

Scott shakes his head a little, but doesn't pull away. "I have to get used to being alone anyway," he mumbles into the blanket. "You might as well leave. Just... go."

Curling up tighter, he tenses, trying to stop shaking. "I don't want to see anybody anymore."

Alec is just settling back to wait for some food, when his thoughts are interrupted by Phinox. Quirking an eyebrow, he isn't sure why Reese didn't just compile his own information, but they did a lot of things backwards around here.

Sighing, he closes his eyes again. "I already told Reese," he grumbles. "Ryan let me off... I walked a ways, and these guys caught me from behind. They blindfolded me and put me in their car. We drove for like five or ten minutes, then they dragged me out into some building. We went upstairs and they tied me to a chair."

He pauses in thought, opening his eyes to see if Phinox was taking notes. "There were three for four guys I guess, I don't know. Might have been a woman. Kept asking me about the Elite but I wouldn't tell them anything, so they beat me up. After a day or two, I finally managed to rip off the duct tape and I got out. Didn't know where I was, but I went down the sidewalk and found a familiar street. Went to Ryan's... end of story."

Ty is rigid on the couch, a bowl of popcorn clutched in his hand as he sat next to Libby. It was a tense action movie they were watching and it was a suspenseful scene. Ty's eyes watch, waiting, not having seen this movie before.

All of a sudden, someone appears on screen out of nowhere, threatening one of the main characters. It was done in such a way that it was startling, but it takes Ty completely by surprise. Jumping so violently, his popcorn goes flying. "Good grief!" He puts a hand over his heart. "Holy cow..." Seeing the mess of popcorn, his face reddens and he starts to laugh, feeling like a complete idiot.

Glancing over to Libby, he keeps laughing, falling onto his back and pulling a throw pillow over his face.

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