

Walking around the pond without anything happening was nice and Bree was happy for that. Just the moment together was pleasent and getting this before they had to go back home she was thankful for. Work would start up again, days would be busy, nights would be filled with tv, snuggling and mostly someone falling sleep. Not that she minded it helped her enjoy the times like this.

"It's moments like this that make me love you even more."

Coming to the rocks and stepping out on them with Gunner Bree can only smile listing to Gunner and trying peace together everything he was saying. Seeing him start to slip though Bree's eyes go wide and there was no saving him. It all happened way to fast for her to even try.

"Do you want...."

Bree's words were cut off by JT's yelling. Hearing him yell about saying yes to Gunner her eyes get large. Had she heard her Uncle right? Looking to Gunner again and his question that follows confermes what she had heard was right.

Just standing there for a long moment finally a large smile spreads across her face as she takes aim and jumps into the water right next to Gunner with a scream.


Now soaked herself Bree moves closer to Gunner and throws her arms around his neck pulling him into a big hug and burying her head into his neck before finally pulling away. Pressing her lips to his for a long moment she breaks away in a little more quiet voice she whispers.

"Yes, I will."

Seeing Bree's reaction Amanda can't help but laugh her eyes twinkling. After everything she had seen Gunner and Bree go through she was so happy that they had found there happyness. It was nice to know they would be both taking care of.

"I guess she said yes?!"

As Mick stops and looks at the horse Ashlee does her best not to laugh. She was proud of her work on the horse even if she found it silly too. But as Eric keeps egging Mick on Ashlee just can't hold it in anymore and she lets out a laugh as she trys to speak.

"Well, I...I think he looks good in pink."

Laughing to hard Ashlee can't say anything else. This hole thing just seemed to hit her funny bone just right. Hearing about the apples Ashlee walks away trying to compose herself and gather the treats.

Not gone for long she comes back out again with an apple. Her face red but contained at the moment. Holding out the apple for Remington she waits for him to take it knowing his soft lips would probable tickle her fingers again.

Getting to the sub shop and ordering her roast beef with extra mayo, lettuces, avocado, tomatoes and onions she licks her lips. She hadn't had a sub in a long while and this one looked extra good.

About to take a bit seeing Zach out of the corner of her eye Beth can't help but laugh as she continues to watch him try to fit the sub into his mouth. It was rather humorous wondering herself how on earth he was going to eat that.

"Obviously your sister was wrong because your still having a problem with that."

Giving a laugh Beth finally takes a bit of her own sub having a little easier of a time with it. Hearing Zach's question she whips her mouth off giving her a little extra time to think. He had noticed Justin acting strangely as well. Beth cringes a little bit on the inside.

"Honestly, this is the first time I've ever introduced him to anyone but my sister. Before I met you he was the only friend I had. I do know today he was acting strangely but I don't know why. He's been with me through a lot over the last months I guess maybe he's just trying to look out for me. Dosn't want anything bad to happen and he knows how leary of people I am."

Taking a sip of her water and picking up some lettuces from her plate to eat. Letting out a small sigh she figured maybe she should tell Zach about her past now. It might help him understand a few things.

"See when I was younger My mom but faith in someone other than my father. She lost almost all the money we had. When my dad found out he went out and got super drunk and went crazy. He came home drunk and with a loaded gun. I wasn't home at the time but Sarah was. My mom new how angry dad was and she hide Sarah under the bed. Unfortunately though all it did was saved her life but she saw my dad shoot my mom, and than shoot himself. Sarah hasn't spoken a word since than and I've taking care of her, gone to see her and been with her since that day....and thats where Justin comes in."

Beth goes into more detail about how she use to work, see Sara come home and lock herself into her apartment. Never talking to anyone, never going any place, never facing the outside world more than she had too. Than she talked about how Justin became her friend and showed her how to live again. He really had helped her open up and not be quite as scared to live.

"...So Justin has been a really good friend since than. He's helped me a lot and he knows I still struggle with a few things."

Falling silent again Beth just lets Zach take everything in. Searching his face she wondered what he might be thinking. She'd understand if it was all to much for him to take in and handle. It was understandable. There were still days she wondered how she handled it herself.


Zach laughs and nods. "You got it. How about that little sub place? Um..." He squints as he walks out into the hall, thinking. "Crazy Subs? Yeah - where they got a ton of different stuff you can put on your sub. I've only been there once, and when I was, it wasn't very busy but I liked the food."

Leading the way back out into the sunshine, Zach doesn't make his pace too fast, even if he was hungry. Heading for the lot, he points to his little silver car. "That's me. You can follow if you want. But if we get lost, I take no credit." He grins as he fishes in his pocket for his keys.

About fifteen minutes later, they made it to the sub shop without getting lost, and they found only a few customers so it was nice and quiet. Getting in line, Zach lets Beth go first as he takes his time surveying all the choices. He finally decides on the Italian sub with the addition of, "...Tomatoes, jalapenos...olives..." Zach thinks. "Extra cheese...onions, mushrooms and...green peppers. Oh, and hot mustard." Seeing the awful creation built, he gives Beth a silly grin and shrug. "Might as well take advantage of the selections, right?"

Soon, they were seated at a booth near the window, each quickly and silently praying over their food. Zach picks up his sub, which was spilling out all ends, and he eyes it for a moment from different angles. Finally attempting a bite, he has to open up his mouth as wide as he can, and even then it almost isn't wide enough. He tries not to laugh until he's chewed and swallowed. "My sister always did say I had a big mouth."

He takes a sip of his soda pop, pondering the question he wanted to ask. Was it an appropriate time? Only one way to find out. "So... your friend... Justin? Kind of the protective type, huh?"

Though concentrating on Remington's tail, Eric keeps one eye on Ashlee, making sure she was having fun, and making sure the horse was still behaving himself too. As he sees all the little braids and bows, he can't help grinning. His own work was going fast, so he slows down on purpose, wanting to give Ashlee all the time she wanted. To do so, he braids Remington's tail with slow precision, his hands moving with ease, creating a tight design starting all the way at the top and down until the end of the bone where he ties it off with a rubber band, letting the rest of it free to blow in the wind.

Hearing Ashlee's question, he steps back and looks at her finished product. Humor dances in his eyes but he doesn't laugh. "I ain't never seen him look prettier."

Just as they're both surveying their handiwork, Mick walks by. Stopping short, he blinks. "What in tarnation..." He steps closer, his eyebrows arched, and he eyes Eric and Ashlee then his horse again before blinking.

Eric coughs on a stifled laugh.

Remington turns to look at his master, heaving a long sigh. Mick swallows his own urge to laugh. "Well now... I see somebody's been having a lot of fun." He steps forward for a closer look, glancing down at Ashlee with a grin. "I never thought I'd see him in pink but..."

"I think he likes it," Eric finishes. "Only a confident man would wear pink." He elbows Ashlee teasingly. "Right?"

Mick's chuckle finally escapes and he shakes his head, giving his horse a hearty pat on the back. "He's clean, I will say that." His gaze returns to Ashlee. "If you really want to get on this brute's good side, there's a couple apples in the feed room."

Gunner takes advantage of Bree looking over her shoulder to give her a light kiss. "Good. Come on." Grabbing her hand, he pulls her to his side with enthusiasm before setting out.

This time, their walk did seem a peaceful one. No attacks. No cloudbursts. Talking and laughing, it seemed almost the best day yet. It always happened that way though... the best times were always had when they were coming to a close and reality would have to set back in again. No one wanted to go home yet. They were all savoring their last couple days.

Lounged back in the grass, JT keeps a lazy eye on his fishing pole, almost nodding off every now and again, in between conversation with Amanda. Yawning, he tips his baseball cap forward to shield his eyes from the sun, although the warmth was welcomed. "Ya know... I've always wanted to have like a cabin or something for regular vacations. Maybe I should actually look into that one of these days," he muses.

Catching movement nearby, he glances just a short distance away where Gunner and Bree were walking. It looked like they'd made it all the way around the pond without incident. Finally.

The walk had grown fairly quiet as Gunner had fallen into what seemed a rather thoughtful mood. Close to returning to their starting point, he pauses near the water and looks out across the sparkling ripples. "It's so pretty here... Makes me wish I had more time I could take off work. This has been a lot of fun." He smiles and gives Bree's hand a squeeze before letting go.

Wandering onto some rocks that jutted out into the water, he looks down, watching some tadpoles. Turning around again, he cocks his head at Bree. A little color comes to his face. "You know, time off and getting your uncle and Amanda out here weren't the only reasons I wanted to come." He clears his throat and shifts his weight awkwardly. "I mean... the time with you... away from everything... it's just sorta... well, it's helped me know I'd made the right decision to... well..."

He clears his throat again and tucks his hands in his jeans pockets. "You're so special to me. And even when we have to go back to reality, I don't want what we got to end, ya know? So I... well, would... I mean..."

Shifting again, it's Gunner's downfall that he'd turned his back on the water. Without even thinking, he stepped too far to the side. One foot hits a mossy rock and shoots out from under him. The other is at too much of an angle to do any good at all, nor do his suddenly flailing arms assist in his attempt to regain his balance.

Letting out a wail does no good either, and before anyone could blink, the huge splash announces the unscheduled swim.

JT sits bold upright, just in time to see Bree then Gunner... who was now standing waste-deep in the water. His eyes widen.

Sputtering and spitting, Gunner slaps the water with his fist. "Of all the.... Come on!" He glares up at Bree, though it's not meant for her - it was pure frustration and the feeling of stupidity. "Really?! I mean.... really?! Seriously now! Can I not have one moment without this?!" Still too mad, frustrated and embarrassed, he doesn't move to get out of the pond yet.

"Oh for crying out loud." JT mumbles as he gets to his feet. Setting his hands on his hips he yells over to them. "Gunner! For Pete's sake, just ask her!"

Gunner growls and slaps away a floating sprig of seaweed. "It was supposed to be perfect," he mutters.

JT didn't hear him, but he shakes his head. "Bree! Tell that poor boy you'll marry him before he kills himself out here!"

Gunner was mortified. "Jack Timble!!!" But there was nothing he could do now. His gaze returns to Bree as water drips down his face. Never before was there such a pitiful sight. He swallows hard. "W...would... would you?"


Using the baby oil and comb like Eric showed her Ashlee starts on his main. She was quiet and worked quickly but made sure to get every knot out. Once in a while just leaning in closer and sticking her toung out on the side a little to considerate a little harder on the tough spots. Once might think she was almost studing the horse but wanting to do good made her work even harder and considerate even more.

Finally being able to run the brush through the main without catching a nag Ashlee gives the horses neck a pat before hopping off the stool and going to the little box on the ground. Sitting down she places it in her lap and opens it up. Seeing all the rubber bands, bows, and clips in there it almost felt like chirstmas. It was so fun though to just look and decide what she wanted to use. Taking out four ribbons and some rubber bands she stuff them into her pocket before closing the box and standing up again.

This time starting in on doing little breads she puts the rubber bands on the bottoms to ensure they stay. Not making all the breads the same length though to add a little contrast to it. It almost takes as long to do this as it did combing everything. Several breads were taken in and out ensuring they were almost perfect to how she wanted them. Finished again she jumps off the stool and steps back giving a nod.

"Eric, I do have to say he looks a little better now. What do you think?"

"It was really great to meet you Uncle Harry. Maybe when I come to see my sister again I will stop and see you too."

Smiling again and seeing Zach was ready to go Beth lays a soft hand on Harry's shoulder before taking a few steps away. Seeing Zach's smile fade though at the mention of Karen Beth couldn't help but wonder who that was. For now though she would stay silent about it and not pry for answers. Maybe over coffee that could be another conversation.

Turning and starting to walk again Beth stops hearing Zach's stomach. Giving a laugh of her own she reaches out and gives his tummy a gentile pat letting it know it would be ok they were on the way to feed it now.

"Since you got the monster I will follow you to where every you'd like to eat as long as its not to crowded this time of day."

Beth was doing better with things but she wasn't to sure about crowds yet. She wanted to ease into things slowly still and the last thing she wanted was to freak out in front of Zach and drive him away already.

"I pretty much like everything so there is no worry there."

Feeling Gunner drap his arms over her shoulder Bree's own hands automatically go to his arms holding them close. She always loved how big and close they held her. They made her feel protected and thats what she liked the most.

"I don't know walks seem kind of dangerous with you..."

Bree pauses for a moment looking over her shoulder. Finally a small grin moves on her lips and a twinkle forms in her eye. No matter how many bad things happened it would never stop her from spending time with Gunner.

"Oh alright, lets leave these two alone and take a walk. It looks pretty safe right now."


"Okay..." Eric presents a couple large combs. "Come on."

Returning to Remington, he gives the horse a whack on the neck to stop chewing on the hitching pole. "Cut it out. You're not that bored."

Remington turns and looks at him with annoyance but obeys, standing still.

Eric grabs a bucket and turns it upside down, then has Ashlee step up on it so she's higher near the tall horse's neck. "Alrighty... see, since the mane is so course, it tangles pretty easy and so it can be hard to get it straightened out." He points to the baby oil. "That's why we have that."

Taking a moment, he shows Ashlee how to apply a little bit of oil near the neck and work it through with her fingers, untangling the mane until using the comb last. Any excess hair is tossed on the ground to be blown away in the breeze.

"So... once you've got his whole mane so you can just run a comb through it, you can braid it if you like." He shrugs. "I can teach you sometime some different ways to do it, but for today just do whatever you want. You can use those little rubber bands for that. I guess there might be more than rubber bands in there, but you get the idea." He pats Remington's back. "Now you behave." Moving to the hindquarters he nods at Ashlee. "While you do that, I'm gonna work on his tail the same way." He stands to the side, trusting the horse, but having the good habit of not standing in the direct firing line of Remington's hind hooves.

Seeing Beth blush only serves to widen Zach's grin. He pats his uncle's knee. "Well, I think we're going to go out to lunch. I'll come by and see you again soon, okay?"

Harry nods slowly. "Karen."

Zach's smile fades a little and he nods. "I'll tell her hi for you."

Harry nods again then resumes his stare out the window.

Standing up, Zach just watches his uncle for a moment, then sighs, forcing himself to turn from the scene. His stomach growls and he laughs. "I guess maybe we really should go to lunch before this monster gets loose."

"No, I haven't! I've been stung, attacked by birds, caught in a cloud burst, bombarded by a swarm of mosquitoes, threatened by a bear and almost run down by crazy dirt bikers! It's fate, I tell you!" Gunner throws his arms in the air. "I'm doomed!"

JT stares back at him with a mildly amused expression. "I have to admit you've had pretty bad luck the last couple days."

"Luck? Luck??!! It's a conspiracy!"

That makes JT laugh and he shakes his head. "Well we only got another day left before you'll need another plan, so get busy. I can't keep quiet much longer."

"Hmph." Gunner crosses his arms. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

JT bites his lip. "Maybe... a little... yeah, okay. It's been pretty entertaining, but only because I know what you've been trying to do."

Gunner rolls his eyes. "So help me... I wanted it to be perfect, ya know."

"Maybe that's why it keeps getting messed up. Quit trying so hard and just ask her." JT gives his arm a whack. "If you can fight bad guys with machine guns, you can do this."

Gunner's eyebrows rise. "Oh really? It took this whole stunt just to get you and that girl of yours to admit you liked each other."

JT smirks. "I thought we were talking about you."

"Whatever." Turning away from the tent, Gunner spies both women by the pond. "I still want it to be perfect," he mutters before heading that direction.

JT chuckles and follows to see if Amanda wanted to sit with him while he tried to catch supper.

Coming up behind Bree, Gunner drapes his arms over her shoulders and kisses her head. "Wanna take a stroll around the pond? I haven't seen any bears, heard any dirtbikes, crazy birds or insane insects, nor have I seen any clouds threatening to dump water on our heads."


Entering the room Beth looks around at everything from what was on the walls to what was on the tables just taking it all in and observing the details. Though the room was like Sarah's it was still different to this indavidual.

Following Zach's lead and coming over to his Uncle Beth squats down and gives a sweet smile to the older man. There was something about him, so much wisdom in his eyes that seemed to just be suppressed. In a way Beth felt a little sad but she wouldn't let it show.

"Hi Uncle Harry its very nice to meet you."

Looking to where Zach's uncle had pointed at the birds Beth gives another smile just looking at them for a long moment and watching the birds come to and fro. What a nice thing for him to be able to watch.

"They sure are pretty huh? It's so nice you have a feeder out there to be able to watch them."

Hearing the comment about being fine and that Zach's following comment Beth can feel her cheeks turning red. A warmth ran through her heart too though. Though she wasn't quite sure why but it felt good. Family, something she had been missing for a long time and maybe just maybe this was a glimpse that made her feel good.

As Eric brings Remington out Ashlee's eyes widen just a little bit. She'd seen Mick ride the horse before and he seem pretty active. He was a big horse But Ashlee did her best to swallow what little bit of fear she had. Sticking out her hand she lets the horse smell it and can't help the laugh the slips out when his whiskers tickle her hand as well.

"He feels softer than the rest."

Once the horse was all clean Ashlee follows Eric to the barn. Being given the direction and shes a nod. A big of excitement grew as she wondered what they were going to do next. Going into the tack room Ashlee gives a big deep breath before continuing to find the box. Than before leaving she does it again than exits.

"I found them Eric. Now what?"

Clean horses

Just walking slowly beside Beth, Zach listens, trying to fit all the pieces together but still not having enough to see a clear picture. Who was Justin, really? What was in Beth's past? Did it have to do with why her sister was here? They were all questions he would not ask.

Glancing to her as they walk, the same gentle smile he'd given Sarah returns for her this time. "I'd love to hear your story. But I know that sometimes things like that are hard, so you're not going to find any pressure coming from me, okay?"

Arriving at a room down the hall they'd been walking, Zach stops and just looks at Beth for a moment. He wanted to ask if there was a reason Justin would have a problem with him but... maybe he should wait until later when they were out at lunch or something. So for now, he pushes that thought to the back of his mind.

"We've arrived," he announces. His eyes twinkle. "Come on in." Opening up the door, he leads the way inside. It was a similar room as Sarah's, though without a feminine touch. A calendar hung on the wall, there were a few family picture and a few trinkets here and there. A man with gray hair sat in a wheelchair near the window.

"Hey, Uncle Harry," Zach greets. "How are we doing today?"

Harry turns slowly and seems to be trying to remember who Zach was, and whether or not he even knew the new visitor.

Zach approaches him quietly and with a smile. Taking a knee in front of him, he makes eye contact with his uncle. "Remember me? Zach?"

The old man's lips curl up slightly in the corners as recognition flashes in his gaze. "Zachary," he mumbles.

Zach grins. "Yep. You're looking mighty fine today."

Harry nods and points out the window to some bird feeders he'd apparently been watching.

"Ahh, I see you've had some other visitors too," Zach muses. "Looks like a couple bluejays?"

"And a cardinal," Harry states flatly.

Zach motions Beth over close. "Harry, this is a new friend of mine. Her name is Beth."

Harry squints up at her. One might think he looked simply like a crazy old man, but if one took the time to really look into his eyes, they might find a mind racing with suppressed intelligence. "You're fine." He nods with approval.

Zach stifles a chuckle. "Yeah, I think she is too," he agrees.

Getting paid back with bubbles, Eric grins and keeps up with bathing the horse, though the soapy nice war continues between him and Ashlee.

Once the mare was cleaned, Eric puts her away and retrieves Remington from his stall. "Maybe we can get in good with the boss if we clean up his horse, eh?" He winks at Ashlee as he ties up the tall gelding outside.

Remington snorts and shakes his head, a bit excited but more curious than anything as to what they were going to do with him.

The process is pretty much the same, but when the big horse is all clean, Eric motions Ashlee to the barn. "In the tack room there's a little box in the far corner - it's got some rubber bands in it. Bring that and the baby oil - it's by the door."