

Sitting around the table and just enjoying the card game Ashlee couldn't help but laugh and jokes with the others. It was nice to interact with people and get to know them. To have those she new that if she ever was bored around be more than willing to spend there time with her. It was a good feeling to have friends and interact with others.

"Cheater...yes I think Luke is cheating...Angel you need to teach him how not to do that."

Giving a smirk to Luke Angel gives him a backhand to the shoulder playfully. She'd been having fun tonight too and was happy this time she decided to tag along.

"Don't you know the rule of letting the new kid win? Whats wrong with you now she will never want to play cards with us again."

Ashlee can't help but laugh again as she looks over to Dylan and gives a smile. Even thought he didn't smile as full one the little twitch at the couriers of his mouth seemed to match his eyes and on the inside maybe he was smiling and it made her feel good.

"Awww..your gonna hit me with a draw 4 huh? Yeah well what if I reverse it back, and just hit you with one back? Or next time you don't say Uno I wont let it slide and will make you pick up cards."

Ashlee gives a grin as humor dances in her eyes showing how much fun she was having. It had been a great night and though it would be coming to an end soon Ashlee would enjoy the little time left.

Wondering across the grass and checking thing out this had been the normal retain the last few nights. Making everything was ok before she took she spot for half the night where she could see most of the ranch and what went on. Stacy had been enjoying her new job and on top of watching the ranch another person had caught her eye as well and she had been watching him too.

Movement catches Stacy's eye bringing her out of her state of thought. Squinting through the dark she looks to see who was walking across the grass. It was dark and hard to see. Taking out her flash light she turns it on and shines it in Eric's direction.

"Hang on a second."

Drawing a little closer and lowering the flash light a little bit she felt silly noticing it was Eric she was now standing face to face with. Well they were going to run into each other sooner or later. Turning the flash light completely now the only thing left to light up the darkness was the moonlight shinning down on them both.

"Sorry about that, was kind of hard to tell who you were without writing you a ticket. Not to mention I am still trying to get use to everyone's pattern and there own individual sound they make when walking."

A small grin quirks at the courners of Stacy's mouth as she gives Eric a once look over taking him in and not being able to help how good looking he really was.

"I guess I can be kind of brutal when I am working. Kind of just comes with the territory. I hope it wont cause any awkwardness here. Thats really the last thing I want."

Stacy flashes Eric another smile as he moonlight hits her eyes just right causing them to glimmer in the moonlight making them look brighter than normal. She'd thought Eric had seemed like a jerk the find time on the road she had met him, but it was safe to say she wants all that pleasant either. Maybe he was different here and now.

Thinking for a long second Katie wasn't sure. Maybe she should call Jason anyways just to make sure. Shaking her head Katie felt silly for even thinking that. Con had never told a lie to her, and if he said Jason was ok than he must be. Katie had to trust that.

"Alright lets get going. Honestly some time away will be nice."

Grabbing her jacket from the back of her chair Katie throws it over her shoulder before shutting her monitor off and grabbing her keys. Coming out of her cubicle and along side Con she links arms with him before looking up and giving a tired half smile. It really was the best she could muster today.