

Still keeping her hand on Jared's Grace gives a little sigh but no one that anyone would hear or notice. She had a feeling Jared would say no but she wanted to ask anyways. Maybe if she continued to ask one of these times he would say yes. She could only hope it would work that way.

   "Alright I wont force you, I am going to bring you a pastry, or coffee home. Once I get back I'll even sit a little bit longer with you. We don't have to talk if you dont want but I'll keep you company. I promise I'm not going anywhere."

Grace new she better get going if her and Lydia were going to go out for coffee. Her bread should be done for now and a little time out would do them both good. Than after Grace really would be back to sit with Jared. She'd started this, now it was time to stick with her friend through the rough seas that was to come.

   "I'll see you in a little bit ok?"

Giving his hand a pat Grace stands before heading to the door and exiting. Making her way to the kitchen she could just follow the smell of the fresh baked bread to know where it was in case she forgot. Entering and seeing Lydia Grace gives a smile setting down at the table.

   "I'm ready when you are, and its going to be rough for Jared for a little bit but...I think I broke through and he is going to be ok as long as we have patents."

Walking along side Jeff Katie was happy he'd asked her to go out for a ride today. Not that she wanted to get away or anything but riding with someone else was always more fun than riding alone. Riding always provided a way to think as well and being with her dad just made it that much better.

   "Mmmm...yeah in a week or so I will be. I've got to call Reese tomorrow to let him know when I am coming back. Kinda glad to be going back to work, but bummed out too. I hate having to leave this place behind."

Katie had the best of both words being able to come here when she wanted to and than being able to go home and work for the Elite too but she still missed the ranch. It was fun being here, and she felt so at home because it was her home. On the days she had to leave it, it always sucked and the only comfort was waiting till the next time she got to come again.

   "I guess I am not sure how its going to be seeing Jason again too. I've been doing some thinking over the last few weeks after almost seeing Hunter die and...I feel like maybe I owe him an apology. Maybe I jumped to quick into thinking something bad was going on I don't know but I think I handled things wrong because I didn't know how to handle anything."

Continuing to slow pace on her horse Katie stays right next to Jeff and doesn't mind going slower than normal. It was a nice relaxing walk and they didn't have a time limit so she could walk all night and not really mind at all. 

Jeff was a great person to talk to too. Even before Katie found out he was her dad he's always been the easiest one. He never judged her for her way of thinking or her mistakes. He did always offer some good advise though and try to help her without pushing and thats what Katie liked. 

   "I'm happy with Hunter he is a great guys, under all his problems, he really is. I just...I know Jason deserves to have the apologie too even if we have gone our own ways now. I don't know how I'll do it, or when but I know sooner or later its gonna have to be done. Right?"

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