

Aaron was lying on his stomach, sound asleep when the pillow hit him. Startled awake, he flew upright, hair askew and fists raised. Blinking, it took him a moment to remember where he was, then realize what had woken him. He rolled his eyes into a partial scowl. Seriously? There were plenty nicer ways to wake a man up. But then...he wasn't sure Victoria fit into the "nice" category anyway. 

Rolling out of bed, he checked his phone, answered a couple messages, then threw on a clean shirt. He couldn't remember a time he'd been on a case that felt so strange. He didn't know why, and that bothered him. Something was just off kilter, and it put him in edge. "Coffee?" he hollered. He was going to make himself a cup regardless, but if she wanted some too and he didn't make enough, he'd get another pillow thrown at him, or worse.

Eli read then reread Scarlet's text. He wished she was here to help him know what to do. To help him figure out what was going on. He wished they'd been on better terms before she'd left. He knew that whole thing would work out and he'd fix it, but the slight tension was still there, and he hated it. 

Thanks. I'll text ya later when I know more. 

He tucked his phone away and settled back in the uncomfortable chair, just continuing to watch Ryan. He could use some coffee to stay awake, but he didn't want to leave. He'd stay...he'd stay as long as it took to make sure his sister was really going to be okay.

It was about a half hour later when he had been just on the verge of dozing off, that the feeling of someone entering the room alerted him. Looking up, he was surprised to see Tal. He'd never answered his text, and Eli had assumed he'd still be in bed. "Tal..." He rose from his chair. "I didn't think you'd be here til later."

"I woke up and saw your text and so I came." From his toussled hair and wrinkled shirt it was obvious Tal had come as quickly as he could without even being fully awake. He looked past Eli, his face covered in worry. "Is she okay? What happened?"

Eli sighed and stepped to the side to let Tal closer to the bed. He kept his voice quiet. "She ran a red light and went straight into a tree. The doctor, she...she asked me if I thought Ryan might have done it...on purpose."

Tal's eyes rested on Ryan's form, and his heart hurt. His head whipped back around to Eli, his gaze shocked. "What?!"

Eli held up a hand. "Keep your voice down...she needs to rest."

Tal pursed his lips and took a deep breath before speaking more quietly. "Why on earth would she have done that? It's crazy. She's...she's been aloof lately but not...well she just wouldn't do this on purpose. There has to be another explanation. Another car or...or something."

"There wasn't." Eli ran a hand over his face. "A doctor saw the whole thing so she was first on the scene. Told me about it herself."

Tal looked back to Ryan before approaching the bed and easing down to sit at the foot. "Is she really okay?"

"Yeah." Eli took up the chair again. "Banged up. Broken wrist. But she'll be fine. I hear her car is another story, but I haven't seen it."

Tal smirked. "She won't be happy about that."

"No... She won't." Or would she? Eli wondered. Ryan had been acting so strangely, he couldn't predict how she'd feel when she woke up. 

"I know you've got a full plate like everyone else around here." Reese leaned back in his chair and looked across his desk at Nate. It was true - everyone here was quite busy, especially after several people had recently resigned, leaving the faithful few to continue. "But the truth is, I need someone in charge of our new and, hopefully temporary, prisoner. I still want Justin to be involved - the way he got Garret to open up the other day impressed me. But... I'd like you to be Garret's handler. That means keeping an eye on him, setting up times for him to offer intel, testing limits, keeping Justin in the loop, and recommending - after a time - what we should do with him."

Reese cocked his head. "I'll make sure it doesn't overload you, but what do you think? I just...thought of you after how well you dealt with him yesterday."