
Not going anywhere...

As the door opens with a loud bang Chad stands as his eyes lay on Jim. He hadn't relized till now how much taller he was till being this close. He would see the fire in her fathers eyes and in a way Chad couldn't blame him. How things looked right now was really bad but at least he could of given him time to explain. To make matters worse though Chad didn't like how he talked to Rosalyn. Jim could yell at him, and call him anything he wanted but to hear his tone with his daughter just seemed to rub him the wrong way.

   "Corrupt your daughter? I'd like to know how I have done that! We were talking last night, and tell asleep thats where it started and ended."

Still standing tall Chad new he was bigger than Jim but he'd never use that power against him unless he felt threatened. He new thought that Rosalyn and himself did nothing wrong even if it looked bad Jim did have a right to be angry. But they also had a right to explain what had happened and have the benefit of the doubt. Not treated like they had done something wrong from the get go.

   "I'm not going anywhere Jim. I haven't done anything wrong so you can try and force me to leave but you have no grounds to stand on. I have a right to be here like any other paying customer to the ranch. I just have a perk of seeing my very pretty, and smart girlfriend. So you might as well leave your threats because they don't mean anything to me since I haven't done anything."

Grabbing her jacket and purse Hope puts them on slowly letting out a small sigh. Taking a small sigh Hope walks to the door. Looking at Scott again Hope searches his eyes before leaning into him slowly and pressing her lips against his lightly. Not lingering though she figured a little one might as well be risked since she was pretty much losing her friend anyways.

   "You're always welcome Scott. I never mind coming over and scaring whatever you need away."

Stepping out the door Hope stops again. It was hard to will her feet to continue  but it was hard. Looking over her shoulder. Trying to give a smile she waves a little bit.

   "I'll see you at work. Take care of yourself Scott."

   "Either the kitchen or the living room would be ok with me as long as it with you."

 Standing with Cindy Wes still keeps his one arm around her. He didn't want to let go, he wasn't ready to let go. Not yet, he had just gotten her back he wasn't going to let go yet. Turning slightly Wes waves to Sean in the car to let him know things were going ok.

   "Sean drove me but he's staying at a hotel in town. I didn't want to throw to much at everyone by having him pop up here too. I just had a small bag as well not really to much in it. I can grab it quick and meet you inside ok?"

Letting go of Cindy finally Wes gives a smile before going back to the jeep. Smiling at Sean no words needed to be said as he grabbed his bag. He new his friend would understand because he was just good like that.  Heading back to the house and grabbing his jacket and hat Wes steps inside.

Looking around he remember the house well and at the same time. He'd missed it here, and he was happy to be back. This was the house he built, for his wife and his child. This was there house. Making his way to the living room after placing his bag on the floor. Sitting down next to Cindy he puts his arm around her again leaning his head onto hers.

   "To much time has gone by that I have been without you...I am so sorry Cindy. I'd lost my memorie, and was stuck over seas. Not knowing who I was, why I was there, I didn't even know my name. But through that all I new I was missing something..and thats what drove me forward. It was you."

If you don't...

Cindy wasn't sure she was ready yet to quit crying, but she nods numbly and gets to her feet with Wes. She did want to know everything that had happened... why the Army had thought he was dead... why he hadn't been found... where he'd been all this time. There were so very many questions. At the moment though, she could go forever without answers. Just having her husband home was enough. 

Sticking like glue to Wes' side, she wipes her eyes and sniffs, trying to regain some control. "We can... sit in the kitchen if you want." She remembers the mess she'd made and shakes her head. "Or maybe the living room would be better." 

Moving forward, she stops, her mind reeling. "Oh... do you need to bring anything in? And you weren't alone, were you? Did someone bring you?"

Rolling onto her back, Rosalyn stretches again and yawns before blinking her eyes open again. "Ugh. I guess I'll... slip out alone," she decides. Turning her head and studying Chad for a moment, a smile curls her lips. "Thanks for letting me stay." A little color comes to her cheeks. She knew they'd done nothing wrong, but she also knew they shouldn't make a habit out of this either. "I slept really well." 

Propping herself up, she leans over and gives his lips a gentle kiss. "I'll see you in a little while, okay?" 

Before they could talk any more though, the peaceful atmosphere was suddenly shattered as the door was kicked in with a loud bang. Rosalyn jumps and sits straight up, her eyes wide. And as she sees her father enter the bunkhouse, she can feel all blood drain from her face. 

Jim's eyes were as cold as ice as he looks upon his daughter. "Get out," he hisses. 

"But, Dad, I-"

"Out!" His tone raises along with his finger pointing to the door. 

For a moment, Rosalyn feels as if she's frozen to the bed. Did her father really think anything had gone on here? How could he think she'd do something he wouldn't approve of? Deep down though, she knew that no matter how pure she and Chad had been last night, it still didn't look good. At least they were both dressed though - that had to count for something at the moment, right? 

Trembling slightly and not even daring to look at Chad, she slides off the edge of the bed and stands, bending to pick up her shoes. Actually leaving though was another story. 

When she goes no further, Jim takes another step inside. "Get your hind end out of this bunhouse right now, or so help me, Rosalyn, I'll do it for you." 

Rosalyn grits her teeth as her blood begins to boil. Everything about their fight last night comes rushing back, flooding her with anger. "I can walk myself out, thank you," she retorts. "I'll gladly follow you out." 

"You'll leave right now," Jim corrects. "I want to be left to speak to your boyfriend alone." 

Rosalyn's grip on her shoes tighten. "Whatever you have to say to him, you say in front of me," she defies stubbornly. 

"Fine. Have it your way." Jim takes a couple more steps closer to the bed, his eyes blazing as they land on Chad. "How dare you come here and corrupt my daughter." His tone was more than angry. It was seething. "If you don't pack up and leave within the hour, I will have you forcibly removed from this ranch."

Scott bites his lip and nods. He'd just really hurt Hope's feelings, hadn't he? It felt awful. He hadn't wanted to. But he knew he needed to say what he had. It was just all so messed up. 

"Yeah..." He rises from his chair to walk her to the door. "I'm sure you'll see me at work." She shouldn't feel too badly, right? She'd at least still see him at TJY now that he was working again. And yet... he knew deep down, that wasn't enough. 

Getting to the door, he musters up a small smile. "Thanks for coming over and scaring away the boogie man. I, um... I appreciate it."