

Following Kip up the steps and to what would be her room Karla enters looking around at how big and grand it was. Going to the dresser and than the bed she runs her hand along the wood. It was so amazing it was so pretty, and she was so lucky to have a friend  who cared to shair this with her. Turning to look at Kip as he was about to leave she calls to him.

"Kip, Thank you. I'm not angry at you. I just have alot of mixed emotions right now I need to work through. But you didn't do anything wrong. You actually did everything right. I'm lucky I met you."

Karla didnt know how to express her feelings very well. She never really had to before unless she was just venting to Rin. It was hard finding the words to express herself, but she tryed and she would continue to try. She only hoped Kip would have the patients to listen.

Finally sinking down on the bed she lets her head fall on the pillow as she pulls the bandanna from her pocket. Holding it to her face more tears fall. Maybe that was the best way to express herself, was though her tears, showing the sadness that washed over her. Turning to her side and curling up into a ball Karla just let the tears come till she couldnt cry anymore.

Looking at her Uncle Bree gives a nod and than movies into the room with Hope. JT had told her all about who Hope was why she was here. Bree trusted her because her Uncle it was ok but she still felt a little leery.

Hope gives a friendly smile at Bree and a nod to JT. She'd be as gentil as she could and nice on top of it. She new Bree was in a fragel state and she had to tread lightly.

"Hi Bree. How about you tell me what happend from the top ok?"

Looking up at JT as he comes Amanda gives a smile. She new JT was worried and he couldn't blame him. Things were pretty crazy right now and everyone was stressed out.

"Hope seems like she is pretty good at what she does. I was talking to her a little bit earlier and I gave her the pictures you took of Bree. Rosetta let me print them out on her computer."

As JT sits down Amanda gives his leg a gentile pat as she slips her hand into his to give it a friendly squeeze showing she cared and was there for him.

"God will see ya through ya? He will keep us all safe, and everything in his time will work out. We just need to keep our eyes to the sky and look out for each other."

Sitting next to her brother Ryan is quiet as she focus on the stage. The music was different then she expected and like her brother her own hand was tapping the arm of the chair in beat with the music. Watching as the dancers moved Ryan could feel a little envy for how fast and on beat they were. Moving with the music and each other it truly must have taken a long time to learn.

As the scene comes to an end Ryan finds herself claping loudly and giving a sharp whistle. She actully liked this now if only Leo.....

"What the.."

Ryan's own thoughts trail off as her words show her surprise. She could tell her mouth was hanging open but she didnt know what else to do. It was like someone standing in shock all she could do was stair. There was no mistake that was Leo up there. Her Leo...he was....dancing? He was graceful? Leo could....dance?

Finally being able to turn her head she looks at her brother and than back at the stage her mouth finally turning into a small grin. The shock was still there, but it seemed to sink in just a little how silly she had been to think he would of done her wrong.


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