
Tables turned

Alec's eyes narrow slightly. "I know the drill, Phinox. If I knew more than that, don't you think I'd tell you? It's my butt on the line here. I wanna put these Agency thugs out of their misery for pulling this stunt. If I remembered more, I could tell you."

He sighs. "I was too out of it to get a good look at anything once I was out of the house. All I know is I walked quite a ways before anything was familiar. I'm not good with directions. Maybe it was the east end of town, I'm not sure."

Tapping his mattress with a finger, he shows impatience. "Can we be done now?"

Giving a yell, the pillow goes flying. Ty squirms under Libby's tickling, half laughing, half shouting at her to stop it. "Cut it out!" He gasps for air, fighting to grab her wrists. "I can't breathe! Stop!" Still laughing, his sides start to ache, his face beet red. "You turkey!"

Finally able to latch onto her wrists, Ty gives a little buck, sending her off the couch. Knowing exactly what he was doing, he rolls with her so when they land on the floor, he's on top and in control this time. Breathing heavily, he grins. "See what you get? Huh?"

Getting his legs up under himself, he kneels with a knee on each side of her, sitting on top of her and looking down, still grinning. "That'll teach you to tickle me. Now whatcha gonna do, hmmm?"

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