

Taking a few more step farther into the waiting room Ryan moves behind the front desk and gives a slight nod to Alec. Though she thought it was odd there was a problem with his bike that he couldn't figure out. Alec was good when it came to his own things and she wondered could he really not figure it out or was it a good reason to come visit.

   "I can take a look at it for you and see if I can find whats wrong. It might take a little bit though I have to finish up with the car I am working on and than I can look at yours."

Seeing Alec smile just a little bit Ryan could tell he was trying and it felt a little awkward but at the same time it was kind of not that bad. Clearing her throat and writing a few things down on the paper Ryan looks up at Alec once again.

   "You can bring your bike around to bay three if you want than if you want to make yourself comfortable you can."

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