
Not Yet

Keeping her hands on Ty's back Libby doesn't stop rubbing liking the way his skin felt under her fingers. So warm, so comforting along with his arm wrapped around her. The warmth seemed to spread across her body.

Feeling the kiss on her neck it sends a chill down her spin causing her to shutter slightly at the feeling that felt so good. Her fingers pressing a little harder on Ty's back now happy she never grew her finger nails out or she would of scratched him.

Looking into Ty's eyes now Libby saw the look that seemed to ask her if this was ok, not wanting to startle her or over step any line. Seeing that look alone Libby felt at ease not nervous other than the butterflys that fluttered in her tummy from her feelings. Libby new Ty wouldn't hurt her.

As if a confirmation feeling Ty's lips on hers again she can feel how light and soft it was. Taking his time, and not rushing the moment taking great care in not being to rough with her. For that she was thankful.

Returning the kiss Libby took just as much caution in the kiss not really knowing what she was doing, but just following how everything felt. Not wanting to startle Ty ether she lets him lead, as she follows with her own soft passion that deepens with his. The feeling was new, and she liked it certainly not wanting to give it up just yet.


Ty's fingers in Libby's hair tighten just a little as her lips kiss his ear. Her hands moving on his back felt so good, he didn't want to leave. Time and goals for the afternoon were forgotten.

He tilts his head a little, squirming against the tickling sensation of her kiss on his ear. "I don't know," he replies quietly. "I think you might have... won this one."

Shifting his weight, he keeps one hand behind her head, the other moving up to cradle her cheek, his thumb running along her jaw line and across her lips. Another chill runs down his spine and for just a moment, he closes his eyes and just enjoys the slow back rub.

His eyes come open again searching hers, wondering if this was real or if tomorrow they would feel utterly stupid about the whole thing. Right now though... he didn't really care. Leaning his head back down again, he kisses her neck softly, breathing in the scent of her hair.

Moving his lips back up again, he isn't sure if she really wanted to stay here or not... he'd get up any time she told him to. But as long as her warm hands were rubbing his back, it only served to keep him here. Without giving himself time to think about it, he puts his lips over hers again, kissing her gently, slowly, gradually deepening, cautious and careful of her response.

Let you win

Her own heart still racing Libby looked up into his eyes continuing to just look. Feeling his singal to keep moving her hands, and having his ok Libby's hands stand to move up and down Ty's back and sides once again. Her finger tips light mapping out every bump, every curve, ever muscle.

Feeling his head lean onto her shoulder Libby leans her own head against his for a moment listing to what he said. Her hands just continuing to move as her heart raced and on the inside her emotions took a total turn to the warm feeling her felt.

Turning her head into Ty's Libby's lips brush Ty's ear as she gives it a light kiss. Her words coming out as a whisper her lips still close to his ear.

"If you want...this time, I can let you win."

I don't know

Not having expected any such move from Libby, her warm palms on his skin makes him shudder. Looking down at her, he blinks, all of a sudden not wrestling anymore. As he's pulled closer, his arms slip from between them so his hands rest on the floor again to partially hold his weight.

Too stunned to even fight, he suddenly feels their lips pressing together. It sent a chill down his spine, and he wonders how on earth this had happened. As Libby pulls away, his heart his racing, his face red from the wrestling and now this. He could still feel her hands on his back and he moves just a little, encouraging her palms to move again.

Swallowing hard, he doesn't even know what to say to her apology. "I... no, its.... fine."

He stops again, feeling partly in control and good, and partly stupid. "You're not... playing fair." He meant it to be a teasing chide, but for some reason, the humor fails miserably and he's left just still staring down into her eyes.

Finally just letting his hand slide on the carpet, he lowers his chest again, tucking his hands under Libby's head to cradle it. His face slips down next to hers so his chin rested in the crook of her neck and shoulder. "I don't know who has the upper hand now," he murmurs.


Finding it kind of humorous that Ty could lift her without even using his hands it confirmed to she really was light. But being throw back once again Libby laughs. Not commenting on Ty's words to her she just stairs into his eyes for a long moment. Almost hypnotized by them.

"I do have one more trick up my sleeve but...I don't know you might hate me afterwords."

Continuing to look up at him she contemplates for a long moment. She could just say she gave in and be done with it, but something just said she couldn't.

As her impulses took over Libby brought her hands to Ty's side once again. This time for a much different reason. Slowly bringing her hands under Ty's shirt her touch was soft as them ran upside side her finger tips against his skin. Feeling the ripples, and muscle Libby could tell he worked out regularly. Finally letting her fingers slip to his back her hands lay flat as she pulls a little drawing Ty closer to her.

Libby's heart raced as she as she leaned into his turning her head slightly. LIbby's eyes fall shut as her lips press against Ty's. Lost in the moment Libby let the kiss linger before pulling away. Her own cheeks were red, and her eyes wide just a little bit with the sudden realization of what she just did. Though she hadn't not liked the kiss she didn't know how Ty was going to react and the last thing she wanted was to scare him away.

"I'm...I'm sorry I...shouldn't have...I...Sorry."

Her hands still linger on Ty's back her fingers move just a little over his skin as she looking away before finding his eyes again. A shy twinkle lingered in her eyes still wondering if she has scared him away or not.

So much

Ty gives a little wail, partly from surprise and partly from not wanting to hurt Libby. Somehow amidst the tangle, he winds up on his back once again, this time looking straight up into Libby's face.

Panting heavily, he could see her moving with his own breath as his abdomen moved up and down with air. "You twerp." Talking, however, was the wrong thing to do as some of Libby's stray strand of hair wind up in his mouth. Managing to spit them out, he blows the rest of the strands away from her face and out of the way.

"You think you got me, eh?" A playful glint sparkles in his eyes.

Strong enough from working out every day, even without the help of his captured hands, he manages a sit up, straining against Libby's hold and the gravity that held her on him. Once sitting up, his arms are free to twist from her grasp and wrap around her torso, holding her in his lap. "Mm... comfy," he teases, his face so closer to hers that their noses bump.

Giving a last heft of muscle, he knocks Libby over backward, letting himself be on top all over again. Folding his arms in so she couldn't hold his wrists, he crouches, trying to to squish all the air out of her. "So much for your upper hand."

Upper Hand

Squinting his eyes Phinox continues to look at Alec as he looking into the mans eyes. No Agency member was bad with directions. It was part of there job to know.

"Yeah, We are done..for now."

Standing Phinox turns the chair back around and heads out of the infirmary before going back to his cubicle. He'd write he report up quick before bringing it to Reese. Could they trust Alec? Phinox didn't know but something didn't sit well.

Finding a can of soup and some crackers for Alec Misty had warmed it up and had it nicely on a try along with some fruit juice. Making her way back to the infirmary and entering the smile was still on her face.

"I did find some chicken noodle, crackers and some apple juice for you."

Moving one of the tray tables with wheels over closer to Alec Misty places it down pushing it in front of him a little more.

"Try and eat as much as you can. Just let me know when your done."

Stepping away Misty heads back over to her desk and pull some papers out, getting to work once again with her side project.

As she goes flying off the couch and to the floor with Ty Libby lets out another shriek that is followed by a bunch of laughing trying to squiggle and squirm out from under Ty. Seeing it wasnt working Libby stops as she gasps for air from the struggle. Looking up at Ty her smile was still on her face the wheels in her head turning.

"Oh yeah...well I'm gonna..."

Libby looks around her for some kind of opening. One thing turned to the next though and she new one way to get out of Ty's hold. Impulse took over as she moved quickly.

"..I'm gonna do this."

Bring her hands to the inside of Ty's arms she gives a quick trump to his elbows watching his arms buckle under him. Bringing her hands to her own check again quickly she stops him to smacking into her but now he was close to her face. Giving a slight twist of her hips Libby rolls Ty being under her once again as she was laying on top of him with a hold of his own hands. Panting for breath again her face was so close to his now she could feel his breath on her skin.

"Looks like I got the upper hand again."

Tables turned

Alec's eyes narrow slightly. "I know the drill, Phinox. If I knew more than that, don't you think I'd tell you? It's my butt on the line here. I wanna put these Agency thugs out of their misery for pulling this stunt. If I remembered more, I could tell you."

He sighs. "I was too out of it to get a good look at anything once I was out of the house. All I know is I walked quite a ways before anything was familiar. I'm not good with directions. Maybe it was the east end of town, I'm not sure."

Tapping his mattress with a finger, he shows impatience. "Can we be done now?"

Giving a yell, the pillow goes flying. Ty squirms under Libby's tickling, half laughing, half shouting at her to stop it. "Cut it out!" He gasps for air, fighting to grab her wrists. "I can't breathe! Stop!" Still laughing, his sides start to ache, his face beet red. "You turkey!"

Finally able to latch onto her wrists, Ty gives a little buck, sending her off the couch. Knowing exactly what he was doing, he rolls with her so when they land on the floor, he's on top and in control this time. Breathing heavily, he grins. "See what you get? Huh?"

Getting his legs up under himself, he kneels with a knee on each side of her, sitting on top of her and looking down, still grinning. "That'll teach you to tickle me. Now whatcha gonna do, hmmm?"

Till the day I die...

Letting out another sigh as Scott pulls away Hope stands herself. A few tears ran down her cheek but she quickly whipped them away.

"I'll be back tomorrow, and if you choose to not see me again, than I wont make you. But ever day I will be here for you Scott and even if I am not in this room I will be here somewhere for a few hours."

Turning and heading twords the door Hope opens it stopping for a moment before she turned around to Scott again.

"I'm going to find a way to help you with your nightmares, and all the information locked in your head. I don't know how, but I'm not giving up till I do. I'll keep searching till the day I die to help you Scott."

Exiting the room before he could reply Hope lets the door fall shut. She'd be back tomorrow just like she had told Scott. Even if it was another trip to the library they had here maybe she could find a book that would help her somehow.

Listing to Alec's story Phinox jots down a few notes as he talks while other stuff is left in his own memorie. He'd remember when he went to type up his report, words were something he'd been trained well in taking in and remembering. Often when with the Agency there was no time to take notes while beating answers out of someone.

"Where did Ryan leave you off again? A parking lot but how far from here? After you escaped what way did you head to get to Ryan's east? West?"

Phinox thinks for a long moment contemplating a few things Alec said they didn't make seance to him about the Agency. It was very rare they used duck tap and not rope. And a car? Since when did the Agency us cars and not there vans, and a building so close it wasn't a base Phinox was familiar with. These things he would highlight in his report for Reese and let him in on them.

"How about after you escaped? Any land marks you can pin point that might be able to tell us where you were, or where this Agency group might be hiding out? Every little detail counts here Alec so I need you to remember every little thing u can."

Giving a little shriek of her own Libby jumps closer to Ty being startled by what just happened in the movie. Seeing the popcorn go everywhere it startles her again being so into the movie is was almost like it might happen as she she jumped away from Ty this time onto the other side of the couch.

Panting for air as her heart raced a she hears Ty laugh and for a moment she figured he was laughing at her. A grin forms on her face, the pillow being over Ty's head it was perfect opportunity, he wouldn't see her coming.

Moving slowly and quietly she gets closer to Ty till she jumps on top of him one leg on ether side pilling his own legs down. Bringing her hands to his sides she wiggles her fingers as she laughter starts.

"Now I am giving you something to laugh about when you scared the crap out of her you goober."


Scott shakes his head a little, but doesn't pull away. "I have to get used to being alone anyway," he mumbles into the blanket. "You might as well leave. Just... go."

Curling up tighter, he tenses, trying to stop shaking. "I don't want to see anybody anymore."

Alec is just settling back to wait for some food, when his thoughts are interrupted by Phinox. Quirking an eyebrow, he isn't sure why Reese didn't just compile his own information, but they did a lot of things backwards around here.

Sighing, he closes his eyes again. "I already told Reese," he grumbles. "Ryan let me off... I walked a ways, and these guys caught me from behind. They blindfolded me and put me in their car. We drove for like five or ten minutes, then they dragged me out into some building. We went upstairs and they tied me to a chair."

He pauses in thought, opening his eyes to see if Phinox was taking notes. "There were three for four guys I guess, I don't know. Might have been a woman. Kept asking me about the Elite but I wouldn't tell them anything, so they beat me up. After a day or two, I finally managed to rip off the duct tape and I got out. Didn't know where I was, but I went down the sidewalk and found a familiar street. Went to Ryan's... end of story."

Ty is rigid on the couch, a bowl of popcorn clutched in his hand as he sat next to Libby. It was a tense action movie they were watching and it was a suspenseful scene. Ty's eyes watch, waiting, not having seen this movie before.

All of a sudden, someone appears on screen out of nowhere, threatening one of the main characters. It was done in such a way that it was startling, but it takes Ty completely by surprise. Jumping so violently, his popcorn goes flying. "Good grief!" He puts a hand over his heart. "Holy cow..." Seeing the mess of popcorn, his face reddens and he starts to laugh, feeling like a complete idiot.

Glancing over to Libby, he keeps laughing, falling onto his back and pulling a throw pillow over his face.

To the chase

Continuing to sit with Scott on the floor rubbing his back with one hand, and slipping her own into his other Hope just lets Scott talk for a moment. If he at least talked to her a little bit than that was a start.

"Because Scott forgetting wont help you like you think. You want to get this to go away, you want to be your old self again right? Forgetting...is not the answer to that. It will only make it worse."

Letting out a small sigh Hope thinks for several long moments. It still hurt inside to see Scott like this, and she new till he was better the pain would not go away. She cared to much for him for it to just go away like that.

"I was going to head home now but if you want me to stay a little longer with you if only just to sit here, I will."

Misty gives a nod and a sweet smile that was followed by chuckle. She didn't want him to starve even if she new he wouldn't just from missing a meal.

"Ok, let me see if I can find any soup and crackers for you. I'll be right back."

Giving Alec's arm a pat Misty heads to the her desk putting a few things away she was working on and than make her way out of the infirmary.

Looking up at Reese from his cubicle that was hardly used Phinox gives a nod to Reese. He was always on call if Reese needed him and was happy to be helping out anyway he could.

"Sure, I'll go now and see what I can find out for you."

Grabbing a clip bored and some paper Phinox exits his cubicle and heads to the infermary clipbored in hand. Giving a smile and a nod to Misty as he passed her coming out as he was going in.

Moving over to the bed he grabs a chair and swings it around so he can drap his hands over the back. Giving a clear clear if his throat Phinox waists not time in telling why he was there.

"Hi Alec, don't need to introduce myself because you already know who I am so I should just get down to business. I need to get a statement from you on what happened when you were taken."

Phinox lets out a long breath looking up at Alec. He eyes lacked emotion though they weren't cold, but stone like they had been shaped by the world he had lived in for so long.

"I know you already answered Reese questions but now its time for me to take everything down again so I can write up a report later, and put on file. So if you can start at the top with what happened we can get this done and over with so I wont have to bother you anymore."


Alec takes the pills he's given and sinks back down into his pillow. He might as well take advantage of his situation. If he retaliated too much, Rick would throw him back downstairs and he really didn't want to be cooped up again this soon.

"I didn't," he confirms. "Something.... soft would be nice." He touches his jaw gingerly. "I think they didn't want me to ever eat again."

Reese stops on his way back to his office, leaning over Phinox's cubicle. "Hey..." His tone is contemplative... thoughtful. "I just got done talking with Alec about his experience... And I don't know... he seems to be contradicting himself. I wondered if maybe when you had time, if you could go just ask him a few questions... tell him you need to get a report together for me - which is true. And... we'll compare notes afterward. I know when someone is taken, they might not remember things correctly and they might say one thing one time, and something else another but... I don't know. I just have a strange feeling about it."

Scott hears Hope's voice and feels her hand on his back. He nods numbly that he was okay. "I... I must have fallen."

His fingers clutch the blanket tightly, making his knuckles white. If the doctor hadn't made him think about his nightmares, he probably wouldn't have had another one now, during the day. "Why can't they leave me alone?" he asks hoarsely... quietly, but with anger. "Why do I have to talk about it? It just makes them worse."

Still trembling, he doesn't try to get up off the floor yet and just tries to calm his racing heart as he becomes cold from his own sweat. "I want to forget... I just want to forget."

More than you

Feeling Ty's arms go around her for a moment she just stood there not sure what to do next. It wasn't bad, and it didn't scare her but it was something she'd never had happen before not even from her parents so she wasn't sure what to do. But finally a wamth seems to wash over her, and it was a good warmth that made her feel wanted.

"Popcorn, I can defiantly deal with that."

Once Ty's hands slip from her shoulders Libby can feel her own cheeks turn a little red herself as she composes herself. Leading the way to her truck and getting in Libby gives a smile to Ty. Her cheeks were still a rosy color, but most of them time they were like that when she was around Ty.

Looking down at Alec after his comment Misty blinks for a moment just staring at him for a second. He did remind her of a younger version of Carson. Though it didnt knock her off guard for long it did bring a smile to her face.

"I think your more like him than you know."

Going over to the cabinet Misty looks for some of the lower dose of pain killers they had. Grabbing a few and than fill a paper cup with water she brings it back over to Alec and hands it to him.

"Can't knock you out with these but they will kill some of the pain for now. Do you want anything to eat? Doesn't look like you had anything this morning."

Glancing down at her watch Hope takes note to what time it was realizing she had been sitting there for longer than planed in depth in the book she had picked to read.

Standing and taking the book back to where she had gotten it from Hope gives a stretch. She should probably start heading home so she didn't over stay her welcome.

Heading back to Scott's room one more time before she went home. Knocking on the door and opening it slight Hope's heart stops when she see Scott on the floor. Worry over takes her as she slips in the rest of the and squats down next to Scott. Gently she reaches out to rub his back.

"Hey Scott...what happend? Are you ok?"


Ty puts his brakes on, but not fast enough, having not realized Libby was going to stop so quickly. Having her bump into him, he looks down into her eyes and grins, not caring that she was leaning back on him a little. Not even thinking, his arms wrap around her teasingly but warmly, his eyes seeming to smile along with his lips.

"Sounds like a plan to me. But we gotta stop by the store on the way home and get some popcorn for when we watch the movies. That is an absolute must."

As if suddenly realizing jut what position they were in, a bit of color comes to his cheeks and he lets her go, putting his hands on her shoulders instead and clearing his throat. "Yeah so... lead the way." Pushing her the rest of the way through the door, he steers her by her shoulders and remains walking behind her so the heat in his face can subside by the time they get back to her pickup.

For one of the first times, Alec seems to have lost some of his bitter edge with Misty. He cringes a little as she checks him over, giving something close to a short laugh. "Yeah... fast healer. I'll show them. I highly doubt I'm like Carson though."

He shifts a little, trying to get comfortable. He hadn't had anything for the pain this morning since Reese had wanted him completely with it for their little questioning session. "You got anything to knock me out?" he mumbles. "Other than your hot looks?"

Scott hadn't been able to help it. He'd been so tired. He'd only drifted off fifteen minutes ago, but it had been enough, and the nightmare had returned. They didn't usually attack during the day, but after so little sleep last night, the images had seized their chance.

Jolting from his sleep, Scott's hands have the bed's blanket in a vice grip. But he wasn't in bed. Somehow he'd wound up on the floor - it was probably what had woken him. Shaking from head to toe, he was sweating and his heart was racing.