Lydia hadn't expected Grace to open up like she did, but she didn't mind in the least, and listened quietly while sipping her hot coffee. Every once in a while, she'd give the younger woman a compassionate look, or reach over to pat her hand. It was such a sad story, but it did explain why Grace was so passionate about her work to help other people. It helped explain perhaps why she was so determined to help Jared - another victim of being hit with a vehicle. 

Wiping her own little tear away, she smiles. "Don't be sorry. I understand more about you now. Your heart is so big." 

Reaching into her purse, Lydia retrieves a little handkerchief to hand to Grace. "I have to carry these," she explains before retrieving a second one for herself. "I cry at everything." She chuckles. "My husband used to say that he could not even watch a movie with me because I would cry at every sad moment. Or even the happy ones." She dabs her eyes. "Mama told me once that a woman's tears are her greatest weapon against any man. I guess I have... what you call... a whole arsenal." She laughs again and shakes her head before reaching over to pat Grace's hand again. 

"I am very sorry for the loss of your brother. I can see that it was hard on you. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love. But I can also see that God has healed your heart and made it even bigger to help other people. And that is very admirable. You are a strong woman and I am glad that you are here, helping Jared." 

Retreating, she takes another sip of her coffee. Perhaps Grace's story of the past brought up Lydia's own thoughts of years gone by. "There was a time when I remember Jared as a happy child. But so quickly he grew up. He took things too seriously, and I think a part of him was always jealous of his brother. You see, Justin was warmer. Softer. He made friends easily with just being himself. But Jared..." Lydia shakes her head slowly. "He always thought he needed to prove something, or pay to get what he wanted. So he would show off to make friends. Or he would buy them ice cream so they would like him. And when he would do those things, Justin would be left out. That made Jared satisfied, but it put a... a... a rift between them. A divider? Yes."

She blows on her coffee before taking another sip. "We tried to help them get along and love each other, but somehow they were too different, with two completely different hearts. And when their father died... it seemed... how you say... the last straw. Jared blamed Justin for what happened. They were so young. To see them fight and learn to hate each other... it was very difficult." She shrugs. "And it never stopped. But now... now is the first time I have seen Jared sorry for what he has done. He had such a bad life." 

Her frown indicates her displeasure. "He did not think I knew about his cheating for money or about all the women. But I knew. When he came here, he tried to turn Justin and me against each other. Thankfully, we worked it out. But after all of this. The accident. It is the first time I see the heart I saw in my son when he was just a small boy. He is good. I know he is. It is just... buried." 

Studying Grace's eyes, she nods slowly. "I believe you are the right person to be here. I believe that when your brother died, God planted a seed in your heart to help others. And I believe He knew that you would be here today, helping my Jared."

Jeff smiles a little as he hears the difference in Katie's voice as she talks about Hunter. "I think he's a good guy too," he agrees. "I can tell he has some things he needs to work through, and... I hope he can get right with God again." 

He did hope that - for Hunter's sake and Katie's too. He knew that his daughter's faith was much stronger now than it had been at one time, and he would not wish for Hunter's lack of faith to affect hers. She needed to be closer to God now more than ever - not further away. Despite that though, Jeff really did like Hunter. There was something about him that spoke of a good heart, no matter the trouble he'd been in. That heart just needed to take over his actions. 

"I'm glad he makes you happy." He glances over at Katie again, just watching her for several moments. She looked like her mother today. How proud Crystal would be. So many days he just wished to talk to her again... to tell her all about their daughter and all the accomplishments in her life. About how proud he was of her. About how beautiful a woman she'd become, inside and out. Oh to cure the ache in his heart. 

As Hawk heads under a tree, Jeff ducks to avoid the low-hanging branch, bringing his concentration back to riding again. "He seems to really care about you too." Were she and Jason really done for good? Jeff did wonder. Though it seemed so, he wondered if it was really that easy to separate two people that had shared so much. "And I hope he treats you as well as you deserve," he concludes.

Carryed away

Giving a nod and retrieving her keys from her purse Grace stands. She really did like Lydia a lot, she was nice, down to earth and the way she talked about her boys and her late husband, you could not only see the love but really feel it too and something that outed that was her love for God. Grace could see why the boys might be drawn here no matter who they were or what they had done. It was a safe place filled with peace and love.

   "Alright than lets head out."

...It wasn't a long drive to the little coffee shop and one there with a table sitting comfortable Grace didn't feel odd at all. For not knowing the woman to much one might  think the meeting was strange or there was lack of stuff to talk about but that was not the case. 

   "So, when I finally got out of high school my brother was in a pretty back football accident and the Dr. told him he would never walk again. They wouldn't even try to give him PTand see if maybe just maybe it would help. They didn't believe in mericles and the power of God's will."

Taking another sip of her coffee Grace continues to smile. It was hard sometimes to talk about the past but it was where it got her today and without that she would be on a completely different path in life. God had chosen this one for her and who was she to be sad about it.

   "I didn't believe this was if for my brother so at home I worked with him. He didn't want to tell anyone since he was older than me and getting help from his kid sister. We worked every day doing everything we could to get him to talk again. Than one day finally he started to move on his own. We got him up and walking. He couldn't do it for long but it was a start and for at least three minutes he could walk with no help."

Grace takes in a deep breath before letting it out again. Looking down at her cup she runs her finger along the rim. It was easy to tell there was much more on her mind.

   "Than one day while I was inside getting some heating pads for my brother was outside while out baby sister. A drunk driver was coming down the road and lost control of his car. It was aiming for my sister and Sean saw it coming. With all high might he stood right as I stepped out onto the porch and and ran for my sister pushing her out of the way. Than his legs gave out and he couldn't get out of the way too."

A few tears for in her eyes as she looks up at Lydia and than she looks out the window. It was still hard to think about it sometimes. Sean had been her best friend, her brother, the protector of the family.  He'd meant everything to her and in that one single moment he was gone.

   "He was killed on impact. If the Dr.s had started right away working with him on his legs and getting them strong again Sean might had been able to get out of the way of the car, he might still be here today. It was shortly after that, that I decided I wanted to become a PT. I wanted to give hope to the hopeless, and I wanted to do it for my brother."

Whipping a few of her tears away Grace shakes her head before looking back to Lydia. She hadn't meant to go into the long detail of her story. It just kind of happened and she felt really comfortable.

   "Sorry to ramble on like that...I got carried away."

Jeff was right about what he said and thats why Katie liked talking to him. Most of the time he was and she never doubted his words or gave it second thought. Katie always hoped that one day she would be as wise and offer just as good advise.

As her father brings up Hunter Katie can't help the smile that spread across her face. She just couldn't help it Hunter really did have that affect on her. Continuing to pay attachen to what she was doing Katie glances out of the corner of her eye at her father.

   "Mmmmhmm....I think we are. At least I don't have any attachen of breaking it off. I never exspected to date Hunter, or even get so close to him. He was just...there when everything with Jason and I went down. He's really a good guy under everything and he just makes me feel special again."


Left alone again, the room becomes quiet once more. Glancing to the window, Jared stares at the sunlight streaming through. In a way, Grace herself brought sunshine, whether she realized it or not. He was sorry that he wasn't much of a friend right now, and he was still so unsure how to deal with all of the bad things stored up in his heart. But... deep down... under it all... he really didn't want to be alone. He'd been lonely enough before without all this piled on top. He didn't particularly want anything to eat or drink but... he wouldn't mind too much if Grace really did come back to keep him company for a while. He knew for his health's sake that he needed to let her start back up on his legs again too... it was just... getting motivated that was the problem. 

Sinking back down into his pillow, he closes his eyes once more. He'd hear when they came back. 

Lydia is just setting the loaves of bread on the counter to cool when Grace enters the kitchen. Hearing about her short visit with Jared, tears glisten in her eyes and she smiles. "Thank you... thank you for taking time to see him. I know it will help."

She nods with surety. "Both of my sons have their father's spirit. I know Jared's has been buried, but... I know that his heart will not let him give up. Under all of his pain is the stubbornness of a mule." She rolls her eyes. "How many times my husband showed that stubbornness." Despite the tears, she chuckles. "And if you and I keep on praying, how can Jared not get well?" 

Taking off her apron, she hangs it up and pats her hair into place. "Okay... I am ready." 

Jeff listens quietly to Katie, keeping his eyes on the trail and his ears on her tone. He knew that all of this had been so hard on her, and if he could change it, he would. But he knew that even as her father, he couldn't keep away all of the pain. 

Nodding slowly, he agrees with her. "If you think that you were in the wrong or reacted in a way you shouldn't have, then yeah, apologizing is probably a good idea. No matter how Jason feels, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. He might even believe you're still angry with him. And... if he's still angry with you, then at least you've done the right thing anyway." 

Pausing as Hawk steps over a log, he continues to think. She'd mentioned Hunter... and as he father, he was a bit curious, if she was willing to talk about it. "So... you and Hunter... looks like you two are getting pretty close, huh? Like maybe you're still gonna date once you're both back in Nevada?" 


Still keeping her hand on Jared's Grace gives a little sigh but no one that anyone would hear or notice. She had a feeling Jared would say no but she wanted to ask anyways. Maybe if she continued to ask one of these times he would say yes. She could only hope it would work that way.

   "Alright I wont force you, I am going to bring you a pastry, or coffee home. Once I get back I'll even sit a little bit longer with you. We don't have to talk if you dont want but I'll keep you company. I promise I'm not going anywhere."

Grace new she better get going if her and Lydia were going to go out for coffee. Her bread should be done for now and a little time out would do them both good. Than after Grace really would be back to sit with Jared. She'd started this, now it was time to stick with her friend through the rough seas that was to come.

   "I'll see you in a little bit ok?"

Giving his hand a pat Grace stands before heading to the door and exiting. Making her way to the kitchen she could just follow the smell of the fresh baked bread to know where it was in case she forgot. Entering and seeing Lydia Grace gives a smile setting down at the table.

   "I'm ready when you are, and its going to be rough for Jared for a little bit but...I think I broke through and he is going to be ok as long as we have patents."

Walking along side Jeff Katie was happy he'd asked her to go out for a ride today. Not that she wanted to get away or anything but riding with someone else was always more fun than riding alone. Riding always provided a way to think as well and being with her dad just made it that much better.

   "Mmmm...yeah in a week or so I will be. I've got to call Reese tomorrow to let him know when I am coming back. Kinda glad to be going back to work, but bummed out too. I hate having to leave this place behind."

Katie had the best of both words being able to come here when she wanted to and than being able to go home and work for the Elite too but she still missed the ranch. It was fun being here, and she felt so at home because it was her home. On the days she had to leave it, it always sucked and the only comfort was waiting till the next time she got to come again.

   "I guess I am not sure how its going to be seeing Jason again too. I've been doing some thinking over the last few weeks after almost seeing Hunter die and...I feel like maybe I owe him an apology. Maybe I jumped to quick into thinking something bad was going on I don't know but I think I handled things wrong because I didn't know how to handle anything."

Continuing to slow pace on her horse Katie stays right next to Jeff and doesn't mind going slower than normal. It was a nice relaxing walk and they didn't have a time limit so she could walk all night and not really mind at all. 

Jeff was a great person to talk to too. Even before Katie found out he was her dad he's always been the easiest one. He never judged her for her way of thinking or her mistakes. He did always offer some good advise though and try to help her without pushing and thats what Katie liked. 

   "I'm happy with Hunter he is a great guys, under all his problems, he really is. I just...I know Jason deserves to have the apologie too even if we have gone our own ways now. I don't know how I'll do it, or when but I know sooner or later its gonna have to be done. Right?"