

After Carson was gone Misty just stood there in the hall a very faint smile spread across her face. Who new what was going to happen, but she could hope things would be ok and Carson would prove himself. She'd at least try to see that, and still spend time with him as well.

Turning Misty puts away things from this morning and continues to get ready for work. She had been running late to start with and now she was running late even more. It had been worth it though and though maybe a conversation with Garret hadn't gone as she wanted it was better than nothing. She still felt a mess inside but this was a new little ray, even if it was only a sliver.

Nate felt like his brain was on overload. He was amazed by what Garret was telling him, and surprised by what lengths the Agency would go through. He didn't have to wonder if Garret was right, if anyone new anything it would be him.

   "You know all that? I new you were close to the top, but I guess I didn't know you were that close."

Stopping at a red light Nate turns to look at Garret and study him for a long moment. How could anyone think Garret didn't want to help. He had been a great help today, and now all this information he was getting was great. What they could do with it, the people they might be able to help.

   "Do you really think someone is on the inside of Brookshire still? I'm wonderig if we should look closer into that."

Standing Alice walked over to Kyle slowly. She felt sore today, her back was hurting, her feet were killing her. It had been like this for a while now even if she hadn't let on to it.  Placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder Alice gives him a soft smile trying to comfort her husband.

   "Don't be so hard on yourself Kyle. You tried, and that is what matters."

Leaning her head on Kyle's shoulder she felt bad for him. She was also worried about Kip like everyone else. She hoped he would be ok, and be safe though everything. 


Carson gave Misty a slight nod. "You're welcome. It won't be the last." 

He turned to leave, but as he got halfway, he stopped and glanced over his shoulder. Tilting his head to see her over his sunglasses, he quirked one eyebrow. "And since when have I ever played fair?" 

Making it to the door this time, he left without another word. Once in his car, Carson aimed for the Elite. He wanted to get in some work before going to the restaurant. His mind was distracted though. This hadn't gone quite as planned. He wasn't sure what his goal had been, but he felt...irritated. Frustrated. He was glad he understood better now. And at least Misty admitted she still needed him. But mixed in was a new determination... If she wanted him, she was going to have to make an effort too. There was little more he could do to earn her trust - it was her turn. 

Maybe this wasn't quite what Herb had had in mind. And maybe he shouldn't have been quite as short with Misty. He'd wanted to make progress, not do more harm...and he felt a bit badly for behaving as he had. But..it was done. And in order to stay sane...he needed to move on and hope Misty would join him.

Garret finally glanced over at Nate. "The Agency always has a plan. A point. A purpose. Justin wasn't targeted randomly just because he's working on the side for you guys. Medridge took something personally." He shrugged. "I'm just working on the pieces. Scott was a trophy because of the assimilation. Justin interfered as Scott's counselor. So did Hope, but not like Justin. Justin rewired the Agency's programming - he toyed with a masterpiece that Medridge was planning to use again later." 

Yes...he knew all about that scenario. He looked back out at the passing scenery. "There may have been an Agency operative at Brookshire the entire time Scott was there, as well. Which may or not mean they're still there." 

“Kip?” Gram knocked on the closed bedroom door. “Kip, are you still asleep?” It was mid-morning and she hadn’t yet heard him stir. Not that it was unusual. After his breakup with Karla, he'd hardly eaten anything and hibernated in his room when he wasn't at work. He'd completely withdrawn from the world, and both Gram and Gramps were rather concerned about him. She pushed open the door and peeked in before stepping inside. And what she saw made her heart sink. The bed was neatly made. The nightstand and dresser held none of Kip’s belongings. The floor was clean. There was no trace of him.

Gram eased down to sit on the bed, her eyes showing sadness as she picked up a little handwritten note from the pillow.

I hate goodbyes. But I need to move on. Find myself. You two have been great, and I can’t thank you enough. You’ve done more for me than I ever deserved. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Love you both. Kip

Along with the note was some cash folded together – it had to be at least a full paycheck’s worth. Gramps and Gram had never asked for a cent, nor had they ever accepted his offers. But Kip had gotten the last word in on this one.

Gram wiped a tear from her eye as she stood back up. Kip had become like her own grandson, and it would be awfully quiet around here without him.

Back in the kitchen, she picked up the cordless phone and stared at it for several thoughtful moments. Kip wanted time. Space. But her heart simply wouldn’t allow her to leave things just like that. Finally she looked at the short list of numbers on the refrigerator door and dialed.

“Hi, Erik?” She smiled. He’d recognized her voice. “I know you’re probably busy.” She knew Kyle and the band were on a short tour. Nothing that would take them more than a state or two away, and they'd be back in a few days, but she was sure they were all working very hard. “I just thought there was something you should know…”

“…Hey, Kip, look, I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now, but at least listen before erasing this message. Gram called. Don’t blame her for telling me what happened – she just cares and is worried about you. And so am I. Whatever’s happened, all I really care about is knowing you’re okay. So give me a call or something.” Erik ended the call on his cell phone and groaned before flopping back on the hotel bed. The rest of the band was quiet – they’d all heard the news as well, and were just as worried.

Kyle stood near the window, arms folded as his mind worked. It felt like a lifetime ago now that he’d let Kip walk away from the band, and a glance at Alice proved that he was now feeling guilty for it. “I shoulda tried harder to keep him here,” he mused quietly.

“It’s not your fault,” Erik assured. “If anyone could blame themselves, it would be me. I always looked out for him, but since he walked away, I’ve been so wrapped up here that I didn’t make much time for him. I thought he was okay though.”

“Hey…” Twila was sitting on the edge of the bed, and patted his arm. “You did more than you ever needed to. This is all on Kip himself. We all tried to help him, and we all thought he was doing better. This was his choice, and none of us could have prevented it.”

“I know it. Still feels rotten.”

Play Fair

Misty's heart hurt. She felt sorry for Carson she really did. Yesterday had been a mistake, she should of known better, should have known it would give him the wrong impression. For that she felt bad seeing the pain on Carson'd face. She couldn't take it back though, just like Carson couldn't take his mistakes back.

Looking up at Carson and hearing his words her hear fluttered. He wasn't giving up, he'd keep trying. She was happy about that and hoped he would be able to win her trust again. He thoughts were shattered though as Carson's lips press against hers. Soaking in the moment it was over before she could think what just happened. Sitting there she blinks at Carson. Was that a playful dance she saw in his eye, like the Carson she new long ago. Oh how incredibly good looking he was right now.

   "You don't play fair Carson Banks, you know that?"

What on earth was she thinking saying that. It was the only thing she could form at the moment. Would things get better? Would Carson earn her trust again? Misty hopped so...oh how she did hope so. Looking down at the coffee for a long second she finally looks up again.

   "Thank you for breakfast."

Falling silent again Nate continues to drive. All the questions Garret were asking he felt as though were leading to something even if he didnt say. There was more he wasn't saying. Nate tapped his fingers on the stearing wheel as he was thinking. Finally glancing at Garret he just ask to ask.

   "Why did you ask about Scott being there? Does that had to do something with whats going on now?"

In the meantime

Travis was just as confused about this place as he had been before Ashlee's explanation, but he didn't ask any more questions. The one person who really needed to be talking was his father...and as soon as he was well enough, he'd insist.

Realizing he'd started drifting to sleep, he opened his eyes and gave Ashlee a little smile and wave. She seemed really nice and...he hoped he'd see her again before he left. "Hey, yeah...nice meeting you, Ashlee. Thanks for the soup."

Hearing Misty still loved and missed him sent a pang to Carson's heart. Then why was she still keeping him at arms length? As he continued to listen and the truth finally came out, his eyes dropped. Slipping his hand from hers, he sat back in his chair and let his fingers fidget with his coffee cup. Silence reigned for several long minutes. What else could he do? How could he gain her trust again? What did he have to do to prove he wouldn't betray her again? He'd been trying so hard for so long...he was at his wits end. But...at least now he knew why she'd pulled away even after their time together yesterday. He didn't like the reason, but at least it made more sense. He just didn't have an answer as to how to fix it now.

He wanted to get mad. He wanted to be upset and tell her he was there to help her through all this and she shouldn't push him away. That he'd done all the proving he could do and if that wasn't enough, he didn't know what would be. That if she really loved him that much, she should let him come home so then he could really prove he'd changed.

But instead... he took a final sip of coffee, and slowly stood. "I'm sorry you can't trust me," he apologized softly. "I know that's my own fault, I just...don't know how I can ever prove you can trust me again. But at least now I know the truth of the matter."

He approached her chair and looked down at her eyes. At this point, what did he have to lose? "I'm not done fighting," he whispered hoarsely. "But you want me again..." Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers. Hard. Passionately. But he pulled back before she could make him linger. "...you want more of this...you're gonna have to let me back in."

Straightening up, his face showed a whole mix of sadness, regret, pain and determination before he moved his sunglasses back down to cover his eyes. "In the meantime, I'll probably ask you out again. It's up to you whether you accept or not."

Garret didn't respond to Nate, though it was obvious he was deep in thought, and if one looked closely, they would be able to see that he had a lot to say, that he was withholding.

"Small victories can win the battles," he mused. But there was more he wasn't saying. More he was thinking of.

Break in the Day

Giving a nod from what she heard she would of been surprised if he didn't know how to ride. His dad was skilled and passing it on would only be natural. Shifting a little to get a little more comfortable Ashlee adds a little more.

"I only started to lean how to ride honestly, but I am loving it. One day I hope to be amazing like some of the people here."

Ashlee liked having someone new to talk with. She never complained, and she never told anyone but there were days she got so bored. Not because of nothing to do but because there was hardly anyone where her age to just hang out with and talk too. So soaking up this interaction was nice and she hoped Travis might stick around a little bit.

   "There is a lot of people here. Most are family, and have started family's, connected in one way or another. This place is really special and from some of the old picture I have seen has really grown over the years. It's not your ordinary ranch that's for sure. I guess I dont even understand it fully but its safe here, and they take care of there own."

Seeing the tired look in Travis eye she new she better get going soon. He needed his rest to keep his strength up. She could always come back later and talk more. 

Slipping off the bed she stands next to it just looking at Travis for a second as his eyes where closed. People came, People went and some people stayed but things where always changing that was for sure.

   "I better get going. Thank you for talking to me. It was a nice break in the day."

Sitting at the table Misty was quiet as Carson talked. She had wondered yesterday if that had been disappointment in his eyes and not getting the confirmation  that he had been it pained her. What happened yesterday shouldn't have and she new it. 

   "I'm sorry about yesterday too. I guess I got caught in the moment and I'm sorry. I do love you, I do miss you, and I'm not made anymore,,I just..."

Misty lets out a long sigh before taking a sip of her coffee she lets the warm liquid slide down her throat warming her. Maybe she should just come out with the hold thing. It was hard though, so much harder than it use to be.

   "Carson...I'm messed up...I'm messed up inside and out, my emotions are a mess and I dont even know what I feel half the time. I need you, I emotionally need you and I just don't trust you enough. If I need you this much what will happen if you hurt me again Carson? I need to know I can trust you...I have to before I let you in again completely."

Driving along the road Nate didn't mind it. He liked the open space and the trees that passes by. It was a peaceful drive. Hearing Garret's question though he glances at him for a second before looking back to the road.

   "Yes, he was there for some time after we got him back from the Agency. They helped him a lot, and so did Justin. He still working through a lot, but they were able to help him get his life back too."

Nate wondered how Garret knew. It was a silly question really considering Garret's former status in the Agncey he new a lot.

   "We hope one day he will be completely better, but we like the small victorsys too."


Angel's silent warning did not go unnoticed, and it made Travis even more frustrated. What was really going on here? Why did he feel like he was surrounded by secrets? Angel seemed so nice, so why was she helping his dad keep him in the dark? Something was super strange about this entire thing. He should be in a hospital bed, not at some ranch eating homemade soup. It was like some eerie horror flick, except he felt oddly safe.

He smiled at Ashlee, not allowing his face to portray what was going through his mind. She seemed to be an innocent party in all this.

"Yeah...I like horses. My dad taught me how to ride. He's great on horseback. Me, not so much, but I do like it."

Now that he'd been up, talking and eating, his exhaustion was returning, and he fought to keep his eyes open. "So, um, lots of people here, huh? Must be quite a place for my dad to come here for help."

Garret really didn't feel like he'd been all that much of a help. After all, there was still a maniac on the loose that was helping kill their people...but if that's all it took for Nate to thank him, then maybe this was going to be easier than he thought. Boring maybe, but easy. 

"Least it got me out for a while," he reasoned. It did give him something to do, which was nice. Maybe he really had finally made some progress. 

As they drove, the wheels in his mind still turned, even though he remained quiet. Eventually though, he spoke. "That place. Brookshire. That's where Scott was kept for a long time, isn't it?" 

Relieved Misty would allow him inside, Carson followed her to the kitchen and sat at the small table. It felt like home. Yet it felt like a stranger's house. He'd been gone for so long now...but it wasn't as messy as she feared. 

After giving Misty her coffee and roll and beginning to eat, Carson rested his elbows on the table, cupping the coffee between his hands. He could make a bunch of smalltalk... he could ignore what had happened yesterday... but... he needed to figure out how to say what he should. "Listen, um..." He glanced up at Misty, searching her eyes. "About...yesterday." He gave her a small, almost apologetic smile. "I, um... I... guess maybe I misunderstood your intentions. When I asked to come home, I... I really thought you were gonna say yes." 

Disappointment reentered his eyes as the flame grew dim. "It hurt, ya know?" It was hard saying this. He'd never been good about voicing his feelings, especially when his emotions felt this raw. "Felt like you just used me to have a good time. If I would have..."

His voice trailed off as his eyes landed on her left hand. Her wedding ring. She was wearing her ring? His eyes snapped back up at her in shock as his confusion doubled. Slowly sliding his hand across the table, he took her hand in his, and ran his thumb over the diamond. Tears entered his eyes, though he didn't let them fall. "I can't do this, Misty," he whispered. "I can't give you everything I've got just to be rejected over and over. What's it going to take? It's like you're two different people and I don't understand why you won't let me come home." 

Tagging Along

Seeing the confused look on Travis' face Ashlee hopes she didn't say anything wrong. She didn't want to get anyone in trouble let alone herself. She just wanted to be friendly.

   "Wow you are super close too. I don't know everything but you are here because Lane asked for help from the ranch to get you back."

Hearing a cough from the desk Ashlee looks at Angel before back at Travis. This whole thing confused her too maybe it was best she left the explaining to the others.

   "I guess I shouldn't talk about that since I dont know everything."

Easing down on the side of the bed Ashlee continues to smile crossing her legs she get comfortable to chat a little more. Resting her heads under her chin her continues with something else.

    "My mom works here. She is part of...well not part of she is the security here and I got to tag a long. It's so big, and there is always so much to do. Not much from the outside, but once to get to know everyone its great. Do you like horses? You can ride here too."

Heading out with Garret Nate listens closly. Could there really be another target? Could more happen? Nate didn't like the sound of that one bit. Justin had already been through so much.

   "Alright, when we get back we will let Reese know and see what we can do. I wish we new more about what was going on."

Getting into the car and starting it Nate is quiet for a long moment as he pulled out of the drive way. Today he couldn't have done this without Garret. He never would of taken a second look at that woman.

   "You really were a big help today Garret. Thank you for tagging along with me."

Going to the door and looking out Misty was surprised to see Carson, though she gave a little smile anyways. She didn't expect him this morning but breakfest was always welcomed, and it was nice to see Carson too.

    "I do still like coffee, and cinnimon buns. Umm...the house is a mess, so come in just...dont mind it. I have been slacking on cleaning."

Truth was she didn't feel much like do anything at home. She hated being there to be honest. She worked, came home to eat, slept, and than would go to bed. She hated how the house looked, but just didn't have the energy.

   "Come on in. I think the kitchen table is clean. We can eat in there."

Walking into the kitchen Misty quickly moves some stuff off the table and throws it into the trash before pulling plates out. Having Carson here felt odd in a way, but maybe it would be ok.

   "Thank you for this. I was running late this morning with getting ready I didnt think I was going to get anything to eat."


Travis took another spoonful of soup before leaning his head back and sighing. Even that hurt. "What? No. Wait..." He frowned. Maybe he did remember something from yesterday. "Is this the R/M Ranch? My dad only lives like a half hour away, and mom's about an hour and a half from here. I sorta... bounce back and forth." He dropped his eyes to his soup again. It wasn't the most pleasant topic for him. "I'd like a tour of this place since..." He had to stop a moment to cough, which made his head spin. "...I have no idea why I'm even here." Why hadn't his dad taken him to a hospital? Who were all these people? Was his only connection Angel, or more? 

He set his soup aside and slid a little further down under the blanket, but kept his eyes on Ashlee. "So why do you live here? You got parents who work here or something?"

"Oh yes." Dr. Hawks nodded. "I can get our tech guys to send over a copy by the end of the day. I appreciate your help." 

It wasn't much longer before Garret was walking out of the building behind Nate. As they got into the Elite vehicle, he pursed his lips in thought. "Just so you know... Natalie doesn't work on small cases. That could mean something else will go down here at this location, they may have someone else on the inside already, or they might still be after Justin." 

Mick smiled as Xander talked about his family. It was obvious he loved them very much, and Mick only hoped they could find a new start after the dust settles.

He leaned back in his chair and sighed, though still smiled. "Things are alright. Rosetta's great. She puts up with a lot around here, including me and Dylan while looking after BJ on top of everything else. The ranch itself...well, we could be doing better, but with the Agency on the prowl again, there's not a whole lot we can do but just survive. We're all pretty happy though." There had been a lot of bumps along the way. There still were. But for the most part, this home was peaceful, safe and filled with love.

Morning. Carson stood on the little porch, hesitating before ringing the doorbell. It felt strange...not just being here, but being here and not walking right in. He set his sunglasses up on top of his head and finally rang the bell. And when Misty answered, he smiled and held up a couple coffee cups and a bag from the nearest coffee shop. 

"I brought breakfast," he offered. Actually, this visit was two-fold. Breakfast with her, and an attempt to take Herb's advice. "If...you still like coffee and cinnamon rolls."