
Mad at me?

JT gives a soft chuckle and leads the way to the door. He knew that Bree was in good hands, and he wouldn't be gone long.

Once outside, he takes a deep breath of fresh air. His hands retreat to his pockets as he strolls with Amanda beside him, and he picks a well-worn path around the ranch. "So tell me, Amanda... I know we're both workaholics, but there's gotta be something you do for fun."

"Whoa, wha... wait..." Eli is dragged along behind Ryan, but relents, snaking through the crowd. Once she spots Leo though, he's left alone to amble slowly, taking his time down the back hall.

Leo sees Ryan coming, and a smile immediately forms. Having her rush to him with a hug, he laughs and wraps his arms around her, squeezing her tightly. Still hot and sweaty from the night, it doesn't seem to matter.

Drawing back a little, he gives her lips a soft kiss. "You mad at me?" he asks. "For standing you up?"

Axel knocks on the infirmary door, a little hesitant to enter. Why he was nervous, he really didn't know. It just felt like the outcome of this surgery would determine what he did the rest of his life. He could have gone through this several years ago, but then, he hadn't wanted to take the risk. Now it wasn't much of a choice.

Biting his lip, he approaches Misty with a little wave. "Your patient has arrived."

Several hours had passed. Kip pads quietly down the hallway, stopping in front of what was now Karla's door. Tapping it lightly, he pauses a moment.

"Karla? We're gonna have some supper soon... do you want anything?"

Hot and Sweaty

Giving a smile to JT Amanda gives a small nod. Being inside so much she was starting to get cabin fever and feel cooped. A walk would defiantly be nice.

"Yes, I thought you would never ask."

Standing her hand still in JT's Amanda's grin holds. These last few days with JT and Bree had been full of stress and worry but at the same time she had gotten to know JT a little better and pick up on small things. He had such a big heart that not the normal person could see. She felt so comfortable with him now.

Hearing her brother's laugh next to her Ryan gives him a quick jab to the ribs turning her head to look at him. Her own smile shone on her face she wanted to laugh too but not at Leo only the whole situation and how silly she felt.

As the production continues Ryan watchs intently her eyes on Leo most of the time the shock finally had worn off and she was able to enjoy the show now. If asked what it was about maybe she could give someone a rough idea but mostly she just watch Leo and his dancing. It was amazing and everything he was doing she could only wish she was that limber.

When the curtains come to the close Ryan can't help herself but stand and clap. She really was proud of Leo and everything he had accomplished here.

When the people start to file out of the auditorium Ryan takes Eli hand almost pulling him along as it was aparent she was excited. Eather that or she just wanted to get of the dang shirt she had on.

"Come on Bro, lets go find Leo."

Finally making it out and through the people Ryan finally straightens out her shirt brushing it down. Standing up right again she looks around till her eyes spot Leo. Giving another large smile Ryan walks through the people the best she can to get to him. Even if he was hot and sweaty she was going to throw her arms around him.


Kip stops as Karla calls to him, and he looks over his shoulder, giving her a little nod. He didn't really think she'd been mad at him, but he did sense she needed her space.

Pulling the door behind him, he shuts it gently before returning to the others to give them an update.

JT is a little surprised as Amanda takes her hand, bu the doesn't mind closing his fingers around hers. He gives her a grateful smile. "Yeah... I know. Thanks for the reminder though. Sometimes it gets tough and I forget those things."

Still holding her hand, his thumb rubs it absentmindedly. "Would you... like to take a walk?"

Leo sees Ryan recognizes him, and a little grin comes to his face before he backs up with the others, disappearing into the back of the darkened stage.

As Eli spots Leo, his eyes widen and his jaw drops. Pointing lamely, he looks to Ryan as he looks at him, totally shocked. "Leo?" he mouths silently. "That's Leo?!"

Looking back to the stage, the dancers were retreating, and Eli's eyes are still wide. This explained an awful lot - why Leo had been so busy lately, why he'd been unavailable in the evenings. Only one dance number had been performed so far, but it was such that already said a lot of hours of practice had been put into this. And Leo was good. But Leo? Leo Barnsworth? Clown Leo?

Eli covers his mouth as a smile started to betray him. He really wasn't trying to make fun of Leo at all, but this was so hard to believe that he couldn't help but find it amusing. Glancing to Ryan again, he just shakes his head. Leo certainly had not stood them up. He'd been planning this as a surprise all along.

The show proceeds with more dance routines, intertwined in several singing numbers by local actors with beautiful voices. Leo only appeared to sing within groups for backup vocals, but when it came to the dancing, he took center stage more than once, either dancing with the leading lady or showcasing. His acting was done well, and everyone had memorized all of their lines. As the storyline went, it became apparent that he was playing the part of the second young man in the girl's life, who at the end would be rejected as she opted for the leading man instead. Heartbroken, the man cast aside's last dance was one of torment, beautifully choreographed. But those paying close attention to the play would notice at the very end, a newly introduced young woman was waiting in the wings, giving hope that the man had yet a future.

The show ends with the wedding of the leading couple on Christmas day, bringing a happy ending to the show and wrapping up all the little plot lines. After the curtain falls, the crowd demands everyone take a bow. Forming a line, all the actors reappeared onstage. The main couple were in the middle with Leo directly beside them in his slot. They all hold hands and take several bows to everyone clapping. Leo's eyes though, remained in the front row. Everyone was hot, sweaty and tired, but his eyes sparkled with a hope that his disappearing acts lately were forgiven.

Retreating with the rest of the crew, the curtain falls for the last time. Backstage everything is a bustling chaos. They would perform two more times over the weekend and tonight had been fantastic with minimal glitches.

Leo grabs a water bottle and takes a long swig, his hair wet with sweat and his heart still pumping from the workout. Receiving pats on the back, he nods to some of the others and joins in the mini celebration. Glancing down the back hall though, he sees a few people starting to filter out and he keeps his eye open for Ryan. If he could spot her before she left, he'd go talk to her.


Following Kip up the steps and to what would be her room Karla enters looking around at how big and grand it was. Going to the dresser and than the bed she runs her hand along the wood. It was so amazing it was so pretty, and she was so lucky to have a friend  who cared to shair this with her. Turning to look at Kip as he was about to leave she calls to him.

"Kip, Thank you. I'm not angry at you. I just have alot of mixed emotions right now I need to work through. But you didn't do anything wrong. You actually did everything right. I'm lucky I met you."

Karla didnt know how to express her feelings very well. She never really had to before unless she was just venting to Rin. It was hard finding the words to express herself, but she tryed and she would continue to try. She only hoped Kip would have the patients to listen.

Finally sinking down on the bed she lets her head fall on the pillow as she pulls the bandanna from her pocket. Holding it to her face more tears fall. Maybe that was the best way to express herself, was though her tears, showing the sadness that washed over her. Turning to her side and curling up into a ball Karla just let the tears come till she couldnt cry anymore.

Looking at her Uncle Bree gives a nod and than movies into the room with Hope. JT had told her all about who Hope was why she was here. Bree trusted her because her Uncle it was ok but she still felt a little leery.

Hope gives a friendly smile at Bree and a nod to JT. She'd be as gentil as she could and nice on top of it. She new Bree was in a fragel state and she had to tread lightly.

"Hi Bree. How about you tell me what happend from the top ok?"

Looking up at JT as he comes Amanda gives a smile. She new JT was worried and he couldn't blame him. Things were pretty crazy right now and everyone was stressed out.

"Hope seems like she is pretty good at what she does. I was talking to her a little bit earlier and I gave her the pictures you took of Bree. Rosetta let me print them out on her computer."

As JT sits down Amanda gives his leg a gentile pat as she slips her hand into his to give it a friendly squeeze showing she cared and was there for him.

"God will see ya through ya? He will keep us all safe, and everything in his time will work out. We just need to keep our eyes to the sky and look out for each other."

Sitting next to her brother Ryan is quiet as she focus on the stage. The music was different then she expected and like her brother her own hand was tapping the arm of the chair in beat with the music. Watching as the dancers moved Ryan could feel a little envy for how fast and on beat they were. Moving with the music and each other it truly must have taken a long time to learn.

As the scene comes to an end Ryan finds herself claping loudly and giving a sharp whistle. She actully liked this now if only Leo.....

"What the.."

Ryan's own thoughts trail off as her words show her surprise. She could tell her mouth was hanging open but she didnt know what else to do. It was like someone standing in shock all she could do was stair. There was no mistake that was Leo up there. Her Leo...he was....dancing? He was graceful? Leo could....dance?

Finally being able to turn her head she looks at her brother and than back at the stage her mouth finally turning into a small grin. The shock was still there, but it seemed to sink in just a little how silly she had been to think he would of done her wrong.



Kip sees the look in Karla's eyes and has trouble interpreting it. For a moment, he wonders if he'd done something wrong and his mind races on how to fix it. He glances to Twila and gives a slight shake of his head before taking Karla's hand. "Come on," he directs. "Let's go to your room."

Without saying anything to the others, he guides Karla past and down the hall to the stairway to take her up to the empty room, just as elegantly decorated as the others with everything ready for a guest, along with its own bathroom as well.

Kip shows her into the room, then backs off, wondering if maybe he'd overstepped his bounds or something. "You can... settle in here if you want. Um... I'll go out and talk to the others and find out whats going on with the band. Don't worry about working today."

Turning to the door, he glances over his shoulder. "You know where to find someone if you need anything."

"Okay, good." JT smiles and holds out his hand to Bree. "Hope is in the other room."

He leads her through the dining area and to the adjoining living room. Seeing Hope, he nods. "Bree's ready for ya." He motions his niece to the couch. "I'll be out here if you need anything, alright?" Giving her shoulder a pat, he leaves her with Hope.

Wandering back, he finds Amanda at one of the tables, so he takes up a chair across from her, sinking down wearily. "Well... if Bree makes it through this session, we're one step closer. I don't care what happens to me - I just want her safe."

Eli isn't too keen on staying, but for Ryan's sake he nods. "Alright." Getting situated in the front row, he looks up to the stage, looking around at some of the props that were in sight. It was a small production - one that was for the city, not Broadway. But even so, it looked so far like people had put some really hard work into it. And Broadway or not, it was local knowledge that there was a lot of talent buried in town. Eli just hoped that this was worth coming.

Glancing to his sister, he gives her a once-over for the first time tonight. "Hey... I think I forgot to mention you look beautiful tonight."

It's not too much later that the lights begin to dim. The place was packed - probably a good majority of the people knew someone in the play. Most had gotten dressed up for the event, just a city production or not. Eli wouldn't admit it aloud, but this atmosphere wasn't so bad.

Soon it's totally dark and a hush falls over the crowd. A deep narrator's voice begins to tell the tale of two young people. It was Christmastime and there were two sides to the story as there always are. The family differences made for a taste of Romeo and Juliet, while modern details created a completely different painting.

As the segment of narration ends, one of the curtains is slowly parted. One could just make out dark figures onstage. The music starts out slowly, the figures dressed in black swaying gently. Then the tone shifts completely with flashing lights, fog and a techno-style beat.

The dancers pick up the quick pace, moving in time with the rhythm and lights. All were male dancers at this point in black dress pants and black collared shirts tucked in and casually rolled up to their elbows. The theme was competition for the young woman and two dancers take the spotlight, dueling back and forth with dance moves. All had black hats on, half hiding their faces.

Eli finds himself tapping his foot to the music, not having expected this kind of thing at all. He had envisioned a quickstep at the most, but not jazz, and the music wasn't half bad either.

The group of dancers get back together again, using each other as springboards for backflips. They move closer to the edge of the stage as the song builds to the end. All are spinning and moving so quickly, it's almost hard to keep track of them.

Just as the song ends, they drop to their knees and bow their heads, hands on hats as the lights go off and it is utter silence. The crowd starts to clap and the dancers begin to retreat, but not before one close to the middle looks up and intentionally catches Ryan's eye. Leo throws her a wink.